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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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4 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

It's a waste of developer resources and it's extra code bloat if they add drops to every world boss and meta event.


That is true but only up to a point. After all we do still expect devs to be doing work when they are "working" since people like using that reason for everything.

Also I was talking about the general idea not the specifics of what OP suggested.

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Just now, Khisanth.2948 said:

That is true but only up to a point. After all we do still expect devs to be doing work when they are "working" since people like using that reason for everything.

Also I was talking about the general idea not the specifics of what OP suggested.

Also remember this is not the first time this has been suggested. It used to be nearly monthly.

Unlike the PVP amulet this actually has a workaround.

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If you don't like PvP:


Focus on the PvE side of WvW to get your Gift of Battle. Get yourself a build with decent sustain so you can capture a camp on your own. Then focus on capturing camps, killing dolyaks, maybe getting the Mercenaries on EBG and defeating the Harpies/Ice Wurm/Warg. All solo-able PvE tasks. The only thing that will happen is that you will run into enemy players who kill your character. If it happens, go to a different map or try later.


If you get comfortable doing this, you can extend it a bit by following a commander that is capturing locations. Focus on the off-hours so there are not many enemies. Sometimes you can play for hours and only capture locations without much battle. Follow the commander, Grab supplies, Build what the commander builds and kill the NPC guards in towers. This will make you rapid progress and congratulations, you're participating in the core of WvW now. Ofc, your group will get destroyed from time to time by enemies. But a respawn is free. Either respawn and continue following the commander or try another time.

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1 hour ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

On the one hand it is already possible to get the GoB without doing WvW. This is how I got my last 5 or so GoB. Mainly through the guild vendor(Sigurlina Jonsdottir) and buying Box of WvW Supplies which requires doing guild missions and Big Spender. The Box of WvW Supplies is used for Daily WvW World Ranker. Only use the supplies for that if you have around 12-15 supplies. With less and you might not have enough for 2 ranks. The Badges for Big Spender can come from AP rewards.

On the other hand since it is already a way to get GoB without doing WvW, what is the harm in adding another way?

"since it can be done, might as well make it easier" is a rather misguided approach.

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2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Go to an Alpine BL that is not your home BL. Stay in your corner and flip camps/kill vets every 10 minutes.

I don't really see the point of using the GoB to tempt players into wvw, only so they sit around doing the most boring and least active activities to get it. We also already have legendary armor to tempt players to play wvw long term. So they should either make a pve version of GoB in some long collection to get it in pve overworld, or add 100% bonus reward track progress in Eotm, so pve players have a less intense place to play for it. You may even tempt pve commanders to run trains in there over it, and maybe use that to give a preview taste of wvw instead.

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12 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

So they should either make a pve version of GoB in some long collection to get it in pve overworld, or add 100% bonus reward track progress in Eotm, so pve players have a less intense place to play for it. You may even tempt pve commanders to run trains in there over it, and maybe use that to give a preview taste of wvw instead.

Honestly, on the scale from 1 to 10, how much would you say you actually believe in what you've just said? 

"it can be done with lower effort, so make it even faster/easier and pve commanders will suddenly start running trains on it!" -like... what? 🤨 What exactly stands in the way for those commanders to already do it with current gob acquisition? And "give a preview taste of wvw" by... not participating in actual wvw maps? I'm really struggling to see how this is supposed to make any sense.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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53 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I don't really see the point of using the GoB to tempt players into wvw, only so they sit around doing the most boring and least active activities to get it. We also already have legendary armor to tempt players to play wvw long term. So they should either make a pve version of GoB in some long collection to get it in pve overworld, or add 100% bonus reward track progress in Eotm, so pve players have a less intense place to play for it. You may even tempt pve commanders to run trains in there over it, and maybe use that to give a preview taste of wvw instead.

Because it gets their feet wet?

They took the pips away from EotM, but I can see it getting a x2 or x3 reward track modifier instead relative to general WvW. Let the PvE peeps K train over there and get their reward tracks done quickly. Would still get their feet wet, and they may like what they see.

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5 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

As much as I don't like WvW and only set foot in there for the Gifts of Battle, I don't really have a problem with the way it is now. I would add, though, if the Gift of Battle is ever added to PvE, the Gift of Exploration needs to be added to WvW as well. It's either both ways or not at all.

This is one that comes up a lot in the WvW subforum so appreciate seeing it here in the general instead trying to find a solution from the other side. People have talked about a number of solutions and its good to see the OP didn't ask as other did to reduce what a lot of people in WvW see as somethings that's already pretty quick to get. I could see them allowing for other repeatable content that already has some sort of currency to get a conversion option for it.

To your point could also see the trade off being ways to convert WvW currency to get GoE. Emblems are awarded for each 100 player kill and 100 objective capture. People have been asking for more uses for these, since they are also a repeatable content currencies these might fit that bill along with Skirmish tickets and MoBs.

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5 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

It would really help (with any suggestion) if you tell us why you think it would be a good idea.

You said you think it would be an awesome addition and greatly appreciated, but nothing about why you think that. If someone has never played a game with an inspect feature and never felt like they were missing anything by not having one what would you say to persuade them it's a good idea?

Usually yes but in this case it doesn't matter considering ANet already banned someone for implementing it.

Don't you think a person who is genuinely interested in a discussion would be doing what you suggested already?

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1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Slower progress in eotm. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track

If you made progress double than regular wvw I'm sure they will be tempted to go there instead.

