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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I mean... Technically there is a possibility there, since the head is the only part of the Outfit that you can disable. Theorically it should be possible to then fetch the head armor skin and display it on the now empty head display. That'd prolly require a fair amount of work for a rather small effect though. 

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The snap to target option being broken down into two separate options of:

snap to target (Enemy)

snap to target (Friendly)

Would be really nice imo. That or an option to manually select snap to targets per skill (similar to how you can set an ability to auto cast with ctrl right click) so like for example say hold alt + right click on slot 7 toggles snap to target on slot 7 ability but slot 8 + 9 are still manual target unless also toggled.


Another for me is the cursor, would be really sweet to have a feature where your cursor glowed and was made more obvious to its position but only active in combat. I've seen people use yolomouse and stuff which is of course super useful but i don't want to permanently use that type of cursor, only when it's actually needed, which is in combat. Would also provide a nice additional visual aid to tell you when you're in combat rather than the other more subtle combat indicators currently in play.

Edited by Healy.9537
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More cultural armors. Just. That. Please. I want so much that to happens in the near future.

I redirect you to that awesome post someone made on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/pwvz7j/what_i_want_most_out_of_the_expansion_is_tier_4/

If I have to quote, what makes my character of any race stands out, creating a kind of aura, is the fact I can mix regular sets of armors with the cultural sets. It adds something, it makes it feels like your character has a lore/background behind it; all the ones we have currently are very cool, and like dungeon armors those cultural armors play well their roles.

I have currently 3500 gems. And yup, nothing on gemstore is interesting. Everything bland and boring. Like, could you make more mail carriers? Those feels forgotten while you can make racial one: A tiny golem, a sylvari pup, a charr legionnaire, seraphin or a wolf bringing you your letter, that would be interesting. You know, even, an awakened bringing you a letter? This can be cool. So far, i read the wiki, and what? They are all just flying animal? (well, apart some) I will definitely spend 1200 gems to get the exo suit-skyscale skin once it is released but after? May just keep them, doing nothing with them... There are so much potential like mordant crescent outfit, joko outfit? With incoming EOD, there could even be a ministry of purity or a particular special new aetherblade one.

If you add cultural armors, like add a tier 4 - 5 - 6, for each race for a pouch of gold coins (randomly, what, 40g 50g 60g?), at least, I would be pushed/Inclined to convert my gems into gold coins to buy them, spending them! Don't think about putting them at 250g like runic armors, those (to me) looks bad in addition of being expensive, will never buy them, letting the blacksmith rot in eotn. Some of those new cultural armors may need to be designed, but many are actually already in your game, on npcs: To cite some: Krewe Leader Ambr armor / Noble of Divinity reach / Some sylvari civilians / Norn sharmans and so on. Don't get me wrong, I AM VERY GRATEFUL FOR RAVEN ARMOR AND ICE REAVER CHARR ARMOR BUT OTHER RACES NEED SOME TOO.

Speaking of armors, I have MORE THAN ENOUGH that for MEDIUM, the CHEST ARMOR IS STICKED TO PANTS ARMOR. It ruins customization. Can't you separate all the medium armors skins like a chest and a pant like other weights? Instead of forcing me to just have 30 choices of trenchcoats? What an irony, medium classes are my favourites but they are the ones with the worst customization. Please do something. Dunno why it is still like this, medium weight should work like light or heavy, you customize Chest and Pants not only chest -.- .

Recently, though a stream or a blogpost, you said, new customization for hairstyles/faces is coming this winter. Impatient to see them. Really, because makeover options are a real plus that makes your character fun in addition of the good armor sets combinations.

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Not sure if this goes in this topic but,

I wish there was a vendor that you can trade unwanted gifts to in order to get the crafting material back. I made a gift of skirmishing  and now I really wish I hade some of those material back. I know of a few people that have accidently made extra gifts and I'm sure they really wished this type of vendor existed or at the very least the ability to vendor the gift.

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Gift Vendor,

I wish there was a vendor that you can trade unwanted gifts to in order to get the crafting material back. I made a gift of skirmishing  and now I really wish I hade some of those material back. I know of a few people that have accidently made extra gifts and I'm sure they really wished this type of vendor existed or at the very least the ability to vendor the gift.

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Hi Anet. This sounds like a Revenant post but its not. I'd like more weapons with skins that match the theme of Mistcleaver, Mistrender, Mistbreaker, Guerilla Arc and base dye Mistward Armor. Like just the weapons Revenant and it's elite specs would be fine, but if you did ALL of the weapons with this motif I (and likely many others) would be extatic.

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Replace anything in the world with a 22-24 hour timer and put it on reset so everything matches.


Anything off the reset timer makes it difficult to farm for certain types of things, if you don't write down everything you visit and when. It doesn't seem to serve much purpose, other than 'one' time, you prevent someone from getting something in less than 24 hours. The reverse argument could be made for anything that is on a daily timer: "OMG, the game is broken because it let me do dailies at 4pm and again at 5pm! I hacz0r5 gam3! Winning!" Yeah...like...once, and never again.

