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Have you been in a situation like this !

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Yo guys whatsup ,  hope everyone feeling good ,  I'd like to share with you guys some thoughts about GW2  as a new player and see what you think of it :- 


Have you ever feel that your class is boring ? 😅  ,  this happen to me when I reached almost full ascended gear with my Ranger class 🙃 ,  then I start looking into some YouTube tutorials  and I notice that Mesmer and Elementalist classes are way more fun than my class . but I didn't think of creating a new class yet , I'd like to focus on one class in every MMO game I played. and I was thinking to get legendary sets before starting with another class.


so what do you guys think , and what did you do in this situation.

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I used to think core engineer was boring (open world flamethrower spam build)... Then I fell in love with power holosmith. Then scrapper gained quickness and became my favourite raiding class. Then mechanist was introduced and was even more boring to play than core engineer.


I'd recommend trying out elite specs for your class before giving up on it, they really change things up a bit.

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There's definitely been professions I found boring. What I did about it varies. For one thing I made 4 characters on day 1, a 5th a few months later and now I'm up to 11 and seriously considering a 12th (and I've got a few other ideas I'm tempted to make permanent too). So I've always had options and if I'm bored with one I can swap and play something else instead. GW2 is very alt friendly so aside from the cost of more equipment there's not really any drawbacks to having multiple characters.

But the right skills (and traits and attributes) can make a big difference too. For example I find ranger with a longbow and greatsword fairly dull, even though it's a popular combination. But I enjoy playing one with shortbow and sword/torch (or the soulbeasts dagger) and traps. It means I spend a lot of time going in and out of melee range (using leap skills, not just running), making sure my pet is drawing aggro so I can get behind the enemy for the extra effects on shortbow 4 and 5 and generally kiting the enemy. It's more complicated, but that's what makes it more interesting to me. I also really enjoy the untamed spec which adds a whole new dimension with additional pet skills and swapping the unleashed effect back and forth for extra damage or defense (plus a teleport skill).

The one I had the most trouble with is warrior. I like overly complicated builds (other than the ranger above my favourites are elementalist and engineer) and I could never find a warrior build that I had fun with until the bladesworn came out. Even now I don't think it's ever going to be a favourite, but I'm having more fun with it than anything else I've tried on warrior.

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I'm an altoholic, so I never really focus on one character class. And out of trying different classes I then usually settle on one or two classes. So I do have my preferred class now (guardian), but I have 5 of them. Each of them has a different build. I'm just not a fan of gear templates and I like gearing up my characters as it is. 

As a sidenote, I would suggest playing the other classes first instead of just watching YouTube videos. What you might like seeing there, may not be as fun after all when you play it yourself.

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Build variety for eacb profession is such that I find few professions boring or unfun. I might not enjoy every spec or build on my ranger but there are some that are fantastic.

For example, I find the whole longbow plus pet to be boring (in gw2 ar least) but dagger/axe for in close destruction or shortbow for mobile fast run and gun playstyle are great.

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You can always keep your main but dabble with some other classes aswell. So why not just try? It's not like you can't go back to your main at any time and if you do get bored (or something) you could spend some time on a second char.  That way you can also try some other paths in the stories, like a different faction.

That is what I did. I had my main from day one, plus 11 others that I still play or just made. Sometimes I play my main for days and then just play another char the day after.

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8 hours ago, Baby Goth.4983 said:

1. Have you ever feel that your class is boring ? 😅  , 


2. this happen to me when I reached almost full ascended gear with my Ranger class 🙃 ,


3. then I start looking into some YouTube tutorials  and I notice that Mesmer and Elementalist classes are way more fun than my class .


4. and I was thinking to get legendary sets before starting with another class.


1. Sometimes. I just play alts then.


2. Let the feeling sink in a bit and ask yourself, why do you feel bored of "your ranger class", like the REAL reason. Is it the way / style of playing? The build? The ease/difficulties? The DPS?


3. same as no.2, ask yourself why do you think that "Mesmer/Ele" in the vids are "way more fun"

If it's like skills/play styles those are unique to that class, then just create an alt and give it a try, nothing much to lose except time.


4. PLEASE read/watch the guide carefully and thoroughly before committing. If legendary set means legendary armor set, then it is no joke. Like, NO JOKE. And it's gonna be only for 1 class weight which is medium, and those can't be used by Mesmer/Ele that you think "are way more fun" than Ranger.

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14 hours ago, Baby Goth.4983 said:

Yo guys whatsup ,  hope everyone feeling good ,  I'd like to share with you guys some thoughts about GW2  as a new player and see what you think of it :- 


Have you ever feel that your class is boring ? 😅  ,  this happen to me when I reached almost full ascended gear with my Ranger class 🙃 ,  then I start looking into some YouTube tutorials  and I notice that Mesmer and Elementalist classes are way more fun than my class . but I didn't think of creating a new class yet , I'd like to focus on one class in every MMO game I played. and I was thinking to get legendary sets before starting with another class.


so what do you guys think , and what did you do in this situation.



and i started playing 8 characters with 16 specializations to spice things up.


except elementalist, cause anet nerf aggro on that thing for the last like.. 5  years lol.

Edited by SinisterSeven.2781
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Several here have suggested you actually try the other professions.  This is easier than it appears.  All you need is one empty character slot.

