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Which themes would you like to see in a new expansions?


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1 hour ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

Yes to the mysterious!  and I would love to see something darker, along the lines of a horror-type landscape... fog, twisted trees, etc... fantasy inspired Bavaria/Ravenloft, Lovecraft, Sleepy Hollow type vibes, that provide a chill when you're playing through the area.  Weave an interesting story around a simpler villain and it could be a nice change.


They started off well in the first Bjora Marches story mission in regards of a strong mysterious atmosphere. The dungeon with the library was really well done, too, but lacking more content.

I really hope they will get an exciting theme full-fledged out and done eventually.

1 hour ago, Randin.5701 said:

I'd like to see the Dominion of Winds with playable tengu.

Not as long as there are these abominations of "new" tengu models: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/e/e3/Chef_Eerin.jpg  *cringes* 😖

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I think it would be cool if they'd delve into South/Central American history/themes a bit, You know, like Aztecs and Inca's. A new, undiscovered part of Tyria, with a lot of mystery going on, so it really feels new. Something that ties into the Hylek culture in the Astrozintli Forelands and the legendary weapon Xiuquatl. You know, something along those lines.

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2 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

ppl like, people hate, peeps were... Speak for yourself, goddammit!

back to topic: "I" would like to face that obscure spider god Arachnia o creatures from that time/realm/whatever, but I bet the new devs have no idea what I'm talking about.

She's dead, Jim. Half of one of the maps in the Realm of Torment was her corpse. There are plenty of hints to other malevolent things deep in the Mists, however. Maybe some of them will decide that now's their chance with the gods gone and the Elder Dragons down to one that is less than a decade old.

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Going back to a smaller scale by exploring the problems on a specific region/race, or a specific localized issue such as a Revenant doing weird things in the Mists.


In any cases, it's a great opportunity to introduce new characters and retire the old cast, because not only their story lines are mostly done with, but having the current cast isn't exactly super friendly towards new players which have to get through ten years of story to learn about their background, and also, and that's more personal, I don't like 70% of the current cast.

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3 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

She's dead, Jim. Half of one of the maps in the Realm of Torment was her corpse. There are plenty of hints to other malevolent things deep in the Mists, however. Maybe some of them will decide that now's their chance with the gods gone and the Elder Dragons down to one that is less than a decade old.

I know, that's why I said creatures of that realm. Perhaps even a new faction trying to resurrect it?

I love the idea of them trying to take over Tyria now that dragons and gods are RiP, though you'd have to be pretty dumb to try to take over a world full of people capable of killing dragons and gods =:/

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I would just like an enemy that is pure evil. No redeeming qualities, no tragic back story, just evil. A simple and straightforward story of good versus evil.


I'm pretty sure the first part will be an insurrection by the kestrels in Arborstone, since all we hear is how it has become a den of iniquity 😆 Then, since the domain of the winds is probably going to be the next part, we go there and find out it's under the domination of some tyrant and we kick his butt.

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I'd like an expansion focused on an ocean biome...


--Vast sea monsters surfacing in the distance

--Your own large sailing vessel that you can upgrade - improved cannons / harpoons; maybe treat as floating player housing?

--Mysterious islands that can be discovered and explored

--Dangerous ocean storms and weather effects

--Improvements for underwater combat / navigation

--Gem store outfits focused on swimming - like, why is my character deep diving in a ball gown?


That kind of thing. 


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Totally agree with you, OP. I honestly just want to go back to having racial missions and content. Sylvari going back to sylvari lore, charr going back to charr lore, etc.

I'm not sure in what standing the Nightmare Court and the Sons of Svanir are. The Court lost their leader and many members during the campaigns against Mordremoth and Scarlet, but probably still exist. It's actually very likely that they're still around, with a new leader and the same purpose. So for the Sylvari character, this could be one of many possible local threats to deal with. 

The Sons of Svanir are probably still around as well, more furious than ever now that their holy dragon is dead. At the same time, without Jormag alive, I wonder how they gain their corruption empowerment. In any case, they could still be dangerous to the norn.

The charr might not have the Flame Legion to deal with like they did before, but they still have the Renegades, not to mention the Dominion charr that now hold grudges against the United Legions, plus all the Flame Legion charr that didn't agree with the treaty and don't follow Efram. 

