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Whats if youtubers like Teapot created a "Shadowly High Table" to help with balance ?


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As the title say, what if this happened and was consisted of trustworthy people , from different expertise like Nike for his  WvW-boonfest-viewpoint ?


The requirements to join  are simple , where you choose from 2 options :

a) will you do your best to help your "friends" , before loosing them to other games (most likely will come back after 6 months --2 years) ?

b) will you prevent a "Wildstar" scenario ( before you loose both friends and game) ?



Wouldn't be a better solution although ?

High end players tend to propose decisions that favor their guilds - teams , in order to have edge over the competition  and  get well known to the community  .

Youtubers in other hand  , they are already  loved by the community and as as side project they are competitive by nature .



I believe , that we just need  the "right" people that they will aim for the survival of the game, rather that help their friends get an edge over the competition and the fame that follows .

Edited by Woof.8246
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I think OP is asking for something like an advisory group for the devs concerning balance and is suggesting this group should be recruited from big GW2 youtubers. Also OP is sure that this will save the farm...i mean the game because it is "obviously" dead and in desperate need of such a group.

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They tried this before long years ago,

Well, look how pvp ended.

The main problem with a "elite group" is their tendency to believe that balance is just bring more complexity and/or "challenge", where large player base want just have fun.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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Don't understand what you are trying to say and no if it is what 

Omega is saying.


2 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

I think OP is asking for something like an advisory group for the devs concerning balance and is suggesting this group should be recruited from big GW2 youtubers. Also OP is sure that this will save the farm...i mean the game because it is "obviously" dead and in desperate need of such a group.


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8 hours ago, Woof.8246 said:

As the title say, what if this happened and was consisted of trustworthy people , from different expertise like Nike for his  WvW-boonfest-viewpoint ?


The requirements to join  are simple , where you choose from 2 options :

a) will you do your best to help your "friends" , before loosing them to other games (most likely will come back after 6 months --2 years) ?

b) will you prevent a "Wildstar" scenario ( before you loose both friends and game) ?


What do you think ?

i think i dont care what the youtubers do.

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I do not think You Tubers are the best autorithy when it comes to the things this game / balancing needs. ANet have their data, it's their game, and even tho we all know how the balance is looking in this game (hell I am a mostly deadeye thief myself), in my opinion responsibility of balancing the game lies in ANet and ANet only.

We (youtubers included) can only whine or be happy about it for some feedback and constructive criticism.

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I'm not really a fan of this whole "cult of personality" nonsense.

Last time some Youtuber made a comment on how quickscrapper is forced to use gyros off cooldown to provide boons, Anet went and completely ruined the build...

But whatever. I guess someone spending most time afking in mistlock knows more about a build than players with over 5k hours clocked in on said build.

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lol influencers.

lol trustworthy.

lol Teapot, yeah no thanks.

Like they would be any less biased to their own professions. We're are already this balance situation because of terribad player advice, like boon ball in wvw is the only thing that matters, waiting on that house of cards to fall.

The only real problem is the developers themselves are balancing to their own biases (why elementalist got boosted so hard in the past year), instead of doing a proper balancing job on all professions for the sake of healthy gameplay.

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I am not a follower of Teapot nor any "Elitist" streamers who sugar-coats the truth, whose influence plays a large role with the game Toxic balance because of personal relationship status with Anet. 

The damage is already done, the the Community is already suffering the corruption. This is why I am inquiring for a new balance team to take lead. A new Balance team without having personal self-interest, nor being influenced because of "status"..

"To be humble, everyone is a teacher. To the proud, no one is"

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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20 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

I think OP is asking for something like an advisory group for the devs concerning balance and is suggesting this group should be recruited from big GW2 youtubers. Also OP is sure that this will save the farm...i mean the game because it is "obviously" dead and in desperate need of such a group.

But we have that already. That mysterious discord-group where a couple of expert players and ANet devs talk business. I doubt they broke it after the solar-incident ^^. They just do not broadcast their sessions.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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13 minutes ago, Widebody.5071 said:

So would I be correct to assume that it's streamers that's been causing all the chaos in game over the years trying to optimise their content/exposure for monetary gain and notoriety.

The ones crying about celestial, the ones running back to fight after losing 15 fights in a row, the ones screwing up all the builds  so they can show case their skills?

  I'm curious and would really like to know.    


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Yeah, no. That was (secretly) done last year and it played a part in one of the worst balance patches in 10 years. The balance lead at the time is also to blame, but youtubers/content creators rarely know or care about content they don't do or people who don't play on their level. The last thing the game needs is further balancing around the top 1% of instanced content that the vast majority of the playerbase has no interest in/no ability to do but have their in-game lives dictated it. "Catalysts are a meta-defining class and need to be nerfed" and "I don't know how thief works so I'll just wiki it" anyone?

If they cared about feedback, they get plenty on this forum, Reddit, and various Discords. But since they didn't even respond or listen to any of the feedback they explicitly asked for and still have yet to address concerns from 2 months ago, it's probably safe to say they don't care about what players think because they're balancing around something month(s) out and/or think devs know best and can't be biased. Youtubers/content creators will do nothing when that's the company's mentality.

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On 8/12/2023 at 8:00 PM, Omega.6801 said:

I think OP is asking for something like an advisory group for the devs concerning balance and is suggesting this group should be recruited from big GW2 youtubers. Also OP is sure that this will save the farm...i mean the game because it is "obviously" dead and in desperate need of such a group.

The game doesn't need any more elitism in it. So a big no to this. When will game devs learn if you give gamers too much power it goes bad eventually? These YouTubers have way too much influence in MMOs today.

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i think that maybe you shouldn't worship normal people as if they were gods because they sit in front of a camera and talk alot. even the most basic employee at arenanet probably has more industry experience than the most well-known streamers.


many of the bad decisions of the game, like any game, are likely pushed by investors and not the developers. yes, this can even include the balance model since if its not new, flashy and exciting then it doesn't sell, even if feels very bad to play (or play against).


that's like, the whole reason we even got elite specialisations to begin with, don't you think?

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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16 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I doubt anyone has. 😂

Can a native speaker explain the term "Shadowly High Table" to me? I've never come across it before.

I think OP means something like the infamous "secret balance discord channel". As far as i know, that channel still exists. Although i am not sure it was a good idea in the first place.

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20 minutes ago, dace.8019 said:

They tried this in Overwatch and there were actually some cool changes - besides the mountain of some of the worst decisions ever inflicted in the name of balance on a game anywhere.

The problem is that call "top pvp player" "top wvw guilds" ins't like call best chemical  student to create new drugs or some cure.

Tends to be very biased... i myself played pvp for 3yrs almost with necro, WvW for 5 years with guardian.. what i can say about balance? i can't even imagine. 

Boon ball meta for exempla, benefits my firebrand a lot in WvW, im having credit for near everykill, and getting tons of bags.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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29 minutes ago, dace.8019 said:

They tried this in Overwatch and there were actually some cool changes - besides the mountain of some of the worst decisions ever inflicted in the name of balance on a game anywhere.

Wouldn't be a better solution although ?

High end players tend to propose decisions that favor their guilds - teams , in order to have edge over the competition  and  get well known to the community  .

Youtubers in other hand  , they are already  loved by the community and as as side project they are competitive by nature .



I believe , that we just need  the "right" people that they will aim for the survival of the game, rather that help their friends get an edge over the competition and the fame that follows .

Edited by Woof.8246
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