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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Sorry OP, you clearly dont understand that they set expectations too high. I -restate-, why should Anet strictly follow the format of season 3 and 4? Look at season 1 and 2, completely different from what which came later on in format and delivery. So no, dont give me that we couldnt expect a different format to LS5 due to the hype.

My OP literally states that having this big of an event was a horrid idea. If you cannot read at all then you should probably talk to your parents or your grade school teachers. I actually state it twice.

Each LS has always been a new map, with a bit of story, and some new mastery. Idk why any of you expected that much. The only HUGE differences in LS were the beetle and skyscale mounts. So why anyone thought there would be elite specs and more is beyond me. But they clearly have really good imaginations.

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@"Blocki.4931" said:Yes, the funko pops and shirts that were part of exactly 3 minutes out of 40 are the thing to talk about.

Didn't they say "over the next hour" or something? Even that was a letdown lol. Anet and GW 2 have done nothing but go downhill in every aspect since LWS4. The JP/Mike OBrian fiasco, firing two employees over that including Peter Fries, the massive layoffs, mountgate, ridiculous and tedious skyscale collection, the bugs preventing NEW players from content, the many bad balance updates and class changes, story gone down the toilet, and on and on.

We lost CoH for this game and look where it's at now. We need a GW 3 now more than ever. Start new and fresh with a better vision and direction.

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@omgdracula.6345 said:

@"Blaeys.3102" said:Anet's marketing has always been a bit of let down, dating back to the launch of the game itself.

The problem is they are still advertising and marketing like it is the early 80s. One look at the reddit or these forums in the last month would have shown them that player expectations were trending in a very different direction.

And the blame for today's reactions fall solely on ArenaNet. The conversations were taking place. The expectations were there for anyone to see (and even react to). What they presented today, while exciting from a new story step perspective, did not take the current state of player expectations into account in any way whatsoever, and - as a result - people are (understandably, imo) disappointed.

And saying that players are somehow at fault for those expectations is shortsighted. Again, ArenaNet only had to open their eyes and look at the forums or reddit on any given day in the past month and they would have seen them (and again, had the chance to react to and temper expectations).

Anet messed up with this event yes. But to act like they markedted this as anything more than a living story announcement is hilarious. The emails literally state "This will be an event to talk about the new living story season."

Do you not comprehend that there could be expectations of unusual additions to a season? Consider Kourna where the Beetle got introduced, or Dragonfall with the Skyscale. And pushed high because of the hyped delivery and no forthcomming expack, to that we might get expansion level features in the LS5 season.

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I am excited for the new content that focuses on the two less developed races. It will be a nice change of pace. Bitterfrost is one of my favorite areas, so that is encouraging.

I wish people would stop saying...Free Content. The content is not free. You have to own Path of Fire. I also spend more on this game than any subscription game....End Rant

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@"Blaeys.3102" said:Anet's marketing has always been a bit of let down, dating back to the launch of the game itself.

The problem is they are still advertising and marketing like it is the early 80s. One look at the reddit or these forums in the last month would have shown them that player expectations were trending in a very different direction.

And the blame for today's reactions fall solely on ArenaNet. The conversations were taking place. The expectations were there for anyone to see (and even react to). What they presented today, while exciting from a new story step perspective, did not take the current state of player expectations into account in any way whatsoever, and - as a result - people are (understandably, imo) disappointed.

And saying that players are somehow at fault for those expectations is shortsighted. Again, ArenaNet only had to open their eyes and look at the forums or reddit on any given day in the past month and they would have seen them (and again, had the chance to react to and temper expectations).

Anet messed up with this event yes. But to act like they markedted this as anything more than a living story announcement is hilarious. The emails literally state "This will be an event to talk about the new living story season."

Do you not comprehend that there could be expectations of unusual additions to a season? Consider Kourna where the Beetle got introduced, or Dragonfall with the Skyscale. And pushed high because of the hyped delivery and no forthcomming expack, to that we might get expansion level features in the LS season.

