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Can We Talk About Name Availability For A Minute

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@robertthebard.8150 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:If they were to fix this problem I'd much prefer they do it by making it possible for two characters to have the same name. No, that wouldn't be an easy change to make but I think it's the only reasonable solution.

Can you imagine the confusion when dozens of characters with the name "
" are hanging out in the same city and they all participate in map chat?The character names have to be unique to avoid confusion by other players and, I think, game mechanics, as well. For the latter, though, I think the game can differentiate quite easily between identically named characters by attaching the Display Name of the account to the character at creation. Or a hidden four digit number, like said Display Name. I don't know... Player confusion would still be a very real thing.

That's part of what I meant when I said it wouldn't be an easy change. There are ways for computers to distinguish between identical character names as you said (the problem there is changing the database/s to factor in extra ways of identifying a character) but something which is clear for players and doesn't look a mess is trickier. It doesn't seem to be an issue on the forum, but I doubt anyone who wants Legolas would be happy with Legolas.374 instead, but if the number (or whatever other identifier they use) is invisible then a lot of current options, like typing in a name to find someone, won't work.

I'm not saying it's an easy option, but IMO if Anet wanted to free up names which are already in use that's the
acceptable way to do it. Not taking names away from existing characters because someone else has decided they haven't logged in recently enough.

If you read the ToS, you'd know that anyone with the name Legolas would be getting a forced name change, because the name is copyrighted, and you can't use copyrighted names, which may be another reason you can't use a name. I don't know what message the game gives you when you try, because I've never actually tried to copy someone else's names. I have a list of names that I use in MMOs that I came up with on my own, and variants for in case my altaholism kicks in hard. In all the time I've been doing it, I've only run into one of those names being used once, and come to find out, it was me using it on an account I forgot I had.

So ignore that one, random, example and replace it with any other name. The point was that I doubt many people would be happy with having random numbers stuck on their character name, the one I used as an example is irrelevant.

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@kharmin.7683 said:And kittened off players who lose their name?

If they couldn't be bothered to login after being notified that they would lose their name due to inactivity, they didn't care in the first place. The primary reason to release inactive names isn't to free them, it's to encourage those who still cared to come back, who would have otherwise likely never returned.

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@Healix.5819 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:And kittened off players who lose their name?

If they couldn't be bothered to login after being notified that they would lose their name due to inactivity, they didn't care in the first place. The primary reason to release inactive names isn't to free them, it's to encourage those who still cared to come back, who would have otherwise likely never returned.

Who are we to make that determination? That's Anet's purview and it seems that they are content with the status quo.

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@Healix.5819 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:And kittened off players who lose their name?

If they couldn't be bothered to login after being notified that they would lose their name due to inactivity, they didn't care in the first place. The primary reason to release inactive names isn't to free them, it's to encourage those who still cared to come back, who would have otherwise likely never returned.

Given all the talk recently about emails from Anet which never turn up I wouldn't put any faith in that as a way to protect character names.

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@Healix.5819 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:And kittened off players who lose their name?

If they couldn't be bothered to login after being notified that they would lose their name due to inactivity, they didn't care in the first place. The primary reason to release inactive names isn't to free them, it's to encourage those who still cared to come back, who would have otherwise likely never returned.

Why is this still an argument? You don't touch another player's account! Neither you, nor Anet. This game is friendly towards those who play with an 'on-again-off-again' attitude, like its predecessor was and still is! But even if it was another MMO, this is a straight road to losing the player base.What's next? Redistribute their material tab because they didn't log in for x amount of time? Come on, people!

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@MikeG.6389 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:And kittened off players who lose their name?

If they couldn't be bothered to login after being notified that they would lose their name due to inactivity, they didn't care in the first place. The primary reason to release inactive names isn't to free them, it's to encourage those who still cared to come back, who would have otherwise likely never returned.

Why is this still an argument? You don't touch another player's account! Neither you, nor Anet. This game is friendly towards those who play with an 'on-again-off-again' attitude, like its predecessor was and still is! But even if it was another MMO, this is a straight road to losing the player base.What's next? Redistribute their material tab because they didn't log in for x amount of time? Come on, people!

Names being held by people who bought the game and haven't touched it since release day on a level 2 character are completely unrelated to any "on-again-off-again" attitude. You can't lose a player who doesn't even play since launch day.

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:Just no. My names are my names, period.

But you won't lose any of your names? The idea is to only free up completely unused names on inactive accounts since around launch. Which is when the majority of names were taken.

