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Please stop with the jumping puzzles

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I actually feel the same way about most of the mini games (engine not designed for it). The racing minigames are not great - if on a beetle, latency can (and performance of the engine) can be make things a lot more difficult. And to some extent, my feeling is 'If I want to play a racing game, I'll play a racing game which is probably 10x better than the GW2 implementation'.I liked a lot of the early jumping puzzles, but some of the later ones have just gotten too long, or are dealing with imprecise mechanics (can I land on that? Can I walk up that surface, etc). I sort of feel that the original ones were more designed of the nature 'here is a point that is sort of hard to get to, but we'll provide some way to get there which involves some amount of jumping', where as later ones evolved into 'lets see how hard/annoying we can make this'.

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GW2 is actually one of the few MMORPG where I really enjoy the jumping movement. Imho it is made for jumping puzzles. While in other MMOs you're locked into a certain movement speed and direction directly after jumping, you can still modify speed and direction in GW2. This allows for precise landing on plattforms.Anet is doing good by using the freedom of movement they implemented. It is, after all, a really mobile (as in moving while casting, not phone) game, and that distinguishes it from other regular MMOs. Using 3D plattform elements with this movement system is only natural.

It is just a shame that there are fewer and fewer actual JPs, and that those aren't really rewarding.

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@Shadowmoon.7986 said:Are we playing the same game? There has only been one jp released since pof was released and it was ur khan gauntlet.

What about Thunderhead Peaks (the dwarven crypt area). That had a few (fun) mini JP's you could complete at your leisure.

Personally, I'm kind of hoping for another chalice of tears. Hard JP's bring out the best in the community, IMO.

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@"Dredlore.1672" said:I'm playing living world, and come to "Escape the mists on your Raptor".Ive been playing for over 5 years, and have avoided jumping puzzles at every opportunity because I dont dislike them. I HATE them.Many people hate them.Yet, at the end of this chapter a jumping puzzle is forced on meSeems like all you guys do lately rather than create actual content is:

  1. Get the player lost.
  2. Get the player boxed in with terrain.
  3. Waste our time with stuff like hero points ( we pay money for an expansion but we dont actually get our new elite unless we run around doing busywork for 15+ hours PER CHARACTER).
  4. Throw jumping puzzles at us.
  5. You eliminate PM's and killed my guild (5 years-1200 members- GONE because I just wont recruit by spamming map chat)
  6. PVP has become a joke. Hello? Anyone ever tell you that you cannot rate an individual player on team performance? O_0 If you have any questions on that just check with the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL or any other major sports league.
  7. You find every conceivable way to suck all the fun out of the game and add grind and its getting worse every day.
  8. STOP PLEASE!!I cant even finish that Living Wold episode now because I cant and dont do jumping puzzles.I'm putting together a Youtube video on this topic, and the above list is just a drop in the bucket.I really love this game or I wouldnt have over 7500 hours in game, but right now Im so dam mad I cant see straightMy video is gonna be good, but its not gonna be pretty.Thats a promise.Thanks

I play all aspects of the game, and predominantly sPvP.I've been playing for over 7 years, and have loved doing jumping puzzles at every opportunity because I don't just like them. I am RELIANT on them.Many people depend on them to kite and survive being trained.Yes, at the heart of content, jumping puzzles are waiting for me to utilize them to full potential.

Seems like all you do lately rather than discover true gameplay is:

  1. Getting lost because you don't read guides.
  2. Not mentally prepare for the risk of getting stuck and reset position with going to a WP or using /unstuck.
  3. Completely unrelated to jumping puzzles, not enjoying quality time with stuff like hero points (I love upgrading my fresh 80s by doing HPs in HoT and finding specialized Core Builds that get me through them).
  4. Not enjoy the jumping puzzles presented to us, like SAB. I love SAB tribulation mode. I died loads.
  5. Completely unrelated to jumping puzzles, but maybe you have the communication skills and willpower to find a new home?
  6. Completely unrelated to jumping puzzles, PvP has always been something of a joke after the ESL thing stopped. I love the memes and I love memeing people. People get so tilted about losing to certain builds or their own mistakes, and make all sorts of excuses to avoid being labelled as the losing side.
  7. Completely unrelated to jumping puzzles, you can find every conceivable way to have fun out of the game - if you try - and grind can be fun with friends. It gets worse only if you're piling on the expectations. Take a break and come back?
  8. Completely unrelated to jumping puzzles, we can use ALL CAPS as a way to express unrefined thoughts of a negative nature. We can also manage our mood with music or interacting with other people. There is no need to enter a self-consuming downward spiral of darkness.

