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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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The "Ambush! Defend yourselves against the Awakened!" events that happen in Istan/Sandswept Isles when taking bounties from the board should not cause that bounty to go on full cooldown. These events are basically rng bounty failure and a frustrating waste of time for people doing bounty achievements, etc.
It's fine the ambush event happens, but ideally the bounty would still appear after, maybe in a different location but with no further hassle of having to go back to the board/wait on it. The way it is now really just sucks and is no fun.

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First and foremost, thank you for the action cam reticle update.  I was so excited when I saw that in the updates that I leapt off my couch to go update the game.

I am not sure how to submit suggestions to anet, but as a player who has enjoyed the game for a decade now, the action cam reticle has given me great hope for future accessibility updates.  There are a few things that I would personally like to suggest that may range from simple implementation to more difficult and time consuming, but each would be useful to someone like me.  I would also appreciate hearing from other people what might help them.  I will explain my situation and reason for needs after my suggestions.

  • For the action cam reticle, I would appreciate a contrast option similar to what already exists for the courser.
  • A simplified option for AoE manifesting as a single solid color instead of the pretty circles and what not we have.  Enemy damage = orange circle  Boons/ally = blue and the green/red circles in raids etc remain as they are.
  • Translucent skyscales like the turtles-- when you get too many or too close to the camera, they ought to fade like the turtles do
  • Native controller support

The action camera reticle easily disappears into the background which makes it more difficult to target in general.  When there is a lot of people or a raid or somesuch, seeing where the good circles are and recognizing a bad circle can be particularly difficult.  Skyscales just clog the view.  It can legitimately be hard to tell where you are going when there's a handful of them.

Personally, I need to ask for the controller and action cam options because of my arthritis.  I cannot play games on keyboard and mouse without pain.  I use a third party program to map buttons to keystrokes, but hitting left bumper+right trigger to dodge because there's simply not enough buttons on the controller is a little finicky to say the least.  I believe that a native controller support could include context to the controller buttons so that (A) might be interact when there's an NPC or it might be special action when there's no NPC.  Or something like that.  And I am well aware that *that* would take a great deal more time planning and implementing than contrast on action cam reticle.


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Can we please for the love of all the Gods, stop locking the story behind do X events. I don't want to do X number of events before the story continues. If the writes cant do a long story, then just own it, and not artificially drag it out. thank you.

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Thanks for shortening the channel time on Arcane Chests, but now can we get rid of the "running out of time" debuff on lesser ones that prevents you from mounting until it ticks down? Shortening the opening time just makes the wait seem longer. Took me 3 seconds to open this chest, so now I'll just twiddle my thumbs for 7 seconds before I can mount up on my skyscale and take off again. There's gotta be a way to have the chest actually opening dismiss that. In fact, I'm pretty sure the big ones already do, it's just the lesser ones that don't? Making them even less worth your time.

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2 hours ago, likevel.8906 said:

As an achievement hunter 20 simply isn't enough considering the massive amount of achievements in the game and with more of them coming out with every update. Would be a great QoL upgrade!

Here is my take on this: How about we start cutting down the insane amount of filler-content-achievement grinds that we have been seeing since EoD and go back to adding only achievements that are actually fun to do from a lore, adventure and challenge perspective?

That should significantly reduce the number. 😉 

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1 hour ago, XSevSpreeX.2143 said:

But are you really going for 20 achievements at the same time?

Absolutely I am, I'd be going for more if I could but having to check all the categories manually is a bit of a pain. Thus this suggestion.

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Some of us don't like the PvE part of the game and dont want to play it. But we do want to get legendary weapons somehow. Currently there is no way other than a horrible PvE grind to get your legendary weapons. That or paying a ridiculous amount of gold on the TP.

I personally enjoy PvP and WvW and I think there should be a way to get legendary weapons in those game modes as well. They don't have to have fancy skins and I think most, if not all, of us would be ok with a mediocre skin as long as we get selectable stats. I think for us the practicality of selectable stats overshadow any fancy animation/skins. 

Since you are trying to improve WvW and PvP rewards, what do you think about adding this to the list of improvements ? 

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Every time a PvE only player says there should be a way to get Gifts of Battle without WvW, the answer is a loud 'no.' Same thing here. Legendary weapons require things from every game mode. It's good and healthy. I used to hate WvW but after my first few GoBs I learned to love it. I still don't love PvP, but l play a few games every day. 

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37 minutes ago, Seneca.6319 said:

Some of us don't like the PvE part of the game and dont want to play it. But we do want to get legendary weapons somehow. Currently there is no way other than a horrible PvE grind to get your legendary weapons. That or paying a ridiculous amount of gold on the TP.

I personally enjoy PvP and WvW and I think there should be a way to get legendary weapons in those game modes as well. They don't have to have fancy skins and I think most, if not all, of us would be ok with a mediocre skin as long as we get selectable stats. I think for us the practicality of selectable stats overshadow any fancy animation/skins. 

Since you are trying to improve WvW and PvP rewards, what do you think about adding this to the list of improvements ? 

Yea this boldened part was said about open world pve armor before it came into being and look how that turned out.

Bohoo our skin is not legendary enough.

If you want legendary weapons do the content that need to be done or pay the price on the tp for others to do the content for you mate.

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I'm fully legendary, but extracting a full set of infusions from a character from all its builds is an abysmal horrendous pain.

Legendary infusion will  - at some time - hopefully - solve this problem.

Until then it would be nice if we could remove one kind of infusions (e.g. "+5 might agony infusion" from all builds of a char with few simple clicks.

Or at least, click on an infusion and allow "Remove from all builds of this char".

Or allow dragging an infusion from the char to the inventory thereby removing it from all builds.

Currently i have to go through all builds, click each and every item and then manually remove the infusion. And if you misclick somehow you have to search for eons where the infusion is stuck. 


Thank you very much!




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You can buy legendary weapons off the TP so it is unlikely to change. What is a problem (for me at least) is how Gift of Exploration is required to make use of the Wizard Vault legendary kits. In that regard there could be something done about that if Arenanet deems it an actual issue.

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There's so many things that Need QOL improvements. 

But Right now There's a major one : Tying Inner Nayos Map completion to Story Repetition. 

Don't do that. You just do NOT do that. Worst design choice in history, Did you learn literally nothing from trying to force story repeats On the EoD Elite spec weapon skins? 

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Making Research Note items purchasable for RN, and tradeable on the TP. I don't have a problem with the role they play as a sink in the economy, but that doesn't mean I enjoy the hassle of actually making them. There's no good reason they can't be traded, since all the items used to get them can be traded.

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