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Research Notes aren't to my liking

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title is self explanatory. easily one of the worst currencies to earn.

can we get a massive rework on acquisition, especially if SotO is anything to go off of that notes will continue to be very important in the future? i like the part of a salvage currency but it being "specific" crafted things just makes the whole thing tedious.

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Didn't they make them harder to aquire? I think you could salvage low level food for them or something and they got rid of that, I can't fully recall. Which makes it unlikely they'll change it back. 

But I do agree with OP, they're just inconvenient and another gold sink, like the things that need them aren't already gold sinks themselves. I'd say it would be better if they removed the food items from the salvage list and instead made all gear kinds (crafter or not and regardless of quality or level) salvageable for research notes, that way it's less of a gold sink and more of a material sink which I think we could use (maybe I'm biased here because I make gold by selling materials, so take that with a pinch of salt).

Also if the devs plan to make the research notes relevant from now on in all expansions, they better give us a research salvage-o-matic.

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38 minutes ago, jason.1083 said:

Didn't they make them harder to aquire? I think you could salvage low level food for them or something and they got rid of that, I can't fully recall. Which makes it unlikely they'll change it back.

yeah they did, you used to be able to research salvage all the food items you got from holiday events too, back when every bag had like 5 food items in it. now that change doesnt make sense since they nerfed the drops on holiday foods as well.

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Research notes are a great material sink, which obviously benefits the ingame economy.

The way they are implemented needs more adjusting (and yes, it's not fun). I am unsure the time sink component is that important, thus making away with it would be a step.

Maybe a set of craft able items specifically designed to consume materials in large bulk while yielding research notes in larger quantities could soften the time investment (though these items and the materials needed for them would be more expensive than the cheapest alternatives. (EDIT: by mere market functions, aka more players would use these I assume. thus driving their price up).

For anyone who wants research notes to come free: yeah that's not going to happen. The primary goal behind them is the material sink aspect,  and that is well needed. 

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I never had a problem with Research Notes.

Silk and Mithril is something everyone has tons of. So why not convert it?


Because its a lot of clicking and waiting to craft stuff.

Want a straighforward material sink? Just make a vendor that sells notes for mats.

They can keep the current system on top. The vendor could even be more expensive, like 5% more mats per note compared to crafted stuff.

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5 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I never had a problem with Research Notes.

Silk and Mithril is something everyone has tons of. So why not convert it?


It's what I do, too: wait until my material storage is overflowing with either mithril or silk from salvaging, then craft a lot of barbaric stuff.


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14 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I never had a problem with Research Notes.

Silk and Mithril is something everyone has tons of. So why not convert it?


Same, I get them in bulks from auto-research crafts and some occasionally from ascended gear, used up plenty of them, currently sitting on 15k++. Can't say I see this currency as an issue.

6 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Basically, it's an even worse version of the Provisioner Tokens system. And everyone just looved that one.[/s]

Not really, you don't need to make daily rounds between maps with specific items to get them. If anything, they're an easy upgrade from those.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I agree with the view that Research Notes serve a purpose as a material sink so they are likely here to stay.

I also agree with those who said they should make it faster. GW2 generally does a pretty good job of respecting the players time and towards that goal Anet should consider options to make it faster (either research note specific crafts which are fast and consume a lot of resources at once, or vendors, etc).

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Not really, you don't need to make daily rounds between maps with specific items to get them. If anything, they're an easy upgrade from those.

Yes, they are an upgrade to the original version of provisioner tokens. Remember though that Anet made adjustment to those and introduced a ton of options that are much more useful than the craft-and-exchange original design. There are now both shortcut options, and cheap and easy options (mostly exclusive, of course) that let you get around the whole crafting and delivering specific items approach. There's also another major point here - in general quantity of work for provisioner tokens was smaller. When compared to provisioners, the amount of Research Notes needed is just way, way bigger compared to how much you get per one item. And unlike provisioners, the Notes requirements are so frequently used and jump at you from so many places that i'm afraid now to open the fridge.

And at their core they suffer from the same flaw Provisioners did - the unnecessary complexity of the design behind them. There are way better (and simpler) ways of making material sinks that aren't so annoying for the player. And the fact that they've apparently didn't learn that lesson from the Provisioner Tokens debacle (or rather that they have forgotten what they learned, because the Provisioners' revamp has shown that at least at some point they did realize it) doesn't let me have much trust in their competence.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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19 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, they are an upgrade to the original version of provisioner tokens. Remember though that Anet made adjustment to those and introduced a ton of options that are much more useful than the craft-and-exchange original design. There are now both shortcut options, and cheap and easy options (mostly exclusive, of course) that let you get around the whole crafting and delivering specific items approach.

tbh I don't see the relevance of this mention. We're commenting on what the research notes are now, what/when was changed about them doesn't impact anything said here?

19 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

There's also another major point here - in general quantity of work for provisioner tokens was smaller. When compared to provisioners, the amount of Research Notes needed is just way, way bigger compared to how much you get per one item.

