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Motivations crafting costs are outrageous!

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Crafting the motivations takes so many resources for a 1 time use item that gives you less per total resources than what you spent. 

I do not see how this is a real thing! I get you wanted a gold sink but this is ridiculous.

5 ecto, bones and dust +research notes for the common one (you need to craft the common one weather you like it or not as its a component for the second tier) so approximately 1 gold for a component needed for tier 2.

Add to the tier 2 the rest of the mats so aprox 2 3 gold for the chance of spawning a champion that drops you a green unidentified gear. 

Either make these permanent instead of a 1 time use or drop the cost to be just essences. Tier 1 essences to craft tier 2 and tier 2 essences to craft tier 3. 

Why would anyone at this point spawn any of the higher tier rifts with these ridiculous prices and for what? Essences for a legendary armor? The same legendary armor that will need gifts of fortune and other things to be crafted? 


Fix this!


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I share the same feeling! 

I will never be crafting these and instead will just leach from others who are ignorant to the cost. Plus we get the higher tier essences in the weekly chests so its just a matter of time. But I feel like this was not thought carefully and its a really bad system at the moment.

I crafted a tier 2 for curiosity and getting a green item and the essence was a joke. But when I noticed the coin bag with 1 silver I felt like someone punched me in the kittycats. 

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Let's wait until the price on the TP maybe drops a bit. Maybe they introduce further/other options. I will to the rifts mainly for stroy progress (if required - green bar) and for the permanent achievements (mastery point). The never do them again. Only have seen T1 and T2 and that seemed pretty dull and boring so far. Mainly zerging. I guess it will be the grind stuff for the new legendary armor? (Grind 250 rifts to get some mats for an armor piece - something like that? Other than that they'd be dead fast I guess - and not being played anymore soon.)

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1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Let's wait until the price on the TP maybe drops a bit. Maybe they introduce further/other options. I will to the rifts mainly for stroy progress (if required - green bar) and for the permanent achievements (mastery point). The never do them again. Only have seen T1 and T2 and that seemed pretty dull and boring so far. Mainly zerging. I guess it will be the grind stuff for the new legendary armor? (Grind 250 rifts to get some mats for an armor piece - something like that? Other than that they'd be dead fast I guess - and not being played anymore soon.)

amalgamated kryptic essence is one of materials needed for obsydian armor, so yeah getting all three tiers of essences will be needed for that.

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Well.. one point that lessens it a bit, it takes 1 consumable to open the rift which then gives its reward to any amount of players doing it. Let's say you're going with a full squad of 50 players doing rift farming, each player contributes 1 consumable for opening a high tier rift - then you get 50 rift rewards for 1 consumable you had to contribute yourself. Doubt people will organize it that well, but you'll generally be able to get the higher rift rewards as long as some player opens them.

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8 hours ago, Chyro.1462 said:

Well.. one point that lessens it a bit, it takes 1 consumable to open the rift which then gives its reward to any amount of players doing it. Let's say you're going with a full squad of 50 players doing rift farming, each player contributes 1 consumable for opening a high tier rift - then you get 50 rift rewards for 1 consumable you had to contribute yourself. Doubt people will organize it that well, but you'll generally be able to get the higher rift rewards as long as some player opens them.

True but only if the consumable was used do you get the extra loot. If you leach from others you get the trash loot. That defeats the purpose of doing them in the first place.


And also organizing these outside of guild events will be a living nightmare.

Still waiting for that fix to the crafting costs ANET!

When the entire forum agrees it means you did a kitty the kitten kit and you should fix your mistake.

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On 8/24/2023 at 9:55 AM, Blacklust.4638 said:


Why would anyone at this point spawn any of the higher tier rifts with these ridiculous prices and for what? Essences for a legendary armor? The same legendary armor that will need gifts of fortune and other things to be crafted? 

What if ... hypothetcal ... the OW lege armor (if you had 3x pieces) , had passivly the ability to summon Tier3 portals for futre expanions + core game , for extra rewards (lets imagine it like the Invisible Massroom HoT mastery) ... hypothetically ?


(2-3x pieces could be best scenario if people dont like the grindy OW lege , and we can introduce 2-3x pieces from adifferent set in the next expasnion that increase the chance of mats if you finished the "next expasnion feature" and aim to combine its functionality with previous expasniosn (Soto's portals) )

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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On 8/24/2023 at 9:27 AM, Steel.6810 said:

I share the same feeling! 

I will never be crafting these and instead will just leach from others who are ignorant to the cost. Plus we get the higher tier essences in the weekly chests so its just a matter of time. But I feel like this was not thought carefully and its a really bad system at the moment.

I crafted a tier 2 for curiosity and getting a green item and the essence was a joke. But when I noticed the coin bag with 1 silver I felt like someone punched me in the kittycats. 

