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Burst too high?


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Am I crazy in thinking the burst damage is a little nuts? It feels like I'm getting one shot left and right, and I don't remember things being this nuts back before HOT and POF.

How are people handling WvW with the damage we're seeing now?

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This is the WvW now. If you want tactical battles and intense fights its your chance to bail out now cause you will get none of that. Its stack, spam abilities and hope you come out on the other side alive. Rinse and repeat.

Somehow planetside 2, a fps, has better ttk then this game does.

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Absolutely agree with op. Basically left the game because of that. Fight are boring. Most of the time one zerg is onepushed. No real tactics involved, rarely intense close fights.

Dont get me started on roaming. Pure kitten. Soloroaming used to be hella fun, now its just a frickin saltmine.

@Taobella.6597 said:current meta is just ultra glass cannon. give it a few weeks every one switch back to bunker to hard counter it.

Why would it change in a few weeks, when its like that for months or even years (powercreep exists since hot and got worse with pof)?

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It's manageable for fairly skilled players so long as it's not a +1.

That doesn't mean that burst isn't to high however, that is not what I am saying. I do agree it is, even if most of those builds are troll, it can make for very un-fun game play.

However bunker builds exist, some so strong that without a pure glass build you are pretty much never going to take them down, both extreme ends need to be looked at. As well, more and more people are building to be more burst as it's the only way to get fights, as today you have to be able to burst, and often range burst 11k HP in short order to dismount someone, if you don't run burst, they are going to laugh and kite you on their mount until you have expended all you have, and then dismount and burst you down. It puts bruiser builds at an even bigger disadvantage, as they can't dismount someone unless they are standing still, and the person mounted has full advantage on how engagement of the fight will go, this is the biggest problem with the mount and the fact any one hit doesn't dismount a player.

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@Sleepwalker.1398 said:Was hit today by a scepter weaver in a fight that was like half a second.The combo was so fast that i actually think it was a macro.That many hits in less than half a sec is unbelievable.

I get called out for hacking or using macros all the time, just because you don't think it is possible, doesn't mean it isn't. Most of the time it's a set of precast skills or skills in combo with other skills that don't interrupt other casting skills. You do these rotations over and over again for 2,000 hours and you get pretty good at them. Not saying there are not macro users in the game, just saying, unless you have some sort of proof, calling people out for using macros doesn't help anyone.

Do you have video of this? Do you know the skill bomb used? Do you have a screen of the combat log?

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So is WvW worth doing for a solo / small man roamer at this time in everyone's opinion?Are there any ways to cope with the current Meta I'm perhaps not familiar with as an older player? (have not played WvW since pre-HoT).Thanks for the feedback.

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@"Rehk.6574" said:So is WvW worth doing for a solo / small man roamer at this time in everyone's opinion?Are there any ways to cope with the current Meta I'm perhaps not familiar with as an older player? (have not played WvW since pre-HoT).Thanks for the feedback.

For me it's still fun to run around solo. I don't really look for fights but if someone hops off their kitty, I'll do the same. If I die, I die. Sometimes I win fights I have no business winning. Lots of good viable builds out there, but I run non-meta stuff that more suits how I enjoy playing. My limited playing time keeps me from joining groups where I'd have to commit time I might not have, so I get by with doing my own thing. Most days it's just hopping in and knocking out the easiest dailies. Every once in a while I'll have 2 or 3 hours to kill. Best thing about this game is there's no detriment to not playing.

There's also the "if you can't beat em, join em" option where you could play one of those cheese builds yourself and do unto others... =)

Since I also PVE with my toons I tend to run glassy stats (Marauder usually) and aim for passive damage reduction (food, boons and traits). Toughness gets you unwanted attention vs PVE bosses. But again, I'm not a "good" player using "good" builds. If you're going to go all in, then you will find lots od great builds that can put out damage and survive a lot of these bursts.

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There is zero...let me say it again "0" balance! I started to play WvW about 2 months back but have witnessed some horrible balance issues. How is it a FB can withstand the attack of 3 people? How does one class have so many resists when others are saddled with one, mostly on ridiculous timers? I know this will be just bashed with learn to play comments but i feel the need to say it. GW2 is so badly balanced in one v one it's an embarrassment! This game will never, ever be a contender for the PvP crowd because the balance is just horrid. Burst is only one part of the problem, there is absolutely no real balance within elite specs, and this isn't a matter of a month here or there. Balance is non existing and the whole group responsible for this needs to be managed properly because they sure as shit don't have a grasp on it today!I was enjoying WvW but i just refuse to roll the popular builds, because honestly there shouldn't be any!!!! No balance, no change, no damned chance this is going to grow, please someone in management see this because it's a horrible mess that needs to be fixed!

