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Should we be able to send more mails without getting the message: "your message was suppressed.."

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:Twice an hour? A mail or two a week? That's not spamming and doesn't trigger neither current nor old spam filter. Gold sellers are still there and they will always be there. Unless Anet turns off chat entirely.

I did specifically say I'd block each new bot before the whispers could get bad enough for the spam filter to kick in. Also I was talking on avg per day in general not worst case. IDK maybe you just have a higher tolerance for that kind of thing then most people. That's neither good nor bad but maybe something to consider perspective wise.

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The messaging system only flags the excessive messaging issue if you send multiple identical messages in a short time frame.You can send as many messages as you like as long as they are slightly differant.For example a common problem that arises from this issue is thanking people for helping in some way by sending ty.If you send multiple tys in a row the excessive messaging kicks in , but if you alternate what you send , eg ty , tnx , thanks, it wont kick in.It seems its to stop gold sellers from spamming identical messages over and over.

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I would like to understand how works the limit exactly. It is not clear to me, because experience seems different from one player to another.

Me for example, I am mailing on a daily basis: for dyes, for food, to provide links, to let info message to friends who are not online and many other reasons. I was never blocked for excessive messaging on mails.The few times I got blocked, this was always at a chat entry, mainly in map one. And even that is rather rare, although I am a pretty active in chats all types.

That's why I would really like to understand the criteria leading to the blocking. Anyone knows?

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@Jwake.7013 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:Twice an hour? A mail or two a week? That's not spamming and doesn't trigger neither current nor old spam filter. Gold sellers are still there and they will always be there. Unless Anet turns off chat entirely.

I did specifically say I'd block each new bot before the whispers could get bad enough for the spam filter to kick in. Also I was talking on avg per day in general not worst case. IDK maybe you just have a higher tolerance for that kind of thing then most people. That's neither good nor bad but maybe something to consider perspective wise.

Looks like blocking works much better than spam filter then. And it's not hurting legit players trying to enjoy the game, having hard time dealing with Anet restrictions.

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I didn't use mail but I got the Celestial Compass and spammed it to a friend as a whisper. It is an inside joke we do a lot and it's fun. But then I wanted to show it in the guild chat and it didn't work be cause of this anti spam crap. It makes absolutely no sense; it is a different chat and I wanted to show it once. It didn't even work minutes later. I really don't get what this is supposed to do. Maybe they think people will harass others through different chats, but hey really: was this an issue?

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  • 2 months later...

Getting tired of that cooldown.I usually offer mini's on a daily basis is starter mapsI get cooldowns after1, 2 or 3 mails, randomSometimes 10 minutes after 2 mailsI have items attached, so it shouldnt count as "spam"

I tested using different wordings in messages to my alt account, to no avail: "blong" oppression set in after 2 messages

like I read above this should be easily be solved:

raise limit to guild members ( not friends, because you can self appoint those, so it would leave open room for spam )raise limit for messages with an item includedraise limit per character slot ( very few bots have 36 or so character slots, my account has 70, so that would be a lot of work for a spambot maker )raise limit per achievement point level, a spam account doesnt have over 4k AP

Remember like people said they sometimes hand out food, dyes, minis, gear to people by using mail, blocking after 1,2 or 3 sends is unwanted and NOT needed to block mass spam.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:we used to have a ton of spam in GW2 everywhere & now there's very little to bother us.

That's what I call an exaggeration.

You can call it whatever you like. I remember people complaining daily about the amount of spam they got, via whispers, in /map, and in /spam. Maybe you've forgotten?

Anecdotal evidence with no relevant data to support your claim. There is nothing wrong with sharing your personal experience however it's considered a good taste not to present it as a fact.

What he’s saying was an absolute fact at one point. In the first couple of years of this game gold spammers were are regular thing. Not just daily but several times a day. This is not anecdotal coming from me. This is first hand experience.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:we used to have a ton of spam in GW2 everywhere & now there's very little to bother us.

That's what I call an exaggeration.

You can call it whatever you like. I remember people complaining daily about the amount of spam they got, via whispers, in /map, and in /spam. Maybe you've forgotten?

Anecdotal evidence with no relevant data to support your claim. There is nothing wrong with sharing your personal experience however it's considered a good taste not to present it as a fact.

Yea im sorry but i remember back in the first 2 years the amount of whispers that i got, the mail that i got and the map chat that i saw being literally flooded with gold sellers, getting 6 or more pieces of mail at a time from gold bots was annoying as hell, and id rather not have that happen again.

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  • 11 months later...

This is one of the biggest quality of life additions i'd love to see and add to that how many you can keep in your mail box. I have several from players and people who are no longer with us that I hold on to for sentimental reasons (Gaile Gray) and it is tough to have to delete these just to make room due to the 10 e-mail maximum!

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@Vlad Morbius.1759 said:This is one of the biggest quality of life additions i'd love to see and add to that how many you can keep in your mail box. I have several from players and people who are no longer with us that I hold on to for sentimental reasons (Gaile Gray) and it is tough to have to delete these just to make room due to the 10 e-mail maximum!

I take screenshots of the email. Which turns out to be better (for me) since I don't have to boot up the game to read them.

FYI regarding the amount of email: when the game launched, we used to be able to keep more email. It hurt performance (on the player's PC, with the chat/social servers, and with the game overall). As part of the bugfixes during the game's early period, the amount of mail we could keep was reduced and hasn't been revisited since.

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@Taygus.4571 said:As a mesmer porting people. .i try to return thank you mails for tips. But get the message is surpressed after two mails.

That's ridiculous. You should be able to reply to as many mails as you want.

ive been there also so i understand when i hear nothing back and i still try to thank them at least but understand when they dont respond back.

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I want to appologize to everyone that I did annoy with saying (not map-chat, just saying) "Here is the hidden chest". I know that this is just a bad thing to say and I see them sometimes 10 minutes searching with it, while all my message got suppressed because of me spamming this message two times.

I'm very sorry that I wanted to help someone.

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I want to see the limit removed when sending / receiving mail from people on a mutual friends list. That is, I'm on Somedude's friends list, and he's on mine. This still allows those who end up friending an idiot who thinks it's fun to spam to just remove them and be done with it, but not be limited to 2 emails a minute in cases where it functions as little more than an annoyance. Leaving a 10 second window between emails would be ok to stem any botted power spamming that could cause issues with the mail system, but outside that I see no reason those on a mutual friends list should be "protected" from one another.

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I'd have to say "no" for normal emails. On the other hand, there should be a possibility to send more emails to friends (not your friends, but to people that have you added as a friend). Same for in-guild messaging (with an added option for mailing the whole guild - maybe restricted to some guild rank, though).

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