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June 25 Balance Update Preview

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I'm more concerned about functionality than number tweaks tbh. 

Change Thief Axe to a Melee+Projectile weapon at least, like Gunsaber is, and change the sound effect to something less painful on the ears (PLEASE). Make Axe 2 skill a flip over to recall axes, then give it actual Dual Attacks instead of splitting Throw+Recall into two different skill slots... It's so boring + obnoxious sounding and we have too many ranged weapons ina row.

Add Power Specter. 

Add useability QoL to Thief Death Blossom/Measured Shot/Shadow Strike to allow using them in place if we're not holding a direction. Remove movement lock from Staff 2.

Deadly Aim trait still only supports power builds and not condi~ Pistol is a hybrid weapon. Mine as well just make the pierce baseline and add something that supports condi elsewhere.

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Vicious Reprisal, nice buff for wvw, maybe the futur source of Might, cause Vindication change

Interesting changes for Citadel Bombardment, but for wvw like all Kalla-skills to much energycost to use it. <- make 25 cost for wvw, too.

Nice Soulcleave buff, i realy like HealRenegade.

All for one, maybe it helps reviving the Poweralacren, sad that you can't prebuff protection, but ok.

PvP-wise i have no clue.😅But Energycost reduce sounds always good for Renegade. More Energy, more Power.

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Posted (edited)

A few recommendations for ranger and elementalist while you're looking at that stuff!

Spirit of Nature Renewal should replace Regeneration with Stability, or add it to the immediate portion of the skill, so as to buff Heal Untamed (which is pretty solid outside the stability issue). It also may benefit it to reduce the cooldown to 75 or even 60 seconds to compete with Glyph of the Stars, and/or also nerf GotS to 60s.

Toxic Shot, the Shortbow Unleashed Ambush skill, should not be ground targeted, as it sort of kills the skill in most places. The skill takes more effort than should be needed in PvP, and is horrid to use in a rotation in PvE.

Shatterstone could see some power buffs, to help enable water as a traitline that you're willing to enter on Power Tempest/Power Alacrity Tempest.

Fire Overload could also recieve a strike coefficient buff, because doing anything other than air overloads on power tempest currently is not that great. This buffs the damage of both power tempest builds and also allows power alacrity tempest to have more boon output, which it can struggle with compared to other boon builds in pve. While you're looking at this skill, PLEASE increase the boon radius of the overload to 360.

Edited by RainbowTurtle.3542
Battle Standard is getting a CDR and I apparently cannot proofread
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Vindication: This trait no longer grants might when gaining Kalla's Fervor and instead causes the user to heal for a percentage of their outgoing damage for each stack of Kalla's Fervor.

For PvP: Power Shortbow Renegade relied on this trait to get 25 might for burst, this change forces it to drop the new Zakiros relic to take Midnight King relic to have somewhat reliable might uptime.

So overall this change is a big nerf to already weak build (unless the heal with fervor is like 25% damage to healing which it probably isnt).

Edited by miiroto.3672
note that its pvp based observation
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Solid changes honestly.

Can you please make sure:

[Martial Cadence] and [Heightened Focus] work with Bladesworn? HF still doesn't recharge Dragon Trigger stance (F2) correctly, and considering that it's been like a year since you changed HFs functionality and Bladesworn is still "the alac spec" because you refuse to give us back the fum Version of [Daring Dragon] and just put the alacrity on [Immortal Dragon] or Spellbreaker (which would have 2 support weapon sets) I'm worried.

Also if you could remember Bladesworn exists at all, and fix the sea of bugs it has, starting with the Dragon Trigger UI and the fact that you updated necro sword's pathing to hit but not DT3 that would be awesome!


Thx for the preview, 😁 

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1 hour ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Shadow Sap: Increased the splash effectiveness of boon duration to allies from 50% to 75% in PvE only.

Just remove the splash effectiveness reduction altogether you cowards!

