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Should Guild Wars 1 go free to play?

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Since gw2 is also free to play, would you be interested in trying gw1 if it went free to play as well? The game is still great and has so much depth that I think everybody should play the game.

Edit: Seems like people somehow think that free to play makes the game lose money. Personally I think if people can play the original game for free they are more likely gonna buy the other expansions too instead of not buying/playing gw1 at all.

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Gonna go with yes but only the original game.

I still play Gw1 from time to time and I have friends interested in trying it but can't justify spending the money on a complete collection since the game is far less active than Gw2 and they don't know if they'll like it.If Prophecies went free even as a timed promotion I think a good number of people who never played it might give it a go, Gw2 only players should definitely pick it up if they've an interest in the game lore.Should they find the game to their liking it may encourage a few sales of Factions etc down the line too which are again highly recommended, not to mention the Hall of Monuments unlocks for Gw2 should they get EoTN and link their accounts.

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I wanted to try it. I bought it. Played it. Didn't regret it.

Why should they make this free now? They still.could make a little more money with that.

And this; why does me and the many players who purchased it should be penalised by giving it for free? Is there a good reason to make this game free to play?I get that it's not very active, however, there is a great amount of solo content (well, it is based on solo content, literally) that it is still worth bying it.

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@Edge.8724 said:I wanted to try it. I bought it. Played it. Didn't regret it.

Why should they make this free now? They still.could make a little more money with that.

And this; why does me and the many players who purchased it should be penalised by giving it for free? Is there a good reason to make this game free to play?I get that it's not very active, however, there is a great amount of solo content (well, it is based on solo content, literally) that it is still worth bying it.

Free to play could bring more ppl to try gw1 and since it could be in a form of the original guild wars and not the expansions the ppl who really enjoy the game will want to buy the expansions too. This way anet could actually earn more revenue from gw1 as well cause now the whole content for it is behind a paywall and a lot of ppl don't want to use their money for a game they want to try.

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I thought about this a few times, making it f2p might revive the game and I would very much like that, however on the other hand I don't wish for it to become the gem store item skin infested game that GW2 has become.

GW1 is unique as you have to get almost everything through pure gameplay and it's what kept people doing all the game has to offer.

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@Edge.8724 said:I wanted to try it. I bought it. Played it. Didn't regret it.

Why should they make this free now? They still.could make a little more money with that.

And this; why does me and the many players who purchased it should be penalised by giving it for free? Is there a good reason to make this game free to play?I get that it's not very active, however, there is a great amount of solo content (well, it is based on solo content, literally) that it is still worth bying it.

You aren't being penalized at all. You got all of that extra time, prior to when I would go F2P, to play the game. You aren't losing anything, and you will have gotten more out of the game than F2P players.

I own the game, and still jump on from time to time. I would like to have a larger community for when I actually do play. There is no need to keep milking a cow when its milk starts drying up. You may get a few drops, maybe even enough for an entire glass, but why not just let the cow relax for its final years of life?

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no. since we assume that players of these game are mostly 2015++ newish, the Guild Wars Lore can reverse advertise Guild Wars 1 and see how the story goes by them playing it. they can even farm transferable titles to GW2.

and there's 1 cute twitch.tv streamer who plays GW1 still. and she also plays GW2 but most of the time i see her playing GW1.


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Maybe, if they come with a way to make it more profitable as freemium game. And this may just not be worth it for the older MMO.GW2 was designed from the start to have a gem store with micro transaction, while GW1 was made with retail sales as cornerstone and an in-game shop for some extras. It may not be worth it to invest development resources in changing this.

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Sorry, I didn't really see a section related to this but I just wanted to express something that means a lot to me really. Though I wont go on a long winded rant.

I've been interested in Guild Wars since 2005. Even when I was younger I would play on my brothers account until I finally had got my own. It was probably one of my favorite MMO's - competing with the time I spent on World of Warcraft. Guild Wars really helped me escape into a different world from some issues I had to deal with at one of my parents homes so it REALLY helped me out a lot and it genuinely was just a fantastic game.

Obviously when Guild Wars 2 news arrived and surfaced about I was super excited for it and found out I got to play as my favorite race, the Charr. They were always pretty awesome in the first series and I was delighted to know that I could finally play them. Though when it released and I played it for the first time I was kind of sad seeing how the two games were almost completely different in the way I played. Now I understand when you develop a new game within a series you have to try new ideas and concepts that you would think improve on what currently exists. For me, that just wasn't it.

I've played Guild Wars 2 both off and on. Like.. I would FORCE my self to play it in hopes I could just find something I really liked about it. I'd buy each expansion to try out the new content but I just could never ever really get into the game what so ever. It especially bugged me when the game went free to play. But I'm more or less over that now.

Anyways, my idea is this. I personally don't like Guild Wars 2, and I never ever see my self playing it. I don't think any changes to the game or new content will ever change this fact. The game is just not suited to what I like - and hey, that's perfectly fine! Because there are plenty others who do like it.

