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What would you do if you woke up in Tyria as your main?

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You would be main character, though still you, but you also would remember all your characters memories. You would wake up in the last place you logged off. What would you do?

I would probably look into how much it would cost to get my own small personal airship RV, and would check out how ghostbore musket technology is being used nowadays.

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Kill Braham, and that one tengu talking bouth the den of iniquity, take the reigns of the pact as we were meant to until Kormir 2.0 stepped it, ensure total world domination with me as supreme leader, taste how the omnombery bar taste like, become a God as we meant to in gw1 and establish a cult before I leave, to be sure people pray to me and worship me. Not like I am going to answer thos prayers but You know...

And than play some Keg Brawl with other Gods. xdddd

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Posted (edited)

1. Check the broker, grab my gold
2. Figure out how the heck to summon my skyscale without a hotkey
3. Lose my mind when I figure out step 2 because wait WHAT!? I'm riding a little dragon!
4. Dethrone Knut Whitebear and proclaim Hoelbrak as New Obnoxia (I know, I know, he's more... "honorary", but I run a much tighter ship)
5.  Grab an ale keg and wrap up the day with some casual fishing
Yeah, that about sums it up 😋

Edited by Obnoxa.6702
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Panic at being transformed from a human woman to a plant man.

Panic some more at having all of my character's horrifically traumatic memories.

Spend a lot of time wandering the Grove and trying not to freak out the NPCs too badly by having their legendary Commander act wildly out of character.

Fangirl over Canach and Rama, and kill Joon You saw nothing.

Or, if I am still me but now I am the Commander, try to subtly ask one of my so-called friends if they remember "me" being a little...erm, different. Like, say, a sylvari...? If they say yes, I know to get as far away from them as possible before the timeline corrects itself and they start wondering what happened to their ninja salad. If they say no, I'll just say I had the weirdest dream...

...then, once I've gotten my bearings, ride on a griffon. And then go look for Malyck. There's nothing stopping me, after all...unless invisible walls and unwritten code actually exists in Tyria. 🤔

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I would pop out all my mounts and feel how it is riding; teleporting with a jackal, a helicopter dragon, diving with the griffon, stomping with the giant turtle, hop hop hoppping with the bunny, speeding the beetle, etc.

Then I'd stab someone just to make sure they can respawn, then stab myself and see how it feels to respawn, and then just go mad exploring the world 😄 

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Posted (edited)

Checking out if the defeat/ressurrect system works the same as in the game.
Preferably not testing it myself.

If it does work the same, I would take some rides on my Skyscale and Griffon.

If not... luckily I currently have enough gold to make a good life.


PS: If I get all my mainchars memories, does that mean I also remember all the times my character stood around doing nothing while I was AFK?...
I would feel sorry for myself and hate myself at the same time.

Edited by kiroho.4738
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As a rich, young, and beautiful human woman?  I think I could finally be happy. 

Though for starters exploring the new body comes to mind, then exploring other bodies.  I think I could manage self confidence if I looked like that.  Actually avoid becoming fat this time.  

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I would first leave the pvp lobby. That place is crawling with psychopaths who want to kill me!

After that I would chat up Evon Gnashblade for some business opportunities, cause believe it or not,
after slaying 5 elder dragons, saving Tyria countless times and even beating back the void and demon invasion,
I still can't afford a decent house and live in my mom's basement 😞  (yes I'm a Sylvari).
Meanwhile some Harry Potter wannabees get to squat at a comfy flying tower with a pool no less!

After all that I'm gonna grab myself a nice musical instrument and just chill under the palms.
Next time the world needs saving I'm gonna hire some interns to do it and ask a handsome ransome for "my" services!

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4 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

I have 14 main characters, so I guess I'd first have to go get diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder.

I also have quite a few mains… but I would first attempt to gather myselves and then attempt to establish a hierarchy amongst us… along the way I’m certain the following things would happen.

1) every Asuran me would be super excited about being short… and then try to make a shrink ray to allow every to enjoy the thrill of being short… and a growth ray for those who have yet to experience the curse of tall…
2) every Norn me would be excited about being short when they are around other Norn, but sad that they are still tall when they meet a human…
2) all me’s would try to see what fun and strange things they can do with their magic.
4) all Charr me would chase their tails and enjoy being fluffy.
5) all Sylvari me would excitedly explore everything around them, except Cypress, she’s just not interested like that.

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3 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

As a rich, young, and beautiful human woman?  I think I could finally be happy. 

Though for starters exploring the new body comes to mind, then exploring other bodies.  I think I could manage self confidence if I looked like that.  Actually avoid becoming fat this time.  


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1: Investigate respawn mechanics (or lack thereof)

2: Investigate waypoint mechanics and figure out how they get my money when I use it. (How is there a guild discount, but not a former commander discount?)

3: Figure out how to change attunements and specializations.

4: Investigate the weird time lock over most of Tyria. If time lock no longer exists, see what the maps are like without risen and with friendly flame legion. 

5: Revisit the college of synergetics and identify exactly how most magic works.

6: Perfect the infinity ball.

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1 minute ago, Wizicist.2470 said:

1: Investigate respawn mechanics (or lack thereof)

2: Investigate waypoint mechanics and figure out how they get my money when I use it. (How is there a guild discount, but not a former commander discount?)

3: Figure out how to change attunements and specializations.

4: Investigate the weird time lock over most of Tyria. If time lock no longer exists, see what the maps are like without risen and with friendly flame legion. 

5: Revisit the college of synergetics and identify exactly how most magic works.

6: Perfect the infinity ball.

You're gonna be just fine in Rata Sum, little one.
Love it 😆

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Would I also have her skills? Could I fight like she does, or would I be me in her body and therefore unable to do anything I can't do now?

That makes a huge difference to the answer, because if I'm just me then I hope I logged out somewhere safe and I'm staying in town where I'm not going to get attacked. If I'm her then I'll go and explore all those interesting places I've taken screenshots of and see how they look in 'real life'.

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I wouldn't like going from being a man to a female Sylvari, and before any of you freak out no that does not make me transphobic. I like who I am. Having said that, if I could instead be the character I made in my own likeness, I'd have fun. I'd be running around saving lives, killing monsters, making money, riding various mounts, look sexy as hell, and hook up with the hot lady NPCs.

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