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Lack of Content with EoD. Anet failing to deliver.


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14 hours ago, Shinjiko.1352 said:

It feels like Anet played their hand too soon with HoT, at least imo,  it will always feel like the biggest and most successful expansion. But they did seem to have more staff back then plus they did introduce a lot of new systems with it like masteries and elite specs, etc.

HoT hit the hardest because it added so many mechanical features to the game

PoF and, by a greater margin EoD, feel much weaker in comparison because they lean so hard on "skins and overworld fluff are now content" which gets old fast and has no impact unless you're on the maps

Remove everything it added to the core game and HoT would feel just as bland even if people still enjoyed the unlimited, 0 effort loot from auric basin

It also came out back when it still felt like the game was going places and could only ever get bigger and better while current year GW2 is coasting on pure inertia at this point on a flat plane

Edited by Substance E.4852
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52 minutes ago, Nurgle.6597 said:

Think of it this way, PoF, after launch delivered a whole new expansion worth of content, I'd assume it will be similar with EoD

Sure.  Except there was only one month between PoF release and the first episode of season 4.  They hit the ground running with that.  Meanwhile, with EoD we're going to be waiting a year for new content if they wait until season 1 is finished re-releasing before introducing new story content.  Where season 4 saved PoF, season 1 is just an unfortunately necessary correction of earlier mistakes.  It's understandable.  Many would agree that the game needs it.  But we're still left wanting new content.

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13 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

No, I haven’t finished either. I stopped after the Mansion instance, which although I really enjoyed, wasn’t enough to keep me going after three intensely lacklustre maps and the disappointment of the Sea Dragon (although I suspect it improves for the finale). The Echovald map alone is one of the blandest in the game with no atmosphere whatsoever and very little content.

The completionist in me wants the turtle, but I log on only sporadically now I have other things to occupy my time, that I want to spend it in fun areas. And that’s not EoD.

Wow!  You could be me.  Except, you're probably better looking.  And probably a better GW2 player than I am.  😆

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I for one liked the EoD maps. But i play the game in a pretty boomer kind of way. When I first enter a map, I rarely use mounts and i try to explore every nook and cranny, I do every event i come across, I read the lore pages, I listen to the NPC dialogue. I even did the full fishing list for every map before moving onto the next one in the story. I only do the main map meta when I've finished exploring all the parts of the map it takes place on. Eventually I transition to using mounts and move around faster. As a result, there was a good amount of content there for me. I think people should take it slow the first time around and they might walk away a little more satisfied.


Also, lets not forget that HoT is only 4 maps, and PoF is 5. 4 maps isn't exactly bad.

Also, why do people want more fractal maps so bad? if they did add one how long is it gonna take before the new fractal map gets boring? at least with raids you only get 1 reward per week so you cant burn yourself out as quickly.  My impression was these maps were designed to just mind numbingly be run over and over and over until you finally die from brain rot. to be honest, with just how little these maps and fractals in general provide, I wouldnt count on ever getting a new fractal ever again.

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26 minutes ago, Fipmip.7219 said:

I for one liked the EoD maps. But i play the game in a pretty boomer kind of way. When I first enter a map, I rarely use mounts and i try to explore every nook and cranny, I do every event i come across, I read the lore pages, I listen to the NPC dialogue. I even did the full fishing list for every map before moving onto the next one in the story. I only do the main map meta when I've finished exploring all the parts of the map it takes place on. Eventually I transition to using mounts and move around faster. As a result, there was a good amount of content there for me. I think people should take it slow the first time around and they might walk away a little more satisfied.


Also, lets not forget that HoT is only 4 maps, and PoF is 5. 4 maps isn't exactly bad.

Also, why do people want more fractal maps so bad? if they did add one how long is it gonna take before the new fractal map gets boring? at least with raids you only get 1 reward per week so you cant burn yourself out as quickly.  My impression was these maps were designed to just mind numbingly be run over and over and over until you finally die from brain rot. to be honest, with just how little these maps and fractals in general provide, I wouldnt count on ever getting a new fractal ever again.

