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A gamemode dominated by same 3x professions for 10+ years....and players are triggered when killed by a lone roamer


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This is the reality of GW2...a gamemode marketed as RvR mode which has been dominated by the same 3x professions since launch in terms of representation : guardian - engineer - necromancer , the situation is so absurd  that the same profession can cover a DPS or support spot by simply switching spec, and this has been the reality of GW2 WvW since 2012. By fault logic this is considered normal, in a game with 9 professions...there are no major complaints and you won't find any bookmarked 100+ posts thread about the issue, by contrast what you will find on the GW2 forum is some 30+ posts thread started by some zergling killed by a lone roamer while he was running back to his zerg. 

A gamemode which is supposed to include all professions equally in some manner, has been dominated by the same handful of builds for almost a decade , nobody seems to care as they either play these classes or simply lost hope, on the other hand...the moment players in GW2 get killed by some lone roamer class,...and people lose their kitten and start a nerf crusade for the ages.

Any new player in chat is actively asked, coerced and insulted into playing one of the holy trinity or abandon the gamemode , this attitude and mentality are considered normal by the GW2 playerbase and the same community will cry blood if in a single instance, they get killed by a lone roamer class ...the same professions they don't want you to play in "their" gamemode. The absurdity, entitlement, the delusion of the whole situation is just...mindblowing but the worst part still is the game studio actively promoting this toxic mentality , they do that by constantly nerfing/removing anything that can actively challenge the status quo:

-Nerf spellbreaker if too good at stopping boon trains

-Nerf staff ele if too good and damaging boon trains

And yeah....players here will keep asking for balance...but not the kind of balance any normal person would think about...nope....they want a "balance" aimed at nerfing/removing the few roaming professions as that it's the only thing they can't do "masterfully" yet outside their zerg mode. 

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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None of those really has a second build. Maybe DH as a dps alternative to FB. Dps engie in zergs? Nope. Necro. Well if you consider the minor differences between reaper and scourge but for both primary role are strips and dmg. 

You can easily add rev in there. SB is still strong and arguablly mandatory. Noone will turn down a mesmer or 2. Same with tempest or weaver unless really stacked. 

Dont get me wrong meta is tight and stale but unless youre thief or ranger you should find a spot. 

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55 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Engine is a new add in…





Until they made scrapper a condi clearing/converting god.

I mean even when SpB was shining, you would not run 1 for every party. And that's all warrior has been doing since PoF. 

Before you would run the offensive frontliners etc, but again, outside of dmg, no real role. I suppose some form of cleanse warrior for the memes (SpB brought up the support capabilities).

Reason I'm saying this is because outside of a couple of years of vanilla wvw and some moments of shine in HoT and PoF, warrior has not been an irreplacable asset to 100% of the comps. 

You have always needed more guards, necros and recently, revs, especially engis, than warriors. And now the class finally can lick some dirt due to anet balance. 

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1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

This is the reality of GW2...a gamemode marketed as RvR mode which has been dominated by the same 3x professions since launch in terms of representation : guardian - engineer - necromancer , the situation is so absurd  that the same profession can cover a DPS or support spot by simply switching spec, and this has been the reality of GW2 WvW since 2012. By fault logic this is considered normal, in a game with 9 professions...there are no major complaints and you won't find any bookmarked 100+ posts thread about the issue, by contrast what you will find on the GW2 forum is some 30+ posts thread started by some zergling killed by a lone roamer while he was running back to his zerg. 

A gamemode which is supposed to include all professions equally in some manner, has been dominated by the same handful of builds for almost a decade , nobody seems to care as they either play these classes or simply lost hope, on the other hand...the moment players in GW2 get killed by some lone roamer class,...and people lose their kitten and start a nerf crusade for the ages.

Any new player in chat is actively asked, coerced and insulted into playing one of the holy trinity or abandon the gamemode , this attitude and mentality are considered normal by the GW2 playerbase and the same community will cry blood if in a single instance, they get killed by a lone roamer class ...the same professions they don't want you to play in "their" gamemode. The absurdity, entitlement, the delusion of the whole situation is just...mindblowing but the worst part still is the game studio actively promoting this toxic mentality , they do that by constantly nerfing/removing anything that can actively challenge the status quo:

-Nerf spellbreaker if too good at stopping boon trains

-Nerf staff ele if too good and damaging boon trains

And yeah....players here will keep asking for balance...but not the kind of balance any normal person would think about...nope....they want a "balance" aimed at nerfing/removing the few roaming professions as that it's the only thing they can't do "masterfully" yet outside their zerg mode. 


This is so true

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5 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I mean even when SpB was shining, you would not run 1 for every party. And that's all warrior has been doing since PoF. 