I would say strikes, a new map, more deeper lore, pvp tournaments, and wvw alliances are all pretty good features that go beyond a typical LS chapter. We can keep going if you want to. But essentially saying "well these chapters gaves us a mount so we should have gotten more." while ignoring that you in fact did get more shows you really don't have an argument.

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@ZeftheWicked.3076 said:Well that's you. The ppl that actually came there in person - the last moments of stream, where it showed footage of them leaving the room in dead silence - says it all.Have you ever been in a room with one of the big reveals? I have multiple times and no matter how much you like what is said you don't walk out screaming and yelling. Most just walk out and then talk about it afterwards when you have digested what is said. You talk mostly in normal voices.

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@omgdracula.6345 said:

@"Blaeys.3102" said:Anet's marketing has always been a bit of let down, dating back to the launch of the game itself.

The problem is they are still advertising and marketing like it is the early 80s. One look at the reddit or these forums in the last month would have shown them that player expectations were trending in a very different direction.

And the blame for today's reactions fall solely on ArenaNet. The conversations were taking place. The expectations were there for anyone to see (and even react to). What they presented today, while exciting from a new story step perspective, did not take the current state of player expectations into account in any way whatsoever, and - as a result - people are (understandably, imo) disappointed.

And saying that players are somehow at fault for those expectations is shortsighted. Again, ArenaNet only had to open their eyes and look at the forums or reddit on any given day in the past month and they would have seen them (and again, had the chance to react to and temper expectations).

Anet messed up with this event yes. But to act like they markedted this as anything more than a living story announcement is hilarious. The emails literally state "This will be an event to talk about the new living story season."

Do you not comprehend that there could be expectations of unusual additions to a season? Consider Kourna where the Beetle got introduced, or Dragonfall with the Skyscale. And pushed high because of the hyped delivery and no forthcomming expack, to that we might get expansion level features in the LS season.

I would say strikes, a new map, more deeper lore, pvp tournaments, and wvw alliances are all pretty good features that go beyond a typical LS chapter. We can keep going if you want to. But essentially saying "well these chapters gaves us a mount so we should have gotten more." while ignoring that you in fact did get more shows you really don't have an argument.

And you are just proving what I am saying. That LS5 is having features not expected of a living season. But is it something to truly garner excitement aka what we had gotten with HoT and Pof? No, not at all. I restate, we are at the end of season 4, and players -rightfully- expected there would be something meaty to tide them over to the end of LS5.

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@"kraai.7265" said:Im really hyped, so lets recap

  1. Class balance is a joke, same meta since a year ago in pvp and wvw, some specs are still unplayable, others are god mode (yet they deleted chronomancers) and no changes announced.. even tho the forums are exploding with complains... great!
  2. More pve, but it's the same pve as always only in a different map with "different" masteries (anet people are tired of masteries since hot...) Awesome!
  3. Now anet even fired the mediocre writers of living story so guess what.. they are stealing directly from game of thrones lore, it really looked like a copy paste, i mean if they already are stealing weapon desings and stuff like that this is no wonder.
  4. No info about why they went silent on forums, or are ignoring all the playerbase and doing some weird and uncalled changes.
  5. Oh but wait, we got now free skins with hot!!! that's enough to ignore the fact people who buy gw2 are spending 20 less dollars than i did back then, and to keep playing for like 3 more years!!! new glider hype (?

So to sum up what i can learn from this

  1. Pvp/wvw/balance devs were fired, im almost sure, and the team who is in charge of this aspect now is really slow in it's work and it doesn't know how to actually balance the game (chronomancers "rework" best example) also i suspect they actually don't even play their own game.
  2. Pvp and wvw players mean absolutely nothing for anet, all they care is about their pve customers, im sure it's because of the fact that for every pvp/wvw player that actually complains there are like 10 to 20 pve players that just run around like bots and spend money on skins
  3. Devs that actually survived the layoff wave, are a bunch of people with an agressive idea of going for the money, they don't care about the experience they bring to us, they just want to build an excuse for us to purchase either expansions or skins/cosmetics.

