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Map completionists - what were the most annoying things to get?

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In your journey to full map exploration, which objectives were the most irritating?


I haven't achieved map completion myself, but I remember giving up on the Deputy Crackshot hero challenge in Bloodtide cost, where you need to hit some targets with cannons. It just seemed to never hit anything.

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Hirathi Hinterlands can be surprisingly annoying. I’ve been through there for map completion and if the centaur camps are held by humans some of the hearts can be very tedious to do.

Also, centaurs attack events will happen just outside of where the game gives credit for heart progress. Kill a centaur on one spot, get credit, move over a couple feet, no credit.

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My first few map completions were prolonged by waiting for certain colour borderlands to be home for my server (I didn't used to WvW much and was wary of venturing into the enemy server HBL.

Also I was rubbish at jumping back then, so remember having issues with a couple of vistas - one in Caledon and one in Orr.

These days it's all a breeze - no WvW required and skyscale to cheese the vistas (plus my jumping skill has improved somewhat!)

Ash Legion training is only a minor annoyance - I can do three of the flags with ease, so I just repeat that sequence a couple of times.

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Although I do despise Tawny Ridge, that is not the major issue I have with Map Completions. I think I have completed twice, but have 9 other characters who have completed everything but... the cities.  When I am doing normal map completions, I will gladly go on tangents to get involved in events or maybe try to swing through lesser traveled areas just to see what is there. And I harvest everything that I can. And in some zones I get to pet puppies and kitties to complete hearts. Cities, on the other hand, are just bloody boring to complete. 

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Most annoying? New Kaineng City by far.

Tangled Depths were at least fun, and once you knew your way around, it wasn't that bad. But Kaineng? Up, down, up, down, up, down, "Kitten, where is the next zip line?!?" And don't get me started on the few waypoints that are contested a lot of the time. Oof.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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1 hour ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

hearts in general, not by task itself, but when the delimitation area inst clear, then u waste time wandering looking where are the things to do.

I find overlays super helpful for this. Tekkit’s TacO markers list all the activities that progress the heart and what percentage they move the bar. BlishHUD reportedly tells you which activity is the most optimal.

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5 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

In your journey to full map exploration, which objectives were the most irritating?


I haven't achieved map completion myself, but I remember giving up on the Deputy Crackshot hero challenge in Bloodtide cost, where you need to hit some targets with cannons. It just seemed to never hit anything.


One thing I found helpful with this hp when I started is that most people leave the cannons facing the barrel they hit successfully, so the best thing to do is try multiple cannons and only adjust the time you hold fire, don't move them left or right unless you are sure they are not aimed at anything. 

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6 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

In your journey to full map exploration, which objectives were the most irritating?


I haven't achieved map completion myself, but I remember giving up on the Deputy Crackshot hero challenge in Bloodtide cost, where you need to hit some targets with cannons. It just seemed to never hit anything.


I took me a while to figure out how to use the cannons. You need to hold down the skill in order to build up power and then let go to fire. Once you see where it landed, adjust how long you let the power bar fill up next time.

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Used to be a commune hero point in orr where you keep getting interrupted by environmental effects.


Maybe Anet has fixed it


Some of the hearts in Harathi are really pita to complete even with Tekkit Taco.


I have completed core map completion on 7 toons

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4 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

Help Bjarni honor the Spirits of Hare: trying to carry those bags while constantly being ambushed by rabbits.

The wiki lists a couple of methods to bypass that now. But I've done it a lot of times the intended way.

So much this. I was sooo annoyed the first couple of times I did that heart. Admittedly, I just cheese it using mounts now :classic_blush:

Edited by Duglaive.5236
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Some of the hero points in Orr are a pain, especially the one patrolled by a champion.

The stealthy charr heart is not too hard. There are 2 flags behind the tents and if you sneak passed one guard when he disappears, you can alternate between the 2 flags without risk. But you will need to wait for them to respawn, which thankfully isn't too bad. But it is the easiest way.

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