You can finish that Living Wold episode if you put in some time to find out how you can do it. Maybe do it with friends who can; don't be embarassed about admitting that you can't do some things. Nobody is perfect. Instead of blaming a game mode, admit that everyone has flaws and all we can do is struggle over them and try to overcome them. Because you can, but you decide in your "ruleset of reality" in GW2, that jumping puzzles should not exist and therefore you should be able to not do them. Your reality is a bit different than what is in front of you.

Are you seriously putting together a Youtube video on the topic of "Things in GW2 that I hate and therefore should be taken out of the game", and is mentioning that the above list being just a drop in the bucket a hint to more videos on "How GW2 should be played in my point of view, not just mine but probably everyone else because I'm projecting"?

I really love this game, I have over 7500 hours in game, and sometimes I get a little tilted. But I understand that things like these happen and I should take a break and not get mad at a game because it doesn't meet my expectations. I play games for fun and when I stop having fun, I should readjust my strategy to either get through the unfun bits efficiently, try to have different kinds of fun, or find other things that give me fun.

"My video is gonna be good, but its not gonna be pretty." - a confident quip to the ANet developers, threatening doom, despair, unending pain and exodus of what's left of the playerbase, because you alone hold in your hand the power of change, the certainty that every player is behind you in your conquest over the evil jumping puzzles and the untold suffering it has caused to each and every single player (+all the other stuff not related to jumping puzzles that are mentioned), all without actually getting permission to represent each and every player.

That's a promise you can make to yourself. You can definitely speak for yourself.My opinion: No thanks. An opinion, just like yours.

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I'm not particularly fond of them either, unless I could grab the ledges, climb, and shimmy like Lara Croft.

The most annoying thing is when you go past an area that has a jumping puzzle with a mount, and you get dismounted.

I would request ANet to reduce the dismount volumes radius around jumping puzzles; or make a (var) in the code to only dismount around those areas if it detects a mount jump. For instance.Or could reduce the volumes to fit certain static mesh platforms or volume platforms to dosmount then.

Wait a minute.If you use the engine that I think you use, the volumes and static meshes have properties that do just that.You can also create new volumes with the same script.Then there are also zone scripted triggers that have an adjustable radius, and trigger the same effect.

Alternatively, shut the areas down altogether and make an access portal for each JP that doesn't allow mounts in.

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@"Xavier Eledhwen.6901" said:I really hate Jumping puzzles, fthe arthritis in my hands makes it difficult since I am not a nibble as need be.. Yes I am old, not everyone who games is young and healthy, I normally just pass on them, but when the become required for something important, say like the Skyscale Egg - Acrophobia, It keeps me from getting a skyscale, which I would really love to have. So while I spend hours doing something I hate, instead of something I enjoy like running around doing metas, maybe even some raiding. That is not what I am paying for. I left GW2 4 years ago because of these darn puzzles, a friend convinced me to come back, and except for the jumping puzzles I have really liked it.

Please ANEt remember some people in this game have physical limitations....

Make these: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Extra-Pungent_Skyscale_Treat

You're welcome.

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I used to be one that wanted these jumping puzzles out of the game. The Mad Kings Clock Tower was rage inducing. Then I forced myself to get better and did so with repetition. I was trying to do all these puzzles with just my W,A,S,D,Space Bar keys leaving the mouse completely out of it. That is what I was doing wrong.

For those that have problems with these puzzles I would encourage you to try this. Hold down your Right Button on your mouse and move it around. You will notice that it controls your camera. While still holding it down press "W"(forward) you will notice your character will start to run forward in the direction that your camera is facing. So when it comes down to it if you are holding down both the Right Button on your Mouse and holding "W" on your keyboard you will continuously keep running where ever your camera is looking. This made a world of difference to me. This seems basic and something everyone should know but some simply do not.

If that does not work for you you could always ask a friendly Mesmer to Help or go to the Sandswept Isles and get the Prototype Position Rewinder from Hafren. The closest waypoint is here : [&BCULAAA=] Use it to help aid you with missed jump attempts. It is not a cure all because some places you can not use it but it will help with most open world puzzles.

