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Your Top 5 Problems or Concerns of WvW

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I think the biggest one is overpowering population advantage. This one takes precedence over everything else, because the game mode is simply not fun if you have 40 vs. their 10, or vice versa (if you have 10 vs. their 40). Some amount of imbalance is part of the WvW experience, but not to the point where the inferior side might as well log off and do something else. I still think dynamic balancing (where the number of players you can have is dependent on the number of enemy players playing) is the way to go.


  • Celestial seems to be overpowered and dominates every other stat.
  • Permanent boons should also be removed.
  • Stealth needs to be nuked out of WvW small-scale. Same goes for extremely-high mobility builds. These are way too abusable at griefing opponents.
  • Bans or suspensions for tactics trolls. Same for anyone who jumps/hacks into objectives. Make it an announcement so everyone knows it's coming. 

I'm also looking forward to alliances.

Edited by Jeydra.4386
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On 2/24/2024 at 9:06 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Tries to complain about warrior - only shows actual combat against a Harbinger which we all know is stupid OP.

I mean yeah, but a 760 damage arcing slice in full bersi gear without having any weakness on him or anything shows pretty clear whats wrong with balance atm. Its not like other cele builds arent stacking perma prot + reduction traits + food.

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My biggest issue with WvW is that I can't play elementalist. I am garbage at playing elementalist. Yet, there exists in this game some players who are actually quite good at elementalist. Usually they beat me in WvW. This is unfair! Nerf any elementalist!

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Oh let me add, people from other servers pulling tactivators just to troll and slow down the enemy.

This week we've had the enemy making accounts on our servers just to pull all tactivators from everywhere, brag about it on team chat and then leave. It's that bad, they need these shady tactics to have a slight advantage, it's dirty, it's disrespectful, it's dumb and they should get their accounts banned completely, not only the "free" account they have to do it.

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On 2/24/2024 at 12:14 PM, Doge.5736 said:

My top problem/concern is explained perfectly in this video  

I can tell you 3-4 points in this fight where you could've won even with whatever kind of build u have there, if you didn't button spam and played well.
If you think harbinger is op then in wvw to fight against then you have other builds to worry about when you come out of that well.

Spamming cc on stability, engaging on elite elixir. using all cooldowns to chase, no concept of kiting, eating shroud5 on melee, not running rampage but elite signet for some reason.
Funny thing is that guy didnt even stunlock the way he couldve meaning he wasnt particularly good player too.

Edited by XECOR.2814
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First some facts
I'm in the game since beta.
My favorite in the game is WvWvW, that means long thousand off hours playing it.
I don't care about wining MUs, but I love zerg fights.

Since the start of the game there was a server that plays at very strange hours, they start around 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM (GMT+1).

Lots of discussions about this when victory in the Mu's as some importance.

Of course this hours of playing means lots of PVD (player versus doors) and this not to attractive to the majority of players. Near 12 years have passed and the server is not full. Ah the server ? Baruch Bay !

Last Sunday night I tag all night long, with my army of 2 to 5 to see how much they still playing like this. A lot.

Around 2 in the morning (all hours in Spanish time) they took hour keep, after 3 attempts 30+ vs 15. After that, they took rest of EB map, they already have all the BLs. Their ticket was around 500-495, all upgraded to T3 in our BL.

Five of us tried to flip garrison, got jumped by 25 people.

http://C:\Users\vitor\OneDrive\Imagens\Capturas de Ecrã\Captura de ecrã 2024-02-27 014721.png


But the topic is about major problems, I don´t forget, the major problem is Anet, that  gives to this server a link, the poor things need it, their PvD is not attractive to players.

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  1. Boonballs
  2. Boonballs
  3. Boonballs
  4. Stealth
  5. Skill lag

Boons and stealth need to be nerfed, not destroyed and skill lag needs to be fixed. In WvW there will always be imbalances, so they don't need to balance everything, just the most egregious ones.

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"Roaming" and small scale balance is the worst its ever been. 2 supports let a single person tank like 10 people focusing them. Cele/condi bunkers are immortal in a lot of 1v1 matchups. A lot of classes dont have nearly enough boon strip/corrupt to fight these things, and some (ele) have literally 0 corrupts/strips. Same kind of problem with stealth. Very little/no counterplay available.

