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PvP Gatekeepers


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Is there actually an active pvp scene that promotes only good vibes, encourages the bads, and minimally toxic though?   If someone claims to be a pvp-er from game to game, why suddenly have a weird expectation that GW2 pvp scene has to be somehow 'a better community' than every other pvp game mode out there?

Toxicity, derogatory whispers, bullying has always been hand in hand with pvp, it simply just is.  New player or not, it simply comes with the territory.

I've been playing pvp since Starcraft/quake III/unreal tournament era, was competitive during Counterstrike 1.6 era long ago until I relaxed/too old and moved on to casual MMORPGs, nothing's changed.  Just turn off the chat and move on.

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14 hours ago, Coggo.9268 said:

So, a bunch of our pvp ESO guild decided to jump ship and try out GW2. Four of us hopped on over prematurely before the Steam launch hoping to be joined by the rest of our guildees next weekend.

Anyway, all was well and good. Leveling was much fun and when we opened PvP battlegrounds decided to give it a crack. Queuing together we played 3 games and had nothing but a loathsome experience in the last one.  We were playing unranked so didn't know the maps. True we zigged when we should have zagged. Turned right into a dead end when we were trying to find a capture point. You know, noobie mistakes.

That should have been the end of the story. Instead, we had team mates hate whispering us and reporting us for being "bots"


All I can say is: yáll got an influx of new players coming next week and pvp dudes really need to get their act straightened out ... cos shame on you.


pvp players have always been a toxic trashcan since most of them cant handle loosing and reports in pvp dont really do anything their toxicity can only grow, anet is to blame for this.

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14 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

- WvW is the real PvP. 

Yeah I mean this point solidifies PvP in this game. The only reason you would want to Conquest PvP is if you wanted to participate in tournaments (filled with cheese builds) or get a high gold per hour by climbing ranked (after that its pretty bad).

Its hard to see how this would change since WvW is so much better especially if you plan to run with a group. The only downside to WvW is if you try solo roam.

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15 hours ago, Coggo.9268 said:

All I can say is: yáll got an influx of new players coming next week and pvp dudes really need to get their act straightened out ... cos shame on you.



Couple things:


Welcome, try out pve and wvw also. Its more chill there, pvp is full of people who whine about things while not being shining examples of what they expect themselves. 


We cant make the trash attitude players not have trash attitudes, but we can attest that there are chill players out there, and they're more numerous than the trash talkers. Some of them even run active guilds.


You had two good matches before the last one, try to focus on that,  and playing as a group. 

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4 hours ago, CaffeeCup.5742 said:

Is there actually an active pvp scene that promotes only good vibes, encourages the bads, and minimally toxic though?   If someone claims to be a pvp-er from game to game, why suddenly have a weird expectation that GW2 pvp scene has to be somehow 'a better community' than every other pvp game mode out there?

Toxicity, derogatory whispers, bullying has always been hand in hand with pvp, it simply just is.  New player or not, it simply comes with the territory.

I've been playing pvp since Starcraft/quake III/unreal tournament era, was competitive during Counterstrike 1.6 era long ago until I relaxed/too old and moved on to casual MMORPGs, nothing's changed.  Just turn off the chat and move on.

In general it's all the same, yes.

But GW2 is now in that year 10 phase where the pvp population is like a closed club and the skill gate for entry is REALLY high. Not many new players want to stick around when every game they queue, they get rofl stomped by p2+ players. Things in the match move so fast it's not even good practice. New players don't have time to move around or get a feel for their class before they die in 2s.

This ^ already leaves the general taste in a new player's mouth of "Why try? I'm out-classed by 10 years of flat experience here." If this wasn't already enough of a deterrent to make new joins not care about the scene, being yelled at by 10 year old players who'd rather **** on them than help them, will certainly finish the job of running them off.

In ANY game that is 10 years old that hits that phase where the pvp scene is low population and mostly full of very old players, if they want new joins to enter the community, they absolutely must back off the toxicity and be more inviting, otherwise the scene will never grow.