My advice is to get the Rewinder and practice practice practice. Don't Give Up! You will get better.

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@"Excursion.9752" said:I used to be one that wanted these jumping puzzles out of the game. The Mad Kings Clock Tower was rage inducing. Then I forced myself to get better and did so with repetition. I was trying to do all these puzzles with just my W,A,S,D,Space Bar keys leaving the mouse completely out of it. That is what I was doing wrong.

For those that have problems with these puzzles I would encourage you to try this. Hold down your Right Button on your mouse and move it around. You will notice that it controls your camera. While still holding it down press "W"(forward) you will notice your character will start to run forward in the direction that your camera is facing. So when it comes down to it if you are holding down both the Right Button on your Mouse and holding "W" on your keyboard you will continuously keep running where ever your camera is looking. This made a world of difference to me. This seems basic and something everyone should know but some simply do not.

If that does not work for you you could always ask a friendly Mesmer to Help or go to the Sandswept Isles and get the Prototype Position Rewinder from Hafren. The closest waypoint is here : [&BCULAAA=] Use it to help aid you with missed jump attempts. It is not a cure all because some places you can not use it but it will help with most open world puzzles.

My advice is to get the Rewinder and practice practice practice. Don't Give Up! You will get better.

I use action camera, which makes a world of difference.No need for mouse button holding.

I'm still really bad at jumping in this game though. Lol.I get really frustrated with it, so I don't do it.

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@SoulGuardian.6203 said:

@"Excursion.9752" said:I used to be one that wanted these jumping puzzles out of the game. The Mad Kings Clock Tower was rage inducing. Then I forced myself to get better and did so with repetition. I was trying to do all these puzzles with just my W,A,S,D,Space Bar keys leaving the mouse completely out of it. That is what I was doing wrong.

For those that have problems with these puzzles I would encourage you to try this. Hold down your Right Button on your mouse and move it around. You will notice that it controls your camera. While still holding it down press "W"(forward) you will notice your character will start to run forward in the direction that your camera is facing. So when it comes down to it if you are holding down both the Right Button on your Mouse and holding "W" on your keyboard you will continuously keep running where ever your camera is looking. This made a world of difference to me. This seems basic and something everyone should know but some simply do not.

If that does not work for you you could always ask a friendly Mesmer to Help or go to the
and get the
. The closest waypoint is here : [&BCULAAA=] Use it to help aid you with missed jump attempts. It is not a cure all because some places you can not use it but it will help with most open world puzzles.

My advice is to get the Rewinder and practice practice practice. Don't Give Up! You will get better.

I use action camera, which makes a world of difference.No need for mouse button holding.

I'm still really bad at jumping in this game though. Lol.I get really frustrated with it, so I don't do it.

I feel for you I was in that same boat. I had one particular friend that used to give me so much crap about my inability to complete jumping puzzles that I made it a goal to shut him up lol. So I had some outside motivation that pushed me along. To be honest I am best with a Norn and struggle with the other races lol.

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@Trise.2865 said:

@"Xavier Eledhwen.6901" said:I really hate Jumping puzzles, fthe arthritis in my hands makes it difficult since I am not a nibble as need be.. Yes I am old, not everyone who games is young and healthy, I normally just pass on them, but when the become required for something important, say like the Skyscale Egg - Acrophobia, It keeps me from getting a skyscale, which I would really love to have. So while I spend hours doing something I hate, instead of something I enjoy like running around doing metas, maybe even some raiding. That is not what I am paying for. I left GW2 4 years ago because of these darn puzzles, a friend convinced me to come back, and except for the jumping puzzles I have really liked it.

Please ANEt remember some people in this game have physical limitations....

Make these:

You're welcome.

Its a shame mounts cant be used on all JPS now, but eh..

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"Xavier Eledhwen.6901" said:I really hate Jumping puzzles, fthe arthritis in my hands makes it difficult since I am not a nibble as need be.. Yes I am old, not everyone who games is young and healthy, I normally just pass on them, but when the become required for something important, say like the Skyscale Egg - Acrophobia, It keeps me from getting a skyscale, which I would really love to have. So while I spend hours doing something I hate, instead of something I enjoy like running around doing metas, maybe even some raiding. That is not what I am paying for. I left GW2 4 years ago because of these darn puzzles, a friend convinced me to come back, and except for the jumping puzzles I have really liked it.