Edited by Paradoxoglanis.1904
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1. Visual line of sight, structure strength integrity and siege damage set back to  original settings .

2. AOE damage radius and duration reduced to original settings

3. Make more warrior skills/benefits on use instead of on hit along with more channeled prescript combo skills 

4 Reset CC skills and melee stab back to original settings

5. Remove any in game programs that allow seeing other players items, builds, locations and ability to be added to someone's friend list without prior permission


Edited by Widebody.5071
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1. Boon blob too strong. Too easy to just spam boons, corrupts nerfed to hard to counter it

2. Smaller organized groups can't really do much against giant mindless blobs (result of 1)

3. Roaming as a playstyle completely ignored by balancing team  (also obvious class bias by balancing team, but thats a general issue)

4. Cele, Tb, Minstrel

5. Roaming dominated by the same specs since x years or condi bunkers that benefit from Cele/Tb the most (result of 3)

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1) needs to be rewarding for less blobbing

2)  a "save my spot" in case I want to change to a profession more needed than what I'm on, or if the game crashes

3) Boonball vs Cloud is terrible content all around.  Some kind of fix for both would be great.  Too easy for single players to jump into an enemy blob and out without dying.

4) sliding scale for commander tag size, and the fact "Hide other tags" doesn't seem to ever work.

5) If the game is headed towards blob vs blob, fix them skill lag

Edited by Raven Paradox.1860
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On the one hand... I'm glad to finally see more people talking about the problem of boon balls, both in and out of the game....

On the other hand... I'm sad it's taken this long for people to talk about the problem of boon balls in and out of the game...

Every time there's a strip or corruption nerf I would voice my complaint, for years now, and now it feels like well too little too late, no one stopped the hand from pouring the bottle of boons, and now it's overflowing the glass, onto the table cloth, down onto your shoes and the floor, seeping in between the cracks of your toes and floor boards, and dripping into the basement, staining everything.

Boon blobs are not fun, they are fun for those that run it because they have a much easier time farming in wvw, but for everyone else who want to play their own way, it's not. While organization should be rewarded, I don't think it should overwhelming be done by game mechanics advantages(spam, abusing target caps), it should be by the performance of the player.

Boons, cleansing, healing, ressing, auras, bubbles, are just way too over the top. If they wanted to create raid groups to fight each other like raid bosses, well, maybe they should have made a separate area for them like raids and strikes instead of forcing it on the entirety of wvw. Then there's arenas, but well, we very well know groups don't want hard to farm bags, or a challenge for that matter. Not that we can blame them too much on the challenge issue, the system they cheer for is also a double edge sword, there's not much you can do against much bigger groups, so they slink away onto another map to find easier opponents.

Anyways, system is just too bloated to ever be fixed at this point. 🤷‍♂️

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21 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

On the one hand... I'm glad to finally see more people talking about the problem of boon balls, both in and out of the game....

On the other hand... I'm sad it's taken this long for people to talk about the problem of boon balls in and out of the game...

Every time there's a strip or corruption nerf I would voice my complaint, for years now, and now it feels like well too little too late, no one stopped the hand from pouring the bottle of boons, and now it's overflowing the glass, onto the table cloth, down onto your shoes and the floor, seeping in between the cracks of your toes and floor boards, and dripping into the basement, staining everything.

Boon blobs are not fun, they are fun for those that run it because they have a much easier time farming in wvw, but for everyone else who want to play their own way, it's not. While organization should be rewarded, I don't think it should overwhelming be done by game mechanics advantages(spam, abusing target caps), it should be by the performance of the player.

Boons, cleansing, healing, ressing, auras, bubbles, are just way too over the top. If they wanted to create raid groups to fight each other like raid bosses, well, maybe they should have made a separate area for them like raids and strikes instead of forcing it on the entirety of wvw. Then there's arenas, but well, we very well know groups don't want hard to farm bags, or a challenge for that matter. Not that we can blame them too much on the challenge issue, the system they cheer for is also a double edge sword, there's not much you can do against much bigger groups, so they slink away onto another map to find easier opponents.