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Idk i would call me a pvp Veteran not cause im that good but cause i play it mostly since Release. Yes i am also toxic from time to time when i got a Bad day buuuut yea xD. Just pvp things. If you rly wana have fun and pvping just go for wvw. Pvp is filled with peops that play for title and Gold sooo. Also most of them have a ego from here to the moon its like all they could think of is "me never Bad all your fault". But what ever. 


Still there are some peoples that chill and play like me mostly but we are rare this days xd!

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@Trevor Boyer.6524

I disagree, nothing we can do to stop pvp toxicity, it is what it is.  The environment of play/pvp design/inter-player communication design can suppress or deflect the toxicity but the toxicity isn't going anywhere, it's probably only transferred to an inanimate object in someone's living room.

Games like Fall Guys, Mario Kart, stuff like that, because of the nature of the game design, despite being PVP can feel much much more casual friendly.  It's all about the design.  GW2 PVP is anything but that.  It is mechanically intense, the nature of engagement is very unforgiving, there's no dabbling in pvp, no modes to allow you to dabble (perhaps that's where WvW comes in). 

In sPVP you immediately get matched poorly, instantly trashed on, and it's not any gamer's fault, it's how GW2 pvp design is.  You guys talk about these issues non-stop.

Edited by CaffeeCup.5742
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13 hours ago, CaffeeCup.5742 said:

Is there actually an active pvp scene that promotes only good vibes, encourages the bads, and minimally toxic though?   If someone claims to be a pvp-er from game to game, why suddenly have a weird expectation that GW2 pvp scene has to be somehow 'a better community' than every other pvp game mode out there?

Toxicity, derogatory whispers, bullying has always been hand in hand with pvp, it simply just is.  New player or not, it simply comes with the territory.

I've been playing pvp since Starcraft/quake III/unreal tournament era, was competitive during Counterstrike 1.6 era long ago until I relaxed/too old and moved on to casual MMORPGs, nothing's changed.  Just turn off the chat and move on.

Team Fortress 2.

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Ah really?  I've never played that game, so I'm not familiar with the community.  Is it a meme-y game like Mordhau? Like I also said, some pvp games are designed or have modes that's just for the lols and it helps create a less toxic place for newcomers to get used to.  Modes where your goal is to simply join, kill as many of the things, die, respawn, repeat is a much more casual concept that's also usually much less toxic.  When teammates getting fragged in a 32v32 Team Deathmatch, nobody really cares.

 The design of the mode is what determines the behavior.  We cannot pretend that "people should be nicer" is the solution here, it will simply not happen.

Hopefully the influx of new players would mean more new players get matched up against each other.

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10 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

In general it's all the same, yes.

But GW2 is now in that year 10 phase where the pvp population is like a closed club and the skill gate for entry is REALLY high. Not many new players want to stick around when every game they queue, they get rofl stomped by p2+ players. Things in the match move so fast it's not even good practice. New players don't have time to move around or get a feel for their class before they die in 2s.


The only way that this will change is if the Steam release brings in such a large influx of new players that the 10 year Toxics get diluted from the pool of available opponents so that the new Bronze/Silver players are able to play with fellow Bronze/Silver players only and learn the mode before having to deal with the 10 year Toxics.

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4 hours ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

You never was in any competitive level of TF2, aren't you?

Before I stopped grinding hard, I at least got to be with a team that had a good time at a LAN, and a bunch of my friends are apparently playing in invite now.  TF2 6s is extraordinarily welcoming if you aren't an outright jerk; I've met very few people that managed to drain the fun from TF2.  HL is a little bit more on the spectrum, though.

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My advice to new players is always to disable chat unless you have a thick skin. People in this game feel personally attacked by the mere thought of someone less skilled sharing the same team as them. 

"How dare you tarnish these holy grounds you filthy plebian"

I also try to recommend them a good build for their class that is both effective and easy to execute so they can dip their toes into the water without being overwhelmed. Teach them combos if they're confused, explain how certain traits work and why trait synergies are important. 

I like to think experiences like that are what stick with a person and convince them to keep playing. 