Ppl dont understand the formula of this game, its a business. Not to play for fun in the first place. Unless you expect not so much. Because its f2p ppl may not get rich easy. Because that way they wont spend any money on gems anymore. Why do you think they made alt accounts useless with this expansion? Because its easy gold in the long run. First you spend money on more accounts. And when you have done that your accounts get useless (if you are not playing om them) and about loot. There are nearly no metas that are rewarding. Its just silver coin metas. So you play ages to make some gold. This way you stay in the game. And if there is something nice in the store (for a limited time) you can choose. Ignore it or use your wallet and buy it. And they know that the players call it a fashion game. The only loot that is worth something is SUPER RARE. Means that you have to farm for years and even then you will never get it dropped. Untill you decide to start streaming. There was a girl on twitter that played for 8 years without any good loot. Then she started streaming and she looted 2 expensive items within a short time. (Streamers are easy and free advertisement for games, not just guildwars 2) look for yourself and count how many metas has actual loot. Ascended weapons or armor. Or an infusion. I never got the aurene chest from dragonstand or whats called. I always do my very best and never got the chest. I feel abused. And there is nothing i can do. The only other option is open 1k chests. 
so if you want something the only chance is rng. I am a real loot player. But i felt i didnt get rewarded for years. Also tried wow for 90 days. Atleast i got 2 sets warglaives. Further no mounts. But making gold in wow is easy. In guildwars 2 you need skills to make gold, fractals. But because wow has a subscription you can make easy gold and actually make fun ingame. In guildwars 2 the fun give no money. And if you want the loot (that drops in wow and is in guildwars 2 in the store) you have to start farming but thats no fun. Atleast for me. 

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I feel like the motivation system shouldn't even be there in the 1st place, it's very convoluted and added jank to the whole rift system.

Material and gold sink should just be added directly to crafting the actual armor instead, paying or involving a whole crafting process just to summon a rift is just weird.


Edited by Blueberry.8095
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  • 2 weeks later...
6 minutes ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

All guides, videos and the wiki so far does not include Motivation crafting costs. I finally was able to do everything to make at least one of every available item from the achievements. After spending 2000 ecto and I don't want to know how many Research notes on Motivations alone, I have one Gift of Expertise to show for it.

So they are a huge resource sink?

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While the sentiment is understandable, it might help to keep things in perspective.  You have control over how much time and gold you want to spend on this.  The less time you spend, the more gold it costs.

Remember that you get a decent amount of t2 and t3 essence for doing the weeklies.  Also pay attention to the TP price.  Selling a t2 essence will net you 1.25-1.5g over the cost to craft after TP fees.  If you sold half of what you craft you will gain gold rather than losing it.  The downside is you will need to farm twice as many t1 rifts.

Edit: To add a bit more context, weekly rift hunting rewards containers that grant all 3 tiers of essence.  You get 30 in all for completing one of each type of rift in the 5 different zones each week.  According to the wiki, this rewards (on average) 145 common essence, 154 uncommon essence, and 57 rare essence.  In addition, to earn this reward you'll have to complete a minimum of 25 rifts, which if you have the rift mastery and are completing T1 rifts without using motivations should net you another 400 or so common essence.  If you also opt to knock out the achievements for the 3 available zones each week (easy to do because others will be farming them) you'll gain another 50 or so of each essence.

So with some light farming each week to the tune of about 5 rifts per day and no use of crafted motivations you should be able to earn about 600 common essence, 200 uncommon essence, and 100 rare essence, which is enough to purchase 2 amalgamated essence.  We're supposedly 6 months out from legendary armor, so you could have more than enough amalgamated essence to craft a set of legendary armor (based upon the requirements we can see at this time) simply by doing these weekly rift hunts every week and spending no gold/materials on motivations.

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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Honestly the system seems to be working as intended. Not sure why people have an issue with the cost.

Open world legendary armor is supposed to be a path for players who don't want to enter the competitive modes or raids where the skill demand is higher. You're trading accessibility for effort.


Within the obsidian armor effort you have the option to fully grind it out by not making any motivations and joining a train to slowly collect essences at 8-10 per rift by leeching or paying gold to expedite the process by earning 30-40 per rift. You as the player have full control over how much you pay/grind. Don't want to pay? Thats fine, make steady progress by grinding without paying a single copper. Don't want the low essence income? Pay gold. Don't want to play open world? Pursue the other options already in the game.

The cost of motivations also incentivises players who do not want to make legendary armor to also participate in rifts because they can turn around and sell their essences (in the form of motivations) to players that do.

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15 minutes ago, raykor.6723 said:

The New Look achievement costs 40 Deldrimor Steel Ingots (200+ gold). Ouch. Shameless money sinks.

Seems fair, considering purchasing a unique mount skin generally costs 1200-2000 gems and such skins were previously unavailable outside of the gemshop.  Honestly, I'm thrilled that we're seeing mount skins and other previously gemshop exclusive items available via the Wizard's Vault system and collections.  I don't mind doing collections and spending some gold for these skins.

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13 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

Why are we helping the demons open larger rifts in the first place? The demons should be the ones spending motivations.

Apparently rifts can't open unless the player uses the HotO, so the question is really why we're doing it at all. No player action = no rift, no rift = no demon invasions, no demon invasions = no problem.

I mean, PTSD and feeling adrift is...OKish...as a video-game character arc I guess, but going out and causing problems for ourselves to fix (while endangering others in the process) just so we can feel useful again is a cry for professional help. 😜

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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2 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Apparently rifts can't open unless the player uses the HotO, so the question is really why we're doing it at all. No player action = no rift, no rift = no demon invasions, no demon invasions = no problem.

I mean, PTSD and feeling adrift is...OKish...as a video-game character arc I guess, but going out and causing problems for ourselves to fix (while endangering others in the process) just so we can feel useful again is a cry for professional help. 😜

I thought the rift and demons was just hidden and you revelaed them with the heart.

So you could see them and close the incursion.


you’ll discover rifts—tears in the fabric of reality—across Tyria through which strange, demonic forces are appearing


With the help of the Heart of the Obscure, you’ll find nascent rifts across Tyria. Fully opening a rift will reveal Kryptis invaders who were roaming Tyria while hidden from sight.


So yea if you dont distrupt their activity it would be bad mkay

Edited by Linken.6345
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