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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

There are many people who wear swim suits on the beach, while not actually wanting to swim in real life.

I don't see why swim suits in a game should not also be available for terrestrial activities.

i know there are but doesent mean u cant have an automated outfit while going under water.

This way u wear ur whatever u want on the beach and underwater u have an outfit OPTION 

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On 4/5/2022 at 1:44 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I doubt the person/persons that monitor the thread start from page one every time.  Like  for most, the forum keeps track of the last post read in a thread. 

Perhaps but that;'s not how it feels to the people getting merged into the 200+ page. Public perception is important too.

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Hello, I would like to talk about the Thousand Seas Pavilion Pass, in my opinion, whoever bought the game in the pre-order, should get this item for free, based on the "Lily of the Elon" of the one who bought the PoF in the pre-order. Of course, it should still be on sale for anyone who wants it, because everyone has the right, but whoever bought the game before it was released, should get this item for free.


Please leave your opinion here too.


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This is becoming more and more annoying.

I am not talking about going to a different map, I am talking about the "Volunteer" to switch to a more crowded map.

You would think, with ArenaNet using more and more things that stack to get better results, that you would by now actually be able to swap maps in this manner without loosing such stacks?

No such luck.

When you have build up 55 stacks on fishing on your boat, like I have now... and this pops up... all you think is "darn, only 1 hour left to take benefit of this"
Consider how long it takes to build up 55 stacks when fishing solo, then consider the fact that for a MINISCULE reward you loose ALL those stacks...


Why is this even possible?
Not a good start for a "casual" activity.

Please consider this problem and rework it... I could care less for the volunteer reward and rather see all my stacks saved if you tell me the map is closing.

Switch to same, but more crowded map should ALWAYS save ANY stack you have. Be it fishing, be it bloodlust, be in the icebrood mastery things... 

Untill that time, I consider this a massive bug and showstopper. I see no reason to invest too much time anymore in Fishing if this bug is not fixed. 

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Sure, that would have been nice, but the sales offerings clearly did not include a pass this time. Nor did the Noble Folly (or whatever the HoT lounge is called) come with the HoT expansion ultimate edition. To say it should now be given to ultimate (not just pre-order, by the way) purchasers is a rather entitled view, no? 

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It's really annoying and doesn't feel good to be unable to way point out of the new lobby. Even the mistlock lobby that is also in the mist is still on the map and able to tp away from it. There is no lore or informaiton about the location, so how about just using this island and making it explored on the map? Seems really weird to hide it away in it's own pocket dimension for no reason.


Edited by TeeracK.3601
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  • TeeracK.3601 changed the title to Can the Thousand Seas Pavilion be put on the world map?

Custom Home Instances (Gemstore)- Live in the coolest places in Tyria of your choice via an instance entrance (like a volcano, behind a waterfall, in a minor town, or a major city) , choose one of several styles of houses to look like homes or businesses. Move all your harvest home-instance nodes, arrange furniture, hang screenshots pictures, mount stalls, have story NPCs and goofy neighbors visit you randomly.

New Holidays

August 28th, in the Grove serving as a birthday for pale-tree and anniversary GW2 game, with furniture and flower merchants that use rarely used currencies. Dancing minigames, fishing, racing. 

Meatober in Ascalon, a day for chefs and cooks to present their best dishes, trading recipes, and fresh ingredients sold.

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On Dynamic HUD Presets: I’d love to quickly switch between “Always Show (Default)” and “Immersive.”

Can we please have a keybind for it? With the ability to choose which presets we like.

I know the Show/Hide UI keybind exists. However, it also hides NPC speech bubbles, object names, and windows we’d like to show to an audience.
I’d like to take screenshots and recordings of moments where the NPC’s name is there, or with the achievement window open. The Immersive preset for Dynamic HUD does this well.

However, Immersive doesn’t help during open world exploration, for me Always Show (default) is what works. This means the user needs to keep switching between the two presets only. It would be a huge QoL improvement to not have to {click Game Menu -> Options -> click [preset] -> press Esc} every time.

Edited by Chrysline.2317
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Add dating sim in towns and outposts.

Just joking.


Here's the real request:

In WvW, some servers have a 30+ number of players at any given time.

This leads to servers such as ours to be outnumbered most of the time, by a significant amount of players.


I request that if there isn't already a cross server... which, excuse my ignorance on this matter, I'm still unsure... then, there should be one.


Playing the victim has never been my style, but it revolts me, when I'm playing with a lot of people that either run away, or have no clue how to play WvW.


Matters such as:

Dashing through enemies intercepting, and hope for the best. 

Leaving comrades behind to die while they skip town.

Never build siege weapons.


Amongst other very irritating issues.

You can't force people to have the bare minimum notion how to play, but at least the tutorial will add some consciousness... hopefully. 


I suggest a compulsory tutorial in how to play WvW.

I also suggest players get swapped around, and shared between servers when one or two are outnumbered. 

If the other server becomes outnumbered, then you get a change to your own server voluntary thingy similar to what we do in pve.