What's so difficult to understand?  Some people enjoy fractals and would enjoy them more if they had some new content to look forward to on a more regular basis.  GW2 is an extreme outlier in their refusal to provide any sort of regular instanced group content.  Pretty much every other MMO that still provides content makes that a focus.  Obviously, it isn't a focus here.  But they could still do better than 1 fractal every 2 years.

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28 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

What's so difficult to understand?  Some people enjoy fractals and would enjoy them more if they had some new content to look forward to on a more regular basis.  GW2 is an extreme outlier in their refusal to provide any sort of regular instanced group content.  Pretty much every other MMO that still provides content makes that a focus.  Obviously, it isn't a focus here.  But they could still do better than 1 fractal every 2 years.

Strikes & Strikes CM are not instanced group content? It has to be Fractal or it doesn't count?

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13 hours ago, Substance E.4852 said:

HoT hit the hardest because it added so many mechanical features to the game

PoF and, by a greater margin EoD, feel much weaker in comparison because they lean so hard on "skins and overworld fluff are now content" which gets old fast and has no impact unless you're on the maps

Remove everything it added to the core game and HoT would feel just as bland even if people still enjoyed the unlimited, 0 effort loot from auric basin

It also came out back when it still felt like the game was going places and could only ever get bigger and better while current year GW2 is coasting on pure inertia at this point on a flat plane

I acknowledged that HoT introduced more systems and mechanics. Which is true. But It just felt like even taking that away the events and chains etc were more well thought out and designed. Same for masteries, more variety, more lines, more unique design to integrate with the maps and showoff the new features.  They had parts of the maps locked off until you unlocked a certain mastery, it made you want to get it and explore. My bf was playing EoD with me and was like... why are all the hero points communing spots?

Auric Basin and the other metas used to require more effort but the power creep has just made every single HoT meta a joke and the dev's refuse to make a pass on all content in the game to fix it. I recall many people working together to level up the map and finish all the night bosses in Verdant Brink, Tarir used to actually need some working together, now it's just oh you burned too fast, that's ok we can catch up easy (hence the PANIC/ PICNIC going on in mapchat they know it's a joke), Chak Gerent gets one burned and never sees the other phases. Dragon stand still takes time but mounts make moving about the end platforms trivial. It's a shame imo but everyone seems to enjoy the easy press 1 content. Funny enough though, Soo Won is the only meta really that feels like how the old meta events used to where you need to work together well to finish or it can fail.

I agree with the last bit though, back then everyone was full of hope and hype. The launch for HoT was so hype them doing the all night stream with the big button to launch it etc. I was so excited for it.

Edited by Shinjiko.1352
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2 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

Strikes & Strikes CM are not instanced group content? It has to be Fractal or it doesn't count?

Strikes and Raids are niche areas, as they are in most MMOs, but you've gotta be a very particular player in order to enjoy them in GW2. Its very "watch a video" "use this build" etc vs. "lets go play the level and actually figure it out." Hopefully Steam release will add some much needed diversity to endgame community so its more appealing, but even then its still a smaller percentage of players with an emphasis on those who don't mind someone else doing all the work for them & copying someone elses playthru. Which is more then fine for those types, just not for everybody.

Fractals, Dungeons, PvP, WvW, even OW/Story should all be well ahead of Strikes/Raids in development off of sheer volume of players who do the content. 

Again, maybe Steam will help diversify so more people will have the option but its pretty bottlenecked content due to the community at large. 


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On 8/16/2022 at 9:25 PM, Odin.6487 said:

Ill make this short and sweet. 


Spvp is neglected. Win traders run rampant and the player base is non existent.

WvW: alliances were announced 5 years ago. and they still cant deliver. Last wvw map update was 2489 days ago. Rewards are outdated and the mastery system is also severely outdated.  Core part of the game being neglected.

Dungeons: no dungeon updates or reworks besides adding gen3 skins to dungeons. 