Asura still have the Inquest and humans still have bandits.

And this is just thinking about radical groups. All races can be threatened by so many other groups and events. The possibilities are endless, really. I just want good storytelling with interesting and believable challenges and that's fun to play, plus that gives us more cultural pieces. 😄 

Edited by TheLadyOfTheRings.9148
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A good building up to a big climax over several living season episodes and an expansion. 

Big story spoilers: 


In PoF it felt for me Balthazar and vlast was killed too quickly.

I wished with icebrood saga we saw more of primordius. And not only jormag (jormag was well done, except for the champions chapter) That was a bigg bigg miss. 

Joko was awesome also, but i didnt expected him to get killed midseason. 

And killing off aurene with season 4 was amazing for those who had to wait several months for the next episode to come out. For newer characters i think it is weird she got resurrected within 5 min after she got killed.. 


As others have stated, filling gaps in the map, like dominion of winds. And complete new places, that would be fantastic. 

Edited by Cronospere.8143
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7 hours ago, Squeesidhe.4761 said:

I'd like an expansion focused on an ocean biome...


--Vast sea monsters surfacing in the distance

--Your own large sailing vessel that you can upgrade - improved cannons / harpoons; maybe treat as floating player housing?

--Mysterious islands that can be discovered and explored

--Dangerous ocean storms and weather effects

--Improvements for underwater combat / navigation

--Gem store outfits focused on swimming - like, why is my character deep diving in a ball gown?


That kind of thing. 


An all underwater map would be dope as hell!

Imagine, you swim to the surface and all you see is just endless water.

No land, no tiny islands, no structures poking out, just endless unending ocean. 😉 

Also, a huge meta like dragonstrom there. 


I just hope anet wouldn't turn it into tangled depths with a labyrinth of passageways that no sane person can navigate.

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7 hours ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

Totally agree with you, OP. I honestly just want to go back to having racial missions and content. Sylvari going back to sylvari lore, charr going back to charr lore, etc.

I'm not sure in what standing the Nightmare Court and the Sons of Svanir are. The Court lost their leader and many members during the campaigns against Mordremoth and Scarlet, but probably still exist. It's actually very likely that they're still around, with a new leader and the same purpose. So for the Sylvari character, this could be one of many possible local threats to deal with.

return gave us lore on the Courter Duchess that appears in Heart of Thorns, and explains that she's one of the few ranking leaders (after the Twilight Arbor dungeon events, PS events) and has quite a following. She's an advocate of limited their public presence to avoid the risk of Tyria in general getting fed up with their "dark explorations" and burning them all out. This is why the court's survived in general (not being an actual threat to other nations, and the grove not actually wanting to kill them all).

7 hours ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

The Sons of Svanir are probably still around as well, more furious than ever now that their holy dragon is dead. At the same time, without Jormag alive, I wonder how they gain their corruption empowerment. In any case, they could still be dangerous to the norn.

Well, Jormag's corruption canonically is gone, besides those frozen in IBS. I'd imagine the Svanir cult would be more in disarray and chaos, given how any icebrood in their camp would suddenly have lost the ice and fallen over wounded or dead.


7 hours ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

The charr might not have the Flame Legion to deal with like they did before, but they still have the Renegades, not to mention the Dominion charr that now hold grudges against the United Legions, plus all the Flame Legion charr that didn't agree with the treaty and don't follow Efram. 

Actually, IBS kinda goes into all three groups?

The flame legion groups that didn't go with Efram are described as bunkering down in the Citadel of Flame, and basically refusing to go out. They end the instance with talking about how the ones outside will try to convince some to leave and join the rest of the legion, but otherwise they take whose willing to go, and leave the rest secured in there.

Renegades have lost all funding/backing and were having their hideouts, leadership, and forces captured or wiped out per Ebonhawke DRM.

The Dominion forces got beaten at Drizzlewood, and aren't mentioned again afterwards IIRC?

7 hours ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

Asura still have the Inquest and humans still have bandits.

And this is just thinking about radical groups. All races can be threatened by so many other groups and events. The possibilities are endless, really. I just want good storytelling with interesting and believable challenges and that's fun to play, plus that gives us more cultural pieces. 😄 

The thing is inquest are more often an enemy to all when you leave Rata Sum, and Bandits have returned to the same status pirates have, localized gangs with no over-arching coordination.

