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How do you feel about the Warclaw after patch?


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This poll misses a "Positive, I was open to idea of a mount in WvW but didn't demand it". From what I have seen they implemented it rather ok. I didn't manage to attack a mount to bring it down (possibly used the leaps pre nerf, and other times full stealth suprise groups). Run speed wise they are too fast for the run crew but well at same time it wouldn't be used if it had run speed. So this is a very difficult decision anyways. For a decent opinion, I agree with Illconceived Was Na.

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I was in support of the mount, but they can take points, insta stomp, and have some engage with no cost to actual build. They should be gate siege and a taxi for players who don't like combat or for people who take on desert map.

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Thanks for putting this poll up. Negative opinions always seem to be the loudest. It's nice to see what the quieter people think.

From what I've seen so far, people are adapting. Other than the forums, I haven't seen anyone complaining. I love it. I wish the jump forward didn't have to be shortened; it kind of feels like jumping uphill now. But I understand why they did it.

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I can't shake the feeling that it's slower than running on my weaver (with Windborne Speed and Lighting Flash). I know it actually is faster, but maybe because it's more stable instead of periods of going much faster, or maybe because of the animation, it feels slower, unless I'm catching up with a group and then finding myself getting ahead of them. The jump feels weird now. Because the animation is the same but the distance has changed, it's obviously been cut short, it feels like you've hit a wall or something.

I've not seen any of the problems some people have reported on the forum, like zergs being unwilling to fight each other because whoever dismounts first is going to die instantly. Yes it's another thing to deal with, but it hasn't stopped people fighting each other, and I don't feel like it's made a big difference to how the fights play out either. Same with siege - but then 3 warclaws pulling on a gate was never going to replace siege, and they're useless against walls so that's not surprising.

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How I want it changed:-make its speed max swiftness speed, if it's hit then it's combat swiftness only, people need to have a chance to demount soemone just as much as a person should be able to get away.-unable to be stealthed, give it a debuff effect name like Smelly Cat-breakbar instead of pure cc immunity-engage downstate stomp should be changed to 30% of downed healthpool. Not awesome but atleast gives the skill something to do for people tailing to jump into a fight.-unable to mount up for 15 sec out of combat.

I don't see a wvw mount as an offensive tool, it's focus should only be on mobility.

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For now players are just karma training all the time and mount is only improving that because it's a lot easier to avoid enemy and a lot faster to get to objectives.

From what I could see so far it will be almost impossible to flip t3 (or even lower) garrison and any SM with a lot of defenders on the map because they will respawn and come back before you can kill them all.

I usually disagreed when people said that it would destroy roaming, but now you have absolutely 0 reason to have small scale fights anywhere outside of camps and towers, which is not very common so wvw is becoming more of a pve game mode than pvp one. Mount up, go to specific camp, kill NPC's and repeat, 0 interaction with players unless they also want to flip that camp (and flipping camps is so easy and fast now you that can do it on cooldown with no problems). Bad part of this is that havoc groups can literally do whatever they want and you'll have problems dealing with them, the good part of this is that borders wont be permanently t3 because everything is being attacked constantly. But then again, if everything is paper you might as well let enemy flip it so you can flip it back and get more loot, so we're back to karma trains.

Getting quicker to fights or just finding enemy blobs (until one of them ragequits and starts karma training behind your back) as well as traversing through desert border are the only good things I see with warclaw.

Scouting is also a joke with sniff, you can actually afk now and use it on cooldown. Mesmer hiding, while sometimes annoying, is pretty much useless now. Same can be said about portal bombs or any kind of sneak group attack, unless Anet wants everyone to run sneak gyros..

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The mount is best update the game has ever had. I really hope they don't nerf it even more. The leap is now 450 range - that's nothing and a lot of builds can chase that down in allied territory.

Thanks for the poll. Results are interesting as the majority seems to like it - this is important fo the devs who might get the impression when reading this subsection, that most players would hate this update.

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It's still too fast and too beefy, though damage in WvW is also too high so the interaction between those two issues has some positive aspects.

It didn't materially change siege mechanics, which was a big worry of mine. They fixed -most- of the leap problems very quickly. It's fast, despite them specifically saying they weren't trying to break the movespeed paradigm. It's also very popular, which is valuable on its own.

On the whole, it has the potential to be a positive thing. I was worried about how it would be implemented, but they did a decent job and have thus far been quick to fix mistakes.

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I was skeptical and shared many of the concerns voiced by other players. But after playing WvW with the warclaw, I really like it. It's definitely improved the experience for me.

My only remaining concern is the P2W-ish aspect of it with regard to zerg play. It's more or less impossible for a player on foot to keep up with a mounted squad, making PoF less of a QoL upgrade and more of a must-have feature for WvW play outside of small scale roaming.

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You have to burn so many cooldowns and utilities for the chance to dismount someone that it's not even worth fighting small scale anymore. If you played that way, now you either run with a group and pick off individual riders or you take a gank build that can pop people off in one go.

This mount didn't discourage people from one shot builds and frustrating tactics, it made them the only viable ones for roaming.

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