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Decade of the Dragons achievement


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27 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Right. Feel free to make up any "prime time weekend" numbers you need to push whatever opinion you want to keep holding. If you feel being in a queue while you can do whatever else you want to do in the game is a waste of time then I wonder how what you're doing here (which apparently is just.. informing others you don't want to do it and then repeatedly saying "ded mode!"?  -and absolutely correct me if that's not what you're doing here) isn't the same or worse.

The mode is absolutely dead.

Correct me if i'm wrong.


I too can play the forum warrior contrarion. It's not hard to do.

This mode has seen exactly how many updates recently ? 0

It been on functional lifesupport with the only time it's remotely active is during an event or with the MAT's. Even then it doesn't even grasp 1% of the total player base. During this event you can still see the struggle as it frequently has queue time averages of over 10 minutes during primetime (and if you're still confused as to what that is, it's reset just like everything else). So please enlighten me old wise one on how this mode isn't 6ft under according to you and apparently only you as even the sPvPers acknowledge being the disowned redheaded stepchild anet never wanted.

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1 hour ago, TexZero.7910 said:

The mode is absolutely dead.

Correct me if i'm wrong.

You've already been repeatedly corrected about it.


1 hour ago, TexZero.7910 said:

This mode has seen exactly how many updates recently ? 0

Sure, but that number of updates has nothing to do with this thread or what was written in the previous posts.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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The main issue is where you can get the achievements. 

WvW is MUCH easier for the PvE player.

You can easely get your WvW events in Edge of the Mists. Just check if the flags nearby are grey and you likely get 10 events without even encountering a single enemy player ever that way. You can even team up with a friend on a different color and take a sentry, claim it, friend takes it, you take it, 10 times done! No sweat.

However PvP you have to play at least Unranked. There is NO way to get it done in an easy manner. You get zero progression in Custom Arenas, which in my oppinion is a massive oversight, because that would be a nice solution for the PvE player that hates PvP.

10 Unranked games to me sounds like pure torture. I simply will be skipping this achievement. I stick to my custom arena only, to get my potions, but completing that achievement is definitely a No Go. 

I hope Anet reconsiders and makes Custom Arenas count, so we have an easier option as we now have in World vs World.

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36 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:


However PvP you have to play at least Unranked. There is NO way to get it done in an easy manner. You get zero progression in Custom Arenas, which in my oppinion is a massive oversight, because that would be a nice solution for the PvE player that hates PvP.


I think that was the whole point, to get players to engage with the actual PvP environment and players rather than using custom arenas.  No oversight there, IMO.

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10 hours ago, pallas.8150 said:

I have yet to see one WvW or PvP player bemoan that the majority of achievements are in PvE. IJS. 😄🤣😆



It's not a competition to see who takes what anet gives them better without question. It's always so ridiculous when people make it out like it is and try to split the playerbase into tribes like this.

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4 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

It's not a competition to see who takes what anet gives them better without question. It's always so ridiculous when people make it out like it is and try to split the playerbase into tribes like this.

For some it sure is a competition who complains the most 

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Skipped through pages and pages of arguments...

I don't do PvP but did it for this achievements. Didn't take long and rather enjoyed it. Never waited for more than 2 minutes for a match to form.

Not sure if entering the arena and afk will give you credit. If it does, what's to stop anyone from doing 10 matches and afk the whole time in the arena? Or just run down, get smacked and stay in safe zone. You participated, right?


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5 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

It's not a competition to see who takes what anet gives them better without question. It's always so ridiculous when people make it out like it is and try to split the playerbase into tribes like this.

Well when Anet gives them practiacly zero you wont complain no matter what scraps you get.

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Jumped in PvP for the first time in years because of this achievement. I played a couple of matches, I wasn't very good, my teams lost, but I had a good time and I'm looking forward to trying again later. I'm glad this achievement encouraged me to try something different.

Edited by CAA.9653
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15 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

It's not a competition to see who takes what anet gives them better without question. It's always so ridiculous when people make it out like it is and try to split the playerbase into tribes like this.

Glad you finally understand it. 😄

It's true that making these comparisons is pointless, the purpose of this event/these achievements is rather clear. Try out content the game provides and get rewarded with a skin for it. Or don't try it and play how you want with less skins that doesn't change how you've always played anyways.

2 hours ago, CAA.9653 said:

Jumped in PvP for the first time in years because of this achievement. I played a couple of matches, I wasn't very good, my teams lost, but I had a good time and I'm looking forward to trying again later. I'm glad this achievement encouraged me to try something different.

Exactly, good job 🙌

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While you can accomplish a lot while waiting between PvP matches, I definitely wouldn’t say you can do anything. There are a fair number of things in the game that will take a lot longer than the typical queue time and don’t work well if you’re going to have to randomly disappear.

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On 9/2/2022 at 4:51 PM, CAA.9653 said:

Jumped in PvP for the first time in years because of this achievement. I played a couple of matches, I wasn't very good, my teams lost, but I had a good time and I'm looking forward to trying again later. I'm glad this achievement encouraged me to try something different.

Yeah, same here - pretty much my experience except this was my first time in PVP having never really had a reason to try it before. P10, W4, L6 with something resembling my usual PVE build on the basis that at least I'm familiar with it, even if it's not optimal for PVP. Just gave it a go and it it was far from the miserable experience I was expecting and I ended up quite enjoying it. Will probably try it again in the future.

