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Are all the other mounts useless once you get flying mount?


Are all the other mounts useless once you get flying mount?  

144 members have voted

  1. 1. Does flying mount make the other mounts useless?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes, but i still prefer to use the other mounts.
    • Springer main now and always

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No. The skyscale is an excellent all rounder and certainly the best to navigate varied terrain without swapping

The griffon is still vastly faster from point to point in certain higher maps, including the new ones. The raptor is still the better base mount for the ground and the rollerbeetle is largely unaffected by the skyscale. The jackal is prob unaffected too because those who prefer it over the raptor likely still do. The skimmer is also unaffected because it can go underwater as well as decent surface water speed

That leaves the springer which is basically the only one almost redundant. Some people still like it mind you and that's fine. I'd like to see it have an extra soemthing though, even if its a larger breakbar attack


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Definitely not. All the mounts have their own special abilities that give them advantages in certain situations, but even if you're just trying to get to your destination as quickly as possible it depends on where you are, where you're going and what the terrain in between is like.

Over flat ground (or gradual slopes) the raptor or roller beetle are likely to be faster, because both the flying mounts lose height gradually as they're flying so they ideally need to start from a high point. The griffon especially needs height if you want to use it's speed boost because it had to dive to activate it. The skyscale can fly a short distance straight up, but if you keep having to fly up before you can go towards your destination (and then look for somewhere to land to do it again) it's not going to be as quick as going in a straight line, so if that's an option you're better off with a ground mount.

The other thing to consider is if you're flying over everything you're going to miss a lot. That can be good or bad depending on what you want to do. In Echovald Wilds I sometimes like getting as high up as I can - not just up into the branches but right up near the top of the map where only the tallest trees and buildings (which I think are also trees) reach and there's a lot of empty space...and usually at least 1 other person on their skyscale. It's like a different map up there and while I'm not sure it's actually faster it's sometimes fun to fly across the map uninterrupted by anything but finding a route from one perch to the next. But that would be a terrible way to play all the time because you'd miss the vast majority of stuff to find and do. That's an extreme example but the same applies on most maps, sometimes skipping all the stuff between you and your destination might be useful (but then why not just waypoint?) and other times it means you miss out on lots of useful and intesting things you might not even know to look for. At the very least you're not likely to stop to pick up crafting materials and over time that will add up to a lot of lost income.

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Raptor: super fast on short bursts

Bunny, fast jumps though slightly lower than skyscale can

Skimmer: only mount that can glide above/under water

Jackal: Only way to take sand portals, plus fast on short bursts

Griffon: Reallyreallyreally fast flying but takes a bit of height to get started

Beetle: super fast on the ground but takes practice/luck to avoid obstacles

Warclaw: only mount usable in WvW

Siege turtle: siege damage, and can be used to taxi people

So no, no mounts are obsolete.

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I'll echo what the others have said about all of the mounts having a use.

That said.... The Skyscale does outclass them all for general use once you have it. I'm sure there are improvements they could make for all of the other mounts to help them to stand out a bit more, but I'm not sure everyone would agree to just what needs to be changed on them.

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Pretty much the only one really made obsolete was the Springer, although even that has the break bar function (not exactly what it was MADE for, but still)

yes, skyscale is above and beyond the most versatile, and you can do pretty much everything you need to with it. But the other ones do their thing better, even if it is less convenient swapping from one need to the next

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Over flat ground (or gradual slopes) the raptor or roller beetle are likely to be faster, 

on gradual UP slopes, the jackel is best, because its dash distance is not effected like raptor and beetle is. now, on down grades, the raptor is better because it goes quite a ways on its dash. 

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33 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Just wondering: Does the jackal's teleport/blink-forward allow you to avoid damage or enemies? Can the jackal blink to the other side of a puddle of acid or fire? If a mob throws a spear at me can I blink past before the spear lands?

Yes the jackal max masteryis the ne that share this ability to all the other mounts infact.

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Even the springer still has good use.  The skyscale is just a bit too clumsy to maneuver for a short vertical hop.  For example on those days when I am collecting provisioner tokens and go for the one in the Black Citadel, I waypoint in and can either run around to the ramp or take a springer hop up.  A skyscale would involve space bar and forward and down and dismount, while hugely interfering with many other players' cameras.  A springer is hold the dodge key down briefly (don't need a full leap), bounce, interact.  If I just need to clear an obstacle, or get on top of something quickly, the springer works better.

Also I am helping a friend with EOD story.  She's working on skyscale but doesn't have it yet, so I restrict myself to the mounts she has so as not to leave her behind.

In general yes, I do use skyscale the most even though raptor remains my default keybind for mount/dismount.  But it is seldom as fun as the other mounts and I mount-swap quite frequently as I move through varying terrain.  Raptor and jackal are both good with their engage skills for pouncing kryptis in rifts, springer for initial breakbar on rift bosses, skimmer for zipping around Seitung's bays, etc.

