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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I wouldn't mind a purely cosmetic 'inspect' option but I don't think adding one which shows builds and equipment would be any good. Especially because in my experience most players aren't actually that good at evaluating a build by looking at what's included and instead go by whether they recognise it from a fan site.

In GW1 for example it was fairly common to ask players joining a group to share their skills and I quickly learned that the difference between being kicked for having a 'trash' build and being accepted by virtually any group was to make up a name for my self-created builds (which was all of them). It didn't matter what it was or what it did, as long as I had a name for it so it sounded like I'd copied it from a fan site they'd accept it.

If they were especially observant I had to tell them my ranger/elementalist had a fiery bow string so the skill which boosted fire damage wasn't useless, but that was the only point that ever raised questions, and it's certainly not because my builds were that good.

Players can already ask about the aspects which are important (like who is providing which boons) and since how you use the skills makes a huge difference to the effectiveness (especially how much damage you do) I don't think simply looking at the skills and equipment a player has would be a good way to evaluate them.

1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

Cant you just browse the wardrobe storage and see all the skins in your bank like everyone else OP?

That's what I do.

If I see someone wearing something I like and don't recognise I take a screenshot right away (in case they disappear) then try to get a better look at it and maybe take a better screenshot. Then I whisper them to tell them I like how their character looks and ask what the skin/s I don't recognise are. If they don't answer I'll use the wardrobe and the Wiki galleries to figure it out. (The Wiki galleries help because some skins are hidden in the wardrobe until you unlock them, and it's often quicker to skim through and find the things which look close then check just those ones in the game.)

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No inspect is to avoid "toxicity" but in return causes more "toxicity".

Ping your gear, screenshot your gear, link kp, etc.

Developers shouldn't go out of their way to make it harder to group with like-minded players and form groups. Anet has gone above and beyond to ensure making groups to do challenging content is as annoying and difficult as humanly possible.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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18 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

This is one that comes up a lot in the WvW subforum so appreciate seeing it here in the general instead trying to find a solution from the other side. People have talked about a number of solutions and its good to see the OP didn't ask as other did to reduce what a lot of people in WvW see as somethings that's already pretty quick to get. I could see them allowing for other repeatable content that already has some sort of currency to get a conversion option for it.

To your point could also see the trade off being ways to convert WvW currency to get GoE. Emblems are awarded for each 100 player kill and 100 objective capture. People have been asking for more uses for these, since they are also a repeatable content currencies these might fit that bill along with Skirmish tickets and MoBs.

Thanks. The difference probably is I'm not trying to be opportunistic, which is what every suggestion to add GoB to PvE but not add GoE to WvW is, opportunist (and selfish, but that kind of goes with the term). Would I prefer a GoB in PvE? Sure. But the way it is now is hardly an insurmountable obstacle. It's a choice every PvE-only player has to make for themselves. And if they refuse to do WvW for a GoB, then the simple consequence is no legendaries for them. Nobody deserves anything in this game except the opportunity to play the game. That's what we all paid for. The rest, how we fill our time in the game and which rewards we go for, is all up to us. And Anet is not responsible for any choice made nor obligated to give in to every request by someone who refuses to do something to get the reward they want. Despite not liking WvW I've made a load of legendaries (full armor sets for all 3 weights, 21 weapons, a backpiece and all trinkets except a 2nd ring) and still have more than half a dozen GoB's in my bank for future legendaries. And I still have to farm more because I have more legendary skins I still want to unlock then GoB's in the bank. But I'm not in any hurry and that sure helps a lot.

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21 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Agreed, if this option would ever to be added, it'd have to work both ways.

Personally, while i definitely would not be against this idea, GoB is still a shallow engagement reward. Enough for people to see the mode, but not requiring so much commitment to be a drag if you find you don;t actually like it. Unless, of course, you are after massproducing legendaries, in which case it does become an issue. So, perhaps an option to obtain more GoBs that will become available only after you have obtained the first one the current way?

