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I like to sit Greatsword. What profession should I play?


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Not Mesmer because I like actually hitting things.

I love greatswords. If weapon swapping weren't a thing I would never use anything else.I like hitting and killing things. I have a soft spot for mobility (or just being able to move fast in general). Primarily I do open world content and sPvP, with a few dungeons and fractals here and there.

Ideally it would be "good" in both PvP and PvE. I've heard that Guardian can use GS everywhere with no issues, but Warrior often uses it primarily for mobility, and it isn't that great of a damage option in a lot of PvP/PvE content. I would like to hear everyone's opinions on this. I have not really tried Ranger or Necro/Reaper. I have a soft spot for +25% run speed increases (which is now available to Guardian as well) and being able to stick to my target as well as escape, or other movement such as jumping across gaps in jumping puzzles.

I have recently returned to the game and this has been the subject of much of my deliberation. I would appreciate any feedback or advice you have.


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PvP always changes, (besides Mesmer) the only profession that has always had a semi viable build and could use a greatsword is guardian. That being said of the greatsword using professions in PvP, guardian ranks the lowest in terms of build tier list.

Right now, the recent past, and looking ahead:Warrior spell breaker. GS d/sh. You have to swap weapons and it's a great side node 1v1er. Very mobile. Used at all tiers

Guardian core dps. Sw/focus GS. You have to swap weapons and it's mostly a dps team fight spec. It can take some 1v1s but lacks mobility and is outclassed at top tiers.

Ranger. Kind of a jack of all trades. Can go dps, or side node and use gs a/a or lb. good mobility. Somewhat outclassed at top tiers.

Reaper. Gs, a/whatever. Super high damage, very low mobility. Teamfight spec that can wipe a team, if you can manage to get to them. Seems to be unviable at top tier - but can still wipe teams if it can get to them.

In PvP you obviously have to swap weapons to win. And you should for PvE too for good dps rotations

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Ranger: Its GS covers all my needs; damage, mobility, blocks, CC and up to 3 evades on the third AA. It's not bursty as Guardian because it has 2 skills only for damage, but it's consistency is lovely and imo it's the perfect melee GS in the game.

Warrior: While the class seems to be the most suited for this weapon, I liked GS on Warrior the least, maybe didn't like it at all. Too slow, too clunky. Yeah, it has high mobility, but meh. I mostly get hit by GS's burst skill from Warriors because the weapon itself is not meant to deal damage. However, with all of this, it's the best 1v1 duelist now imo.

Guardian: GS is only useful in PvE... In PvP/WvW, they might be usable, but you'll play knowing that you don't have the meta weapons equipped. Outside of PvP/WvW, there are stunbreaks, Stab. access and players that get away of your skills easily. It would be my second pick as best GS.

Reaper: The only one of them that hasn't any source of mobility within the weapon's kit. From a Weaver player's POV, Reaper gives me the same headache of trying to land some skills to a degree because of how slow the skills are and somehow hard to land, especially #2 and #3, #4 is just a breather for when you need to chill mid-fight because I don't think anyone would sit in it unless they have no idea of Reaper, maybe that's the point of the skill. It has nice damage if landed, but the skills rely on some conditions that aren't easily met. It takes #3 spot followed by Warrior as last on the GS fun-and-usage list. If only it had blocks or mobility, I would have put it second. Reaper to me is mostly Shroud or Axe, with GS as a filler.

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Tip: Weapon swapping does not mean having to use multiple weapons. You can use two Greatswords.

I personally enjoy Ranger GS the most, very dynamic, and with a pet and a hybrid offensive/defensive build you really feel like a brawler, able to just get right into combat and stay there without much troubles which is alot of fun.

But Warrior, Guardian and Reaper do more damage with it, in order of their "interestingness".

Warrior does best with greatsword on Berserker, I think. Some people recommend Spellbreaker, but I like raw damage.

Guardian in particular has a very unique build with greatsword that utilises Radiance, Virtues and Zeal combined with 100% burn duration (runes, sigil, etc.), to basically dish out up to 20+ stacks of burning constantly, which is very dangerous, its called "burn guard".

Firebrand can use a less powerful version of the build that combines it with Quickness for party support.

Reaper can use GS either as a power or condi weapon, thanks to bleed on chill and chill on blind synergy. If tanky play is more your style, you can take a stat like Trailblazer and just walk through all encounters like they're not even there.

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As someone who plays each of these classes my vote is: play all of them.

No seriously, you'll find what works for you. We can each pontificate about what we like and dislike, but you may end up feeling different.

Ranger does have mobility and evades, and Meme dps with SoulbeastGuardian has good weapon skills, but can feel clunky to me personally. Sword/Focus is much more mobile.Warrior has amazing mobility, GS is its second best power DPS weapon in PVE for warriors and Berserker GS is Meme levels of damage. Spell breaker GS as others have stated is also pretty good. I've never found Warrior GS to be clunky like others have stated. But then I mostly play warrior so it feels second nature to me.Reaper has serious mobility issues, but most of the DPS rotations of the Reaper are in the Shroud skills. Reaper GS skills themselves are slow to fire, but can do great damage if they hit.

I honestly prefer to roam in WvW on my Reaper than my Berserker, but most of my PvE is on my warrior. There is nothing wrong with have one character for one game mode and another for other game modes. You may find that you REALLY like one class in PvP, but hate it in PvE. That's fine. Keep that one for PvP and find what you like for PvE.

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I always liked my Ranger (Power-oriented, first core, now SB) with Long bow and Great-Sword (2h Katana) played all Open-World/Story/Dungeoneer PvE with it, without ever being in trouble. I always hated on warrior 1000 blades that you cannot move during it, so my warrior never used GS (except as 3rd weapon for mobility in pre-mount times). Only problem: humans walking with GS looks stupid, Asura look better.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:Tip: Weapon swapping does not mean having to use multiple weapons. You can use two Greatswords.

So, if I switch from one weapon to the same weapon all the skills reset? Good to know, I never thought of that. My guardian might be playable after all... :)~Edit~ Just tried it... nope ha ha... what would be the point of switching to the same weapon?

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@Tukaram.8256 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:Tip: Weapon swapping does not mean having to use multiple weapons. You can use two Greatswords.

So, if I switch from one weapon to the same weapon all the skills reset? Good to know, I never thought of that. My guardian might be playable after all... :)~Edit~ Just tried it... nope ha ha... what would be the point of switching to the same weapon?

Its not about skill reset, its about triggering weapon swapping sigils/traits/etc.

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My vote goes to necro - mobility may be shite, but if it's 25% movement speed, necro has it (be it signet of locust or quickening thirst in blood magic).If it's jumping puzzles, necro takes the first spot due to spectral walk - you can lieterally undo botched jumps every 40s. other profession's leaps may at best lead to one, not get you out of it.

On combat side of things - the damage is there - gs is the heaviest hitter for constant power dps (axe has better burst, but weak aa between). As for sticing to targets - you have necrocopter (reaper shroud #2) as well as the gs skill 5 to pull enemies to you (along with chilling them). Yet when it comes to crazy evades and leaps - nope, not here. That's primary warrior's and ranger's shtick.

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My vote goes... to not chose a class which doesn't use the greatsword as basic weapon. Because Reaper's gs can look cool, but the chances of using it are entirely dependant of Reaper being good. With classes which have free access to a weapon, you have (at least) three chances to find a build somewhat viable. With weapons linked to a class specialization, if the spec fall from grace and becomes useless, you will lose the chance to use it.

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