Make a character of the profession you want to test.  Go to the sPvP lobby -- just click on the appropriate icon in your UI upper left.  You will be on some floating islands and will be 80 with freely customizable gear.  A couple of these islands have non-player targets.  Some of each profession so you can test in a fight, plus clumps of golems you can just unload on.  The numbers won't be the same as in PvE as there is some balancing, and the available stat combos are slightly different, but you can get a very good idea of how each profession and its sub elites handle.  It won't teach you everything, of course, especially not mobility stuff, yet will still help you a lot more than videos.

You can delete the character after testing, so you can try out all the options one by one.

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Why punish yourself playing a class you don't like? I had one of each before I even thought about starting my 1st legendary.  I've also found that what is boring for me today may be fun later. I played a lot of thief for years & going back to get all the new elites I found I love my revenant. 

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8 minutes ago, alphafert.6730 said:

Why punish yourself playing a class you don't like? I had one of each before I even thought about starting my 1st legendary.  I've also found that what is boring for me today may be fun later. I played a lot of thief for years & going back to get all the new elites I found I love my revenant. 

I played through the entire world map on an engi and an ele, before I made my first legendary- for my war. 

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Don't tunnel-vision on just the one class! The game gives you a lot of stuff to make developing multiple characters easier (like account-bound ascended gear, cheap exotics, and Tomes of Knowledge in wvw/pvp/login rewards), take advantage of it to broaden your enjoyment.

Make some new characters, go test them out a bit in the SPvP lobby so you can get a feel for whether you like the feel of their mechanics, watch a video or two. You can start your alts in exotics and still have a great time until you feel like you have a lot of extra resources.


Learning and developing multiple characters will help you enjoy more of the game, too. I have characters that I only play in certain environments because I only like them in those game modes. I have certain characters I only pull out for instanced PvE or only for WvW, because their flow and mechanics only appeal to me in that context. With multiple characters, you can better optimize for the playstyle you like in each mode.

(Trying multiple classes is also a big leg up in competitive play because you will have a much deeper understanding on what your allies and opponents are doing.)

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Before GW2 I only played healer roles, turns out in GW2 that mostly means druid in raids but I dislike raids so it was either learn some other builds or find another game.


Now I main a condi-damage Mirage or Virtuoso in open world and have a lot of fun. But its always nice to have alts fully spec'd out because sometimes you feel like flinging daggers and sometimes you feel like beating mobs up with a staff Daredevil or with a minionmancer Necro. Although I do have a Druid and take her into open world it's not as fulfilling as melting through mobs myself.


So like everyone else ITT my suggestion is to get another character slot or two and try out some other classes.

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How I do it: Roleplay characters by searching in advance and figure a way to make your character work within reason of it's lore.


Like me having 5 Asura roleplaying Yordles of League of Legends.


Then you just try and figure out builds around it and figure out how to make it work.

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be like me and unlock copious amount of character slots. you will never have to make any decisions ever again regarding of the professions and elite specs, and you can freely try absolutely everything the game has to offer. (dont do this, its a rabbit hole you never come up ever again)

Edited by Mutisija.5017
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I guess different strokes for different folks but Ele is way more boring than Ranger to me. Mesmer is only good now since the EoD spec landed.

10 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Try a decent condition build for Ranger:
Shortbow Build
Top cDPS Build

And yes, there are professions with more complex build rotations, if that is what you are after.

Celestial is better.

Edited by Dante.1508
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6 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

I guess different strokes for different folks but Ele is way more boring than Ranger to me. Mesmer is only good now since the EoD spec landed.

I don't mind Ele, but people talk about how the only way is to mix attunements, meanwhile I wish I could stick to one. 😕 Doesn't help that I'm squishy as F, have to start investing in Marauder's gear so I don't get constantly nuked by PvE enemies.


I almost died several times to early game enemies in my story mode.

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10 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

I guess different strokes for different folks but Ele is way more boring than Ranger to me.

Then you must have been doing something wrong.

By the way, I like Ranger, just not Untamed (which is a 100% useless spec).

10 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Mesmer is only good now since the EoD spec landed.

Again, it seems you are not playing the professions right. 😄

10 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Celestial is better.

What?!? đŸ€Ł

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4 hours ago, JayHog.3280 said:

I don't mind Ele, but people talk about how the only way is to mix attunements, meanwhile I wish I could stick to one. 😕 Doesn't help that I'm squishy as F, have to start investing in Marauder's gear so I don't get constantly nuked by PvE enemies.


I almost died several times to early game enemies in my story mode.

Ele doesn't have to be squishy, but it is definitely difficult to perform well with it by using only one attunement.  You might be able to come up with something feasible using tempest relying mostly on one attunement (e.g. condi scepter in fire attunement), but weaver and catalyst require attunement swapping to function.  You did say classes like ele look like more fun than your current spec, right?  Maybe give it a chance and try to learn it a bit better?

Here's a clip of an ele build that is decidedly not squishy.

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I'm a simple man.

I played Elementalist in Prophecies

I played Elementalist in Factions

I played Elementalist in Nightfall

I played Elementalist in Eye of the North

I played Elementalist in Core GW2

I played Elementalist in Heart of Thorns

I played Elementalist in Path of Fire

I played Elementalist in End of Dragons And in case you're wondering:

I played Elementalist in the rest of Living World


A few years ago I was a bit bored. So I created a second account for Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.

I played Elementalist ofc.


Now I have twins in GW1 and in GW2. 🙂

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