Please ANEt remember some people in this game have physical limitations....

Make these:

You're welcome.

Its a shame mounts cant be used on all JPS now, but eh..

Oh well.There's always a generous mesmer around... well, most times.

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@SoulGuardian.6203 said:

@"Xavier Eledhwen.6901" said:I really hate Jumping puzzles, fthe arthritis in my hands makes it difficult since I am not a nibble as need be.. Yes I am old, not everyone who games is young and healthy, I normally just pass on them, but when the become required for something important, say like the Skyscale Egg - Acrophobia, It keeps me from getting a skyscale, which I would really love to have. So while I spend hours doing something I hate, instead of something I enjoy like running around doing metas, maybe even some raiding. That is not what I am paying for. I left GW2 4 years ago because of these darn puzzles, a friend convinced me to come back, and except for the jumping puzzles I have really liked it.

Please ANEt remember some people in this game have physical limitations....

Make these:

You're welcome.

Its a shame mounts cant be used on all JPS now, but eh..

Oh well.There's always a generous mesmer around... well, most times.

Id rather do it myself xD mesmers camping JPs seems to be a thing of the past? i havent seen one in awhile.

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@Ralkuth.1456 said:

@"Dredlore.1672" said:I'm playing living world, and come to "Escape the mists on your Raptor".Ive been playing for over 5 years, and have avoided jumping puzzles at every opportunity because I dont dislike them. I HATE them.Many people hate them.Yet, at the end of this chapter a jumping puzzle is forced on meSeems like all you guys do lately rather than create actual content is:
  1. Get the player lost.
  2. Get the player boxed in with terrain.
  3. Waste our time with stuff like hero points ( we pay money for an expansion but we dont actually get our new elite unless we run around doing busywork for 15+ hours PER CHARACTER).
  4. Throw jumping puzzles at us.
  5. You eliminate PM's and killed my guild (5 years-1200 members- GONE because I just wont recruit by spamming map chat)
  6. PVP has become a joke. Hello? Anyone ever tell you that you cannot rate an individual player on team performance? O_0 If you have any questions on that just check with the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL or any other major sports league.
  7. You find every conceivable way to suck all the fun out of the game and add grind and its getting worse every day.
  8. STOP PLEASE!!I cant even finish that Living Wold episode now because I cant and dont do jumping puzzles.I'm putting together a Youtube video on this topic, and the above list is just a drop in the bucket.I really love this game or I wouldnt have over 7500 hours in game, but right now Im so dam mad I cant see straightMy video is gonna be good, but its not gonna be pretty.Thats a promise.Thanks

I play all aspects of the game, and predominantly sPvP.I've been playing for over 7 years, and have loved doing jumping puzzles at every opportunity because I don't just like them. I am RELIANT on them.Many people depend on them to kite and survive being trained.Yes, at the heart of content, jumping puzzles are waiting for me to utilize them to full potential.

Seems like all you do lately rather than discover true gameplay is:
  1. Getting lost because you don't read guides.
  2. Not mentally prepare for the risk of getting stuck and reset position with going to a WP or using /unstuck.
  3. Completely unrelated to jumping puzzles, not enjoying quality time with stuff like hero points (I love upgrading my fresh 80s by doing HPs in HoT and finding specialized Core Builds that get me through them).
  4. Not enjoy the jumping puzzles presented to us, like SAB. I love SAB tribulation mode. I died loads.
  5. Completely unrelated to jumping puzzles, but maybe you have the communication skills and willpower to find a new home?
  6. Completely unrelated to jumping puzzles, PvP has always been something of a joke after the ESL thing stopped. I love the memes and I love memeing people. People get so tilted about losing to certain builds or their own mistakes, and make all sorts of excuses to avoid being labelled as the losing side.
  7. Completely unrelated to jumping puzzles, you can find every conceivable way to have fun out of the game - if you try - and grind can be fun with friends. It gets worse only if you're piling on the expectations. Take a break and come back?
  8. Completely unrelated to jumping puzzles, we can use ALL CAPS as a way to express unrefined thoughts of a negative nature. We can also manage our mood with music or interacting with other people. There is no need to enter a self-consuming downward spiral of darkness.