I really like this mode, but sometimes I spend hours in WvW and get nothing done.

The scores are not fair when a server is overpopulated and some like ours only rarely get around 20 players in.


Please do something about this ANet.




Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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I kindly request from ArenaNet to add more keybinds on Mastery skills. So far in the Control Options menu there is only one key option for a default selected Mastery, yet there are 3 skills there.

As such, I feel somewhat forced to ask:

1. a keybind option added for summoning Skiff. This is especially needed because Fishing Party Catches buff gets lost fast (just a few seconds) if player can not summon skiff back fast enough. A keybind is a must-have for fishing with skiff.

2. a keybind for switching to fishing rod. Every time when going to another fishing pool, the player needs to switch to fishing rod again and again. This takes time, seconds are wasted to open menu and click on icon on this repetitive task (and it is extremely repetitive, because just 3 fishes are on every fishing pool, while fishing pools as switched a lot of times going from one to the next).

3. jade bot - I don't think this needs any comments - it's just needed.

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My EoD Suggestion is for a Fishing Power Enrichment for our amulets, We have the 4 base Enrichments and the WvW ones:

  • Gold Find from kills
  • Experience
  • Karma
  • Magic Find

WvW Reward track 

  • WvW Experience

With EoD Release it would be an awesome time to add further options for this slot! I Suggest:

1. + 50 Fishing Power 


2.+25 Fishing power
   +25 Fishing power while Anchored

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17 hours ago, Soulstar.7812 said:

Custom Home Instances (Gemstore)- Live in the coolest places in Tyria of your choice via an instance entrance (like a volcano, behind a waterfall, in a minor town, or a major city) , choose one of several styles of houses to look like homes or businesses. Move all your harvest home-instance nodes, arrange furniture, hang screenshots pictures, mount stalls, have story NPCs and goofy neighbors visit you randomly.

I Would Move into Caudecus's Manor...i mean he's not using it anymore right?

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4 hours ago, Alin.2468 said:

I kindly request from ArenaNet to add more keybinds on Mastery skills. So far in the Control Options menu there is only one key option for a default selected Mastery, yet there are 3 skills there.

As such, I feel somewhat forced to ask:

1. a keybind option added for summoning Skiff. This is especially needed because Fishing Party Catches buff gets lost fast (just a few seconds) if player can not summon skiff back fast enough. A keybind is a must-have for fishing with skiff.

2. a keybind for switching to fishing rod. Every time when going to another fishing pool, the player needs to switch to fishing rod again and again. This takes time, seconds are wasted to open menu and click on icon on this repetitive task (and it is extremely repetitive, because just 3 fishes are on every fishing pool, while fishing pools as switched a lot of times going from one to the next).

3. jade bot - I don't think this needs any comments - it's just needed.

Not sure what 'menu' you need to open to equip your fishing rod.  There's an icon to equip it with one click, already, on the skills bar.

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I am really disappointed. Last time I bought 2 mist-bands for 400 asc. shards of glory which DONT have the new Ritualist stats. Support could not give me the ascended shards back, which is basically a full pvp season of worth (could have made legendary armor piece instead..).


Today I finished the specter weapon collection, finished harvest temple and bought the "Master Specters Ring" for 30 Green Prophet Shards and Gold.


Just to find out that the ring CANT be attuned! So I cant play with Ritualist-stats in Fractals? 


Please ANET:


-add Ritualist to Mist-Band

-fix it so attuning of the Elite-Specs Rings possible

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6 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Not sure what 'menu' you need to open to equip your fishing rod.  There's an icon to equip it with one click, already, on the skills bar.


the quote explains it: that icon on your skill bar, has 3 skills there: fishing, skiff, and personal waypoint from the jade bot. you select one of those skills. (like how you select a mount to show up in the mount skill-slot. but with mounts, you can assign a hotkey for each mount, regardless of which mount you select for your skill, in addition to a separate hotkey for the skill slot) with fishing/skiff/waypoint, whichever one is selected for the skill slot, gets activated by the hotkey for the skill slot. there is no hotkey for the others. AND, if you want to use the other two skills, you need to press the arrow, and THEN press the other skill. even with only showing icons, it's still considered a menu. When you're used to using a single hotkey for an action, it's very combersome to have to press an arrow key to open a menu, just to have to click again on whatever skill you want.


PS: some people prefer to select the skiff or waypoint for the skill slot. which means extra button presses on mouse control to access the other 2 skills.