Fractals: last fractal map was 700 days ago. Since then weve seen zero fractal updates, zero fractal reward updates. Neglected.

Raids: No new raids with EoD. Build Diversity is at an all time low due to afk builds being meta. 

Strikes: Strikes are fine, the rewards just need to be tuned.


We as players shouldn't be content with how much of the game is being neglected. 


Spvp: Wrong, it became worse than it ever was. Thats a progress

WvW: Wrong again, people play wvw to kill not sight seeing.

Dungeons: Wrong once again, dungeon tokens are merged... thats a progress.

Fractals: Wrong again, Fractals nerfed.

Raids: Wrong, we raid strike cms.

Strikes: Wrong, Strikes are Thrash raid wannabe game modes with kitten mechanics.

Lets take a look at openworld maps,

SP: Map design is inconvenient

NK: too many assets

EW: ew

DE: Unfinished

Edited by stormemperor.3745
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2 hours ago, Voyant.1327 said:

Strikes and Raids are niche areas, as they are in most MMOs, but you've gotta be a very particular player in order to enjoy them in GW2. Its very "watch a video" "use this build" etc vs. "lets go play the level and actually figure it out."

Now don’t get me wrong here. I agree it’s niche areas and it doesn’t appeal to most players. But have you tried to either make or join a learning group? That’s what I do when I haven’t done them.

Like harvest temple. I joined a learning squad and only two players had done it once before. We failed some times ofc and communicated when we noticed mechanics we missed. And cleared it with no issue or toxicity at all as we entered with learning in mind. It was a lot of fun.

But also bear in mind not all players want or like to learn this way. They study mechanics and builds and all that before even attempting to join. That’s what’s good with lfg in gw2. You can actually make your group with your own criteria to join. 

Edited by Freya.9075
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1 hour ago, stormemperor.3745 said:

Spvp: Wrong, it became worse than it ever was. Thats a progress

By definition of the word progress, if it got worse then there was no progress. Progress doesn't just mean change, it means improvement or movement towards improvement.

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I agree, haven't touched the new region since I completed the story. We're likely not getting alliances for another couple of years, PvP is basically the same 20 people queing all over again, EoD can't be compared to Drizzlewood or old gold farming spots...even the best fishing spot is in PoF lol

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Just in my opinion the game would be actually better without EoD. The e-specs are just buggy af and not good designed. They absolut dominate pvp thx to obviosly Power creeped specs that are also buggy. Most of them are also not even funny to play. The only realy good thing of EoD in my opinion are its maps but not even those are just "good". Yes they are buty but they feel empty like not even close enough enemies. How ever the metas are just well done. The New mastierys are just that masteries and not cool to lvl them its just more running around the empty maps to Look for Events Grind than anything Else. Skiff is cool but we got skimmer. Fishing all in all is good but well just more like roleplay featuer. Turtle mount well never get a mount i do not touch since get it. It bringt nothing new when it comes to pvp/wvw/raids/fractals/dungeons. So all in all i would give this Expansion a 3/10 ..... PoF was just like 8/10 HoT was just like 8/10 New game Mode and souch how ever it first of all made condi spam a thing xd


Would say over all EoD is by far the worst Expansion now all in all but we will see what the future brings right?

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On 8/16/2022 at 11:25 AM, Odin.6487 said:

Ill make this short and sweet. 


Spvp is neglected. Win traders run rampant and the player base is non existent.

WvW: alliances were announced 5 years ago. and they still cant deliver. Last wvw map update was 2489 days ago. Rewards are outdated and the mastery system is also severely outdated.  Core part of the game being neglected.

Dungeons: no dungeon updates or reworks besides adding gen3 skins to dungeons. 

Fractals: last fractal map was 700 days ago. Since then weve seen zero fractal updates, zero fractal reward updates. Neglected.

Raids: No new raids with EoD. Build Diversity is at an all time low due to afk builds being meta. 

Strikes: Strikes are fine, the rewards just need to be tuned.


We as players shouldn't be content with how much of the game is being neglected. 


