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I am so sick of sitting at loading screens

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My initial load is usually pretty bad, otherwise I'll have maybe 30-45 seconds of loading screen. I guess that's kinda long, but I grew up with PlayStation 1 load times, so I'm pretty used to them.

I will say that loading into Lion's Arch takes about three times longer to do, and I have no idea why.

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@Game of Bones.8975 said:I have long loading screens AND an ROG gaming computer. I don't think it's just the computer.

Having an expensive computer doesn't mean much, especially when 99% of them come with both an SSD and an HDD, often times with SSD only having space for the OS and a couple medium sized games. While there may be a problem beyond your pc, if you have the game on your HDD then load times being extended is going to be normal, and GW2s load times on an HDD is rather short compared to modern games seeing up to 2 minute load times on an HDD.

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So, the two things that can delay> @Selminus.1490 said:

How are they this bad? I can run the game on max settings if I want but if I want to change zones, I have to go afk and mill around the house while I stare at a painting. What is up with this?

So, the two things that can slow down the loading screen are (a) loading stuff from HDD/SSD, and (b) streaming data from the server.

To identify which it is, run GW2 with the -maploadinfo argument, and it'll give you details on the loading screen.

Once you know what is slowing things down, we can advise you on methods to improve it. Without, it's just guessing...

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@Selminus.1490 said:How are they this bad? I can run the game on max settings if I want but if I want to change zones, I have to go afk and mill around the house while I stare at a painting. What is up with this?

I wish they would implement a traveling map system where each player has a local map centered on them which pulls content and other player data in as they move around the game world. They could implement a continual world doing something like that. Imagine being able to use a skimmer to travel from LA down to Orr if they filled in the map details north and south of the Sea of Sorrows.

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@"Selminus.1490" said:I have an SSD and it helped a lotttt with everything else I play that's why I am surprised.

Interesting, for me going to an SSD has dropped loading screens from 45-60 seconds to 5-10 seconds. That being said, that is still exessively long, and some of that is spent (got the detailed stats enabled) not actually loading objects. I bet the game is waiting for the server to confirm I am now officially "in" the new zone, instead of pre-emptively loading everything.

Used to be that old Lion's Arch loaded in ~1,5 seconds with an SSD. New LA is more like 5 seconds, and the new mini-zones, tiny as they are, make living story content weird as they load for 10+ seconds and cause 100% CPU load unlike any other loading screen.

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@Carighan.6758 said:

@"Selminus.1490" said:I have an SSD and it helped a lotttt with everything else I play that's why I am surprised.

Interesting, for me going to an SSD has dropped loading screens from 45-60 seconds to 5-10 seconds. That being said, that is still
exessively long
, and some of that is spent (got the detailed stats enabled) not actually loading objects. I bet the game is waiting for the server to confirm I am now officially "in" the new zone, instead of pre-emptively loading everything.

Can't really effectively preload everything: all sorts of dynamic content, including players, isn't present on all maps all the time. Plus, you probably don't want a world where invisible monsters pop up all around you all the time...

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I have experienced very quick loading screens, but in the past few weeks, there have been several times when things take 15 seconds or so to load. It is not consistent, and may be happening during busy/high-player-count times. Not sure, but previously, the load times have been very quick with the SSD

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