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PvP Gatekeepers


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So, a bunch of our pvp ESO guild decided to jump ship and try out GW2. Four of us hopped on over prematurely before the Steam launch hoping to be joined by the rest of our guildees next weekend.

Anyway, all was well and good. Leveling was much fun and when we opened PvP battlegrounds decided to give it a crack. Queuing together we played 3 games and had nothing but a loathsome experience in the last one.  We were playing unranked so didn't know the maps. True we zigged when we should have zagged. Turned right into a dead end when we were trying to find a capture point. You know, noobie mistakes.

That should have been the end of the story. Instead, we had team mates hate whispering us and reporting us for being "bots"


All I can say is: yáll got an influx of new players coming next week and pvp dudes really need to get their act straightened out ... cos shame on you.


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2 minutes ago, Coggo.9268 said:

So, a bunch of our pvp ESO guild decided to jump ship and try out GW2. Four of us hopped on over prematurely before the Steam launch hoping to be joined by the rest of our guildees next weekend.

Anyway, all was well and good. Leveling was much fun and when we opened PvP battlegrounds decided to give it a crack. Queuing together we played 3 games and had nothing but a loathsome experience in the last one.  We were playing unranked so didn't know the maps. True we zigged when we should have zagged. Turned right into a dead end when we were trying to find a capture point. You know, noobie mistakes.

That should have been the end of the story. Instead, we had team mates hate whispering us and reporting us for being "bots"


All I can say is: yáll got an influx of new players coming next week and pvp dudes really need to get their act straightened out ... cos shame on you.


Yea pvp is kinda a cestpool.

But to be fair it do seem to have alot of bots.

Did you reply to him since bots dont do that it would have been easy to show you were a player.

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Two points:

- WvW is the real PvP. 

- You can completely disable whispers by filtering it in the chat filter (I recommend making a new tab only containing whispers, name the tab "stupid kitten" or something and then ignore it for the rest of time).

Now, of course you cant prevent anyone reporting you for any reason, but you can laugh at them.

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Cheers all, I'm thick skinned and ugly enough to be irked by this toxic experience but shrug it off and move on. I'll git gud in my own time and on my own terms.

But, from a broader perspective this is an issue about about managing expectations. Noobies are gonna jump into battlegrounds as soon as the leveling experience allows them. If you got an established player base that's taking a dump on this new player experience by reporting/sending hate tells instead of mentoring that's all kinds of messed up - especially  in terms of the incoming Steam fresh meat.

Anyway, sorry to nut off. Other than this poor experience I've truly enjoyed the game thus far. WvW has been a blast and I got me a Warclaw to grind.



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I'm not sure what it is about PvP but it always seems to bring out the worst in people, in any game I've played.

If anyone says anything really offensive you can report them. Don't worry if you're not sure it's actually against the rules, all reports are investigated by someone at Anet before anything happens and they decide the punishment, it's not just automatic. Also you won't get in trouble for false reports unless you go to extremes with it (like reporting someone for every single available category or asking your guild to report them when they weren't even in the match).

Other than that I think all we can do as players is speak out against it when it happens. If someone is having a go at another member of your team (or anyone in the match) tell them to stop. It may not work immediately, chances are they're just upset and lashing out at any easy target, but if the only reaction they get is calmly being told to stop it may eventually make them realise it's not going to achieve anything.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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4 minutes ago, Lysico.4906 said:

Wait till you do ranked.  Way worse.   But to be fair you should not do ranked if PvP newbie.


I don’t do unranked anymore as I trained on all the new elite specs.  But when I did it was pretty chill.   

but again.  Ranked is very unchill.    Lol

Funny that you posted that right after mine saying the opposite. Clearly we have very different experiences. I’m guessing that’s because you are a much more skilled player than me, and it’s more chill down here in mid silver.

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If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all... I've been pretty toxic before but now I just avoid any communication. Most games aren't even necessary to speak. You can ping locations or target enemies for focus. 


I've been playing for years, so at this point I turned off chat unless in combat. No more hate whispers, no more random Troll comments on map, etc. Ignorance is bliss 😇😇

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We, the collective PvP playerbase, are comprised of different individuals. You can’t hold other people accountable. Everyone is responsible for themselves.


Sorry you feel bad, but don’t let mouthbreathers who PvP in text chat interrupt your game. You are going to learn to ignore these people. Or you will leave.

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1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

And so it begins!

The inevitable influx of new Steam players coming into the anti-social, unbalanced mess that is gw2 spvp. And I will echo others here, if you think what you encountered is bad, wait until you go to ranked!


Pretty much this. If you're coming to GW2, come for the PvE. The PvP is legitimately awful and the main playerbase for it seems to be the people who washed out of balanced PvP MOBA games where they couldn't succeed.


Guild Wars PvP hasn't been good since like launch WvW. The last time there was balanced PvP was Guild Wars 1.

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Many Veteran players are at a tipping point. If you get placed with someone who has 10k games they kinda get frustrated with new players. I feel they need a way to make it able to notice new players easier. I have no problem playing new new players, but as a vet with 10k game, I'd like to know that befor I put in maximum effort into that game. 

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5 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:



Pretty much this. If you're coming to GW2, come for the PvE. The PvP is legitimately awful and the main playerbase for it seems to be the people who washed out of balanced PvP MOBA games where they couldn't succeed.


Guild Wars PvP hasn't been good since like launch WvW. The last time there was balanced PvP was Guild Wars 1.

I play exclusively PvP and have a great time with it almost daily. And PvP balance isn’t that bad right now, I’m curious what you think is currently so bad?

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1 hour ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

People in this game are so quick to call others bots for some reason.

I remember one time getting whispered that I was getting reported for botting. Because I was sat out on  a 5v4 to make it a 4v4 in unranked, and my team was still winning so Idk what was the whisper's issue with me.

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1 hour ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

I play exclusively PvP and have a great time with it almost daily. And PvP balance isn’t that bad right now, I’m curious what you think is currently so bad?


Sure and people can have fun in games that are unhealthy and unbalanced. Just ask the big spenders in Diablo Immortal as an extreme example. 


Some people having fun doesn't change the fact the game has some unhealthy mechanics and some blatantly OP ones and instead of fine tuning for a better player experience Arena Net has simply taken the approach of "lets give more of it to more classes".


I don't want to drag down this thread. I would simply point to an unhealthy and unfun but not necessarily OP mechanic: look at how GW2 has handled stealth and look at how any competitive MOBA game handles stealth.

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