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Few BLTC interface ones (have touched on some before). Regarding, selling items.

On each sell:

1. Should default to lowest seller (not highest buyer).

2. Default should not be limited to the amount of items the highest buyer (or the lowest seller, with the desired change). Quantity should be the lower of how many of an item you have or max stack. This would prevent the highest buyer troll that wants one thing. Yes, some people want 'one thing', but more often than not, it's someone trolling sales. No one wants 1 cloth.

3. If you sell something 'up stream' in price (higher price than the lowest seller), when you go to sell your next item, the UI shouldn't default 'up stream' in higher prices for the next item (as it does now). It should follow rule 1: Default to the lowest seller. So I sell something in my inventory for a million, then go to sell some copper, the UI shouldn't default to prices 'way' high up (as it does now). It should just be 'the lowest copper seller'. Top right.


Those seems like small UI changes in the existing system to me. Here's a big one.

The worst part of the game right now is the BLTC. The time it takes to sell lots of items. Even when it's running at it's fastest, every 3rd item slows you down. It almost feels like there are intentional bottle necks coded into the UI for force us to slow down because the system can't handle processing all the requests at once. 

Why not make it so the interface let's you build a big sell order for 'all' the stuff you want to sell. You keep adding and adding items until you are done, then click 'submit sell order', and the window closes, you go about playing, and the server takes all your stuff and throws it in a temp area to load it in with everyone else's sells orders, take all the time it needs, while you go off and play?

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Hi all,

I hope it is okay to create a new topic instead using the suggestion mega thread, if not, please move.


Over the last years i have often seen players requesting to have "real" flying mounts in game.

I have also seen that request answered by others stating that ANet obviously does not want to have "real" flying mounts as evidenced by Griffon and more so  by how Skyscale flight works.


Do you think it would be a kind of working compromise to add a mastery allowing Griffon and/or Skyscale to use updrafts in the same way a gliding character would?

I would find that a very interesting feature allowing my character to make use of updrafts without having to dismount -> glide -> remount in air.


It would also give ArenaNet the same level of control over where to allow "real" flight as they had in HoT by deciding where to put updrafts.


Would love to hear what everyone thinks.



Edited by Eleandra.4859
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On 1/10/2021 at 5:34 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Sounds good, but there are also some potential problems with that:

  1. gliding loses its last(?) purpose
  2. while using the griffon in a place with a lot of updrafts it would be pretty easy to lose the speed by "clipping" an updraft (for example VB nighttime), which isn't such a huge deal considering you'll be higher so you can dive again, but it will definitely cut on some fun factor due to breaking the rhytm/momentum

To sum up: I don't know 😄



That said, if that would become a thing, I think it should only affect griffon, because skyscale doesn't need to be even more versatile than it already is 😉

Edited by Sobx.1758
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they would be mixing masteries from different expansions, which they've never done before. (updrafts were from HoT, mounts from PoF). you could always use the PoF mastery mount launch skill near an updraft and then glide into it...


besides, they still haven't fixed the traits that allow essences in IBS to hit the other 2 colours (which they broke when they released one of the Drizzlewood Coast masteries.) i've bugged it and they don't seem to care.

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  • Eleandra.4859 changed the title to What do you think: New Mastery - Skyscale/Griffon Updraft Mastery?

True flying mounts is and remains a ludicrous idea. They would even more obsolete the groundmounts than they already are.

Flying with the skyscale is far more satisfying in having to make an effort to reach a spot higher up in like the beginning of Tangled Depths, than a wow-style flying mount. Just aim and press automove, yawn.

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I think an updraft mastery would be fine for these mounts. I find that even with all of them unlocked, I still use gliding for tight landings and precision moves - so adding updrafts to the Griffon and Skyscale would just remove some of the constant search for high ground and the plague of the dreadful stickyfeet without removing my desire to glide (especially in no-mount areas). Making mounts feel better and upgrading them over time will always be more preferable to me than just adding new mounts altogether.

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Expand the Boneskinner weapons. It's super obvious that the Boneskinner weapons were designed around Necros. They're super interesting a imo beautiful weapons with lore attached as well. I'd love to see an Axe, Dagger, Pistol, Greatsword and Torch added to the set and maybe add additional lore along the way.

I'd love the weapons to stick to the shamanic feel of the current set as well. with the charms and gnarled wood. however with the dagger, axe and greatsword they could have sort of ancient brutal looking stone or metal for the blades with a ceremonial feel.

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A bit of a fun idea a friend suggested and a few details of my own suggestions.
A "Mini Games" where players go through a course or something as their equipped Mini with or against other Minis for a chance of prizes or slowly going up to earning prizes. And I think a Mini Me and more rare Mini You could be fun things to get and work toward. The Mini Me would be the player using it, and the Mini You would be the for whoever is looking at it and it being themselves.

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I’m not a fan of the set myself but I support your endeavor. I felt the same way about the steel warband weapons and the champions skritt sceptre and opened a strikingly similar thread about it a while ago. Some themes just click for some people and it’s a shame we can’t see more of them. I hope someone takes this desire into consideration in future. 

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