Yes eotm is the light version of wvw, you take objectives, you kill players, but you don't have to upgrade, how is that not a preview of wvw, kitten I'm sure gankers will be in there to give them a nice preview of the broken balance too. 🥴

Then join wvw maps instead? You're listing "trying out wvw" as part of the reasoning there. Trying out wvw is done by joining wvw instead of buffing progress of the eotm to use as a free-farm map.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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9 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Usually yes but in this case it doesn't matter considering ANet already banned someone for implementing it.

Don't you think a person who is genuinely interested in a discussion would be doing what you suggested already?

I didn't know someone was banned for making this, I didn't think it was possible for players to make anything like that.

But I was being serious, a lot of people tend to assume good ideas are self-evident, especially if it's fixing something that frustrates them. Either they assume everyone has played the same games they have (or ones just like them) and so has the same expectations about features or by the time they get around to posting it they've been thinking about it for so long that it seems obvious why it should be done, as if it literally goes without saying.

Whereas the reality is no matter how good your idea is you still need to persuade people, or at least give some context on why it would be useful if you want to get people on board.

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Oof you guys are quick with negative feedback, is their a reason why this wouldn't be implemented that I may not understand?  


I'm now curious to why folks would NOT want this feature.  I simply was interested because yes, most MMOs do have this feature (e.g. WoW, ArcheAge, etc.) and weebs like me like to look at outfits and different gear before you nerds fly off on your sick dragon mounts lol


Lastly, if we read the post fully, what I was requesting is for this feature to have a disable/enable for privacy reasons, so for the folks that did wallet warrior or have some weird reason why they wouldn't want someone looking at their outfit/gear, you can simply disable the feature on that character and voila, your good to go.


Very interesting conversation.. keep it coming.




Edited by nagoL.3701
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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What other purpose would there be to do what you want to do?

There are other directions besides vertical. For example, horizontal!

Crafting materials have had multiple sources since launch.

This is also not something I want to do. I have no strong feelings about it either way. Just pointing out that this isn't a significant change from the existing situation.

I already have a spare GoB sitting around in my bank and 38/40 of the next one. 4 hours of WvW isn't a particularly big deal to me if I ever needed one in a hurry.

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13 hours ago, nagoL.3701 said:

Oof you guys are quick with negative feedback, is their a reason why this wouldn't be implemented that I may not understand?  


I'm now curious to why folks would NOT want this feature.  I simply was interested because yes, most MMOs do have this feature (e.g. WoW, ArcheAge, etc.) and weebs like me like to look at outfits and different gear before you nerds fly off on your sick dragon mounts lol


Lastly, if we read the post fully, what I was requesting is for this feature to have a disable/enable for privacy reasons, so for the folks that did wallet warrior or have some weird reason why they wouldn't want someone looking at their outfit/gear, you can simply disable the feature on that character and voila, your good to go.


Very interesting conversation.. keep it coming.




Gear inspects exist to vet players and kick/block from groups. That is against the spirit and design of GW2 and has always been a hated mmo feature. Whilst the idealistic view of everyone working together and embracing all players is largely a dream scenario, putting actual obstacles into the game to deliberately damage that ideal is not something that is healthy for the game. Kill proofs are bad enough and serve to restrict instance populations, rather than grow them. Gear inspects fall into that problem as well.

The addition of a filter to “turn on/off” does precisely nothing positive despite advocates for it incorrectly arguing otherwise, since turning it off will risk being blocked from joining a group. There is also the psychological factor of encouraging poor community behaviour just by existing and abuse if it isn’t turned on (which I’ve seen elsewhere).

I have played several mmos with it and it has never been a good thing to have, beyond the old days when social tabs didn’t exist and the desire to know what a cool piece of armour was called. A social inspect option or just asking gets round that without the needed for the problematic gear inspect option.

In short, gear inspection is a worthless, useless addition to GW2 even with an option to turn it off. However, a social gear inspect would be largely welcomed. Knowing how people dress, is quite in the spirit of the game. But not stats and builds.

Edited by Randulf.7614
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5 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Gear inspects exist to vet players and kick/block from groups. That is against the spirit and design of GW2 and has always been a hated mmo feature. Whilst the idealistic view of everyone working together and embracing all players is largely a dream, putting actual obstacles into the game to deliberately damage that ideal is not something that is healthy for the game. Kill proofs are bad enough and serve to restrict instance populations, rather than grow them. Gear inspects fall into that problem as well.

The addition of a filter dies precisely nothing despite advocates for it incorrectly arguing otherwise, since turning it on will risk being blocked from joining a group. There is also the psychological factor of encouraging poor community behaviour just by existing and abuse if it isn’t turned on (which I’ve seen elsewhere).

I have played several mmos with it and it has never been a good thing to have. 

In short, gear inspection is a worthless, useless addition to GW2 even with an option to turn it off. However, a social gear inspect would be largely welcomed. Knowing how people dress, is quite in the spirit of the game. But not stats and builds.

Gotcha, it def makes sense when looking at it in that perspective. 


Social viewing would be cool and thank you for the background knowledge 😉 

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If you really want inspect to be in the game it would make sense for it to be connected with some RP panel that shows you skins only not the stats on your gear. Otherwise it would be fun to see dps players join groups as that role, wearing all colors of the rainbow gear using stats that you never knew exited. Dps meter is more than satisfactory for that purpose regardless. 

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