Edited by Kuma.1503
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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

My advice to new players is always to disable chat unless you have a thick skin. People in this game feel personally attacked by the mere thought of someone less skilled sharing the same team as them. 

"How dare you tarnish these holy grounds you filthy plebian"

I also try to recommend them a good build for their class that is both effective and easy to execute so they can dip their toes into the water without being overwhelmed. Teach them combos if they're confused, explain how certain traits work and why trait synergies are important. 

I like to think experiences like that are what stick with a person and convince them to keep playing. 


It doesn't stop people pinging you.

Funny thing I played the top US player yesterday and I was harassed by my team to go mid and not camp home. I didn't listen and we Won since I bated the top player to duel me for an extended period of time so essentially my gamble paid off.
My point is PvP is just like this.

Edited by Mell.4873
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On 8/21/2022 at 9:50 AM, Coggo.9268 said:

So, a bunch of our pvp ESO guild decided to jump ship and try out GW2. Four of us hopped on over prematurely before the Steam launch hoping to be joined by the rest of our guildees next weekend.

Anyway, all was well and good. Leveling was much fun and when we opened PvP battlegrounds decided to give it a crack. Queuing together we played 3 games and had nothing but a loathsome experience in the last one.  We were playing unranked so didn't know the maps. True we zigged when we should have zagged. Turned right into a dead end when we were trying to find a capture point. You know, noobie mistakes.

That should have been the end of the story. Instead, we had team mates hate whispering us and reporting us for being "bots"


All I can say is: yáll got an influx of new players coming next week and pvp dudes really need to get their act straightened out ... cos shame on you.


I mean... I was pretty new on 2012 september(when the game was just days old), but being lost on a PvP map is not something that ever happened to me... or anyone I've ever played with. Like that's just... oof. If this is what's coming with steam release, I'll just not play for a few months. I'll be back when... or I'll won't. Anyway, if you can get lost on a small and basicly linear PvP map, this game will have many many time consuming and fun challenges for you. Enjoy your stay.

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On 8/21/2022 at 11:33 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Two points:

- WvW is the real PvP.

Not really. I moved to spvp from wvw and its just 10 times better. Compressed (no wandering for hours without anything going on), fairly little nonsense (at least some balance patches get applied), better players on average (ranked especially).

I can play a few matches and get my pvp experience, as opposed to wandering wvw for hours in search for someone who is fun to fight.

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56 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Not really. I moved to spvp from wvw and its just 10 times better. Compressed (no wandering for hours without anything going on), fairly little nonsense (at least some balance patches get applied), better players on average (ranked especially).

I can play a few matches and get my pvp experience, as opposed to wandering wvw for hours in search for someone who is fun to fight.



Btw in 2012 there was hotjoin it could play 8vs8 with mess like FFA Arena. It was noob friendly and I enjoyed it as clicker then it's gone, I graduated clicker but I became toxicman.

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We're all mad and sad and bad cuz pvp is what it is. More often than not, matches are actively ruined by griefers going AFK or doing dumb stuff -even from guys who should know better.
Next time at match beginning just type "Hi all, first time in pvp we're noobs 😄" or something along these lines, so we remember to be patient. I was surprised how much my attitude changed when I realized people I was bothered by were not actively griefing, just new. More willing to be helpful, less prone to raging, just more oriented towards having fun rather than winning.

Help us remember we were noobs too (and probably still are), and we won't be salty anymore.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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On 8/21/2022 at 9:25 PM, Leger.3724 said:

Pretty much this. If you're coming to GW2, come for the PvE. The PvP is legitimately awful and the main playerbase for it seems to be the people who washed out of balanced PvP MOBA games where they couldn't succeed.


Guild Wars PvP hasn't been good since like launch WvW. The last time there was balanced PvP was Guild Wars 1

It's kinda stupid (to say the least) to compare the MMORPG PvP balance with MOBA's. It's two different genres.

And out of all the existing MMORPGs with a PvP mode GW2 is BY FAR the most balanced (and probably the most fun). Particularly compared to modern WoW, which is an absolute joke

(despite having official PvP tournaments with prize pools measured in 100k $$)

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