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GW2 isn't WoW

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Of course it isn't. Nobody ever said that lolHonestly it's a bit dumb to compare games with one another. For example the typical "It's just like Dark Souls" only because it has a dodge function is completely out of place as well. (and not only because Monster Hunter was Dark Souls before Dark Souls was even a thing) :P

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Things I miss about WoW

  1. Highly customizable UI. You can literally replace the whole thing.
  2. Dungeons and raids that are really integrated into the story
  3. Mythic Keys, it's version of Fractals, are more rewarding and way more challenging and are extensions of dungeons
  4. Better LFG system

I think some of that stuff should come to gw2, especially the UI customization

I don't miss WoW's class imbalance (there absolutely is a pecking order to favor some specs over others) losing all character progression at the start of an xpac, all previous content becoming obsolete and dead at the start of an xpac, the never ending gear hamster wheel, combat that was plodding, the dev teams determination to totally control how you play and force content on you.

I hope none of that comes to gw2.

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When businesses do not pay attention to what the successful competition is doing, potentially finding inspiration for their own business/product, they are limiting their potential. Deciding to not pursue a great idea just because someone else thought of it first is arrogance and folly.

The core concepts of GW2, and WoW, are derivative of earlier works.

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Slightly off topic,I have not played WoW since TBC, and last night I decided to give the classic wow a whirlSubbed and downloaded the game, logged on and made a toon, did the first quest and deleted the gameI had forgotten the combat style in wow and I have been too attuned to GW2 style combat, I can't sit there not moving and just pressing buttons

Wish I could get my money back on the sub and use for gems on GW2 :'(

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@zealex.9410 said:

legion did also alot of class stuff, class campaigns with class themed rewards and challenges updating over the course of that expnasion.

Ff14 also does a similar thing each expansion with job quests thats deff a thing that would only improve gw2.

Job quests have been abandoned in FFXIV, and jobs themselves has been streamlined and simplified.The FFXIV expansion is pretty disappointing and its clear that devs does not put as much money and effort into it than they did for previous expansions. A lot of gear models have been copy pasted with recolor only, some skills are copy paste of the previous ones too, there are less dungeons to do, we got no new mounts besides one ugly and hard to get, pvp is empty and barely changed.Each expansion is based on exact same formula too.If ArenaNet has anything to learn from FFXIV it would be to not make new expansions the same as the previous ones. 1 month into the expansion playing casually and i had no clue what to do anymore in FFXIV, grinding for better gear repeating same stuff over and over, because the previous expansion stuff is irrelevant, no thanks.

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No other game is WoW. That's why so many WoW clones have ended up being mediocre or failures. So many factors have contributed to its massive success over the years that the recipe can't be recreated.

That's why I always appreciate when a studio tries to do their own thing instead of a WoW clone with a different skin.

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@AlexxxDelta.1806 said:No other game is WoW. That's why so many WoW clones have ended up being mediocre or failures. So many factors have contributed to its massive success over the years that the recipe can't be recreated.

That's why I always appreciate when a studio tries to do their own thing instead of a WoW clone with a different skin.

Gw2 is the new WoW

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The "secret" of WoW is that is evolved from a RTS that was Warcraft I, II and III.For RTS players WoW is just garbage, thank god Gw2 dont make-me remember WoW which is a just childsh version of RTS series.. the decline started already Warcraft 3 with reduction on cap of units limits to 90 max, and the focus on "heroes".

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@"knomslayer.9457" said:world of warcraft suck. wow classic is blizzard cash grab. i wont be surprise if one day they make a wow mobile game because blizzard is greedy company. Gw2 is better game and Anet is keeping the game great.

They weren't trying to give people Classic WoW at first especially with the line "You think you want it, but you don't". Though the community there made such a fuss about it they eventually released it(Yesterday). I also don't see how how it's a cash grab either since it's bundled in with Retail WoW, and there's no in game cash shop in the classic version. GW2 is one of the best MMOs out there currently and WoW is also a good MMO, but that doesn't mean both don't have their own glaring issues.

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@Lucentfir.7430 said:

@"knomslayer.9457" said:world of warcraft suck. wow classic is blizzard cash grab. i wont be surprise if one day they make a wow mobile game because blizzard is greedy company. Gw2 is better game and Anet is keeping the game great.

