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New end game goals.

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With pve legendary armor just days away and other legendary equipment being easier than ever to obtain especially for people that have been playing for a few years or more.  Do you guys thinks it’s about time for Arena Net to have some other large end game goals for people to work towards after they get most of the legendary equipment they need in there armory?

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Nothing on the scale of legendary, no. What they need are more smaller goals that aren't legendary focused though. SoTo was too much about the armour. If you didn't want the armour, then doing rifts, convergences and getting essences became more and more redundant after the initial achievements were done.

They also need more focus on Guild related activities - new events like bounties and races in expansion maps to start with then other activities too.

More skins, more stat combos, more things to unlock like the SoTo skyscale kryptid skin are also welcome


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Rebreather and infusions? Except infusions won't happen because there was too much invested (by the players) in the current system , so maybe rebreather.
Other then that, good content -and since we're talking about "end game goals", preferably content of higher difficulty. In this case the goal would be to get better at understanding and utilizing game's mechanics.

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Isn't lege armor about to come in the last SotO update? This update is supposed to reveal the last armor with the question mark and perhaps the precursor right?

Edit: Ohh. It's Obsidian Legendary Armor tier 1. And next updade have the tier 2. Any idea as to what does it mean? 

Edit2: nvm. Checked the wiki. Tier 2 is something akin to variants. Silly me. Here I was thinking I'll have to wait another few months for the armor. ^^

Edited by Biziut.3594
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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

What they need are more smaller goals that aren't legendary focused though.

I can get behind this. Other than rebreather and maybe an alternative non-WvW ring, I don't think there's much left as far as legendaries go. Accessories for competitive I guess?

But once they're "done" with legendaries, what should that thing be? If it were to be "similar" then it'd need to be something the players will find valuable, but not "required" for their enjoyment. That's one of the best things about legendaries in this game: they're great for the QoL once you unlock them, but you don't "need" them to get things done as they're equal in stats to Ascended. What else can be great to have, but not necessary to have? Something players will want, but if one doesn't have it, that player isn't automatically barred from content?

Smaller, but still worthwhile goals are probably it. What might those goals look like?

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2 hours ago, xan.8936 said:

With pve legendary armor just days away and other legendary equipment being easier than ever to obtain especially for people that have been playing for a few years or more.  Do you guys thinks it’s about time for Arena Net to have some other large end game goals for people to work towards after they get most of the legendary equipment they need in there armory?

They simply need to start again releasing a proper amount of new endgame content where you can actually make use of your legendary gear. That means more Strikes, Raids, Fractals, or anything that is not SotO Update 1.

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I would really apreciate if some of the mid and long term goals in the game were cosmetics. Skins, titles, infusions - stuff like that. And while I know that it directly threatens their gemshop income, I believe there is a middle ground where ANet can design three flashy skins for the shop and one as a reward for an in game achievement.

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38 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

They simply need to start again releasing a proper amount of new endgame content where you can actually make use of your legendary gear. That means more Strikes, Raids, Fractals, or anything that is not SotO Update 1.

We got two strikes and a fractal (soon). Proportionately that's quite a lot Vs the 3 maps we got. We're not going to get more than that each cycle - expectations need adjusting in a new era of reduced output which appears to be here to stay. I don't disagree with having another raid either, but again, realistic expectations need to be had now. This isn't the glory days of mass output anymore - we aren't going to get a larger amount of content

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4 hours ago, xan.8936 said:

Do you guys thinks it’s about time for Arena Net to have some other large end game goals for people to work towards 

Yes, I would like them to increase the WvW rank cap to 20k or unlimited, and add new rewards for reaching those extended ranks.

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6 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Rebreather and infusions? Except infusions won't happen because there was too much invested (by the players) in the current system , so maybe rebreather.
Other then that, good content -and since we're talking about "end game goals", preferably content of higher difficulty. In this case the goal would be to get better at understanding and utilizing game's mechanics.

Legendary infusion in fact is a perfect candidate to unlock mechanics considering huge difference in infusion pricing.

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Last spring I finished getting all the legendaries that WvW had to offer. Those last couple of months, with the end clearly in sight, I seriously wondered if I would still be interested in WvW after I got that final legendary. Foolish me - once I got the last WvW leggy I still kept playing WvW, simply because I enjoy running with my WvW guild for two hours a day, seven days a week. In this morning's run we had some epic battles and when we weren't fighting tooth and nail against our current foes, we were laughing, talking, joking, teasing, and even singing in our Discord channel.

