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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I am writing this as a plea to the developers to stop this new "bitcoin" of the Supreme runes of holding. People trying to get their 32 slot bags are met with a huge problem, the supreme rune of holding witch can be dropped only by gambling or bought off the Trading Post. I suggest it is added to the crafting discipline vendor like all the rest of be aquired by other means other than gambling.

Its really troublesome that someone can spend 150gold for 400gems as of today (dont know about the future) and get minimum  +20 slots of inventory space with the bag slot expansion, while to increase from 20-32 for one bag costs more than 250gold at this time(maybe tommorow it will cost more),and that is only if you buy them outright from the Trading post, if you decide to gamble for them the cost is astronomical.

All i am asking is that this is considered for a possible change in the aquisition of the Supreme rune of holding. 

Thank you for your time.

Edited by Salonikios.3154
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Idea is to make a few servers with open world pvp, or an optional setting that when turned on, places you into a shard where pvp in the open world is possible. Only people with the setting turned on would be in this pvp-only shard. No teams, but grouping and sharding as a group possible. Maybe no squad support in the beginning, to see how it pans out. Or squad play can be limited to current WvW / team oriented fight style.

Just a wild and open-world pvp experience for pvp players, 100% optional. Cities could be safe zones, or even towns. Feel this would bring life back into every zone in the game. Could even add in a reward system somehow, or mini-events that pop up in diff maps, to keep a variance in the content. Would be WvW gear/specs/talents, etc, to keep it wild. Far more immersion for pvp players to be able to sort of live in the world of Tyria finally. 

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On 8/25/2023 at 8:01 PM, Sky.3460 said:

Dear Arenanet,
I am not sure who or where to address this, but I guess here in the forums I will make my first ever post.
I have loved GW2. I have been playing for over 10 years. I have put literally thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars into the game. When I found out that for 11 years of playing we would not be receiving a title, I was completely heartbroken. For those of us who have been playing since the beginning, those "birthday" titles are one of the main motivators to continue playing. The titles represent all of the time and energy that has been put into the world of GW2.
For me, it feels as though the focus of Arenanet has completely shifted towards gaining new players, while forgetting about those of us who have kept the game running and relevant for the past 10+ years.
There is nothing more valuable to me in the game than that exclusive, yearly title. I feel as though for the very first time I have a reason to pull back from GW2. I feel completely unappreciated as a player.
I hope that this message get's passed along to the right eyes. I apologize if I come across as whiney or ungrateful but this has absolutely devastated me. 
I beg you to reconsider and add a title for 11 years of playing. Those of us who have supported and endorsed the game for over a decade truly deserve it.

Ty as always,


Thank you Sky!  ❤️  Thank you for so perfectly putting my feelings and thoughts into words.  My real birthday is August 24th, and every year I anxiously look forward to finding out what my new title is.  I have been terribly sad since the 11 year anniversary.

I have a pretty serious genetic disorder that has caused many health challenges.  As a result, I don't have much of a life and am trapped at home in bed when things get bed.....hence since GW2 began I have put in 11,443 hours of my life playing Guild Wars 2That is well over a YEAR of my LIFE dedicated to playing this game .... and then some.  It's literally the ONLY pc or console game I play.  

I have always loved getting the new title and getting to show it off, and this year was heart breaking.  PLEASE Anet ... PLEASE retroactively give us 11 year b-day titles and resume doing annual titles for your most loyal players!  Please show your love for us as we have shown ours for you.  I think many would agree that the title was the favorite part of our annual gift by FAR.





Edited by SommerTurtle.6082
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1 hour ago, Kite.5327 said:


Idea is to make a few servers with open world pvp, or an optional setting that when turned on, places you into a shard where pvp in the open world is possible. Only people with the setting turned on would be in this pvp-only shard. No teams, but grouping and sharding as a group possible. Maybe no squad support in the beginning, to see how it pans out. Or squad play can be limited to current WvW / team oriented fight style.

Just a wild and open-world pvp experience for pvp players, 100% optional. Cities could be safe zones, or even towns. Feel this would bring life back into every zone in the game. Could even add in a reward system somehow, or mini-events that pop up in diff maps, to keep a variance in the content. Would be WvW gear/specs/talents, etc, to keep it wild. Far more immersion for pvp players to be able to sort of live in the world of Tyria finally. 

Gw2 dont have servers like this its all on the same pve server it just spin up more map shards if needed for the area your in.

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I'm trying to do all the events in SotO maps for mastery points (just got the game a few days ago). Unfortunately, it's not easy to get people to come for most group events, especially when it's not during peak hours. This is only going to get worse since once people are done with their mastery points, there's no point in doing the map events any more.

Why not add some essences to all SotO events? Even if the amount of essences don't compare to rifts, adding some essences as rewards to events should help to keep them relevant.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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3 minutes ago, Brave Mallyki.1563 said:

I would like to see an update/overhaul of this item to include all of the meta events the game has.