You can finish that Living Wold episode if you put in some time to find out how you can do it. Maybe do it with friends who can; don't be embarassed about admitting that you can't do some things. Nobody is perfect. Instead of blaming a game mode, admit that everyone has flaws and all we can do is struggle over them and try to overcome them. Because you can, but you decide in your "ruleset of reality" in GW2, that jumping puzzles should not exist and therefore you should be able to not do them. Your reality is a bit different than what is in front of you.

Are you seriously putting together a Youtube video on the topic of "Things in GW2 that I hate and therefore should be taken out of the game", and is mentioning that the above list being just a drop in the bucket a hint to more videos on "How GW2 should be played in my point of view, not just mine but probably everyone else because I'm projecting"?

I really love this game, I have over 7500 hours in game, and sometimes I get a little tilted. But I understand that things like these happen and I should take a break and not get mad at a game because it doesn't meet my expectations. I play games for fun and when I stop having fun, I should readjust my strategy to either get through the unfun bits efficiently, try to have different kinds of fun, or find other things that give me fun.

"My video is gonna be good, but its not gonna be pretty." - a confident quip to the ANet developers, threatening doom, despair, unending pain and exodus of what's left of the playerbase, because you alone hold in your hand the power of change, the certainty that every player is behind you in your conquest over the evil jumping puzzles and the untold suffering it has caused to each and every single player (+all the other stuff not related to jumping puzzles that are mentioned), all without actually getting permission to represent each and every player.

That's a promise you can make to yourself. You can definitely speak for yourself.My opinion: No thanks. An opinion, just like yours.

So I've been offline for about 6 months due to not having a computer. Money issues. I agree with the original post... if the Living world has a JUMPING PUZZLE FORCED ON US IN AN INSTANCE, then I, for one, will most likely be UNABLE to finish that episode.UNLESS the devs CHANGE the teleport to friend "bug" that PREVENTS a person from using that teleport in an instance, having a JP in the instance that I MUST DO is VERY BAD. I remember trying to do one where you've got the floaty guy following you, can't remember the name, had a buddy with me. HE finished the JP. I WOULD have, IF I could have jumped to friend. After OVER AN HOUR of ME being stuck at a particular spot, couldn't get past these floaty bridge things? we moved on.And this also applies to the WD JP. I have tried it a MINIMUM of 320 times. Let's say that: THREE HUNDRED TWENTY TIMES.... and YES, I'M SURE. AND... not once, not one time, Have I EVER got to the MIDDLE platform where you look up at the exploding presents.

My friend? He got to the middle in twenty minutes or so. And he, who has completed EVERY JP in Original Tyria, was like...yeah, this WD JP is difficult. He's heard me rant and gripe and was like.. what's the big deal? Now he, who's SEEN me suffer in JP's, was … dude, that's a shame. I'd have him help me... but he lives in ALASKA. WA state for me!No one can fly. None of us are Kryptonian. None of us can breathe water. None of us are Atlantean. None of us can survive a nuclear explosion. We're not mutants. Point is, for those individuals who are "but if you practice it enough, you can DO It!" that there are things that NO ONE, given their HUMAN limitations, CAN DO. Some of us are limited in that fashion in regards to JUMPING PUZZLES... so to place or have such content in a situation where it CANNOT BE AVOIDED and the only possible way that you might be able to get past it is to have a game buddy that has a Mesmer (I don't!)…. that is sadistic. That is TERRIBLE game design. That is discriminatory. And it should NOT BE DONE.OH... last thing. My friend? He did all those JP's with.... A Norn. He admitted recently it would have most likely been easier with an Asura... but he did them with a Norn. I was THERE for over half of them.

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An additional comment... in regards to the footrace achievement for WD... the race SHOULD NOT BE BASED ON 33% SPEED BOOST. And it should be structured so that NO class has an advantage or DISADVANTAGE. I've tried it twice w/ 25%.. did a perfect run the second time... was maybe 10 seconds? short. I could EASILY SEE the finish line... in fact I think I was only one dome away from it.. and I ran out of time. I watched an Elementalist pull away from me, lost sight of him by the end of the first climb. NOT ACCEPTABLE. An achievement should be EQUALLY DIFFICULT FOR ALL CLASSES. And you shouldn't have to spend mastery points (that you may not have anyway) to get the in town 33% perma boost. Put another way... why should I HAVE to run a thief or elementalist in order to get a specific achievement? Why should I have to fill a character slot (i.e. SPEND MONEY ON!) a class that I either don't like or don't want to play? It's insulting. And again, IT'S POOR GAME DESIGN.