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@KelyNeli.4516 said:The solution to it is simpler than you would ever think.Just give your character a real life name and surname divided with a space. Simple

@"Neworder.7981" said:https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/human_gw_names.php will get u all the names you will ever need. Male/Female/Neutral

May I remind you that there are five playable races? I don't think there is that much of a problem with human names. There is a huge amount of combinations of first and last names. But the other four races have their own way to name their people. While you can, technically, give them human-like names, they don't fit.

Since charr use last names, though following a different pattern than humans, they should be fine, too. In fact with my recent charr I could get the name I wanted easily. It may help that I give them German names.

Norn do not use family surnames, either. But using ...son / ...dottir or an "earned" title (e.g. ...slayer) probably expands their name pool enough.

Sylvari and Asura typically have single word names. They are the ones most affected by this problem. Especially when you don't want your character to be named Xvcxptzrvw or similar. I have been stuck in character creation trying to find a free name for long enough and have claimed that all (proper) asura names are taken.

Using random accents or things like Xx The Name Xx somewhat allows you to take the name you wanted. But personally I hate seeing these. There is no way I would use these methods myself.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:If they were to fix this problem I'd much prefer they do it by making it possible for two characters to have the same name. No, that wouldn't be an easy change to make but I think it's the only reasonable solution.

Can you imagine the confusion when dozens of characters with the name "
" are hanging out in the same city and they all participate in map chat?The character names have to be unique to avoid confusion by other players and, I think, game mechanics, as well. For the latter, though, I think the game can differentiate quite easily between identically named characters by attaching the Display Name of the account to the character at creation. Or a hidden four digit number, like said Display Name. I don't know... Player confusion would still be a very real thing.

That's part of what I meant when I said it wouldn't be an easy change. There are ways for computers to distinguish between identical character names as you said (the problem there is changing the database/s to factor in extra ways of identifying a character) but something which is clear for players and doesn't look a mess is trickier. It doesn't seem to be an issue on the forum, but I doubt anyone who wants Legolas would be happy with Legolas.374 instead, but if the number (or whatever other identifier they use) is invisible then a lot of current options, like typing in a name to find someone, won't work.

I'm not saying it's an easy option, but IMO if Anet wanted to free up names which are already in use that's the
acceptable way to do it. Not taking names away from existing characters because someone else has decided they haven't logged in recently enough.

If you read the ToS, you'd know that anyone with the name Legolas would be getting a forced name change, because the name is copyrighted, and you can't use copyrighted names, which may be another reason you can't use a name. I don't know what message the game gives you when you try, because I've never actually tried to copy someone else's names. I have a list of names that I use in MMOs that I came up with on my own, and variants for in case my altaholism kicks in hard. In all the time I've been doing it, I've only run into one of those names being used once, and come to find out, it was me using it on an account I forgot I had.

So ignore that one, random, example and replace it with any other name. The point was that I doubt many people would be happy with having random numbers stuck on their character name, the one I used as an example is irrelevant.

True enough, but you'd be surprised how many times I've seen "so I was using Drizzt as a character name, and (insert game company here) changed it w/out my consent".

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@Lunia.2736 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:And kittened off players who lose their name?

If they couldn't be bothered to login after being notified that they would lose their name due to inactivity, they didn't care in the first place. The primary reason to release inactive names isn't to free them, it's to encourage those who still cared to come back, who would have otherwise likely never returned.

Why is this still an argument? You don't touch another player's account! Neither you, nor Anet. This game is friendly towards those who play with an 'on-again-off-again' attitude, like its predecessor was and still is! But even if it was another MMO, this is a straight road to losing the player base.What's next? Redistribute their material tab because they didn't log in for x amount of time? Come on, people!

Names being held by people who bought the game and haven't touched it since release day on a level 2 character are completely unrelated to any "on-again-off-again" attitude. You can't lose a player who doesn't even play since launch day.

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:Just no. My names are my names, period.

But you won't lose any of your names? The idea is to only free up completely unused names on inactive accounts since around launch. Which is when the majority of names were taken.

Firstly, who are you to judge why a certain name is not available to you?

Secondly, YOU DON'T TOUCH ANOTHER PLAYER'S ACCOUNT!!! I can't fathom why this is so effing difficult to comprehend...

@"Ashen.2907" said:"someone else has something that I want. Please take it away from them and give it to me."

This comment is way underrated.

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@MikeG.6389 said:

Firstly, who are you to judge why a certain name is not available to you?

What...? Why would it be me judging? It'd be an automated system determining completely dormant accounts based on not having logged in for over 7 years etc.

I wouldn't be touching anyone's account. It would merely be Anet recycling completely dead names from 2012/2013 that are on inactive accounts.

@"Ashen.2907" said:"someone else has something that I want. Please take it away from them and give it to me."