Before you would run the offensive frontliners etc, but again, outside of dmg, no real role. I suppose some form of cleanse warrior for the memes (SpB brought up the support capabilities).

Reason I'm saying this is because outside of a couple of years of vanilla wvw and some moments of shine in HoT and PoF, warrior has not been an irreplacable asset to 100% of the comps. 

You have always needed more guards, necros and recently, revs, especially engis, than warriors. And now the class finally can lick some dirt due to anet balance. 

I can’t/won’t argue this.  I was more speaking to engie.  Warrior had its run.  Mesmer has always been kind of hanging around.  Ele had a good run as well, between vanilla water fields, then aura share tempest.  

But guard and necro are easily a staple pretty much continuously since launch.  

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Just. stop. caring. The game is bollocks balance. Get used to it. Try to have fun, if you don't, log out. That's about it.

It's become a super casual game to play - treat it as such. Life is easier.

Edited by Chips.7968
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18 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I mean even when SpB was shining, you would not run 1 for every party. And that's all warrior has been doing since PoF. 

When hammer warrior was a thing you did.

Engies was NOT a thing AT ALL for zergs for like 8 of those 10 years. Maybe 7. I cant remember when the medkit and purity of purpose was buffed.

It was indeed GWEN (guard, warrior, ele, necro) followed by GREN (guard, rev, ele, necro) followed by just GRN (guard, rev, necro) and then kind of GREN again (guard, rev, engie, necro).

The bubble just *barely* had it's time to shine. Nowadays most zergs just steamroll through that.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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Just now, Dawdler.8521 said:

When hammer warrior was a thing you did.

In 2012 and the months when SpB was strong after PoF. In the last 3 years, you needed 3 to 4 SpBs for a squad. A full blob might have run 5-6 Tank SpBs. But that's out of the 50 people. A sizeable force but not meta defining one the WoD nerfs started coming. Cause even tho Hammer can still carry strips even today, you are better off with necros. Funny how they even attacked renegade strip builds with the nerf on Banish Enchantments this patch.

Engineer has shoved it's way into the meta and will never go due to implementation. 

Warrior is subpar in most of it's runs. Players make it work. 

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1 minute ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

In 2012 and the months when SpB was strong after PoF. In the last 3 years, you needed 3 to 4 SpBs for a squad. A full blob might have run 5-6 Tank SpBs. But that's out of the 50 people. A sizeable force but not meta defining one the WoD nerfs started coming. Cause even tho Hammer can still carry strips even today, you are better off with necros. Funny how they even attacked renegade strip builds with the nerf on Banish Enchantments this patch.

Engineer has shoved it's way into the meta and will never go due to implementation. 

Warrior is subpar in most of it's runs. Players make it work. 

I am refering to core warrior, before HoT. It was the main frontline together with guardians and the push was often hammer warriors stunning the enemy zerg, even necros was a secondary...

Even when spellbreaker was at it's strongest it was only like 3-4 in a squad. After it was nerfed... you'd be lucky to have 1.

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Purity of purpose was added in Feb 2018

Med kit reworked in May 2018

Gyros reworked in Mar 2019

Basically forced their way into the meta, they booted ele's out of the heal/cleanse role, they booted mesmers out of the stealth role.

Doubt any class has had as many major positive buffs as them in the past four years.

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Honestly, my thoughts are that the playerbase is so obsessed with scrapper that following have happened:

  1. They don't know to play without superspeed anymore, their movement is subpar
  2. They don't know how to cleanse or avoid conditions properly anymore so they absolutely need scrapper to babysit them
  3. They try to coax people into playing boring builds so they can play fun builds. Think about scrapper: It is only support with nonexistant CC.

Honestly they should nerf scrappers cleanse and superspeed just because the class is boring. I know healing a lot by spamming 11111 can be fun first time around but it gets so dull very fast. People shouldn't rely on communications to have fun in the game.

I have nothing against guardians and necros. Certain amount of aegis and conditions makes the game more skilled.

Edited by Riba.3271
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It's how the game works, if Anet deleted these three tomorrow, zergs would find another way, create new compositions, and the game mode would remain the exact same, you would still have zergs with perma stability, perma healing, perma projectile destruction, perma all boons, etc, the compositions would just be switched, i think the only thing they would lose would be perma superspeed, right now, i can't think of another class/spec that can aplly it like Scrapper do.

