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Which classes whine the most on the forums?


Which classes whine the most on the forums?  

139 members have voted

  1. 1. Which classes whine the most on the forums?

    • Elementalist
    • Engineer
    • Guardian
    • Mesmer
    • Necromancer
    • Ranger
    • Revenant
    • Thief
    • Warrior

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*filing nails*


4 hours ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Warrior by a long shot

Literally any chance they get, can be completely unrelated topics, but somehow they will squeeze in a speech about how bad warrior is, but bladesworn isn't a "real" warrior spec so they dont count.



A huge amount of warriors abilities were designed and balanced in a environment when damage and hard CC was not mutually exclusive

They never adjusted any of the abilities to compensate for the loss of damage on CC skills which left warriors with a bunch of neutered/useless abilities and severely limited their choices for viable builds in pvp

Warrior is plagued by easily avoidable attacks that pretty much rely on CC to set up combos, but with the total nerf of damage on half their combo pieces other classes can even further invalidate a lot of warriors attacks by just facetanking the CC with stability and stunbreaks while saving their defensives for the only damage dealing attacks.

The blanket nerf on ALL hard CC is such a lazy and stupid decision.

If CC spam was a problem then just individually balance the abilities that are causing problems to do little damage.

How times change, no?

I'll own that I complain about warrior balance a lot, cause only a handful of people will. Complaining warrior into the ground because you cannot dodge, then turning around and accusing them of whining because they cannot adequately punish you for not dodging unless they play a build that ignores damage and game mechanics is kinda kittened up, I think. 

OP's framing is weird though. Not a fan.

And, personally, I'm not insatiable. I just want the class to be adequately rewarded for the hurdles it has to jump through to do damage in the current meta, not ignore the hurdles outright. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Just now, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

*filing nails*




How times change, no?


I'll own that I whine about it, cause only a handful of people will. Complaining warrior into the ground because you cannot dodge, then turning around and accusing them of whining because they cannot adequately punish you for not dodging unless they play a build that ignores damage and game mechanics is kinda kittened up, don't you think? 

Theres a big difference between talking about warriors problems every once in awhile in a relevant thread and complaining EVERY SINGLE DAY



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13 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Theres a big difference between talking about warriors problems every once in awhile in a relevant thread and complaining EVERY SINGLE DAY



The difference is one gets ignored, and the other doesn't. There is an obvious problem. The frequency about which people talk about it shouldn't matter until it gets addressed. 

That being said, keep your eyes in your head. People complaining every single day about rush, about Arc Divider, about healing signet/might makes right/Defy Pain is what got us here. Instead of fixing those problems, Anet shipped a spec that ignores the game mechanics through raw healing. You will be back on this nerf chopping block again in nanoseconds, the moment people get upset enough to make threads and whine about it. 

but lemme zip my mouth up though. 🤐

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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17 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Hmmm elementalist and warrior are getting the most votes. The two professions that, until very recently, were completely absent from the meta for years. 


Wonder if there's a connection... 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Yes and no. I do not think ele players are whiny at all. I would rate them low on the whiny scale 😝. Warriors though is a completely different story. 

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17 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Hmmm elementalist and warrior are getting the most votes. The two professions that, until very recently, were completely absent from the meta for years. 


Wonder if there's a connection... 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

They are not the only profession in this case, some for an even longer time.

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Everybody complains and in a way everybody is right and wrong because everyone has something that is too much for another.

I think people are more inclined to say “I am playing a skillful profession and others are not” when they feel like they have a mechanic different enough from the 2 weapons set and standard cd. 

Edited by aymnad.9023
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As a Warrior main, t'would be dishonest of me to not vote Warrior.

I'm not saying that Warrior is over or underpowered, its all  basic deductive reasoning.


Ele mains physically cannot complain more than Wars because half of them have contracted carpal tunnel by playing their class.

And now I will use my favorite warrior main word: "Rigged"

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Let me add one more thing btw


Current Bladesworn players aren't "real Warrior mains" these are FOTM kids who think z-axis teleports and "spammy" playstyles are balanced.

If were talking about "Warriors" that deserve to complain, its the people who want to play Core and want Berserker to be good. People who actually enjoy real casting times to have actual pay offs.

I still believe that if BsW is gonna get nerfed, nerf other obnoxious specs as well


But unyielding dragon that STUNS AND DOES DAMAGE/barrier spam/shout specs in general and historically/daring dragon stability spam + god tier mobility if you figure out how to use daring dragon which people haven't caught on yet isn't "real Warrior" playstyle and is a different kind of annoying "spammer-like Guardian/Mesmer/Ranger/Tempest/Harbinger or w/e Necro spec" that gets away with spamming/easy win conditions, and has a lot of fail safes.

TL;DR It's okay for Warrior to have at least one "good build," so I can at least cheese other classes back. But because of the powercreep, why even pick any other build other than the broken stuff.


That's basically what the Warrior mains subconscious right now. So yes they have the right to complain because of PIDGEONHOLING and ANET's constant nerf to telegraphed attacks such as Hammer AND anet's historically incompetence via frenzy nerf during 2013.


We have the right to complain because anything that isn't bladesworn is telegraphed and outdated and not fun to play. And bladesworn isn't even the only good side noder really, Harbinger/Mechanist/Some obnoxious ranger spec can do the same thing.

But to be fair, "real Warrior" died on HoT 2015.

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Also one more thing for the laughs

PEOPLE COMPLAINING ABOUT THINGS THAT ISN'T EVEN THAT GOOD, why would us Warriors not complain, when there are bad thread starters like this?

WE HAD PEOPLE COMPLAIN ABOUT A BAD HEAL that isn't even better than defiant stance and mending.

We had people COMPLAIN ABOUT WARRIOR "EFFECTIVE HP" to justify how other classes have z-axis teleports and evade spamming while attacking when in reality effective health is IRRELEVANT because there are combos that kill heavy armor high hp. It's like L2P.


We had people complain about an idea called "baseline fast hands," when it isn't even a brain damage ranger pet or mesmer/guardian evade/ranger spam while instant casting.


It is VERY LIKELY that people like this work for ANET too and is part of the balance team, they actually don't know what they are talking about. Yet they say stupid things like "Warrior has no counterplay in WvW in small scale" when WvW small scale is the last place you ever want to play Warrior because of stealth resets/etc.


Now I ask you people, why should we, Warrior, not whine or complain when there are obnoxious forces like this and are probably working for ANET?

Le Sigh.


P.S the same thread starter doubled down and even said combat stimulant was still broken even if Warrior was telegraphed, what? Use a telegraphed heal vs stun lockers and good comps, see what happens LOL.

Edited by tunococman.7324
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(raises eyebrow at obvious biased poll and its predictable results...)

Yup...pay no attention to the OP that posted this and has not responded since! As far as warrior mains "whining" the most...meh...no more than any other class. It's also telling that the most responses correlate with the communities' under-performed classes. But yes: NOTHING TO SEE HERE.

(points to Naked Gun scene...)


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9 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


OP's framing is weird though. Not a fan.

What's weird?

4 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

This is a rigged vote.  The answer is clearly "the middle class" but it's not even an option.

I don't get the joke...

1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

(raises eyebrow at obvious biased poll and its predictable results...)

Yup...pay no attention to the OP that posted this and has not responded since! As far as warrior mains "whining" the most...meh...no more than any other class. It's also telling that the most responses correlate with the communities' under-performed classes. But yes: NOTHING TO SEE HERE.

Hi. Did you want me to answer something?

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