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LWS1 is done - We'll finally get new content!


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3 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Two different groups. The group who wanted LS1 are an extremely small minority.

Anyone who cares about having a complete story wanted LS 1. Anyone who wanted a game that attracted new people. Anyone who missed it or part of it first time around. Anyone who started halfway through it. Anyone who started after it. Plenty of people wanted LS 1.


Tell me, how did you determine that an extremely small minority wanted LS 1. Was it a poll? How would you justify selling a game with an incomplete story for so long?   Honestly, people need to stop making stuff up.

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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Anyone who cares about having a complete story wanted LS 1. Anyone who wanted a game that attracted new people. Anyone who missed it or part of it first time around. Anyone who started halfway through it. Anyone who started after it. Plenty of people wanted LS 1.


Tell me, how did you determine that an extremely small minority wanted LS 1. Was it a poll? How would you justify selling a game with an incomplete story for so long?   Honestly, people need to stop making stuff up.

He probably determined it in the same way that you determined that anyone who cares about a complete story wants LS1. I, for example, care about story but didnt want a LS1 revisit.

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When i saw the title, i expected someone with a certain profile pic will appear here, sadly here they are, making an entire circus of oneself

Because a plot that is crucial to the LWS 2 and HoT isn't worth bringing back for new players ESPECIALLY it just hit STEAM

I dont know how you play the game but i was able to keep busy after coming back

Edited by Ultramex.1506
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4 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Anyone who cares about having a complete story wanted LS 1. Anyone who wanted a game that attracted new people. Anyone who missed it or part of it first time around. Anyone who started halfway through it. Anyone who started after it. Plenty of people wanted LS 1.


Tell me, how did you determine that an extremely small minority wanted LS 1. Was it a poll? How would you justify selling a game with an incomplete story for so long?   Honestly, people need to stop making stuff up.

Are the old forums still around somewhere? Cause I remember lots of people asking for permanent LS1 since HoT

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But, it is new content... 
Just because the "story" isn't the "next" story doesn't mean the "content" isn't new. I don't remember being able to play the strike or do these story achievements, unlock the old lion's arch as a lounge, etc. etc. It was a plot hole that needed to be filled to make the game complete. We also got updated world bosses, some really nice QoL, etc. Perfect to round out the decade! 

The only people who really have a right to complain about content are sPvPers and WvWers. lol

Anyway, I love that LWS1 was added and really look forward to trying the new strike! Thanks dev team. 💖

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16 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

It made sense to do LW1 alongside Steam release. The problem was Steam release being timed after EoD, so you go forwards then backwards and... yeah.


Yeah, well... it is still la lot less messy than the new player experience in modern day World of Warcraft is. Here at least I know which step on which timeline I'm currently playing

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9 hours ago, Gryphon.2875 said:

Are the old forums still around somewhere? Cause I remember lots of people asking for permanent LS1 since HoT

Some people have been asking for it at least since Season 1 ended and Anet announced future stories would be permanently available. (And before that we were asking them to do more permanent stories.)

I  seem to remember Anet said back then it would take too much time to convert Season 1 into permanent releases because of how they were designed, that it would take about the same amount of time as making a new Season. I'm very glad they were finally able to take the time to do it.

I thought I remembered it fairly well but I still found starting Season 2 jarring, even knowing who the characters are it would still throw me off going straight into them talking about the Battle for LA as if it just happened when for me it was years ago. There's also a lot I didn't remember, like the fact that the seemingly random section of the Aetherblade hideout which isn't used in the Fractal is part of the full dungeon.

I'm looking forward to being able to play through the whole story in order now. It will still be quite spread out, because it would take me months or possibly years to go through the entire story but at least it will be (mostly) complete and in the right order.

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I'm a relatively new player, started last year, and the story gap between core story and s2/hot was extremely jarring with you being thrown in with literal who's like Taimi, Rox etc. Season 1 just had to be re-added in order for the story to feel complete and should have been done years ago.

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More then a new expansion or LW I'd like a remaster of the F2P story, especially from Claw Island to the end of Zaithan that has got old very bad between glitches and poor content. I think that part of personal story has a lot of potential, it would be a pleasure to play a remastered version of that, maybe with some story-related achievement too.

Edited by Val.7826
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5 minutes ago, Val.7826 said:

More then a new expansion or LW I'd like a remaster of the F2P story, especially from Claw Island to the end of Zaithan that has got old very bad between glitches and poor content. I think that part of personal story has a lot of potential, it would be a pleasure to play a remastered version of that, maybe with some story-related achievement too.