Edited by Brandon Uzumaki.1524
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Ofc, in brain-afk "stack-on-tag-your-cookie-cutters" blobs, you will never find build diversity. Never, no matter how good Anet would balance stuff. Cause Commanders want to command, so:

-> everyone is forced to choose from a small set of cookie cutters with signature skills that can be called, you cant command a squad with XY diverse builds, even if they are great in blobs

-> everyone has to stack on tag, cause you cant command a cloud, which rules out lots of great WvW builds


So maybe you want to have a look at roaming, clouding zergs, random small scale, guilds with brainses . . . 😎

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4 hours ago, enkidu.5937 said:

Ofc, in brain-afk "stack-on-tag-your-cookie-cutters" blobs, you will never find build diversity. Never, no matter how good Anet would balance stuff. Cause Commanders want to command, so:

-> everyone is forced to choose from a small set of cookie cutters with signature skills that can be called, you cant command a squad with XY diverse builds, even if they are great in blobs

-> everyone has to stack on tag, cause you cant command a cloud, which rules out lots of great WvW builds


So maybe you want to have a look at roaming, clouding zergs, random small scale, guilds with brainses . . . 😎

I mean to that players and comms need to evolve. 


If Wells are dropping and I play Immob druid, ill drop my immob on wells without the comm's call. If they push on our Breaches and WoD ill pop Entangle. 

Or say, if I am a phalanx warrior (a build I love for core in zerging), Ill preemptively pump 25 might and fury on allies to make the spike hard, cause despite the upkeep ability of might on rev, its usually 5 stacks at most and most range spikes wont empower before. 

Etc, so basically the calls should not directly be aimed to a class utility, rather a function. 

Wells are not just wells, its mid range abilities to lock enemies there and cut them off from the zerg, also forcing them to move. 

Spikes catch the bystanders and slackers. 

Bombs are usually an all-out damage skill use followed by dodges and pushing melee into the enemy is just that. 

Point being, I think the misconception commanders and people have is that if you dont drop a well when wells are called (cause you got no wells) you wont benefit the squad. But Arcdps cannot show during combat stuff like immob application, a specific boon shared etc. 

Thats for groups that actually look at their logs after the fight, so if they can see the value of other classes they may include them. 

Sadly, role compression means the most. You cant fullfil a singular role. Unless you perform well enough in at least 2 roles, odds are youll be deemed worthless, unless if you manage to top one of the 3 visible meters (DPS, strips, cleanses). 

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15 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

When hammer warrior was a thing you did.

Engies was NOT a thing AT ALL for zergs for like 8 of those 10 years. Maybe 7. I cant remember when the medkit and purity of purpose was buffed.

It was indeed GWEN (guard, warrior, ele, necro) followed by GREN (guard, rev, ele, necro) followed by just GRN (guard, rev, necro) and then kind of GREN again (guard, rev, engie, necro).

The bubble just *barely* had it's time to shine. Nowadays most zergs just steamroll through that.

back in the start , the only thing engie was served  for was to melt  keep gates under 1 minute, massive zerg of engie come drop elite turret and leaves :P that would melt gates in a few seconds.

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"A gamemode dominated by same 3x professions for 10 years".

Are we talking about zerg v zerg only or do we talk about roaming as well? After all, WvW isn't just braindead zerg v zerg, right?

Do we consider all character building siege machine or piloting golem in WvW as engineer?

Should we consider people using arrow carts and setting WvW traps and tricks as rangers and thiefs?

Which professions should be attributed to players using mount? Ranger? Afterall, they are beastmaster...


Joke aside, this thread isn't accurate at all. People opening those threads should really stop trying to make seem like they have any idea of  what happen within "10 years" and keep themself at how things have gone since PoF launch. They would probably garner more simpathy/empathy if they did.

Let's keep in mind that engineer, as a profession, had a very slow start in game since the way it was implemented didn't really attract much public. Engineer, regardless of it's effectiveness was the least played profession in all gamemodes for the whole duration of the vanilla game (so you can already cut 3 years out of the "10 years of domination").

On another hand, one could say that thief dominated the roaming aspect of WvW for 10 years (even if it isn't totally accurate since many professions managed to be flavor of the month at roaming over those 10 years).


The only thing that can be seen as "true" is that both necromancer and guardian have been pilars of the zerg v zerg various metas through the years. On another hand they seldom managed to "dominate" the roaming metas.

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  The only 2 dominating  specs from the old days are Necros and Guardians, wich are also divided in several specializations that work very well, Reaper m8 be the only melee class in WvW everything else is condi range or minstrell support.

Warrior got deleted from game basicly,  the GWEN meta is now GGGGNNNNN most of the cases. 

The only adition have been the minstrell mesmers and the  scrappers minstrells , we already had in the past power engies or holos wich got replaced by power scrappers so... IMO cant be seen has a new adition.

IMO i think it is more critical and healthy to the game to talk about stats dominance than class dominance, class dominance exist due stats stacking under some specific classes that makes any other class not needed, the issue are not the classes but the stats that leads to very lame stacking effect.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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