Even if you want to mass produce legendaries it doesn't have to be a problem. Unless you specifically mean making a lot of legendaries in a short amount of time. In that case, yes, you do have to spend a lot of time in WvW. But if you want to make a lot of legendaries and don't need to have them all by tomorrow, the WvW reward track is absolutely fine. I just do Big Spender, Land Claimer, Master of Monuments, Camp Capturer, Caravan Disrupter, Guard Killer and Veteran Creature Slayer whenever they are dailies. All dailies that are easily done by yourself, and you'll keep your participation level at max this way as well, so every tick you get gives you max progress (I also use an enrichment on my amulet and boosters for reward track progress). And if someone comes along and kills me, so be it. It's the nature of the game and it's never blocked me from getting what I want from WvW. I never spend more than 10 to 15 minutes in WvW and have managed to make 3 full armor sets, 21 weapons, a backpiece and 4 trinkets in the past 7 years (I didn't start with legendaries until after HoT came out and we got an alternative method for acquiring precursors). If people would always have their wishes catered to we would never push our limits or expand our horizons and that is something every one of us needs to prevent us becoming spoiled and entitled little brats.

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2 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

No inspect is to avoid "toxicity" but in return causes more "toxicity".

Ping your gear, screenshot your gear, link kp, etc.

Developers shouldn't go out of their way to make it harder to group with like-minded players and form groups. Anet has gone above and beyond to ensure making groups to do challenging content is as annoying and difficult as humanly possible.

GW1 and 2 have been running for decades between them with virtual no toxicity. Gear is also irrelevant for 99% of content (everyone has exotic or above), its ability to play profession that matters.  Anet were very smart and identifies what causes toxicity in other AAA morppg and took steps to avoid it. 

Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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2 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Anet has gone above and beyond to ensure making groups to do challenging content is as annoying and difficult as humanly possible.

You could make new friends and group with them. A big enough group of friends could move in together into a some kind of hall.

One day you might even make a friend who doesn't know how to do something. That could be a little shocking, but you could teach them how to do that thing. Then you could play together.

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31 minutes ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

GW1 and 2 have been running for decades between them with virtual no toxicity. Gear is also irrelevant for 99% of content (everyone has exotic or above), its ability to play profession that matters.  Anet were very smart and identifies what causes toxicity in other AAA morppg and took steps to avoid it. 

I don't see how making sure someone's stat combos actually go with the build they are saying they are running is a bad thing. 

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10 minutes ago, Einsof.1457 said:

I don't see how making sure someone's stat combos actually go with the build they are saying they are running is a bad thing. 

And why is that your business?  Bear in mind for 99% of content it doesn't matter.   'Appraising' other peoples builds is not required, and the end result is say nothing, you agree(?!) with their build. or you start to throwing your opinions about, when actually your only consideration should be your own performance.  And you know what, it can actually be very rewarding carrying weaker players, people who get Anets design principles embrace this.


Put the other shoe on, you have a build you love and enjoy, you know it is amply good enough for all the content you play, then someone whispers you (or worse) and starts to criticise your build - that is toxicity in action.


Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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10 minutes ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

And why is that your business?  Bear in mind for 99% of content it doesn't matter.   'Appraising' other peoples builds is not required, and the end result is say nothing, you agree(?!) with their build. or you start to throwing your opinions about, when actually your only consideration should be your own performance.  And you know what, it can actually be very rewarding carrying weaker players, people who get Anets design principles embrace this.


Put the other shoe on, you have a build you love and enjoy, you know it is amply good enough for all the content you play, then someone whispers you (or worse) and starts to criticise your build - that is toxicity in action.


1. If I am a raid leader it is my job to make sure the raid comp makes sense. 

2. For the content that it does matter, it does matter.

3. It is not required, obviously. We have been living without it for 10 years. But the point is that it would make things a ton better.

If I have a build I love and enjoy but I know that it makes my team suffer, then I don't think that is okay, sorry. That is trolling. No one is going to criticize people in open world because open world is a joke. This is about instanced content as far as I am concerned. 

The real toxicity is joining a raid group, lying about your build and skill level, and expecting a carry. That's toxic. 

Edited by Einsof.1457
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I know this has been brought up a few times in the past and ANet do not usually comment, but it is becoming frustrating to farm Crystalline Ore due to DS Meta event participation.


