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Who else would love a Monster Hunter themed event?

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I know it wouldn't make sense in terms of lore but how could be a Rathalos mount skin or armor skins from specific monsters. as A huge fan of both GW and the MG series I always wanted to see them both collab. If FF gets it GW2 can get a collab too! 
EDIT: i hate QWERTZ keyboards

Edited by Cynder.2509
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  • Cynder.2509 changed the title to Who else would love a Monster Hunter themed event?

I don't know what a monster hunting event would be, so how would I know if I would like one? You can't assume anyone knows what you are envisioning, especially Anet.

I don't know what rathalos or MG refer to, either. 

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Ironically, compared to most franchises GW2 would actually have an easy excuse for any kind of 'crossover' by virtue of the Mists already acting like a bit of a canon multiverse-- but it's never done anything like that, and most likely never will. Personally, I'm fine with GW2 remaining a self-contained game that doesn't partner with other franchises. Some games can pull that off successfully with fun and entertaining results, but I just don't think GW2 is one of them. Now, that doesn't mean they couldn't make references or homages though... They do plenty of that through little one-off jokes here and there. I wouldn't be opposed to something small like that, but skins and such might be a bit too much imo.

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If rathalos were to be introduced as a limited time world boss event, It won't be like tequatl, claw of jormag or drakkar or shatterer... Rathalos won't stand still while we try to give him a pedicure on his left toe or paw... He will jump around, tail swipe, headbutt, breathe fire, swipe, smash, stun us with roar, knockback, knockdown, which are mostly unfamiliar for gw2 players who expect the boss to stand in one place so they can execute their raid rotations in peace. Most probably forums will be filled with "new world boss is hard-pliz Nerf" threads, which will be doing injustice to rathalos... So it won't happen 🙂

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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9 hours ago, Batel.9206 said:

What's a rathalos? Never heard of "MG"... I assume this is in reference to another video game?

Rathalos is the red dragon-looking Wyvern from Monster Hunter, whom also is the default companion in both Monster Hunter Stories games.

It's also the enemy you fight in the FF14 cross-over instance. You can think of it as the Charizard of Monster Hunter.

MG probably was a typo of MH.

10 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

I don't know what a monster hunting event would be, so how would I know if I would like one? You can't assume anyone knows what you are envisioning, especially Anet.

FF14's fight hardly resembles Monster Hunter combat, so GW2 putting in their version of Rathalos wouldn't need to be much different from other Strike Missions.

But they likely would need to make new animations to make it at least resembles Rathalos' movements, which might be the biggest barrier.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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I think one of the people familiar with Monster Hunter (and Final Fantasy?) needs to explain in more detail what is being suggested here. Assume you're writing for people who have never played a Monster Hunter game and know nothing about the game mechanics, story and lore, certainly not the names of specific monsters and how their battles typically play out.

What exactly is the suggestion? What is a Rathalos, how would it work in GW2 and why would that by fun? Would it also appeal to people who have never played Monster Hunter? Or would it just look like another GW2 creature?

Although having said that I think it's unlikely. GW2 has a lot of easter eggs and references to other media but it's never as direct as copying an entire creature and I don't think they've ever done an official tie-in promotion that involved putting stuff from other games into GW2. I know some games do that a lot and I assume it works with their setting and lore but Tyria is it's own self-contained world. Yes there's the Mists, but that's only been shown to connect to other places specific to GW2, not Earth or other franchises.

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Guildwars 2 already has such things but its not exactly the same; Guildwars 2 has great beasts you can hunt for automatic general loot.

What the OP would want to see in GW2 is a special event or Daily returning Quests of the player Hunting specific rare Monsters/creatures.

Tracking them down using some device or a Paint marker. Then the Rare monsters in question would have unique breakable body parts wich can be looted to craft various weapons/equipment. they would also struggle alot to survive, have multiple phases of fleeing, getting enraged with increase dmg output, summon reinforcements.

Something like that i recon.

A Rathalos is basicly a Large dragon type with a scorpion poison stinger with a violent nature. usually its paired with its mate. kill one and the other enrages. vice versa. The game is called MonsterHunter IP by capcom

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think one of the people familiar with Monster Hunter (and Final Fantasy?) needs to explain in more detail what is being suggested here. Assume you're writing for people who have never played a Monster Hunter game and know nothing about the game mechanics, story and lore, certainly not the names of specific monsters and how their battles typically play out.

What exactly is the suggestion? What is a Rathalos, how would it work in GW2 and why would that by fun? Would it also appeal to people who have never played Monster Hunter? Or would it just look like another GW2 creature?

Although having said that I think it's unlikely. GW2 has a lot of easter eggs and references to other media but it's never as direct as copying an entire creature and I don't think they've ever done an official tie-in promotion that involved putting stuff from other games into GW2. I know some games do that a lot and I assume it works with their setting and lore but Tyria is it's own self-contained world. Yes there's the Mists, but that's only been shown to connect to other places specific to GW2, not Earth or other franchises.


Monster Hunter is a game franchise where you hunt various monsters (ranging from big wild animals to dino-like creatures to dragons) with gameplay centered around gathering resources, crafting your own weapons, hunting monsters (with combat focused on finding their weakspot and having to fight them in specific ways to have a chance) then harvest monster parts to craft better weapons and gear from their scales, teeth etc. (haven't played it much so may not be the most accurate description). It's a fantasy-like world that is held mostly realistic due to the absence of magic (so the monsters are the main fantasy thing).

