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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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This may already have been suggested, but:Can we please have:

  • Queues for instance change, so we dont need to spam "Join in <map's name here>" .... "Ok" .... "Join in <map's name here>" ....
  • When, in party/squad, we travel to another map where said party/squad leader is we actually get put in the same instance

... PLEASE?I don't think this is asking much.

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It would be nice if the /ip command gave an additional info about the life-span of the instance. For example/ip Ip address(es): - 0d 16h 24m 52s

It would also be nice to have a map-expiration-timer on all maps. As we cannot switch map-instances or force opening a new one, locked maps with bugged events should not exist for eternity.

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I would like to request a change to loot given to sub level 80 characters when completing core Tyria world bosses.

When I do a world boss on a low level character the main thing I want as gear rewards is level appropriate items that that char can use. I find it a disappointment after spending several minutes at a big event like this when my low level char gets gear that is useless to it and I have to salvage and send off or sale. I would much rather earn a set of new gear upgrades that I can equip. For me this would increase the enjoyment of doing these world bosses and feel lore appropriate to earn gear upgrades like that.

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Please make Necromancer Life Force1) Recharge to 100% automatically, similar to health, while outside of combat.2) Start at 100% upon map change.(all outside of competitive game modes)

Necromancers can already pre-charge Life Force to 100% manually by using certain skills repeatedly, but it's tedious and makes the game feel more like work that fun.

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I have a suggestion to help with bots in this game, the free to play accounts should be limited to only the PVE areas and none of the competitive areas such as WVW and PVP as they are there to level their accounts and provide nothing to human interaction just coding to play the game for them. I follow and report bots in this game as I find them currently following a few now and watching them in WVW where they run code to autorun and take camps and avoid being downed as they just poof disappear. This is not fair to us that actually play the game and sit in front of a computer and not running bot code.

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First off...thank you for giving us an option to disable the Compact All button.

Chat Window:• Please give us a way to disable/hide the button that deletes a chat tab. I have many times accidently clicked on the little X and inadvertently deleted a chat tab.• Please give us a right click, Clear All option in the chat windows.

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QoL ideas:

Remove all those confirmation windows for the "Pitcher of Desert-Spiced Coffee" from WvW chests (LS4 reward tracks)

Make Firebrand Mantras auto charge after GG or at least after entering a fractal.

Delay Ley-Line Anomaly spawn timer a few minutes so we can do Pinata --> LLA without missing it and having to wait 2 hours for the next one, since they are at the same time.

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It would be very nice and useful to be able to add up to 5 additional guild slots via a gemstore option. I hoping a dev reads this and thinks so too - like build templates expansions, and bank tab expansions. It would also be a way for anet to make more money.

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Wooden Chests have rare item dropshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wooden_Chest

Steel Chests have exotic and ascended item dropshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Steel_Chest

Could ascended and precursor drops please be given their own kind of chest, or better, could they be mailed to us in case we disconnect from the server before we're able to collect?

It could happen if we have a full inventory and need to find a bank npc first before we can collect, but then bad internet disconnects us before we can collect it

And can Spike dropshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spikewhich are everywhere in wvwplease be given their own Spike bag instead of being put in a Heavy Loot Bag in wvwhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag_of_Loot

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am not sure if its already suggested but here is my issue:1.An option to name my bank tabs, already happnes in guild bank tabs so please...2.Every time i open my bank/crafting station, will be nice to have an option to get all the tab closed(all at once or just when i enter, this way+the first suggestion i can access my bank tab for example and just open the tab i need by its name and not need to scroll down all the way or close all of them to reach the last one.3.Same goes for inventory bags.4.Being able to link a specific equipment template to a specific build template so they will change at once.


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I love the game's Post-Processing effects... but the Bloom effect is often burning straight into my brain as it is way too intense.

I know this has been suggested before on Reddit and here, but has not gotten any attention from the devs. :/

  • Separate Bloom from Post-Processing in the settings
  • Also, separate Outlines (characters, interactive objects) from Post-Processing in the settings

That way, people like me could use the beautiful PP effects (including special effects) without the stuff that we don't like (and the reasons why we have PP deactivated in-game). I know this is possible, as the person who created GW2hook managed to implement the feature in his overlay (unfortunately, GW2hook is outdated and doesn't work well with newer drivers).

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@Randulf.7614 said:Is the bloom what causes that strange washed out look in eotn or the crazy radioactive glow in the newer maps?

No, those are post-processing effects (haze, drunk effect, etc). The bloom is when glowing/lit objects (including some vegetation and even snow) shine brightly or reflect the light.

So it would be nice to be able to activate/adjust those two things separately. :)

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