Disagreed, I vastly more prefer to craft the currency in bulk than be bound to remember about doing those daily rounds between the maps with specific, mostly non-stacking items that either I'll need to keep getting daily or clog my inventory upfront for however many "daily rounds" I manage to do it.
If we compare that with buying stack/s of materials and pressing mass craft/research, I know which "quantity of work" impacts me more -so if it's a major point then it works in the opposite direction for me than you intended.

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On 3/4/2024 at 8:47 AM, GBEW.5947 said:

Yes, another good idea executed poorly. Needs fixing and is very annoying. 

How was it executed poorly?   It did exactly what it was supposed to do..... Drain a ton of trash out of the Trade Post, and altered the cost structure to drain even more mats out of the Trade post moving forward.  

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46 minutes ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

How was it executed poorly?   It did exactly what it was supposed to do..... Drain a ton of trash out of the Trade Post, and altered the cost structure to drain even more mats out of the Trade post moving forward.  

Personally I prefer my sinks to be less annoying to engage with so as to not encourage me to avoid them. I think that sinks can be managed in a manner that is actually enjoyable, or at least not offputting.

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On 3/4/2024 at 4:11 AM, DarcShriek.5829 said:

You know, in over two years you're the first person to complain about research notes.  There hasn't ever been any other threads made about this subject.

Before SOTO almost noone complained about research notes since noone need them. You need them for failed jade bot feature, some skins and gen3 leggy so relevant for maybe 10% of GW2 population. Wirh SOTO introducing open world leggy armor as one of main features of course ppl will start to complain.

This is also interesting topic as you can see nice parallel in real life boomer/veteran players and any generation after them/newer players. Like you could get a lot reseach notes from holiday food and be set for very long time and now it is not possible. Who care about new ppl anyway things should not change and getting research notes is as easy as it was when I got them.

On 3/4/2024 at 9:05 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I never had a problem with Research Notes.

Silk and Mithril is something everyone has tons of. So why not convert it?


Craft several hundreads of different items so you can craft final item in hundreads to get research notes. Few recipes like 250x material give x research notes based on mats used would at least feels better. Internal metrics for crafting sure looks better now than before research notes were introduced, but it is failed design.

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28 minutes ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

Before SOTO almost noone complained about research notes since noone need them. You need them for failed jade bot feature, some skins and gen3 leggy so relevant for maybe 10% of GW2 population. Wirh SOTO introducing open world leggy armor as one of main features of course ppl will start to complain.

Actually, @DarcShriek.5829 was likely either being sarcastic, or wasn't looking at the forums around that time. There was a ton of complaining about Research Notes after EoD. It was never really considered a good mechanic, the best comments about them i have seen (from their defenders) are about how they are "doing their job" or "not being that annoying". Which just means that some players have higher annoyance threshold than others, not that RNs are well designed.

And legendary armor is likely less relevant to players than jade bots.

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On 3/4/2024 at 3:05 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Silk and Mithril is something everyone has tons of. So why not convert it?

I don't have legendary stuff, so I prefer to save silk and mithril for the time-gated mats, just in case I want to make some ascended thing and need it.

Jeweler is the best profession to use for notes imo. If you wear ascended trinkets and have already equipped your Jade Bot with stuff, Jeweler is completely useless.

So use up all of those pebbles, nuggets, shards, crystals etc with copper, silver, gold, mithril (don't waste platinum of course) by crafting all of those otherwise useless materials into earrings and ticking the conversion box.

Cooking is OK for notes but it tends to require multiple ingredients to make stuff where earrings usually only need 2 (4 ingots, 1 gemstone), so unless I've got a shortage of jewelry mats (which basically never happens) cooking is always my second choice.

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On 3/4/2024 at 5:06 AM, jason.1083 said:

Didn't they make them harder to aquire? I think you could salvage low level food for them or something and they got rid of that, I can't fully recall. Which makes it unlikely they'll change it back. 

But I do agree with OP, they're just inconvenient and another gold sink, like the things that need them aren't already gold sinks themselves. I'd say it would be better if they removed the food items from the salvage list and instead made all gear kinds (crafter or not and regardless of quality or level) salvageable for research notes, that way it's less of a gold sink and more of a material sink which I think we could use (maybe I'm biased here because I make gold by selling materials, so take that with a pinch of salt).

Also if the devs plan to make the research notes relevant from now on in all expansions, they better give us a research salvage-o-matic.

I make Mithril Rings since I have a million gems.

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I suspect some opinion on this depends on the amount of time a person has to play the game/how one can play the came.

If you only have limited time to play/week (say 5 hours/week), spending 30 minutes of that watching the crafting station spin around and sitting in town doing that.

But if you are able to have a GW2 window up while doing other stuff on the computer, or play a lot of hours/week, that time at the crafting station isn't as a significant in your play time.

That is one complaint I have about GW2 - there is a lot of time one sits around waiting for things to complete or happen.

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