They weren't trying to give people Classic WoW at first especially with the line "You think you want it, but you don't". Though the community there made such a fuss about it they eventually released it(Yesterday). I also don't see how how it's a cash grab either since it's bundled in with Retail WoW, and there's no in game cash shop in the classic version. GW2 is one of the best MMOs out there currently and WoW is also a good MMO, but that doesn't mean both don't have their own glaring issues.

This exactly i played wow for 11 years, people were screaming for classic, so the devs decided okay you want classic so bad here it is. Its not costing anything more to play classic its all included with its game already. Its not a money grab by any means, wow makes money and lots of it.

@EmmetOtter.8542 said:Things I miss about WoW

  1. Highly customizable UI. You can literally replace the whole thing.
  2. Dungeons and raids that are really integrated into the story
  3. Mythic Keys, it's version of Fractals, are more rewarding and way more challenging and are extensions of dungeons
  4. Better LFG system

I think some of that stuff should come to gw2, especially the UI customization

I don't miss WoW's class imbalance (there absolutely is a pecking order to favor some specs over others) losing all character progression at the start of an xpac, all previous content becoming obsolete and dead at the start of an xpac, the never ending gear hamster wheel, combat that was plodding, the dev teams determination to totally control how you play and force content on you.

I hope none of that comes to gw2.

And i agree with a lot of this, i dont want gw2 to be wow, but they need to look ahead and move forward by integrating some things that are good for a game. A lot of people are counting on the 30th to give them something to look forward too besides S5. I hope they do have something else in the wings.

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I had not played WoW for about a decade. I decided to give classic a go as a change of pace from GW2 and joined a medium pop server. Things I like about WoW were still there. Drops mean something, not being handheld, having to pay attention to what quests tell you, and even the cartoon like graphics. I messed around with various classes and found one I figured I would play for awhile. As I started out I made a few acquaintances and we did the early quests together. It reminded me of years ago where even simple quests encourage playing with others. Then something bad happened. I logged off, took the dog for a walk and made dinner. After dinner I figured I'd play a little more and hopefully meet up again with some of the people I'd met earlier. Log in, "You are number 2567 (or such), approximate wait time 43 minutes." Yeah no... I forgot that was a thing after all these years. Approximate wait time for my next WoW subscription payment 999,999,999 years. :D

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@"JustTrogdor.7892" said:I had not played WoW for about a decade. I decided to give classic a go as a change of pace from GW2 and joined a medium pop server. Things I like about WoW were still there. Drops mean something, not being handheld, having to pay attention to what quests tell you, and even the cartoon like graphics. I messed around with various classes and found one I figured I would play for awhile. As I started out I made a few acquaintances and we did the early quests together. It reminded me of years ago where even simple quests encourage playing with others. Then something bad happened. I logged off, took the dog for a walk and made dinner. After dinner I figured I'd play a little more and hopefully meet up again with some of the people I'd met earlier. Log in, "You are number 2567 (or such), approximate wait time 43 minutes." Yeah no... I forgot that was a thing after all these years. Approximate wait time for my next WoW subscription payment 999,999,999 years. :D

Shocking. Something popular is popular. Honestly I don't know how anyone could have gone into Classic WoW not expecting the Que, I'm pretty sure it was repeated several times across many platforms by people that there were going to be Ques. Even FFXIV has some small Ques when you first log in at any point.

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@Zuldari.3940 said:

@Lucentfir.7430 said:I also don't see how how it's a cash grab either since it's bundled in with Retail WoW, and there's no in game cash shop in the classic version.

This exactly i played wow for 11 years, people were screaming for classic, so the devs decided okay you want classic so bad here it is. Its not costing anything more to play classic its all included with its game already. Its not a money grab by any means, wow makes money and lots of it.

Not a cash grab? I concur. However, I'd be amazed if the decision makers at ActiBlizz thought there could be no payoff and went ahead with it.

  • WoW Classic might help retain some current subs by giving people something else to do
  • WoW classic might bring back people who'd left in disgust at what WoW has become over the years
  • Those who choose to try WoW Classic might stick their noses into the current game to see how it is

At the end of the day, both GW2 and WoW exist to make money.