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@Nightshade.5924 said:An additional comment... in regards to the footrace achievement for WD... the race SHOULD NOT BE BASED ON 33% SPEED BOOST. And it should be structured so that NO class has an advantage or DISADVANTAGE. I've tried it twice w/ 25%.. did a perfect run the second time... was maybe 10 seconds? short. I could EASILY SEE the finish line... in fact I think I was only one dome away from it.. and I ran out of time. I watched an Elementalist pull away from me, lost sight of him by the end of the first climb. NOT ACCEPTABLE. An achievement should be EQUALLY DIFFICULT FOR ALL CLASSES. And you shouldn't have to spend mastery points (that you may not have anyway) to get the in town 33% perma boost. Put another way... why should I HAVE to run a thief or elementalist in order to get a specific achievement? Why should I have to fill a character slot (i.e. SPEND MONEY ON!) a class that I either don't like or don't want to play? It's insulting. And again, IT'S POOR GAME DESIGN.

You don't need movement skills. The 25% is likely more than enough if you keep dodging forward when you have enough endurance.

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@Nightshade.5924 said:An additional comment... in regards to the footrace achievement for WD... the race SHOULD NOT BE BASED ON 33% SPEED BOOST. And it should be structured so that NO class has an advantage or DISADVANTAGE. I've tried it twice w/ 25%.. did a perfect run the second time... was maybe 10 seconds? short. I could EASILY SEE the finish line... in fact I think I was only one dome away from it.. and I ran out of time. I watched an Elementalist pull away from me, lost sight of him by the end of the first climb. NOT ACCEPTABLE. An achievement should be EQUALLY DIFFICULT FOR ALL CLASSES. And you shouldn't have to spend mastery points (that you may not have anyway) to get the in town 33% perma boost. Put another way... why should I HAVE to run a thief or elementalist in order to get a specific achievement? Why should I have to fill a character slot (i.e. SPEND MONEY ON!) a class that I either don't like or don't want to play? It's insulting. And again, IT'S POOR GAME DESIGN.

Some classes have more mobility, yes, but it's not a contest, it's just an achievment, that can be done by every class without the mastery.Every class has access to at least +25% movement speed (skills, traits, runes), swiftness- and mobility-skills (doesn't matter if core or elite), so I don't know which class shouldn't be capable of doing it?

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@Solvar.7953 said:I sort of feel that the original ones were more designed of the nature 'here is a point that is sort of hard to get to, but we'll provide some way to get there which involves some amount of jumping', where as later ones evolved into 'lets see how hard/annoying we can make this'.

Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way about JPs lately. I feel like the Ember Bay one is the pinnacle of that nonsense.

As for the OP, not sure they're even around still to see this, but 15+ hours for an elite spec is ludicrous. To me, that indicates some fundamental misunderstanding on your part - either you still haven't learned the basics of your class/general combat in this game after all these years, or you haven't learned how to navigate the expansion maps. I guess a third possibility is having some sort of condition which impedes your reflexes or reactions to some extent, but most people living with such conditions are pretty quick to mention them in complaint threads, so I rate this as unlikely.

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@Schimmi.6872 said:

@"Nightshade.5924" said:An additional comment... in regards to the footrace achievement for WD... the race SHOULD NOT BE BASED ON 33% SPEED BOOST. And it should be structured so that NO class has an advantage or DISADVANTAGE. I've tried it twice w/ 25%.. did a perfect run the second time... was maybe 10 seconds? short. I could EASILY SEE the finish line... in fact I think I was only one dome away from it.. and I ran out of time. I watched an Elementalist pull away from me, lost sight of him by the end of the first climb. NOT ACCEPTABLE. An achievement should be EQUALLY DIFFICULT FOR ALL CLASSES. And you shouldn't have to spend mastery points (that you may not have anyway) to get the in town 33% perma boost. Put another way... why should I HAVE to run a thief or elementalist in order to get a specific achievement? Why should I have to fill a character slot (i.e. SPEND MONEY ON!) a class that I either don't like or don't want to play? It's insulting. And again, IT'S POOR GAME DESIGN.

Some classes have more mobility, yes, but it's not a contest, it's just an achievment, that can be done by every class without the mastery.Every class has access to at least +25% movement speed (skills, traits, runes), swiftness- and mobility-skills (doesn't matter if core or elite), so I don't know which class shouldn't be capable of doing it?