Really the only major "racial bad guy" group that hasn't been wiped out is pretty much just the Inquest, but that's because they are a political power inside Rata sum itself, and we've wiped out their biggest external bases.



In regards to "what would be nice to see" I commented other day on discord to some people about how it'd be cool if we could run into the colossus of cliffside fractal again, as we know he walked the shiverpeaks at some point in the far past. Could even have a moment like the Jade maw where the PC recognizes it as the same being (not just same race) and comments on such. If you really want to throw a wrench into the understanding of the mists, have the big guy recognize the player!

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I just want to see Marjory and Kasmeer's wedding.

Also, if jungle, desert, and ocean have already been done, then how about caves? Some underground problem. Or some sky problem. "There's something in the sky!"

I do agree, though--I'd prefer something happier for once. How about, going off of Cantha, we get to go deeper into the frozen Jade Sea? And what we find is that nature found a way to thrive even in an ocean that's been frozen green by dragon energy. And we get to see all these new critters that evolved from ocean creatures to some creature that could survive in a solid jade ocean. Something about how, despite all of the horror that's happened in Tyria, life will grow back where it was once obliterated. Something like that 😄

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I think a logical progression would be Earth (HoT), Fire (PoF), Water (EoD)... next one is Air.  Given the Tengu are an obvious choice for next focus, this seems to fit well.


So yeah, Dominion of Winds, maybe a map actually in the clouds/floating islands, masteries that expand on Gliding/Griffon/Skyscale/Climbing.  That kind of thing.  I'd also include one map on and inside a mountain just for contrast (I think it would get tiring if it was the whole expac), and maybe make the story revolve around warring factions between Sky dwellers and Earth dwellers.

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1 hour ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

I think a logical progression would be Earth (HoT), Fire (PoF), Water (EoD)... next one is Air.  Given the Tengu are an obvious choice for next focus, this seems to fit well.


So yeah, Dominion of Winds, maybe a map actually in the clouds/floating islands, masteries that expand on Gliding/Griffon/Skyscale/Climbing.  That kind of thing.  I'd also include one map on and inside a mountain just for contrast (I think it would get tiring if it was the whole expac), and maybe make the story revolve around warring factions between Sky dwellers and Earth dwellers.

You may be on to something here, especially as Anet tends to listen to some hype by the players.  People pined for Cantha, and we got EoD.  People have also asked for Dominion of Winds, so maybe that will happen especially in light of your elemental comparison.  Interesting.

Maybe Anet will figure out how to do playable tengu, too.  That might really boost sales.  I kinda doubt it because of all of the work that would probably be involved in getting all of the current armor skins to work on bird-people in a manner that wouldn't kitten off everyone.

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4 hours ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

I think a logical progression would be Earth (HoT), Fire (PoF), Water (EoD)... next one is Air.  Given the Tengu are an obvious choice for next focus, this seems to fit well.


So yeah, Dominion of Winds, maybe a map actually in the clouds/floating islands, masteries that expand on Gliding/Griffon/Skyscale/Climbing.  That kind of thing.  I'd also include one map on and inside a mountain just for contrast (I think it would get tiring if it was the whole expac), and maybe make the story revolve around warring factions between Sky dwellers and Earth dwellers.

I like this idea. I'm a big fan of flight and the Gliders, would love to expand that technology more.

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A hotsprings episode with very deep and emotional storytelling and exciting fashion.

Colonizing the Cathan Ocean with fully completed underwater gameplay where all weapons and builds are useable while swimming and lotsa underwater dungeons to explore.

We start our adventure of building island sanctuaries and holding Lu'aus with lots of island tribal skins and party nonstop like Faren and build our own tribe army of heroes to help us like GW1's NPC heroes.

Super Adventure Box releasing on Steam (Not actually Steam but an in-game version of Steam designed by Asura that Tyrians can play games on) with it's map completed so we can finally save the princess. Except the princess is strong and independant and was behind her own kidnapping and we have to defeat her to save a box of puppies from being thrown into the sea.

TLDR: Very water focused overall.

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