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Which major, unrealistic feature would you gladly skip an expansion for?


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*Rework character customization to today's standards, expand and add more options.

*Update all and old low polygon & resolution skins.

*Update body rigs/logic of certain playable characters especially human female bcs it is against reality/nature how she is standing still with her legs currently. 

*Remake and unify all armor weights so they can used by any profession. I'm aware this is massive work.

*Make it so that gloves, shoes and helms can be mixed with outfits.

*Increase number of dye channels for new wardrobe releases.

*Try to have one big world on new releases no more portals between zones. Update old maps according to that after.

*Add certain travelling options such as bouncing mushrooms, entangling vines and thermal tubes to maps where you deem fit, i.e. having thermal tubes in PoF maps would make travelling faster, interesting and fun. Put them near certain waypoints for the appeal.

Edited by Teoman.9713
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Increase replayability of older content by turning some older story bosses into strikes and adding better rewards to some LWS metas.

And proper VR support might be worth lots of resources as the game already has action cam and making core systems work well with VR stuffs might turn GW2 into a good VRMMORPG.

Edited by LadyKitty.6120
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I wouldn't want to skip an expansion for it, but for me the thing the game is lacking most is difficult and rewarding single player content.


Ideally I just want them to drop the health pools of the soloable strikes and dungeons to a point where they aren't bullet sponges and then give a slightly tweaked reward system (or just duplicate the current one with a new set of dailies/weeklies).


For me this would be a huge benefit to basically everyone, because it would (1) be fun for the people who want it, (2) act as a soft skill check for players who otherwise don't know they're underperforming in groups, (3) give people a chance to practice new classes without slowing down others (no it doesn't teach group-focussed builds, but it would let people familiarise themselves with class mechanics and allow for experimentation), (4) let people practice the tougher strikes/CMs without risking wiping a group or having to search for training groups and hope there's one at the right time with the right spots open who are happy for you to play for the length of time you're available.

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I have a 1 month fix for you.


Add a checkbox in the game options to disable all other player's infusions.

An option to turn off other player's skill animation effects. Because let me tell you, Renyak's fight is a bunch of screen vomit the entire time just from the boss mechanics and having +50 other people's shiny screen 🤮 on top of it only make it worse.

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I don't want to skip an expansion for it but glider and mount skins earned in game would be amazing.


One mount skin per already existing dungeon that is a rare drop but can also be purchased with dungeon currency if you are unlucky


Mounts skins that are guaranteed drops from the game's hardest group content (high rank PvP and Challenge Modes etc)


Mount skins that are rare drops from mobs in different maps that can also be sold on the AH (so ANet still makes money from gem to gold conversion). It would be interesting if they had a slightly higher drop chance from metas.


Glider skins that are guaranteed awards for jumping puzzle achievements


And the rest can go in the store.

Edited by RadiantWolf.2058
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 A multi-functional community-board that unifies:
- a proper LFG
- an automatic group-finder with filter-options
- an overhauled matchmaker for sPvP
- a guilds-board, with pages you can browse through guilds using filters. Option for custom images and a what-you-see-is-what-you-get 'website' maker for your guild. 
- a massive ingame voice chat option similar to TeamSpeak/Discord. This comes with a special account-lock system that prevents people from different sPvP teams and WvW teams to end up in the same channel.
- a notepad function that creates encrypted files in your gw2-folder which are only read-able with the client
- a social media-platform where you can create your own account-pages and spread as much of your data as you feel comfortable with. Comes with the option to link 3rd party developments (e. g. kp.me or arc-dps).
- a massive chat-server with map-chat across instances, alliance-chat (= multiple guilds join a PvE alliance where they have a shared chat), newbie chat which is accessible for F2P accounts as well, 
- a WTT/WTS/WTB trading board where you can put requests/offers, limited per account, with a filter-search function
- a block/ignore system that allows you to be 100 % invisible to those players, they cannot see your chat, your character or anything related to that.
- active moderators for the different channels and boards
- an overhaul of the mail-system
- a news-board that shows ANet official communication, which has #1 priority before twitter and reddit

Talking about the whole package, not just picking 1-2 points of it. If I get that, they can keep the next expansion and probably the next LW season as well. My guess is that this big monster would devour so many resources and so much money, the game would run a single day with it and then ANet would go bankrupt. 

I'm aware that a lot of this already exists with 3rd party websites & programs. Just not unified in the gw2 client. But we are in a topic where people ask for unrealistic features, so I think this is ok.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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I would skip an expansion for an elaborate and forced personal story step that requires the player to learn the basics of color theory.

Realistically? The ability to globally hide other player's legendary effects, backpacks, and infusions. Bonus points for being able to toggle mount and glider skins to their basic visuals or hide radioactive dyes. Great game, but it would be super cool to actually be able to tell what's happening in anything other than solo play or to experience it's great art style without every city being overrun by the loudest, tackiest, most obnoxious player characters imaginable.

Who knows? Maybe someone will sue Anet because of an induced seizure and it'll become a legally required accessibility option. Dare to dream.