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Skyscale is generally the best mount for exploration because it can fly and cling to walls to get height. 
However, you have to consider the situation. 

Raptor: Long Jumps to dark around the map.

Bunny: Jump High, CC on Dismount

Wolf:  Teleport Forward, Use Portals, Heal on Dismount

Skimmer:  Go over water, and under water

Griffons:  Dive and super speed through the air

Roller Beetle: Dash like a pod racer through bumpy non-vertical terrain.

Skyscale: Fly, Cling to walls and climb, Fireball enemies from sky, Burn DoT on dismount

Turtle: Destroy Walls (best with passenger)

Master the Griffon's Dive and Dash and you can move quickly through the air.
It's a fun way to travel but requires a bit of skill.
Otherwise I use Skyscale for general travel.
Bind your mounts to hotkeys and switch for the situation you need.
For example when I'm farming nodes I use raptor to quickly jump to the next node.

Edited by Icethorn.6570
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BTW if you do the Halloween Racing, you can see why each mount is good... They make you use roller beetle, jackal, and raptor to see why. 
Raptor is fastest when tight corners are involved.
Roller Beetle is fastest when mostly straight paths with slight turns.
Jackal is good when mobs are in front of you and can dismount you (like exploding pumpkins).

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The skyscale is my usual go to mount, but the others have their uses.  The raptor feels faster (but I have never tested it). It corners better, and the jumps are easy.  The bunny is still better for small vertical hops... but if I am on the skyscale, I will probably stay on it.  For ocean crossings the skyscale can run out of juice and you splash down. The manta ray will glide over long distances.  In some of the island, or swamp, areas I will switch to the skimmer.

I have never found a real purpose to the jackal, except where they make you use it for sand portals. I do not have a rollerbeetle or gryphon, so have no opinion of them.

Generally though, if I am on the skyscale, I just stay on the skyscale, unless I need the skimmer.

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6 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Just wondering: Does the jackal's teleport/blink-forward allow you to avoid damage or enemies? Can the jackal blink to the other side of a puddle of acid or fire? If a mob throws a spear at me can I blink past before the spear lands?

If you've got the first mastery it does. The Halloween jackal race shows this off really well, the course has pumpkin heads that will dismount you if you hit them, but if you blink through them they won't do any damage.

28 minutes ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

I have never found a real purpose to the jackal, except where they make you use it for sand portals. I do not have a rollerbeetle or gryphon, so have no opinion of them.

My main use for the jackal is to get a bit faster than running but not as fast as the raptor, and good manoeuvrability, it's the one I use most when I'm exploring and don't want to rush past something interesting.

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13 hours ago, Zohane.7208 said:

Bunny, fast jumps though slightly lower than skyscale can

Problem with Springer is that you need to stand still and charge your jump for a second. Also you only have a limited movement when charged jumping.
So when there is a wall (or whatever) you need to run close to the wall first and then charge your jump in order to get onto the wall.

With Skyscale on the other hand you can start ascending while moving. You don't have to run close to the wall first nor do you need to charge up to ascend.
You just start flying while moving towards the wall and get onto it much faster.
Plus you can dash forward with Skyscale making you even faster.

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Skyscale is like, it can do the job of some other mounts, but only to a certain degree. It's always worse than other mounts at their niche.
Except for Springer Skyscale does not outclass any mount.

Raptor/Jackal is still much faster for horizontal travel.
Rollerbeetle is extremely faster on horizontal travel on flat ground.
Griffon is extremely faster as soon as you have some height (from terrain or from mounts) plus is better to gain back to the height you started with.
Skimmer is much faster above water and is able to move underwater.
Turtle is still the only 2 player mount. (With Soto Skyscale got the better combat ability tbh.)

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Until your skyscale works under water on on top of it, until it moved faster through the air than a griffon, until it can get me through a jackal portal, until it can break bars, until it can give me barrier, until it can work in WvW, until it can cross a zone faster than a roller beetle, or beat a roller beetle in a race, no.

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  • Skimmer has no replacement at all
  • Bunny (CC) & Raptor (Pull) have unique attacks (but for movement they are quite superfluous compared to skyscale)
  • Beetle is the fastest, if the terrain and your skill allow  it
  • Turtle is the only (cc) attack without unmount and the only one for person transport.


Edited by Dayra.7405
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I'm sure there are people who don't swap mounts frequently because they don't keybind and the UI is pretty clunky for swapping on the fly.  For such people, having a mount that can get you anywhere you need to be is probably a huge upgrade to the pre-skyscale days of swapping between griffon, springer, and raptor/jackal to get around.

For me personally, the griffon, skyscale, and raptor see the most use.  The turtle is the only one I basically never use.  I also basically use the springer only for its engage and the jump/dismount-into-glider move.  Jackal, beetle, and skimmer (and of course warclaw) are more situational, but still see regular use where appropriate. 

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