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  • Turtle QoL Suggestions

  • Re-work or tweak the ammunition mechanic. 
    • Increase the number of shots regained through Slam from a measly 20% to 1 shot per enemy hit.
      • (The Slam attack is painfully slow as it is, and there is nothing fun as a gunner about sitting and spamming #1 or left-click waiting for another round to load. It's mind-numbingly boring and leads to players hopping on, firing a salvo and immediately hopping off rather than creating an opportunity for actual co-operative mounted gameplay.)
    • Increase the ammunition count to 8 or 10.
      • (Two barrels, 5 shots? Really? Not only is this simply not enough for the gunner to have any meaningful gameplay before boringly waiting for the slow trickle of ammo, the damage per shot is pathetic, requiring a full salvo to down a basic level 80 mob - and it's not as if the splash radius of the shots is large enough to justify this.)
    • Change the ammunition recovery to increase when moving slowly rather than quickly.
      • (It's supposed to be a siege turtle - mobile artillery - not a drive-by van. The mechanics of faster ammunition when moving at uncontrollable speed not only does not fit the theme of a turtle, it makes it harder for the gunner to do their job and makes it harder for the driver to do theirs - often careening off cliffs or into walls and objects that make it hard for the gunner to see.)
        • Instead, allow the speed mechanic to affect both gunner and driver in different ways. Slower speed = faster ammo for sieging. Faster speed = increased momentum and damage from the Slam attack. This would create some fun counter-play between driver and gunner.


  • Allow the driver to fire the cannons!
    • Allow the driver to fire the cannons when lacking a gunner, either at a reduced ammo capacity or reduced rate of fire.
      • (Currently only having the Slam skill is just downright boring AF, made worse by the ludicrous amount of drift and the mechanic of regaining ammo faster the faster you're moving. This extremely poor design choice forces the driver to do one of two things: 1.) Participate in combat using a slow and pathetic slam attack whilst face-tanking -or- 2.) Run around slamming and skidding into everything hoping that a gunner will hop on from time to time and fire off a salvo. Again, it's boring plain and simple.)
      • (I was genuinely surprised when it turned out that the driver couldn't fire the cannons at all, considering the cannons move with camera facing and will aim at the driver's target if lacking a gunner. The animation groundwork is already in place.)
    • Alternatively, split combat and defense mechanics between driver and gunner.
      • (If going this route, give the driver access to all defense and mobility skills, leaving the basic Slam as its only attack. This would at least offer some justification for choosing to face-tank and Slam if the driver had access to Hunker Down to mitigate some damage and Overdrive to get out of Dodge when things start getting dicey. Not to mention it's simply annoying to have a gunner randomly pop Overdrive when they're not the one steering.)


  • Reduce the amount of drift.
    • (We get it, big funny turtle goes "skrrrt". Amusing for the first few times, an annoying hindrance forever after.)


  • Increase the walking speed.
    • (Again we get it, big funny turtle is slow. However, turtle can still be slow without being ludicrously slow. Just give the turtle the walking speed it has underwater, especially considering it makes absolutely zero sense for the turtle to be able to walk faster underwater than on land. That's.. not how physics works, Anet.)


  • Give the turtle the ability to swim!
    • (It's a turtle, not a tortoise. Use whatever Jade-tech mumbo-jumbo justification you need to if necessary (such as bubbles out of the jets) but allow our turtles to do the thing that turtles do - SWIM. You already give them infinite stamina underwater, just make them behave underwater the way Skyscale does in the air. You can still allow the turtle to descend to the sea floor and walk around, but as soon as you activate the jets and lift away from the ground, you should enter swimming mode.)



And last, but certainly not least:



  • Add an option to enable/disable the see-through effect when close to a turtle.
    • (This is a great feature, and considering the size of the turtles, it's a wonderful thing to have. Just give us the option to enable or disable it for when we don't want our shelly-bois disappearing. As of right now, it is nearly impossible to get a proper close-up of friends' turtles and makes taking memorable screenshots difficult. Have the option enabled by default, but let us turn it off when we want to.)



Anyway, I'm extremely pleased to have the turtle mount and I appreciate the work put into them but I feel like there's a lot of room for improvement that can increase the QoL when running around in these combat mounts and make doing so fun and rewarding. Right now they're basically a meme outside of hopping on for 2sec to launch a salvo, then hopping off again to do any kind of decent dps. It's simply not fun to drive around for any lengthy amount of time with how pitiful the Slam and Cannon attacks are, how the ammunition mechanic effectively makes the turtle useless for most of combat and how the driver has nothing to do but steer or pray they can hit something with a Slam attack that is more likely to miss than not because the drift is so severe, made worse through the gunner's use of Overdrive in an attempt to speed up their ammo recovery rate.


All in all, there's a lot of fun features here that are just working against one another rather than complementing each other and it makes what should be a fun co-op mount a one-and-done meme only useful for pulling out when an event needs it or for stack-cheesing on bosses and such.

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On 4/8/2022 at 11:05 AM, ShadowKain.9410 said:

I have certainly found it annoying when the gunner starts overdrive and I spin out of control.  Is there a visual indicator or some other way for the driver to know that the turtle is going to move in a completely different manner than expected?

I'm guessing that they deliberately made using the turtle solo very limited in order to enhance the effect of having two players on board, but it just makes the turtle underperform.  The driver certainly ought to be able to use hunker down.  Given the very limited circumstances in which the turtle is useful, mainly against stationary objects, features like overdrive don't make much sense.

Maybe they will eventually create a turtle race where there is need to move fast and destroy targets along the way etc.  I'm kind of surprised they didn't do that.  A race like that could be a fun two player experience, the current situations in which the turtle is useful don't match with the features provided.

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