You know I usually don't defend anet because I have been very negative towards things they have done in the past but, to say that EOD wasn't a lot of content is disheartening. EOD expac made every content in EOD replayable. The part that draws people away is because there are people that will not do legendaries or fashion wars. And that is the biggest part of gw2 that is repeatable. And its sad that the people who choose not to are the same people who can't figure out what to do in gw2. And sure legendaries aren't the reason to play gw2 but, the collections to get the EOD legendary skins are good requirements into getting them. 


You have to do events in ore if you want the zhaitan skins

You have to do hot if you want mordremoth skins  

You have to do season 4 to get kralks skins.  That in itself is a good way that kept the community in playing together over and over because it is repeatable. 

Not only that the currencies for all the pieces you need to farm EOD metas to buy the legendaries and skin legendaries for EOD. Which is a good thing. 


Next we have strikes. The last EOD strike CM took half the time then going for dhuum cm. The EOD strike cm took snowcrows team longer than killing wing6 and 7 cms. So the competitiveness within the strike cms is equivalent to raids that are current. After all raids are the stepping stone to raids which adds more players in the community to play that content. Which in the future will lead to more raids added if the community is invested into them. Not only that, they adjusted raid currency + made more ways to make legendaries easier to farm. 


They added new season 1 episodes that require open world events to do. Another way for newer players to get into the game. 


They added a turtle mount which requires open world eod metas. 


Yes we dont have fracs or wvw alliances. However wvws content has always been about the players that drive the server full. 


Dungeons have been done with since hot. Idk why your expecting those. Since dungeons require some competitiveness and interaction. Strikes and fracs are pretty much better than dungeons and that is something you should look forward to rather than pure dungeons. They actually made a lot of dungeons obsolete since they made dungeons all one currency. So now people can just farm 3 or 4 dungeons and never do the harder ones. 

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3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Sure. But why not both?  Again, two years is way too long.  That's not supported content 

If there's only one game mode in the entire game, then I would agree. Calling it not supported content is rather disingenuous. Sure, we would all like to have all game modes updated and added to as often as possible but with a game this size, they have to set their priorities, especially with the released of EoD.

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7 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Pretty much every other MMO that still provides content makes that a focus.

Although GW2 isn't really the same as "every other MMO".


Also, I've never understood why people play Massively Multiplayer Online games only to then lock themselves away in instanced content with limited player numbers.


Surely the draw of an MMO should be scenarios that leverage that Massively part?

Like world bosses, map metas, WvW, those sorts of things...

Edited by Mungrul.9358
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On 8/17/2022 at 10:30 AM, misterman.1530 said:

Lol. Totally forgot about the turtle mount. That's how little I cared about it. Niche is right. Same with the Jade Bot thingie. I got it so that it "Finds" something when I loot but other than that, could not care less about it.

I can’t forget about the turtle mount.

I made the mistake of feeding it, but not completing the saddle. I use Arborstone as my lounge, and now I have this huge thing that doesn’t understand personal space breathing noisily down my characters’ necks the whole time I’m there.


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11 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

5 man vs 10 man is a major difference.

Instanced group content is still Instanced Group Content regardless of size. And I was referencing the below statement:


GW2 is an extreme outlier in their refusal to provide any sort of regular instanced group content.

The very recent adjustments to the mistlock Instabilities would suggest that Fractals has not been abandoned.

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1 minute ago, Silent.6137 said:

Instanced group content is still Instanced Group Content regardless of size. And I was referencing the below statement:

The very recent adjustments to the mistlock Instabilities would suggest that Fractals has not been abandoned.

So fixing something they broke is somehow indication that the content is not abandoned?

Man the bar have really fallen far.

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27 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

So fixing something they broke is somehow indication that the content is not abandoned?

Man the bar have really fallen far.

What exactly was broken with the mistlock instabilities?

Refer to Fractal Mistlock Instability Improvements section of the July 19, 2022 Update Notes.

Edited by Silent.6137
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