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Legendary Items (Gift of battle) being locked behind WvW should be changed.

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For players that do not engage with massive player gameplay, attaining gifts of battle for each and every legendary weapon is a tough ask. The current state of WvW is centered around avoiding ending up against Maguuma to have fun in the activity, or doing your best to get dailies/weeklies done while spawn camped. I propose that there should be a way to obtain Gifts of battle through PvP and Raids/Strike mission content.

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Getting the gift of battle is not difficult - do a couple WvW dailies/day (usually there are a couple easy ones, like vet killer, monument, camp, or dolyak), and with the wvw gain and potions you get from that, you can get a gift of battle in a few weeks.

However, at this point, I'm not sure what locking the gift of battle in WvW really does.  Sure, it gets some players to step in for a few minutes, but more than likely, they will get it exactly the way I describe, which probably really doesn't add anything to the WvW experience for anyone.


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I agree. They could at least make it require less time to obtain in WvW, but even as a player that likes WvW I don't think it does anything except annoy PvE players that don't want to participate. Its definitely not hard to get once or twice, but if you're someone who genuinely dislikes the game mode...  working on multiple legendaries is gonna be a pita. It should probably be purchasable with currency obtainable from certain map metas?

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2 hours ago, RamenNoodles.2416 said:

For players that do not engage with massive player gameplay, attaining gifts of battle for each and every legendary weapon is a tough ask. The current state of WvW is centered around avoiding ending up against Maguuma to have fun in the activity, or doing your best to get dailies/weeklies done while spawn camped. I propose that there should be a way to obtain Gifts of battle through PvP and Raids/Strike mission content.

Log into WvW, get dailies, kill some camps to reset reward timer. Repeat till you get gift.

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6 hours ago, RamenNoodles.2416 said:

For players that do not engage with massive player gameplay, attaining gifts of battle for each and every legendary weapon is a tough ask. The current state of WvW is centered around avoiding ending up against Maguuma to have fun in the activity, or doing your best to get dailies/weeklies done while spawn camped. I propose that there should be a way to obtain Gifts of battle through PvP and Raids/Strike mission content.

I don't do PvP or Raids and I'd like to propose that all the rewards from those game modes are automatically added to my account.

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6 hours ago, RamenNoodles.2416 said:

For players that do not engage with massive player gameplay

...in an MMO.

It's a legendary wepon, comprised of massive amounts of grinding, yet the part pves take issue with is having to do the slightest bit of pve-pvp game mode.

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6 hours ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

So, does that mean that all requirements for legendary items need to be made available in a variety of game modes to suit those who don't want to...?  Because I don't like what has to be done to get Gifts of Exploration.

Sure. Both WvW and SPvP should have either their own methods of obtaining Gifts of Exploration, or their own lines of legendary weapons craftable using components from their modes.

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As a pve player who doesn’t like to go to WvW to get my gifts, my opinion is that it’s fine the way it is. WvW needs to draw new players there who may or may not stay. Without a way to get lured into at least trying the game mode for a reward you want, many players will never give it a chance. It’s not that bad to get the gift. It is for a legendary weapon after all.

Just have some fun along the way, and if you get killed a lot, (like I do 👀) have some self irony and laugh about the situation instead of letting it get to you. I’ve been chased so many times in there and died only to laugh about how silly it must look for experienced WvW players to see a panicked little rat throwing every skill available around him while running for his life. Or if I meet a blob I just stop and wave at them before death plummets from above. 

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The acquisition of Gift of Battle is fine the way it is. There is no need to change anything about it.

If you absolutely don't want to WvW, don't do it, you don't have to.

But don't cry about not having access to exclusive things, when your own refusal to play the content is the only thing preventing said access.

Outside of playing the main content of WvW, you can also just do dailies.

Doing one or two WvW dailies each day doesn't take long and doesn't hurt. It might take a few weeks, but eventually the Reward Track will be completed. And that's fine. Legendaries are supposed to take a while to get.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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10 hours ago, Scalacious.4139 said:

You could always just farm gold and buy the gen1 or gen3 legendary directly from the trading post. You don't need to play PvP or WvW to obtain a legendary, just play the mode you like the most until you have enough gold. Or just buy gems.

That's the obvious solution, but keep in mind you're talking to people that can't find other maps other than EB or any path that's not a straight one outside of spawn,

Also, box of WvW supplies requires no WvW.

It's  about 900g more buying as opposed to making, except for Twilight since that is 2 legendaries combined. That maxes out at 1200.



If they could read, they'd be very upset. But don't worry.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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For players that do not engage with massive player gameplay, attaining gifts of battle for each and every legendary weapon is a tough ask. The current state of WvW is centered around avoiding ending up against Maguuma to have fun in the activity, or doing your best to get dailies/weeklies done while spawn camped. I propose that there should be a way to obtain Gifts of battle through PvP and Raids/Strike mission content.

For players that do not enjoy repeatedly doing hearts and spending time completing maps, attaining gifts of exploration / gift of Maguuma mastery / gift of Desert mastery / gift of Cantha is a tough ask. The current state of Map Completion is centered around installing BlishHUD / TacO to have fun in the activity and doing your best to find the quickest task at for every renown heart, while beset by random NPC mobs. I propose that there should be a way to obtain map-completion related Gifts through WvW reward tracks or events.

Edited by nthmetal.9652
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Once you have earned your first pair of gifts of exploration perhaps you should be able to buy additional ones for some large number of skirmish tickets, and maybe some of those useless emblems just for good measure.

I don't remember very clearly but I expect it was the Gift of Battle that prompted me to dip my toe in WvW, so I'm kind of grateful for the requirement, I doubt I would have ever tried it without that inducement.

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