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What was GW2's peak era for you?

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On 10/2/2022 at 9:06 PM, Embered.5089 said:

EoD story. HoT story was better than core's, PoF story was better than HoT's, and EoD story was better than PoF's. The expansion stories just keep getting better!

The Living World stories is a bit harder for me to enjoy because I played most of them as they were released (not LWS1, I joined after HoT), so  I had to wait in between story episodes. It was a little hard for me to remember what happened in the past episodes and to keep everything together in my head. I don't enjoy replaying stories either, so the second play-through is never as good. But the expansions stories are amazing!

compltely disagree ! eod story is the worst , never seen such a shellow writing and that lesbin part in the end just to say we are with the new age! 

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For fun I would say peak was at launch. My son and I played a lot back then.  Now he has like a job and family... all that junk that gets in the way, so he no longer plays.

For gameplay, EOD.  It was the most fun story so far.  I really enjoyed it.  EOD is the closest I ever came to finishing a story (I do not see the last 2 fights happening, though). 

But nothing beats pre-searing Guild Wars. That is the best, and most beautiful, video game of all time!  But just the pre-searing part. 😎

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I have two peak times, and they clearly have something in common.

The first was, of course, launch. I remember running around getting 100% on all the cities with my guild at the time. There was so much to explore and discover.

Around HoT launch, I was unhappy with some of the changes in direction ANet had taken from their originally expressed vision for the game. I took several years off from playing. I came back after PoF went on sale with HoT included, and fell in love with the game all over. The mounts made the game new all over, the Jungle wasn't as punishing as it was at HoT launch, and I loved the Path of Fire zones.

The common thread here, of course, is that both times there was a big chunk of stuff I hadn't explored yet.

Compared to all of core, and the combination of Pof, HoT, LW2, 3, and 4, EoD felt so small and quickly over I was bound to feel "meh" about it. Though it does have other problems as well.

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1) At launch being stunned at seeing everything for the first time.

2) Living World Season 1 was just amazing in concept and execution. First how we were all stunned by the destruction of LA. Then, How the who community came together to help take back Lion's Arch was awesome!

3) Heart of Thorns launch. It was so VASTLY different from core Tyria! Once we broke through to Maguuma we knew it was a whole new ball game! It felt like the original launch all over again!

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7 hours ago, BadSanta.6527 said:

compltely disagree ! eod story is the worst , never seen such a shellow writing and that lesbin part in the end just to say we are with the new age! 

If you don't like Marjory and Kasmeer's relationship being part of the story then you're not going to like the final episode of Season 1 either.

I don't want to give away exactly what happens because a lot of people didn't play it the first time around, but including their relationship in the story was not a new thing for EoD.

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On 10/2/2022 at 4:38 PM, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

Lol. CC has become a lot better over the years tbh, if you don't think so just go back to some dungeons from launch. Apparently when they designed Caudecus Manor they thought enemies that could chain-launch you without interruption was a fun mechanic

Um no. 

It was better before crowd control changes. Look at Ele staff which was designed for that era, and recognise how broken it is with the realisation you used to be able to soft-cc control everything. 

Professions were more pronounced, less homogenised. 

Edited by Animism.7530
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11 hours ago, Crono.4197 said:

Vanilla because no raids. Raids were a mistake and only made the game more toxic.

CoF P1 10k+ AP

Getting kicked out of your own party at the end of a dungeon.

The hate when you screwed up an invis section, or didnt know a strat.

The extremly tight meta, that didnt allow any condi builds, and baned alot of the classes completly, which ofcourse everyone followed blindly.

Yada, yada, yada.


People really are either suffering from dementia already, or have a selective memory. Compared to the old Dungeon running groups, Raid and Strike groups are cozy safezone with plush door knobs. Dungeon were such a pain to PuG.


Back to Topic.

I dont think the game was at any time better than today.

Plenty of content for open world, and instanced people. Plenty of choice on what to play with the hope of even more variety in the coming days thanks to a new balanace head.

Edited by Radina.6057
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