In all seriousness, specter would be so nice to play if the scepter just gave aoe boons and barrier full stop. It wouldn't break the game, it wouldn't be OP, and it would actually be enjoyable to play, unlike trying to juggle all your allies and hope they get good prot uptime

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Posted (edited)

rip power renegade, too.... transfer all the damage away from away from citadel bombardment and kalla's fervor might gen into all for one.... i always thought of that trait as a selfish solo trait, while not running in groups. but IF might generation is capped without the trait (oh wait, might generation without the trait sucks) , THEN the change is good. and  why oh  WHY hit Citadel Bombardment so hard?

funny how people "pin sniped" with signet of humility for over a decade, but it didn't get nerfed until it happened to to a certain fight commander who is claimed to have the ear of the balance team as a favorite.

edit: since there's now a warning for the Signet of Humiltiy... WHERE ARE THE RED CIRCLES TO INDICATE ENEMY  ENGI GRENADE LANDING AREA? 

now changes i DO like.... the extra initial hit of CC for skills in PvE... something i know i've personally complained bout for static field's difficulty of use. (i'd still like to see a damage component on the initial strike, since the strike damage only occurs on CC)

slight buff to necro sword in WvW, spreading out the boon removal is a good start, let's see if it's enough or if it's auto attack damage is still worthless... (one of the main reasons it doesn't see much play in WvW... axe does FAR SUPERIOR DAMAGE in duels.)

ranger bow buffs in PvE...

lot's of PvE cd reduction on utilities across the board

i'm still waiting for ranged class elementalist sunspot, earthen blast, and healing ripple to have their damage effects occur on target like electric discharge... so the forced minor traits will be worth using as ranged elementalist. (the boons can still be cast in an AoE around the caster. or around both caster AND target)

Edited by Forgotten Legend.9281
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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

On warrior: You guys need to hire an avid warrior player to your team. Sure, there are buffs there, but not anywhere that matters with the exception of the banner changes.

Seconded. We're all in warrior forums just pick someone. Please. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Welp, in Wvw:

- Double or triple revenant cleanses to make the numbers comparable to other support classes. Clearly no dev has played as one for years.

- Revenant scepter needs some reworking. No one uses it.

- Thief as Specter with the suicide portals. Same case, no one uses it at least for support

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5 minutes ago, miiroto.3672 said:

Power Shortbow Renegade relied on this trait to get 25 might for burst, this change forces it to drop the new Zakiros relic to take Midnight King relic to have somewhat reliable might uptime.

So overall this change is a big nerf to already weak build (unless the heal with fervor is like 25% damage to healing which it probably isnt).

Or They should change Heroic commandment for pvp to 2 stacks/might too

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12 minutes ago, miiroto.3672 said:

So overall this change is a big nerf to already weak build (unless the heal with fervor is like 25% damage to healing which it probably isnt).

More likely 1% for each kalla's fervor (so max 5%), I doubt will be more than that.

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Posted (edited)

"Inspiring Whirl: This skill now heals allies instead of granting them regeneration."

Wait ... So how will Support Bladesworn provide regeneration ... ?

I'm not opposed to this change, but if your answer is [Banner of Defense] I suggest you go watch any Gameplay or Explination video about how SupportSworn has 0 space for that. -- Maybe add it to Martial Candace for PvE only?

Edited by GoldSilva.8950
suggestion update
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While I understand that you want classes to remain unique if possible and that Heal Renegade has a strong heal with Soulcleave's Summit and it somehow acts like Regeneration, it is not Regeneration. If you have any spread mechanic, you don't have a passiv heal. Also if you are playing with people who don't stack enough or are just not so good at the game. While you can switch to ventari right before, you planning has to be very good and you need to know every boss mechanic. If you could add Regen to Renegade, it would be a really good healer. Please consider reworking Wrought-Iron Will. It could change Heroic Command to also give regen for example. 

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1 hour ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Lead the Wind: This trait no longer grants boons when striking a target at long range and now grants boons when using Point-Blank Shot.

1) is cd is still 15 sec it will not trigger every time, because you can use point-blank Shot every 12 sec
2) This trait do nothing if you don't actually use longbow (when you switched weapon for example) 
3) your other option is +15% damage on langbow AND any other weapon just for cripple.

It isn't feel like a grandmaster trait. It is like two-handed training, but that trait at least gives fury regardless the weapon you use.
This trait gives longbow  pierces, so adds don't bother you. In gourp content quickness is covered, in solo self-quickness access is good for ranger. 
PvP and WvW maybe

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