So my message to anet i really hope they read this. Enjoy the pve game you created, because soon that's all you will have, just pve players who would play any type of event you throw at them, even if it's a scam like festival of the four winds. But remember, after you copy paste all the game of thrones lore into your game, ruin the franchise, and also run out of ideas please remember, pve players, the ones you only focus on keeping hooked, always need something new because they get bored, they are bots, and they always want more, if not they just leave, meanwhile pvp/wvw players are the ones who tried to stay until it was enough. So good luck mantaining all those pve players hooked long enough, one they when they get bored they will simply turn their backs on you and leave to a better game, meanwhile you will regret neglecting your loyal pvp/wvw scene.

Myself wouln't recommend this game to nobody anymore, and i won't spend a single coin in this sinking ship, i think ill just play until it dies, and try to get as much fun as i can before i leave to better games out there (camelot unchained, archeage unleashed, eso) ... after 5 years this is sad-

Although I agree with u I donno what u and others expected? Does this arenet seem much different than the one few yrs back? Kinda seems like the same to me with lack of any creative or meaningful content outside of pve which in itself gets stale fast. Anet hasn't prioritized adding any repayable content in yrs. Their balancing has been slow going for yrs as well often leaving people confused etc. I will say trying to maintain a playerbase by hyping a big announcement as well as renting a theater to announce what would usually be a blog post with little more than a lw5 trailer and marketing content was a surprise lolSeems to me who's spearheading the group at anet is steering the game development a certain way that just may not suit us pvp players. Maybe eventually anet wants gw2 franchise to be solely pve. Maybe the hype etc was timed around wow classic release on purpose.

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@Kallist.5917 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:Why is it an insult to veterans? not a tall. Look at Wow, they began to give older expansions for free so you dont have buy a zillion expacks to get up to par. Should we whining about that too?

It's entitlement. Someone is getting something that someone else didn't get so they're upset. Where were all of the "I'm disappointed!" threads when the expansions went on sale? Nowhere.

I have a Guildie who JUST bought the expansions 2 nights ago. Tell me. Are they Entitled to be upset that Anet gave no hint to this change? Are they entitled to be upset that they just dropped $120 on content that is now set to be free very soon?

They are entitled to a refund, or Gems (see the pertinent News Blog article).

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@PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

@MetalGirl.2370 said:I wish it was a joke. I already said in another thread.. but i will repeat it anywayThey spit in the face of vets who paid 60 euros for exp and now they gave it for free... I bet it's cuz they see game is lacking in players big time so they wanna give them it so they'd stay and play.... but that's just gonna make vets mad and leave, utter disrespect...~snip~

You do know this is the exact same thing that ESO does don't you? Not necessarily for all previous expansions but they have done it with some...it came out 4 years ago, it's old now, it's also the same thing they did with the base game when they released HoT so if you didn't see them doing this eventually with a PoF bundle then it's possible you don't know the game or company as well as you think. Especially as a veteran you should have surmised that at some point in the future they would just bundle HoT with PoF, as they have done.

but ESO doesn't hype it for a month, making you think it's something awesome and never seen beforelike i said, there has to be people from another state who came over.... imagine paying whatever amount of money it was to go there, expecting something that will amaze you... yet you see new trailer, get told 1st exp is free and above all, they spent more time talking about their merch than anything.... it's just insane to me that they hyped this thing for a month and spent good portion of it just advertising their merch

I keep seeing you saying stuff like "imagine paying to go..." and not offering up actual info on someone that did this instead of people that were literally already there to attend PAX and decided to go to this (which was free in and of itself AND attendees got merch). Like i get you feel it was overhyped and objectively it probably was, but i think you are getting really worked up over people that might not actually exist.

I did see few people say they're flying over, one even said he's waking up at 5AM to go there.I saw it last night when i was checking the timer.