This comment is way underrated.

It's underrated because it's missing the point entirely.

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@Lunia.2736 said:

Firstly, who are you to judge why a certain name is not available to you?

What...? Why would it be me judging? It'd be an automated system determining completely dormant accounts based on not having logged in for over 7 years etc.

I wouldn't be touching anyone's account. It would merely be Anet recycling completely dead names from 2012/2013 that are on inactive accounts.

@"Ashen.2907" said:"someone else has something that I want. Please take it away from them and give it to me."

This comment is way underrated.

It's underrated because it's missing the point entirely.

Talk about missing the point...

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I left this game for about 2 years give or take, for health reasons.

I would've been extremely saddened if they took my characters names. and it wouldve been a barrier to returning.

on top of that, character names are used as part proof that an account is yours if you forget login details.

Also, I'm still able to come up with single character names. The most recent(a couple months ago) was "Helbreder", you're just not being creative enough.

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It does not come up often, but there have been posts, throughout the years, stating, "I haven't played since launch; what's new?", etc.What then? Do they just lose their character names? Is that the message the game should provide to returning players?

Or, should we strip the name from the player that uses it now, and give it back? Does that give a better message?

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@Killerassel.2197 said:

@KelyNeli.4516 said:The solution to it is simpler than you would ever think.Just give your character a real life name and surname divided with a space. Simple

@"Neworder.7981" said:
will get u all the names you will ever need. Male/Female/Neutral

May I remind you that there are five playable races? I don't think there is that much of a problem with human names. There is a huge amount of combinations of first and last names. But the other four races have their own way to name their people. While you can, technically, give them human-like names, they don't fit.

Since charr use last names, though following a different pattern than humans, they should be fine, too. In fact with my recent charr I could get the name I wanted easily. It may help that I give them German names.

Norn do not use family surnames, either. But using ...son / ...dottir or an "earned" title (e.g. ...slayer) probably expands their name pool enough.

Sylvari and Asura typically have single word names.
are the ones most affected by this problem. Especially when you don't want your character to be named Xvcxptzrvw or similar. I have been stuck in character creation trying to find a free name for long enough and have claimed that all (proper) asura names are taken.

Using random accents or things like Xx The Name Xx somewhat allows you to take the name you wanted. But personally I hate seeing these. There is no way I would use these methods myself.

The website caters for most races, just have to select the right one for the many menus, sorry i just linked the the human ones. I was in a rush. Next time I'll link just to the home page. Might make it easier for you.

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@Killerassel.2197 said:

@KelyNeli.4516 said:The solution to it is simpler than you would ever think.Just give your character a real life name and surname divided with a space. Simple

@"Neworder.7981" said:
will get u all the names you will ever need. Male/Female/Neutral

May I remind you that there are five playable races? I don't think there is that much of a problem with human names. There is a huge amount of combinations of first and last names. But the other four races have their own way to name their people. While you can, technically, give them human-like names, they don't fit.

Since charr use last names, though following a different pattern than humans, they should be fine, too. In fact with my recent charr I could get the name I wanted easily. It may help that I give them German names.

Norn do not use family surnames, either. But using ...son / ...dottir or an "earned" title (e.g. ...slayer) probably expands their name pool enough.

Sylvari and Asura typically have single word names.
are the ones most affected by this problem. Especially when you don't want your character to be named Xvcxptzrvw or similar. I have been stuck in character creation trying to find a free name for long enough and have claimed that all (proper) asura names are taken.

Using random accents or things like Xx The Name Xx somewhat allows you to take the name you wanted. But personally I hate seeing these. There is no way I would use these methods myself.

There are name generators that cater specifically for race, gender, class etc and tailored around GW2 as well like - http://newms34.github.io/nameGen/There is simply no excuse for players to get all uppity cos they cant have a name that is already either in use currently or not presently .. adding such names into a friends list tells nothing more than, online/offline but either way it's taken..Bottom line is that players just have to a smidge creative, not be so obstinate around a certain name "Bob, BOB, BoB, bob, bOB".. think outside those narrow boxes once in a while and if all else fails or the "i cant be bothered" attitude sets in then load up one of those many name generators that exist for all those reasons.

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@Lunia.2736 said:

Firstly, who are you to judge why a certain name is not available to you?

What...? Why would it be me judging? It'd be an automated system determining completely dormant accounts based on not having logged in for over 7 years etc.

I wouldn't be touching anyone's account. It would merely be Anet recycling completely dead names from 2012/2013 that are on inactive accounts.

@"Ashen.2907" said:"someone else has something that I want. Please take it away from them and give it to me."

This comment is way underrated.

It's underrated because it's missing the point entirely.