Final Fantasy 14 specifically is a MMO set in a very fantasy world with magic, monsters, teleportation (like a waypoint system) but also sci-fi like technology both from an ancient highly advanced civilization and a modern magic-less race that tries to make use of that technology as their own military strength. There's huge god-like creatures (Primals) usually summoned by beast tribes in this world that kinda hurt the land by draining its magic. It's a very story focused game (that has been highly praised for its story) with most group content happening in 4, 8 or 24 player instances. There are open world maps with events called 'fates' happening there, but you'll rarely see much players gathering for those - the maps can feel very dead compared to Gw2.

There has been a crossover event in which some well known NPC from Monster Hunter shows up in FF14 and offers a side quest about hunting Rathalos - a quite iconic dragon monster that is well known in the Monster Hunter franchise (as far as I know). It's a pretty cool looking dragon that you then earn as a mount by defeating it in a unique instance of FF14's 4-player group content - involving some mechanics that mimic the gameplay of Monster Hunter, including harvesting monster parts from the defeated Dragon after you manage to defeat it. There's also two variants of the instance, like a normal mode and a challenge mode (in gw2 terms) - though if I recall correctly the normal mode is enough to earn the mount and some skin set, with the challenge mode offering a dyeable version of the skin set + some specific flashy piece that is only earned through the harder variant.

Hope that gives a clearer picture on what OP probably experienced and enjoyed to the point of wanting to see something similar in this game 😄

FF14 has done a bunch of such crossover events, some more in tune with the fantasy of its own world, some a bit of a harsher clash - usually explained with some crossing of worlds from another realm. Like the most recent event where a character from FF16 shows up, not knowing how he ended up in the world of FF14 and we help him solve the mystery (with an epic solo instance fight at the end) to then earn a skin set of his gear + the wolf companion from FF16 as a mount. They can clash a bit with the game's lore and immersion, but are usually done in a way that it's (more or less) barely believable. They even had a full set of 3 24-man raids with their own continuous story line that was a crossover with Nier Automata, another Square Enix (the same company that does final fantasy) game franchise about Androids and robot-like Machines.


Edited by Chyro.1462
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The semi realism of Monster Hunter would mesh well with GW2 and capcom love their crossovers but I think this one would beeeee.... a bit of a mess, honestly.The mechanics would have to be dialled down by at least 50% to fit GW2's hybrid tab action combat and anyone who would be fighting Rathalos for the first time ever in their lives, especially in GW2 would have issues with how dexterous he is (melee have a hard time as it is with things that move a lot). Also we can assume his bleeding, burning and poison ticks would hurt like hell. O_o Matriarch and Patriarch are bad enough as it is (which is essentially our version of Rathalos and Rathian).

Have a random video since people need/want an elaboration.

Edited by KindredPhoenyx.8976
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The snideness of the comments here really aren't necessary.

6 hours ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

You could always go play Monster Hunter.  Why would Anet want to do something that's already be done well.

Because this might open up potential exposure to a wider audience who might've never heard of GW2 before, or even Monster Hunter as a whole. Anet is particularly bad at marketing the game, and this would help. It'd bring in new players from both, and we might actually get neat fights for both games as well, or at least collaboration items.

Edited by KindredPhoenyx.8976
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3 hours ago, KindredPhoenyx.8976 said:

The snideness of the comments here really aren't necessary.

Because this might open up potential exposure to a wider audience who might've never heard of GW2 before, or even Monster Hunter as a whole. Anet is particularly bad at marketing the game, and this would help. It'd bring in new players from both, and we might actually get neat fights for both games as well, or at least collaboration items.

I think more marketing is a good idea, but I'm not sure this would be the best way to go about it. I'm not keen on bringing things from other games into GW2, because one of the things I really like about this game is the world and the lore, I like that it's got it's own unique fantasy setting and I wouldn't want that to get watered down or end up as some weird amalgamation of pop-culture. I know we already have easter eggs and references to things, but I think that's very different to copying entire creatures and armour sets from other games.

Also if they're going to do cross-promotion it needs to be with an audience that's likely to be both interested in playing GW2 and able to play it. This topic suggests there's not a lot of cross-over between GW2 fans and Monster Hunter fans, and also it's a console series (specifically Playstation and Nintendo I think) so there may be a lot of Monster Hunter fans who don't even have a PC that can play GW2. (A lot of people don't these days, my sister's household just use tablets and phones for everything.)

Personally I'd prefer them to stick to promotions with 'gaming adjacent' companies like Amazon and Alienware where they give away GW2 stuff rather than inserting real-life things or stuff from other franchises into GW2.

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17 hours ago, KindredPhoenyx.8976 said:

The snideness of the comments here really aren't necessary.

Because this might open up potential exposure to a wider audience who might've never heard of GW2 before, or even Monster Hunter as a whole. Anet is particularly bad at marketing the game, and this would help. It'd bring in new players from both, and we might actually get neat fights for both games as well, or at least collaboration items.

The problem is, Monster Hunter is a great game.  If they try to copy it, and can't at least do as well as MH, then Anet would actually lose players.  It would have to be better than MH to succeed, and that's a pretty high bar.  Seriously, I would rather play MH than a cheap knock off.

Edited by DarcShriek.5829
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On 4/7/2024 at 12:27 AM, DeanBB.4268 said:

I don't know what a monster hunting event would be, so how would I know if I would like one? You can't assume anyone knows what you are envisioning, especially Anet.

I don't know what rathalos or MG refer to, either. 

Sounds like Metal Gear.   So giant mechs?  Cyborg Charr vs Senator Memes. “Magitech, son”. 

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On 4/9/2024 at 11:36 AM, Duke Nukem.6783 said:

that game has so many great armor and weapon sets for us to use....

beast armors are the least popular in this game.  They should do Nier crossover instead, so we can get proper hot topic goth outfits.  

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