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On 9/2/2022 at 5:51 PM, CAA.9653 said:

Jumped in PvP for the first time in years because of this achievement. I played a couple of matches, I wasn't very good, my teams lost, but I had a good time and I'm looking forward to trying again later.

Ah, but did your teammates have a good time and look forward to playing with you again?

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Ah, but did your teammates have a good time and look forward to playing with you again?

Why don’t you ask them but why wouldn’t they, you can have fun matches even if you lost in the end.

Edited by yoni.7015
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2 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

Why don’t you ask them but why wouldn’t they, you can have fun matches even if you lost in the end.

The person i described strongly suggested they played badly enough to cause their team to lose every time. If you honestly believe all those matches were fun for their every (random-assigned) teammate, you are living in a different reality than i do. Because the typical response in such a situation would have at least some of those other players (possibly even all of them) having no fun at all.

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7 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The person i described strongly suggested they played badly enough to cause their team to lose every time. If you honestly believe all those matches were fun for their every (random-assigned) teammate, you are living in a different reality than i do. Because the typical response in such a situation would have at least some of those other players (possibly even all of them) having no fun at all.

Where does the person write that the team lost because of him? “I wasn’t very good” does not imply that. So how do you know that? Maybe you life in a different reality than the rest of us.
We don’t know how the team mates played and we don’t know that the team lost because of him. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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This is more of a comment I guess. I cant play WVW or PVP because I have a mental illness of server anxiety and that is coupled with depression. Playing PVP and WVW really is not for me and I choose not to play those game types but I am sad that the 10 year anniversary cape requires you to play. I think it's unfair for players such as myself that cant get these rewards. This is something that should have an alternate path that does not force people to play PVP and WVW. I hope in the future there are a few choice paths for rewards, that way all players can enjoy celebrating this great game. I will admire the cape in the preview screen and on other players. Thank you for your time.

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21 minutes ago, Ojinsun.1679 said:

This is more of a comment I guess. I cant play WVW or PVP because I have a mental illness of server anxiety and that is coupled with depression. Playing PVP and WVW really is not for me and I choose not to play those game types but I am sad that the 10 year anniversary cape requires you to play. I think it's unfair for players such as myself that cant get these rewards. This is something that should have an alternate path that does not force people to play PVP and WVW. I hope in the future there are a few choice paths for rewards, that way all players can enjoy celebrating this great game. I will admire the cape in the preview screen and on other players. Thank you for your time.

I fixed the text for you so ppl with dark screen can read your post. 

it can be scary to do pvp since you have to deal with real ppl and not npcs. Maybe you can try to play pvp with chat off just for these rounds. You don’t need the win. I don’t like pvp either so I pretend they are a bunch of npcs and don’t look at chat if I need something from there. 

WvW should be easier as you can do the pve parts in them. Or join a squad and be invisible in the crowd. 

anxiety is not easy to deal with, but sometimes it may help to try to challenge it. It may even make you feel you accomplished something when you finished it. 

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First, something you did makes your text invisible in dark mode (yes dear readers, I am now using dark mode, started during a migraine and decided to stick with it).

Second, I understand the anxiety.  I also tend to avoid pvp areas due to not liking having to pay attention all the time, and feeling targeted by other players is not fun.  However, you might be able to do the cape if you can make a mental switch from "they're out to get me" to "winning or losing just doesn't matter because the goal isn't to win the battle or match, but to spend enough time in it to get credit towards the cloak."  That doesn't mean just go afk in a corner, you need to keep running into the fight in pvp  until you've done ten matches or beating up npcs in wvw while maybe occasionally getting forced back to the entry waypoint (thanks to an enemy, but think of it as just a standard hazard).  In wvw if you go to the desert map you may not see other players for quite a while and can just walk along with a dolyak for your side or beat up a dolyak for the other side, plus kill npcs you see.  (Don't do the ruins capture points, the red/blue circles you stand in until your side owns them, those don't count for the cloak).  All those are events, and you only need ten of them to get the cloak achieve.

If you stress too much to stay in for long, just get one event done (or one pvp match) and head out to pve again.  It'll take longer but you'll never lose progress.  And while you likely should set up your pvp gear (there is a toggle button in your hero panel to swap between pve and pvp, and pvp is super simple because you just pick the stats and runes/sigils from the drop down menu), you can do matches without that.  I think I doubled my lifetime amount of pvp matches getting the cloak, and I definitely had to make that mental switch I described.  I still tried my best to fight, but I fully expected to eat a lot of floor, and my expectations were met.

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3 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

If you would like thoughts on how to achieve aspects of it with very little actual interaction, there are those that can help you with that.

Turn off the chat and treat players as if they're npcs. Done, you're playing a non-linear single player game now. 😄

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Sorry you deal with that. FWIW, I agree: I think the 10th could have been better as a celebration of the game that allowed people to continue enjoying what they enjoy most about the game while being rewarded for it, rather than as yet another way to push people into areas of the game they don't play at all, or as often. In other words, with the way it was done as the baseline, I would have liked to see a set of objectives for PvP, WvW, open world PvE, instanced PvE, with enough for all of them that the biggest enjoyers of those modes could get the cape within those modes alone. It would then be a little more possible AP, too, for achievement hunters, who could do all of them in all the modes if they wanted to max out AP and get a few extra Proofs of Legend for the consumables in the process.

Edit: This is in response to Ojinsun (thread got merged)

Edited by Labjax.2465
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