I have been looking to create some Gen2 Legendary's which do not support Desert - i.e. HOPE. I have managed to do a single meta in the past week, most nights I am online only one or two other people show up.  I know this is more to do with the time I play but I do not think it would be detrimental to the game.

Edited by carrolltech.9215
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8 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

GW1 and 2 have been running for decades between them with virtual no toxicity. Gear is also irrelevant for 99% of content (everyone has exotic or above), its ability to play profession that matters.  Anet were very smart and identifies what causes toxicity in other AAA morppg and took steps to avoid it. 

Gear matters when someone is using full soldiers gear and the tank can't hold aggro.

WoW has been going for longer than GW2 and has an inspect option.

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As a raid leader you normally do not deal with people you don't know and never talked to. All the raid guilds I know meet and discuss their builds before starting anything, that works fine without inspection. 


I have been kicked out of WvW groups because they felt my wvw rank was too low. And with gear inspection there will be a small list of accepted build/gear combos and anyone who dares to deviate a bit from this will be kicked out of any random group. So we will be left with one or two accepted builds per class. That is the exact opposite of Anet's 'try anything you like' philosophy. And many people would quit the game - those who play more casual and aren't equipped with legendary and ascended stuff. 

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30 minutes ago, Rogue.8235 said:

Would like one as well, though, I admit it's more for the completionist in me.  As for solutions now, are there any particular paths that are great for grabbing some quick pods or is following any of the paths sufficient?


Nah, you don’t have to wander far to find a couple outside of the gathering outpost. 

I agree with the advice, but I’d like one too for completionism

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1 hour ago, BlackNephilim.6591 said:

As a raid leader you normally do not deal with people you don't know and never talked to. All the raid guilds I know meet and discuss their builds before starting anything, that works fine without inspection. 


I have been kicked out of WvW groups because they felt my wvw rank was too low. And with gear inspection there will be a small list of accepted build/gear combos and anyone who dares to deviate a bit from this will be kicked out of any random group. So we will be left with one or two accepted builds per class. That is the exact opposite of Anet's 'try anything you like' philosophy. And many people would quit the game - those who play more casual and aren't equipped with legendary and ascended stuff. 

If you aren't running full zerkers/vipers as a DPS you shouldn't be signing up for groups. Defensive stats do nothing in instanced PVE.

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When GW2 was released, the devs purposefully left out "inspect gear" option to avoid their player base developing an elitist upper echelon of players who would refuse to participate in high level content (then: dungeons lol) with players who lacked perfect gear. This was how other MMORPG's like WoW behaved at the time, and devs wanted to avoid that behavior.

But today, that sentiment seems outdated. Players in high level content already gate each other by requesting you to ping KP anyways, or display titles for CM strikes, which accomplishes the same exact player gating effect.

I vote +1 for gear inspection ability.

Edited by Silverpoopoo.1476
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10 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

I don't see how making sure someone's stat combos actually go with the build they are saying they are running is a bad thing. 

Of course you don't see it ... because you probably think it's a great idea to be able to check it. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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In the absence of an official inspect feature, players have created their own gatekeeping metrics. I believe that adding an offical inspect feature would merely simplify and codify players' already-demonstrated desire to gatekeep.

Functionally, I don't actually think adding a not-just-cosmetic inspect will really affect too many people. It seems that many (not sure if it's a larger or smaller proportion though) players who want to get into higher end content already know how to do so while bypassing the pug gatekeepers. 

What will probably change is the volume of complaints on the forum/subreddit about the "toxicity" of the feature.

If adding the not-just-cosmetic inspect feature doesn't fundamentally alter gameplay yet invites bad public discussion about the game, I say leave it out.

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1 hour ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

If you aren't running full zerkers/vipers as a DPS you shouldn't be signing up for groups. Defensive stats do nothing in instanced PVE.

You do realize that is a kitten statement right? There are a lot of meta builds that mix and match pieces for the most benefit. Not all of them are full zerker/vipers because not all builds need it. The condi Virtuoso for example uses a mix of vipers, rampagers, and sinister because full vipers would be a dps loss. Not everything is that black and white when it comes to builds.

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