It has the metas for HoT...that's what it's designed for.  As cool as it would be to have one for all the metas, that would be a LOT.  I would welcome one for each expansion, but there's the wiki event timer *shrug*

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2 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

It has the metas for HoT...that's what it's designed for.  As cool as it would be to have one for all the metas, that would be a LOT.  I would welcome one for each expansion, but there's the wiki event timer *shrug*

Then people would ask for Anet to combine them anyway, like they've already asked for with the various portal tomes.

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58 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Then people would ask for Anet to combine them anyway, like they've already asked for with the various portal tomes.

Yeh I had the same thought....they definitely would.  I would love to have the tomes in one big volume but frankly they're fine as they are, and I don't mind the current portal devices.

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FYI, when you guys paste text in, please do right-click > paste as plain text. Otherwise, when using the black background, it is a blinding blob of white, which I typically just scroll right past.

I have no issue with titles being added, but haven't displayed a title on any character for probably 8 years, so obviously didn't even notice that no title was given.

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Allow us to place mount skills in the weapon skill slot we choose, just like with utility skills. Also, make it so that mount abilities (Mount Ability 1 and Mount Ability 2) use the same hot keys as the weapon skill slots they're on (instead of their own separate hot keys) to prevent bugs.

I want to move "Mount Ability 1" (Skyscale's Dash, for example) from skill slot 5 to skill slot 2, and just use the same key as "Weapon Skill 2."

I want to move "Mount Ability 2" (Skyscale's Descend, for example) from slot 4 to slot 3, and just use the same key as "Weapon Skill 3."

I want to move extra mount attacks (Skyscale's Fireball, for example) from slot 2 to slot 4, and just use the same key as "Weapon Skill 4."

Considering mount abilities 1 and 2 are the most commonly used abilities, it makes no sense to put them in slots 5 and 4, respectively. Skills like Skyscale's Fireball are niche abilities that are not used nearly as often so I want to move them to slot 4 (or 5). Currently, I cannot just assign Skyscale's Fireball to key 4 since that would also affect my weapon skills.

Also, mount abilities using their own hot keys can create bugs and interfere with weapon abilities. For example, I set my "Mount Ability 1" to key 2 (I use C and V for utility skills). Since the Skyscale's Fireball is on weapon skill slot 2, this conflicts with my custom key bindings.

EDIT: While at it, this would be the perfect opportunity to let us swap weapon skills 2~5 as well.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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5 minutes ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

Allow us to place mount skills in the weapon skill slot we choose, just like with utility skills. Also, make it so that mount abilities (Mount Ability 1 and Mount Ability 2) use the same hot keys as the weapon skill slots they're on (instead of their own separate hot keys) to prevent bugs.

I want to move "Mount Ability 1" (Skyscale's Dash, for example) from skill slot 5 to skill slot 2, and just use the same key as "Weapon Skill 2."

I want to move "Mount Ability 2" (Skyscale's Descend, for example) from slot 4 to slot 3, and just use the same key as "Weapon Skill 3."

I want to move extra mount attacks (Skyscale's Fireball, for example) from slot 2 to slot 4, and just use the same key as "Weapon Skill 4."

Considering mount abilities 1 and 2 are the most commonly used abilities, it makes no sense to put them in slots 5 and 4, respectively. Skills like Skyscale's Fireball are niche abilities that are not used nearly as often so I want to move them to slot 4 (or 5). Currently, I cannot just assign Skyscale's Fireball to key 4 since that would also affect my weapon skills.

Also, mount abilities using their own hot keys can create bugs and interfere with weapon abilities. For example, I set my "Mount Ability 1" to key 2 (I use C and V for utility skills). Since the Skyscale's Fireball is on weapon skill slot 2, this conflicts with my custom key bindings.

You can already re-map Mount Ability 1 and Mount Ability 2 to whatever keys you want. They could certainly add "Mount Ability 3" and "Mount Ability 4"  to the options menu, but that is not exactly what you are asking for.

Unless I miss read, you want the ability to change the layout shown at the bottom of the HUD, list like numbers 6-0....The problem comes in as all the mounts use the same action keys, and the SkyScale has more action/abilities than other mounts

Skyscale has 4 skills
Griffon, Skimmer, and Beatle have 3 skills
The other 5 mounts have 2 skills each

The only way what you are proposing would work would be if they gave each mount their own custom customizable set, which means not just allowing 4 abilities to be re-mapped across 5 slots.... but to have 45 customizable options added (5 slots and 9 mounts).

It is also worth noting that #6 is always your heal skill, and #0 is always your elite skill, while #7-#9 are build skills... This same layout essentially carries over to mounts too... but it is not like you can move your weapons to 6-0, or move your heal to say #2

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On 8/25/2023 at 7:01 PM, Sky.3460 said:

For those of us who have been playing since the beginning, those "birthday" titles are one of the main motivators to continue playing.

Perhaps for you. A title that requires no effort beyond buying the game/creating an account 11 years ago...perhaps not logging in again until now is largely meaningless to me, despite the fact that I too have been here since the beginning. A title based on what date you bought the game seems silly to me.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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