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@Etterwyn.5263 said:

@"Rehk.6574" said:So is WvW worth doing for a solo / small man roamer at this time in everyone's opinion?Are there any ways to cope with the current Meta I'm perhaps not familiar with as an older player? (have not played WvW since pre-HoT).Thanks for the feedback.

For me it's still fun to run around solo. I don't really look for fights but if someone hops off their kitty, I'll do the same. If I die, I die. Sometimes I win fights I have no business winning. Lots of good viable builds out there, but I run non-meta stuff that more suits how I enjoy playing. My limited playing time keeps me from joining groups where I'd have to commit time I might not have, so I get by with doing my own thing. Most days it's just hopping in and knocking out the easiest dailies. Every once in a while I'll have 2 or 3 hours to kill. Best thing about this game is there's no detriment to not playing.

There's also the "if you can't beat em, join em" option where you could play one of those cheese builds yourself and do unto others... =)

Since I also PVE with my toons I tend to run glassy stats (Marauder usually) and aim for passive damage reduction (food, boons and traits). Toughness gets you unwanted attention vs PVE bosses. But again, I'm not a "good" player using "good" builds. If you're going to go all in, then you will find lots od great builds that can put out damage and survive a lot of these bursts.

i run solo coz i can control my movements and do full optimization of it.

and doing zerg nowadays is like the commanders just installed GW2 in 2017. like you have 6 paper towers available for taking and the commander decides to capture the T3 keep.

used to command tho. but that was years ago.

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Balance is non existent, and seems like the dev's don't give a rat's banana. I've only just jumped into WvW but i cannot believe just how out of wack it is? Who the hell allows this on a competitive game, especially since we all know skills can be split. They can ban me if they like but the balance between classes is so bad, only thing you can play now is FB because they're almost indestructible. Classes being so out of whack reeks of bias and man that just won't do in a game that wants a future!

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Burst needs to be high to deal with mounts.Mounts removed a lot of playstyles and builds such as Celestial so it's become more viable to play a build that can drop 12k damage on the first hit followed up with a 20k+ hit on the second.Nerfing high burst builds = Mounts becoming even stronger.

What's crazy is I was defending a keep yesterday, the enemy zerg just mounted up and ran past all the defenses in the keep because nothing could CC them or stop them, they balled up to soak up damage so literally no chance at stopping the mounted group.Cannons with chill? Useless, did nothing.AC's? HHAHAHAThe commander who balled up to make a stand against thier push in the choke of an open wall on inner? LMAO, enemy literally ran past us with warclaw and took the high walls.

But hey, mounts are balanced right and this was clearly how WvW was supposed to be played for the last 6 years if you ask a lot of users here on this very forum. They'll even dribble this nonsense about Ganksters Paradise like they're completely oblivious to the fact that a dismount skill doesn't favor gankers at all.

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@Zephyra.4709 said:You're not wrong, it's pretty insane. But I need to tell a joke.

What is fat, has 4 legs, 3 leap evades, 10k+ extra health pool, cannot be CC'd and pings enemies on the map within 5k radius so you can run away in time?

a charr

  1. It is not fat. Look closely, they are muscles.
  2. 3 leap evades? More like 3 ' hop ' evades.
  3. 10k hp that can be 1-2 shotted by many classes and hurt like a baby when it falls.
  4. Ping enemies within 5k radius while it can't even reveal those less that a hundred metres away from you. Very useful.

You are right about one thing though. It is a joke.

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@"Mil.3562" said:

  1. Ping enemies within 5k radius while it can't even reveal those less that a hundred metres away from you. Very useful.I actually like this skill, it is very balanced in usage and I really get good usage out of it - the cd is fair enough, and it gives me enough information during its duration when it pings twice to show me where ambushes are about to happen. This has the most usage in zerg vs zerg action, when you are about to do big pushes and cannot see where the enemy is stacking, or need numbers on how many are defending, especially when attacking/defending stonemist castle. Initially I thought this would garner the least usage from me, but in fact it's what I use the most on warclaw. It's an indispensable skill [for me] and I hope they do not remove/change it, as from a strategic standpoint it has a lot of tactical value, both for zergs and also the standalone roamer/scout.
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@RisenHowl.2419 said:I don't understand why rev hammer skills get their animations/warnings culled and still hit for 15k @ 1200 range while scourges create visual lava and hit for... 2k a hit? At 900 range?

It might have something to do with a class and weapon built for damage and range creaming a mid-range condi specialization trying to play power with glass stats.

! Anet why does my full zerker shortbow/trapper druid do less power damage at shorter range than longbow soulbeasts at 2000 range :anguished: ?

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