Not missing the point at all. Person A has something that person B wants and so person B is asking that the something be taken away so that he can have it. Period.

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@Lunia.2736 said:

Firstly, who are you to judge why a certain name is not available to you?

What...? Why would it be me judging? It'd be an automated system determining completely dormant accounts based on not having logged in for over 7 years etc.

I wouldn't be touching anyone's account. It would merely be Anet recycling completely dead names from 2012/2013 that are on inactive accounts.

@"Ashen.2907" said:"someone else has something that I want. Please take it away from them and give it to me."

This comment is way underrated.

It's underrated because it's missing the point entirely.

TBH it is precisely the point imo… which is why ANET thankfully have refused to go down that path. Every account has the potential to relogin and spend money within the game. If any such players came back only to be hit with a "you been away too long, you must rename" then there is a real chance that player will simply just log off.Like has been said many times over.. no account or character names that have been generated within them are considered dead in GW2.TBH in the time its taken to reach this point in the thread the OP could of hit up 20 new names I am sure if only prepared to put the effort in.

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@mauried.5608 said:No MMos do this and the reason is the same .They hope that players who have left the game will eventually come back, and think of the outrage when you do and your name is gone.Also, such a policy would have to be declared when the game was released so people would be assured that they wont be penalised for taking a break.

Well thats not true, wow does this. If a character has been inactive for a few years they will free up the name if someone request it. Also it takes me an hour or two to get a name in gw2, one that fits the char and isnt taken.

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WOW is a sub based game .Its not unreasonable that if people arnt paying to play the game then they can lose some of their characters attributes like the name.GW2 is NOT sub based game and Anet have NEVER indicated that lack of play will lose you your characters names.

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WoW didn't start out doing it, it was only as of the WoD expansion they did it. And they did get me to come back to save my names, as I note in the middle of this thread on the old forums https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Taken-names/page/1 But they won't get me a second time, nor did it turn out to be any fun to go back. So using this as a cudgel to urge lapsed players to return isn't really going to work, in my opinion, not on people that really are not interested in the game any more.

Speaking of that old thread, if you read it then this current thread will give you serious deja vu. Because every now and then we get a new thread asking the old question about how come there are no names available and the exact same comments are made, pro and con.

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I have played a couple of games that purged old, inactive accounts, thus freeing up names. BUT, and this us a HUGE BUT--any account where the owner had ever paid money for the game was IMMUNE from being purged. Yep, spend five dollars on Magic Beans or whatever, and your names were reserved for life.

It seems to me that those old, old, inactive GW2 accounts were from the days when the game had to be bought and paid for. I know if they closed an account on something I had put real money into, I would be seriously angry. Same goes for stealing characters' names.

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@Killerassel.2197 said:

@KelyNeli.4516 said:The solution to it is simpler than you would ever think.Just give your character a real life name and surname divided with a space. Simple

@"Neworder.7981" said:
will get u all the names you will ever need. Male/Female/Neutral

May I remind you that there are five playable races? I don't think there is that much of a problem with human names. There is a huge amount of combinations of first and last names. But the other four races have their own way to name their people. While you can, technically, give them human-like names, they don't fit.

Since charr use last names, though following a different pattern than humans, they should be fine, too. In fact with my recent charr I could get the name I wanted easily. It may help that I give them German names.

Norn do not use family surnames, either. But using ...son / ...dottir or an "earned" title (e.g. ...slayer) probably expands their name pool enough.

Sylvari and Asura typically have single word names.
are the ones most affected by this problem. Especially when you don't want your character to be named Xvcxptzrvw or similar. I have been stuck in character creation trying to find a free name for long enough and have claimed that all (proper) asura names are taken.

Using random accents or things like Xx The Name Xx somewhat allows you to take the name you wanted. But personally I hate seeing these. There is no way I would use these methods myself.

You aren't being creative enough with your names. The majority of my characters are Sylvari. Most of the Sylvari in game do not have surnames, no, but what about Scarlet Briar? She gave herself one. There are lore reasons to give your Sylvari a surname. Many of my Sylvari have 'surnames' that are flowers or plants that suit them as a character. Asura can be a bit trickier, but there's nothing stopping you from adding a title to them, or coming up with your own reasons for them to have some kind of surname. Also, as someone else pointed out, that site has name generators for every GW2 race, not just humans. It's extremely easy to google 'gw2 sylvari name generator' and get several results.

All in all this comes down to 'someone has something that I want but can't have' and that's just a silly argument. There is not a shortage of usable names in the game that aren't gibberish or puns. And even if you do want a single word name, if you do enough finagling, you can come up with one. I came up with a nice one just last week.

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