Anyways, system is just too bloated to ever be fixed at this point. 🤷‍♂️

Hey, just remember, if you need another WAR player to make a bad call with, send us a zerg and lets see what we can see and tag what we can before they grind us up. The longer it takes the more from our side gets time to respond. Always a good time my friend. 

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1. Balance for large-scale fights is terrible. There is way too much support and easy access to boons. All the meta picks - support or damage - are dull as dishwater to play.  It promotes the lamest playstyle I think I've ever seen in WvW.

2. Celestial stats ruin small-scale. Proffesions that can make use of all the stats celestial offers are way too tanky for the damage they can put out. It is also boring to play. If you can jump on a proffession you do not know, mash buttons, and still get results then something is wrong.  Nuke it from orbit, burn it with fire, get it out of WvW.

3. World Restructuring will not fix population imbalance. At least not the way some people think it will. Some think that after World Restructuring there will be balanced populations, and maybe there will be on paper. But the same issues that cause the actual imbalance we see today will still be present, perhaps even worse. The real reason you won't see enemies when you are steamrolling them or allies when you are being steamrolled isn't because your sever has no players, it is because it isn't fun and the players you do have have logged off. After World Restructuring there will still be a skill imbalance among players and as the system ages- and the worlds are broken and remade - the best guilds will recruit the best players (free from transfer costs) and they'll end up fighting empty towers because everyone else will have logged off.

4. Dune rollers. Not a big problem or a common one, or really a problem at all to be honest, but I dislike them and the smug bastards driving them.

5. The queue bug. It seems to be much better now, so maybe it is fixed. But there's nothing more frustrating than sitting through a lengthy queue, only to be spat back out at the end of it again.

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1. Exploiters. Jumping into every objective

2. hackers. Dont need to explain that i hope

3. bad loot for a "cornerstone" of the game

4. A bad balancing via population. It should rather grant a reward when switching from high pop to low pop server, so people all not just force themselves onto an already overfilled server, leaving all other servers empty and dead

5. An alliance-system that does feel like "not thought through" in many aspects. But since its in work since (idk) it may change in future 

Edited by Virdo.1540
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1.) Exploits are not getting fixed. (Ab)using them does rarely leads to any noticable punishment.
2.) Defense participation.
3.) Stealth tags with 30+ members.
4.) Team chat being used for exchanging RL cooking recipes - although there is content on the maps. It still happens once in a while (EU). 
5.) Indominable classes remaining indominable for months, while others get balanced within a few hours if they happen to overperform. Aka favoritism.

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1. Despite them being a known issue for years, there's lots of map jank still hasn't been fixed. Like random projectile obstruction spots in EBG/Alpine camps, or the gaps in Stoic outer wall corners  still causes the map to de-render.

2. Blatant lack of care (and/or complete tone-deafness) in balancing. It seems like Anet wants to balance the whole game through permaboons and mobility creep. Back in the day the need for them were far less since as long as the build was made right, it could be effective with just a couple or none at all. With their point of no return being the June 2022 patch, where they swapped a lot of the unique status effects for boons. It definitely doesn't help that they keep nerfing all the anti-support specs and skills.

3. Tower/keep tactics change: Literally no one ask for the invuln wall tactic to be nerfed. Plus having ewp on towers pushes the mobility creep even further.

4. Still can't place siege in shallow water, still have no idea what issue or glitch would warrant them to change that.

5. Boxes of blue siege blueprints still needs to be typed out to trash them. Seems petty but when I'm encumbered with dozens of other stuff, I'm not in the mood to type out an item that gives me the same stuff I'd buy from the provisioner... or the siege vendor... or even the Black Lion Trading Co. If it was a box of guild siege I'd understand.

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The boon spam is just ridiculous and i think its  one of the biggest problems in wvw that makes the game so NOT fun. Even if you play a dedicated boon strip build you cannot possibly remove all the boons from these boon spamming healing bunker builds that still somehow do crazy damage. Just as there needs to be a way for players to counter play against stealth there needs to be some sort of counter play to the boon spamming nonsense.  

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