Now, let me be clear. I am NOT opposed to new end game goals. I would love to start working on a legendary rebreather and yeah, leggy infusions would be nice too. Heck, the Wizard's Vault reinvigorated my interest in open world PVE. When I'm not in WvW I am happily doing (some) pve dailies and weeklies on my alt accounts. So new, engaging end game content would be a winner for me. I guess what I'm saying that while I enjoy playing the game itself, that's only a part of what keeps me here. The friends I have ingame are a very large part of my ongoing interest in, and love for, Tyria.

P.S. I'm very aware of the numerous problems  in WvW and I stand with every other WvW player who wants Anet to finally treat that game mode like the cornerstone they claim  it  to be. In spite of those problems though, I love running around those maps with my guildies winning and losing those hard fought battles.

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Maybe something like player housing and a GW1 style, account-wide Hall of Monuments to show off your achievements, gear, miniatures and collections. This can be one thing. (A house that also has a museum.) Outdoors could have a place for your mounts and skiff. Houses can be decorated to a players liking. Select decorations can be earned in game with achievements, others can be crafted and traded, others sold for gems in the gem store.

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Legendary infusions?

Honestly, I don't think they need to add anything beyond that.  The entire reason I went for full legendary gear was because I didn't want to have to gear grind.  There's still thousands of skins to unlock.  That's what I've been doing... just unlocking skins in the wardrobe.  Set a goal for yourself and go for it.

Edited by Will.9785
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6 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Maybe something like player housing and a GW1 style, account-wide Hall of Monuments to show off your achievements, gear, miniatures and collections. This can be one thing. (A house that also has a museum.) Outdoors could have a place for your mounts and skiff. Houses can be decorated to a players liking. Select decorations can be earned in game with achievements, others can be crafted and traded, others sold for gems in the gem store.

An expansion like this would be of even less interest for many players who didn't even enjoy the latest one if they had no interest in legendary items.  This idea would seem to be even less content, which I don't see Anet implementing as an expansion.  /shrug

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I'd like to see them focus on making the open world engaging. When I keyrun or even just do psnas I frequently get distracted by open world crap going on in the original maps around me just bc it's so interesting. I def do not feel that way about soo, nor did I feel that way about eod. IBS had great maps, both grothmar and dw. But since then there's been little intrinsic reason to return to new zones . . .

I feel like I dabble in every aspect of the game, but everything other than open world will always be niche, by definition. Most players start with the story and new maps. Put your focus there . . .

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Super Legendary infused gear that you will need to access the super exclusive Mist zone map to kill the last two trapped gods of Tyria, and then ascend to godhood. AlThe reward for which is custom guild hall housing that is the seat of power, and you spend the rest of time watching all the mortals do mortal thing from your mist realm.  And then players will try to raid it, and you defend it by building a maze and then fighting then in person. 

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33 minutes ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

Super Legendary infused gear that you will need to access the super exclusive Mist zone map to kill the last two trapped gods of Tyria, and then ascend to godhood. AlThe reward for which is custom guild hall housing that is the seat of power, and you spend the rest of time watching all the mortals do mortal thing from your mist realm.  And then players will try to raid it, and you defend it by building a maze and then fighting then in person. 

Ok, but then what? What does Anet release after that?

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Guild battles in open world zones and winning guilds can claim the zone and set up merchants and guild decorations in specified areas.

Also new super tough open world bosses but when they spawn the zone becomes pvp zone. And those will be needed for awesome massive guild decorations that guilds can setup in their claimed zones.

Basically Korean mmorpg like systems and utilizing some of the current guild hall systems. Just don't know how this would work with the instances. Claimed zones and guilds stuff could just appear in all instances.

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2 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Guild battles in open world zones and winning guilds can claim the zone and set up merchants and guild decorations in specified areas.

Also new super tough open world bosses but when they spawn the zone becomes pvp zone. And those will be needed for awesome massive guild decorations that guilds can setup in their claimed zones.

Basically Korean mmorpg like systems and utilizing some of the current guild hall systems. Just don't know how this would work with the instances. Claimed zones and guilds stuff could just appear in all instances.

Is this a veiled jab at the direction of the game slowly curving more towards korean games? If so, don't. Devs might actually threat this seriously, and that would be seriously bad.

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