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@Josiah.2967 said:I wish people would stop saying...Free Content. The content is not free. You have to own Path of Fire.

Or is it now?Season 3 did require HoT, the xpac that was the story right before it.Season 4 requires PoF, the xpac that is the story right before it.

Both xpacs were requirement for ONE season right after it.Maybe Season 5 will not require any xpac. In that case, Season 5 would indeed be free content.

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I want to note that, we were told to have content "expansion worthy" during LWS. This was giving hope for new elite specs, for example, and stuff to keep us dragged into the game anew. Strikes and build templates aren't exactly expansion worthy.

Anet is more to blame for creating the hype, and making players think "Hmm...maybe they are gonna work up for all this dishonor", teasing us with something brand new, and making all the signs on the sky and earth that the announcement is gonna make us fall of chairs, that what they want to say is significant.

You just don't make a 36h countdown to say "here is the announcement that could be simply written down on a blog post, also buy our overpriced merch from our partners, thanks for the support".

Maybe they want to surprise us? Cool, but Anet doesn't know how to read the air; or at least how to beyond they most dedicated fanboys, that were so excited (or they were told to be), at every single god damn thing. They could let slide more during the event. They could tease us more with content we were looking for. That way, they would spark hope that Anet is working up for their mistakes in the past.

Now, people will stop giving a single f*ck about such big events and announcements, if they didn't already. I, cerainly, will, depsite defending Anet for the past 4 years, and ignoring all the voices around, that were telling me, Anet doesn't respect their players as much as they should.

During twitch stream, I saw over 35k people watching. After the stream, the chat was burning, almost literally. They had spare time, they spent 45 minutes watching, and felt like it was a waste of time.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Josiah.2967 said:I wish people would stop saying...Free Content. The content is not free. You have to own Path of Fire.

Or is it now?Season 3 did require HoT, the xpac that was the story right before it.Season 4 requires PoF, the xpac that is the story right before it.

Both xpacs were requirement for ONE season right after it.Maybe Season 5 will not require any xpac. In that case, Season 5 would indeed be free content.

The prologue requires PoF to be free. I'm not seeing any other info on the rest of the episodes beyond the Far Shiverpeaks being a 2 episode expanding map (presumably like Silverwastes and Dry Top)

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as wathcing the trailer and all kodan appeared, the chat becomes like OMG KODAN NEXT PLAYABLE RACE OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGbut i must say I expected a big Update like an expansion or new core weapons or new playable race ^^but that all for that normal content upadte ... you could safe the money for borrowing a theatre

but im excited for build safe option ... we could rly need that much much earlier

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@"Frostchant.1523" said:I want to note that, we were told to have content "expansion worthy" during LWS. This was giving hope for new elite specs, for example, and stuff to keep us dragged into the game anew. Strikes and build templates aren't exactly expansion worthy.

Anet is more to blame for creating the hype, and making players think "Hmm...maybe they are gonna work up for all this dishonor", teasing us with something brand new, and making all the signs on the sky and earth that the announcement is gonna make us fall of chairs, that what they want to say is significant.

You just don't make a 36h countdown to say "here is the announcement that could be simply written down on a blog post, also buy our overpriced merch from our partners, thanks for the support".

Maybe they want to surprise us? Cool, but Anet doesn't know how to read the air; or at least how to beyond they most dedicated fanboys, that were so excited (or they were told to be), at every single god kitten thing. They could let slide more during the event. They could tease us more with content we were looking for. That way, they would spark hope that Anet is working up for their mistakes in the past.

Now, people will stop giving a single f*ck about such big events and announcements, if they didn't already. I, cerainly, will, depsite defending Anet for the past 4 years, and ignoring all the voices around, that were telling me, Anet doesn't respect their players as much as they should.

During twitch stream, I saw over 35k people watching. After the stream, the chat was burning, almost literally. They had spare time, they spent 45 minutes watching, and felt like it was a waste of time.

Well said, you truly understand why a lot of people are upset with Anet.

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