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Did PvE players become more easily annoyed?

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It is weird, as soon as you have a little bit of fun in map chat, specially in a farm map (forgot technical name) instantly people seem to get pissed off at a higher degree. stuff like "stop now!" or random stuff like that. o.o It is like they don't even enjoy playing the game. I don't have a problem being blocked, but I just find it weird, playing an mmo with 0 fun allowed 😞 

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If by farm map you mean a meta-event then the problem might be that they were trying to use map chat to coordinate between different groups and that's a lot harder to do when a random conversation is going on at the same time. This can be a problem in maps like Dragon's Stand where there's typically a different squad for each lane and all 3 need to coordinate at times. Map chat is the only way for everyone doing the meta to talk to each other, and if it's full of random spam it makes it even harder to keep track of actual messages and know (for example) when one group needs more people to help.

If you just want people to chatter to at any given moment the best choice is probably to join a social guild. Then you'll have a dedicated chat channel and a regular group of like-minded people to talk to, with the added bonus that you can keep the conversation going even if you want to go to a different map.

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This looks like the Dragonfall or Tarir meta. Mechanic is the same, you have 4/3 bosses which have to die around the same time. If one team messes up by either wiping or not waiting for the other teams, the bosses respawn. That would not be much of a problem if there wasn't a time-limit with those events. So you do not have infinite tries. Both meta-events make a lot of profit, so failure should not be an option. Failing such a meta-event due to people unable to coordinate properly = not playing as a team and just blindly DPS everything they see is considered a very impolite move.

There is a third meta-event with only two bosses and the same mechanic, Serpent's Ire. The loot is not very good and mostly not worth the effort at all. It is difficult to set up and the time-limit is even tighter iirc.

It is an MMORPG. Massive Multiplayer. When you do group events, you are supposed to work as a team. If you do not understand the mechanics, you are free to ask. People gladly explain it before failing the event. There are thicker and thinner skinned players, which is also part of the MM scenario. Not everyone is the same. Some will become aggressive on the first fail, some on the third fail and some not at all. If people get angry in chat, it might be a good idea to check the situation. Maybe something went wrong.

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people seem to get pissed off at a higher degree. stuff like "stop now!" 

I think he/she meant, stop dps as propably you need kill 2-4 bosses same time (like in Dragons end) or bosses reset

Commanders usualy type in map chat, as thers more ppl then squad can fit it's easier organize that way

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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People are getting more and more sensitive every year. So many people can't take a joke or are offended by practically everything. 

You might have been kidding but I think you are probably right, many are bitter and don't really have fun and project that to other people. 

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6 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Oh yeah I missed that detail when I replied, if it was specifically someone saying "stop now!" they meant for one or more groups to stop attacking their target, to give the others time to catch up.

Yes, this could have been what was going on.

Yesterday the Crystal Oasis Bounty Hunter was one of the dailies and the group I was with started one at 2 mins before reset.  There weren't that many of us right at the start so we weren't worried about downing it too quickly.  But we got a whole mess of others who came to the apple pretty quickly and we started to take it down really fast.  So we did have to tell people to slow down to wait till reset popped to kill it.  Sometimes people don't realize it's an upcoming daily.  I didn't know about the dailies page on the wiki for an embarrassingly long time myself.

Edited by Kaliwenda.3428
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6 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Oh yeah I missed that detail when I replied, if it was specifically someone saying "stop now!" they meant for one or more groups to stop attacking their target, to give the others time to catch up.

If that is the case then OP is complaining about being told to stop being a jerk. The vagueness of their post makes it more suspicious.

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I'm having a hard time trying to care?  A lot of times when I read posts like this, I think "why are we only getting half of the story".  This time, I'm thinking we're getting a lot less than that.  Was the OP having a good time talking about someone's mom?  Maybe they were discussing their favorite political ideology?  Maybe they had a dream that they finally lost their virginity, and were sharing the dream with map chat?  It's really hard to say, and all of the above are certainly possible, it's not like I haven't seen this kind of stuff before...

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