But what I suggest is making the first three guild wars games in the series free to play. This would include Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall. Obviously you'd still have all the cosmetics, EoTN, the PvP and Skill packs, etc. to generate revenue from but currently the game is pretty empty in most parts because a lot of people don't really feel like forking over the cash when Guild Wars 2 is free to play and more 'modern' and highly stylized (Though I personally will always prefer the Guild Wars original look.)

I mean take two really good examples. Classic WoW and OSRS. I'm not saying Guild Wars had the popularity of these two, but there are a lot of people who probably prefer the original over the new one and it would be SO awesome to see the original series have some life in it.

I don't really expect much of a response on this thread - but the last time I made something like this was on Reddit and for some reason bots just usually delete it for some odd reason. Probably due to me never posting much on there to begin with. But this is just the wants of one very sincere player about a game he really enjoys and would like to see flourish.

Thank you for reading.

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What a lovely post.

I too miss the glory days of Guild Wars, porting into Lion's Arch or Ascalon City to find it teeming with life in all regions. Sadly though, natural progression dictates that the older games will always lose population as people move on. It is the way of things.

Would making them F2P help? I do not think so. The way the game works is off putting for a lot of MMO players and was one of the major gripes of the Guild Wars playerbase - a lack of persistent world maps. What we have now is a sweet spot between the two, which is helped with the megaservers.

Guild Wars is still a beautiful game with its own unique gameplay and style. It will continue to be played by those that love it (and developed by those too!) but I think maintaining the pay wall will help maintain the integrity of the game and prevent it from becoming a RMT nightmare. Yes, I know there is still an issue there but F2P would make it so much worse unless ArenaNet put in a host of restrictions like they have with this game. However, I doubt this will ever happen as it would not make financial sense for ArenaNet to throw resources at Guild Wars to implement the changes that would be needed.

Lastly, I will say the playerbase is still there for you to play with. Most people play in AED1/2 so, if you can handle the ping increase, it is worth playing on the American servers.

Have fun on your continuing adventure in Tyria!

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Why would F2P change anything? GW1 has been around for many years and I think that anyone interested in the genre knows about it and have considered playing. The price never has been high and it always have been easy accesible. Unlike WoW ans RS, it has always been available.

The main issue however is costs. The game cost money as it runs on servers. There is no revenue at all to justify F2P and would only mean that the moment it shuts down would be nearer. The best would be a permanent extended trial. e.g. 3 months.

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I wonder, when I see posts like these, just how much work do you think it takes to take a game, particularly a b2p game like GW was and completely change it's business model? Do you think they just flip a switch and make it free?It's a very time consuming process that involves pretty deep changes to a game.An old game that barely anyone plays. A game that wouldn't see a significant population bump just because it's free due mainly to it's dated graphics, lack of voice acting and relatively punishing old school design.One people would mainly just farm for a few armor skins and a couple of ranger pets.Do you really think this is a good idea?As it is, I've seen it on sale several times over the past year on steam, all-in for 30 bucks.You have to admit that's a pretty good deal.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:I wonder, when I see posts like these, just how much work do you think it takes to take a game, particularly a b2p game like GW was and completely change its business model? Do you think they just flip a switch and make it free?

Yes, it becoming free2play would mean a lot. It is a too expensive game, it is old, has no updates or new content. In the age of free2play games, it only makes sense for GW to also be free2play. The heck, even base GW2 is a free2play.

Today popular games are PvP games. Those where you do not need a lot of preparation, you just make a character or press start button and get into a game. GW has great pvp, it just needs the population. There is a much better chance of population growth with it being free2play. GW can gain money by people buying skill unlock packs, or item unlock pack.There are also no real fantasy PvP games, with sword and magic. GW has it. GW also has a number of pvp modes, both for hardcore and for casuals or for those that just want to fool around in AB and mess with all kind of builds.

PvE is good enough for people to play it as a single player game, or together with friends if they choose to. There is a lack of co-op games to play, so GW can be that niche. GW can gain money by people buying mercenary slots, upgrades, bonus missions, costumes.

GW still has the potential of having a better life, but not with the current business model.

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Doubt it ever takes flight again. People who were interested on it played it back then, now if we aim for people who never played it are probaly at the same age as Guild Wars 1 is and try to present old school clunkiness to that human generation

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i dont think i can ever play a game that doesn't allow me to jump... im so used to jumping that if i play one that can't jump i would get anxiety attacks

its the similar reason i dont play wow... the graphics are not up to my standards... if i were 10 yeah i would play it... but im so used to realistic graphics i cant go back and play games with 2D graphics or worse.

when i heard ppl say ff7 was teh best game in ff series, i bought it, and i was like i can't even see what is happening.... so i didn't finish it... only plahyed for 1/3

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