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@IndigoSundown.5419 said:

@Lucentfir.7430 said:I also don't see how how it's a cash grab either since it's bundled in with Retail WoW, and there's no in game cash shop in the classic version.

This exactly i played wow for 11 years, people were screaming for classic, so the devs decided okay you want classic so bad here it is. Its not costing anything more to play classic its all included with its game already. Its not a money grab by any means, wow makes money and lots of it.

Not a cash grab? I concur. However, I'd be amazed if the decision makers at ActiBlizz thought there could be no payoff and went ahead with it.
  • WoW Classic might help
    some current subs by giving people something else to do
  • WoW classic might bring back people who'd left in disgust at what WoW has become over the years
  • Those who choose to try WoW Classic might stick their noses into the current game to see how it is

At the end of the day, both GW2 and WoW exist to make money.

wow makes money, classic is not costing more its included. the game has always been a sub based game. It leads the mmo market with 10 billion in revenue

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@Zuldari.3940 said:This exactly i played wow for 11 years, people were screaming for classic, so the devs decided okay you want classic so bad here it is. Its not costing anything more to play classic its all included with its game already. Its not a money grab by any means, wow makes money and lots of it.Lol of course its a money grab. Or rather, an attempt to keep the money flowing.

Because it was basicly holy kitten fans have built classic servers thats gaining popularity, lets slap that with a cease and desist so that people pay US for classic.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Zuldari.3940 said:This exactly i played wow for 11 years, people were screaming for classic, so the devs decided okay you want classic so bad here it is. Its not costing anything more to play classic its all included with its game already. Its not a money grab by any means, wow makes money and lots of it.Lol of course its a money grab. Or rather, an attempt to
the money flowing.

Because it was basicly
holy kitten fans have built classic servers thats gaining popularity, lets slap that with a cease and desist so that people pay US for classic

I doubt it's a money grab, if it was then they wouldn't have bundled it in with retail version of the game, and they would have made it a separate sub.

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Wow players have forgotten how much time they have to sink to gear up for raids and pots, and how fragile 40 man raids actually were.. Popcorn at the ready, in 3 months its going to be mess.. Catch 22, gear took a long time to get, but lasted a long time, versus casual players who are not going to spend years in a couple old raids - there's better games out there now.

Note private wow servers allowed gear to be bought to avoid this issue.

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Yeah, I don't get it. I came here because I don't like WoW, and most of the other games I've played were too WoW like. We used to call Rift WoW 2.0. SWToR is star wars WoW with a bioware story stapled onto it. My favorite games have been the ones that are least WoW like (and they don't call them WoW clones for nothing). I'm hear because I prefer these systems to those systems. Not everyone will like this better, but for people who don't, there are dozens of options. For people like me, there's pretty much this, and maybe...just maybe, ESO and TSW. That's about it on my list.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

@"JustTrogdor.7892" said:I had not played WoW for about a decade. I decided to give classic a go as a change of pace from GW2 and joined a medium pop server. Things I like about WoW were still there. Drops mean something, not being handheld, having to pay attention to what quests tell you, and even the cartoon like graphics. I messed around with various classes and found one I figured I would play for awhile. As I started out I made a few acquaintances and we did the early quests together. It reminded me of years ago where even simple quests encourage playing with others. Then something bad happened. I logged off, took the dog for a walk and made dinner. After dinner I figured I'd play a little more and hopefully meet up again with some of the people I'd met earlier. Log in, "You are number 2567 (or such), approximate wait time 43 minutes." Yeah no... I forgot that was a thing after all these years. Approximate wait time for my next WoW subscription payment 999,999,999 years. :D

Shocking. Something popular is popular. Honestly I don't know how anyone could have gone into Classic WoW
expecting the Que, I'm pretty sure it was repeated several times across many platforms by people that there were going to be Ques. Even FFXIV has some small Ques when you first log in at

I had not read any news about classic WoW aside from knowing it was a thing because it was posted here. In fact if people had not been talking about it here I probably would have never known about it. I don't usually follow a lot of gaming news. My point was I had forgotten WoW used a queue system and forgot how much I disliked it. I actually found it kind of funny when that feature appeared. After 6 years of playing GW2 I suppose I got spoiled by not having to wait for my turn to play the game. :D

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