The Personal Story is one thing Anet's been pretty insistent can't been altered.  Nearly every time they've tried in the past they've done more harm then good, causing damage to other parts of the game. Its the worst particular instance of GW2's spaghetti coding.

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2 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

The Personal Story is one thing Anet's been pretty insistent can't been altered.  Nearly every time they've tried in the past they've done more harm then good, causing damage to other parts of the game. Its the worst particular instance of GW2's spaghetti coding.

Oh... well, that is tragic, you have just broken one of my dreams for the game ahahahah

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4 hours ago, Ghorast.8290 said:

the story gap between core story and s2/hot was extremely jarring with you being thrown in with literal who's like Taimi, Rox etc.

this. I know who those are (minus the rat, I never knew how or when she joined), but immersion wise it was like "who the heck are those and why they keep calling me boss?"
I was never able to even care about Ep. 2 because of that.

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On 11/8/2022 at 6:52 PM, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Love the years worth of "Bring back LWS1" and when they finally do you see people whining about "no new content".

Anet doesn't do what people ask them to do - Whine
Anet does what people ask them to do - Whine

Not everyone was asking for LWS1, it's pandering to loudest voices; as with most politics these days. 

The reason why I wouldn't want them to go back is because the story from the original story all the way through to EoD was a continual improvement. The original story had horrible presentation, while LWS1 was an awful story. 

It's sort of like comparing a proper Final Fantasy game vs Crystal Chronicles. 

Edited by Animism.7530
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I think it’s less about them redoing season 1 and more about why season 1 replaced a new living world season given the complexity and quality of some of the similarly timed episode releases in seasons past.


Some of those combined with qol patches, current events, etc.


The quantity and quality as the game progresses is my issue because it feels as though there has been a significant reduction in staff.


That being said I think this latest release was thankfully a lot more robust, though it is a finale.

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1 hour ago, Einlanzer.1627 said:


This is such a myopic and silly view on the restoration of LW season 1, and I fully expected to see you specifically post something like this. 

This shouldn't need an explanation - but restoring lost content that is relevant to the story today and that many players didn't get a chance to experience is not "looking backwards" - it's both refining the game and adding new content. 

To me, though, after 9 years it didn't really seem to affect the player base all that much.  So, I would have preferred resources been spent on new content meaning not re-hashing an old story line which serves little purpose at this point in the game's life.

I do believe, however, that Anet felt that they needed to so something for LS1 with the Steam release.  /shrug

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37 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

To me, though, after 9 years it didn't really seem to affect the player base all that much.  So, I would have preferred resources been spent on new content meaning not re-hashing an old story line which serves little purpose at this point in the game's life.

I do believe, however, that Anet felt that they needed to so something for LS1 with the Steam release.  /shrug

I definitely think it's good to have that continuation instead of a missing block of story, especially now that the story has essentially concluded.

I just think this should have been more of a priority earlier on and had extra resources dedicated to seeing it completed prior to EoD. 

But given the turmoil at the studio over the last few years I can see how that could have been a challenge. I think it really boils down to management more than any individual dev/team. Communication in general, internally, or decision making. Idk. I'm not there and hindsight is 20/20 but it's the reason why I always roll my eyes when I see people mention GUILD WARS 3. No, absolutely not. This game has plenty of life left in it, plenty of potential, and I really don't think investing in a third version of this franchise is a great move until they get their bearings working more like a well-oiled machine rather than the dredge in that fractal slamming buttons just to see if something will achieve the results he wants. 

It hasn't been the content I wanted but they've been making positive changes, even if some of the most significant for me have been qol and not overly "major" so maybe it's getting better. 

This is also just a guess, but from what I've seen from living world over the years I think they may have an outline of what they want to happen or want to achieve, but the bits and pieces in between seem to be kind of last minute or made to fit. With having just ended the most significant story arc of this franchise I'd imagine they probably need some breathing room to devise where they want to take the story. Keep in mind the entirety of EoD was essentially rushed and made up on the spot at the behest of the overlords so there likely wasn't any planning for this upcoming content versus something like Daybreak that released shortly after PoF and most of the plot of that season already had assets/characters/etc introduced. Whereas here the only continuation you're likely to get from EoD is jade power source, drowned Kaening/sinister minister stuff. 

Though I think the most likely direction is the human gods at this point. They didn't clarify whether we were even getting a full living season and only said 1 map set in Cantha, which could either mean they only have 1 map planned or the story they plan to tell will deviate from Cantha and start branching off into other areas like the surrounding islands, back to Tyria, or the Zaishen area. Given how they some of the pre-existing lore in EoD I'm honestly not too upset about not getting more Canthan maps. There's still a lot of mystery there but it's probably nothing they couldn't easily tie into an overarching gods/mists plot. 

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