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11 hours ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

A way for solo pve players to grind for legendary armor.

Even though i'm all for Open World legendary armor set idea, it's just too minor of a work to be worth delaying an expansion by 2 years.

Personally, at this point, i can see only one thing that might be worth such a delay. That being a complete revamp of the whole gear/traits/skills system to be far less of a noob trap (and to decrease the way too massive gap it creates between players of different skill levels). Since it is a core system on which a ton of things are built, i just don't see it happening without impacting content release schedule (and not just in a minor way).

I'd also give a lot for an improved wardrobe system, with dyable weapons, adding dye channels to backpacks/armor pieces that still do not have it, infusion/aura wardrobe, wardrobe/dye templates, unification of the armor skins so they are no longer strictly divided between armor weight categories, as well as unlocking skins that are available for NPCs (even if they'd end up being race/gender locked). I'm just not sure if such an undertaking would be worth a whole expansion.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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>Survival / hardcore mode

-Masteries are per character.

-Have one tenth the number of waypoint in the game, waypoints can only be used when next to them (like a subway system) but the cost is much higher the further the distance (as in,  gold requirements).

-Death requires that you return to your home city (or at least a fair distance from where you died) unless another player revives you. You cannot speak in the chat once you die. 

-Map chat is disabled, but a mastery is added that allows players to "shout" and be heard from a greater distance.

-Broken armor makes a return,  but restoring armor costs materials and uses your crafting skill.

- jumping costs vigor. 

-Eating is required for restoring vigor.  Starvation can kill your character eventually, so bring a lunchbox!

- mounts cannot be accessed at will once unlocked but are kept at stables on each map. Players have to pay for mounts to be stationed in each map before they can use them. Mounts stay where they are once the player hops off. If an enemy dismounts them, their mounts go into a "downed " state. If a player fails to revive them in time they have to return to the stables. 

- fewer bullet sponge bosses in the game

- and of course, greater rewards for those willing to suffer through these inconveniences


>Being able to disable gem store eye poison/ certain skins from the bank. Remove FOMO from the gem store—all items are available to buy whenever, forever... except maybe seasonal stuff like Halloween (ok this one is just a general wish but whatever).


>Questlines or reputation based rewards for each of the Orders. Give sneaky Whispers characters something to do! Let Priory characters delve for obscure, long lorebooks!


>Finally, meaningful player housing and more ways to interact with Tyria beyond combat. Books, more minigames in existing maps, getting drunk, bar brawls, maybe even quest giving NPCs with branching dialogue based progression... 

Edited by Xynxycs.6718
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I have three ideas:

1. Login straight into your squad/party instance (probably won't happen).
Imagine doing raids, but you have to change your character, so this is how it looks:
> Esc -> Character select

> Loading Screen

> Random map

> Loading Screen

> Aerodrome

> Loading Screen

> Raid instance.
This could be a feature for having 100% map completion.

2. Standard character models (for sure will never happen).
But not these we know from PvP and WvW — they're changing everything into humans. I just want to have a set of "standard" armors for every race, so I don't need to see all this visual clutter. Setting character models and limit to lowest looks much worse.

3. Tradeable Gift of Battle and Gift of Exploration (probably easy to implement).
Imagine being able to make decend gold from WvW. You just play WvW for few hours and sell GoB to people who are eager to pay for it. I think much more people would come to WvW for this kind of gold farm.

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The ability to link trait loadouts to specific weapon sets (under the condition that the specialisations used for both loadouts are the same) in addition to the ability to reassign the order of your weapon skills for each weapon set individually.

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On 11/14/2022 at 12:53 PM, Sweetbread.3678 said:

I would skip an expansion for an elaborate and forced personal story step that requires the player to learn the basics of color theory.

Realistically? The ability to globally hide other player's legendary effects, backpacks, and infusions. Bonus points for being able to toggle mount and glider skins to their basic visuals or hide radioactive dyes. Great game, but it would be super cool to actually be able to tell what's happening in anything other than solo play or to experience it's great art style without every city being overrun by the loudest, tackiest, most obnoxious player characters imaginable.

Who knows? Maybe someone will sue Anet because of an induced seizure and it'll become a legally required accessibility option. Dare to dream.

 I agree im sick of the deterioration of my retinas  

Edited by Artemis.8034
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4 hours ago, Scalacious.4139 said:

Miniature Battles, like Pokemon-Battles! They could each have different types and attacks. Would make collecting more of them appealing.

Yes please! WOW did this right it was an amazingly fun system. Yes when it first came out even I was like ..for real blizzard pokemon? But the way they implemented it and the pets that trained other pets was so freaking fun. You could pet battle the wild creatures or pet battle another player if they wanted.

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4 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Which is why it will never be implemented.  You can already snipe people to you heart's content in WvW.  Enjoy!

But it would be so sweet to hunt you down while you were doing a meat event. Oh hang on. The title of the thread, Which major, unrealistic feature would you gladly skip an expansion for? For you but not me? I see how it is. Besides, "balancing" would not have to be split between pve and pvp.

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