MAYBE you missed the part about "perfect run" and "ran out of time". I have a 25% perma boost thru mastery points and my class. Came up short. So, NO, by experimentation, you CAN NOT get the achievement WITHOUT the speed boost. Dodge rolling forward does not, so far as I know, INCREASE your speed or move you any faster. Maybe a dev can say differently?Addendum: JUST ran the race again. Tried the dodge roll thing. Ended up exactly where I was last time... two domes, one being the finish, SHORT of finishing the foot race. Please cite SPECIFIC BUILDS for guardian, necro, and engineer... because even with the eng fully tricked out with every speed cheat I can find, still can't beat the footrace WITHOUT the 33%. WITH the 33%, it's easy. 10 or so seconds to spare which if you break down the math, pretty conclusively PROVES that 25% is insufficient.

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@"Nightshade.5924" said:MAYBE you missed the part about "perfect run" and "ran out of time". I have a 25% perma boost thru mastery points and my class. Came up short. So, NO, by experimentation, you CAN NOT get the achievement WITHOUT the speed boost. Dodge rolling forward does not, so far as I know, INCREASE your speed or move you any faster. Maybe a dev can say differently?Addendum: JUST ran the race again. Tried the dodge roll thing. Ended up exactly where I was last time... two domes, one being the finish, SHORT of finishing the foot race. Please cite SPECIFIC BUILDS for guardian, necro, and engineer... because even with the eng fully tricked out with every speed cheat I can find, still can't beat the footrace WITHOUT the 33%. WITH the 33%, it's easy. 10 or so seconds to spare which if you break down the math, pretty conclusively PROVES that 25% is insufficient.

No, I dindn't missed the part about your run with +25% movement speed and I agree that 25% alone isn't enough (about 3sec too slow in my test on a core account) but that's why I also mentioned swiftness and movement skills. As movmenet speed boosts don't stack, it doesn't matter if you have swiftness or the 33% boost from the mastery.

So, lets look at your classes (i only consider the core skills, so they can be used by every account):Engineer:

  • permanent swiftness through Trait "Streamlined Kits" (Tools X 1 X) - just swap to a kit every 20s
  • movement skills: e.g. "Rocke Boots"
  • superspeed: Tool Kit together with "Streamlined Kits" , Toolbelt skill of Slick ShoesNecro:
  • permanent 25% - Skill: Signet of the Locust
  • permanent swiftness should be possible too - Warhorn 5 + Spectral Walk
  • movement skills: not much on core nec, maybe Flesh WurmGuard:
  • nearly permanent swiftness (or permanent with higher boon-duration) - Staff 3, "Save Yourselves!" , "Retreat!" (use this Trait for the shouts: Pure of Voice - Honor X X 1)
  • movement skills: not much on core guard (without targets), maybe GS 2

So all 3 classes can get perma swiftness and so they are as fast as someone with the 33% buff. From your 3 classes, engineer should be the easiest one, as it has better movement-skills and access to superspeed, if you have unlocked the elite-specs, you would have even more access to superspeed and leaps.

If you want to be even faster with swiftness, there is also the Superior Rune of Speed which increases the movement speed by 66% when under the effect of swiftness.

At last there are also other ways to do the achievment, you can use one of the novelities with movement skills like the Choya Pinata Tonic (endless one from the amnoon casino, or one-time use from the tp for about 1g), or the Executioner Axe Toy. I tired it with the choya tonic today and had 1:20min left.

If you need further help with the achievment, just ask, maybe I can help.

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@Westenev.5289 said:

@Shadowmoon.7986 said:Are we playing the same game? There has only been one jp released since pof was released and it was ur khan gauntlet.

What about Thunderhead Peaks (the dwarven crypt area). That had a few (fun) mini JP's you could complete at your leisure.

Personally, I'm kind of hoping for another chalice of tears. Hard JP's bring out the best in the community, IMO.

Kinda of thinking that Anet had way too many complaints about this type of extremely bad jumping puzzle design and will never do it again. As for JP's they got it right in the latest maps. Swim right by and get the reward with out having to jump.

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i think story content is balanced for what most people can do. of course there will always be someone who has trouble with specific parts of it, be it JPs or boss fights, or fights with lots of mobs, but is it wise to remove story content because someone can't do it because of special circunstances?

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