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Heart of Thorns Veteran's Armor Voucher

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

they just eliminated the drop-down menu for emoticons

Is there a place to look them up? Before, you could simply type
and would get an auto-complete list.

There might still be a list that someone else made a while back. Or @"Danikat.8537" might have the list from another Vanilla forum.

edit: addingOfficial list(some of these are probably disabled in these forums, so trial and error using preview is advised)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:
they just eliminated the drop-down menu for emoticons

Is there a place to look them up? Before, you could simply type
and would get an auto-complete list.

Here's the list (found in the GD Forum Library): https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/761998/#Comment_761998

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:

@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Your lucky you even got one. Neither me nor my spouse got one, despite having PoF and HoT since they were new.

Based on ANet posts elsewhere, you might not get yours until Monday or Tuesday.

Interesting, why the delay? a slow rollout of sorts?

Slow rollout, yes.The script has to process millions of accounts (is eligible? yes, check for this and that, create package, attach to mail, send mail). I imagine that could choke up the entire email system (which has never been all that robust in the first place).

I actually did just get it, and my spouse didn't so slow rollout confirmed.From my own limited experience (5 account in our family between 7 years and 1 year old) it looks like they are sending them out roughly by account creation date, oldest first, youngest last. My husband (who was the last to start playing a little over a year ago) still hasn't gotten his either, while the kids and myself all got ours at various times from shortly after the announcement up to yesterday morning.
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@Fenom.9457 said:I didn’t even get the stuff in the mail they sent me

There's a post by one of the devs indicating that was a bug and (eventually) anyone who got that mail will get the actual stuff. If you haven't received it by Tuesday, then file a support ticket so that they can fix it for you.

(I say Tuesday because Monday is a US holiday, and offices are closed. Of course you can start the ticket before then, it's just there's a decent chance that if there's a script issue, they'll fix it on Tuesday morning before your ticket is even read.)

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@Vavume.8065 said:

@Vavume.8065 said:You could use wardrobe unlocks for days you still will not have all the skins that are offered in that voucher, the only way a veteran would have all those skins is is they have really gone out of their way to get them.

Does it matter? It's still a very limited selection of skins that have been in the game for ages.

They also gave us a glider and a title, how much more do you want? I was not expecting to get anything free from the announcement stream so how about be grateful for it?

well we did pay like 50$ for this expantion and now its for free ... so yeha i would expect for more as well , lets assume that you also paied for the base game , so you spent 100$ about something now is given for free . iknow its old and bla bla bla , and its may lure more players into the game , but i cant igonre that the copmanstion at least in my eyes is not enugh , iwould expect some thing like more charter slots for exapmle. also with the bad announcment last week , me as a vetern start to wonder how much the devs really cares for there player base , or they just want to expand and drive new players even in the cost of loosing veterns

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@jbondo.9817 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:We're lucky they gave anything free at all. They didn't have to. It's nice that they did.

It's also nice that we paid 60$+ for that expansion and now it's worth 30$ and you get 2 other games with it.

We're so lucky guys!

You had years to play it..thats what you paid for.

Do you expect stores to give you a discount because you bought something at full price 6 months ago, that's now on offer?

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@Ashantara.8731 said:A truly small selection most veteran's will likely already have unlocked - I can't be the only one? :/

I do agree, I have all the glowy eyes already, the masks I had picked up from old sales, the lawless gloves (only part of lawless set I like) .So having a few other options including a few old weapon choices would of been better.I love the title and the glider is pretty sweet.

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if i compare the veteran voucher and glider with the fact that new players or pof-only-veterans now get a complete expansion for free the veteran voucher and glider is a hit in the face for all who supported the game with their money in the past.

good i decided to not buy anything from arenanet anymore. works since some month now and will stay that way.enough is enough, i have no time see them fooling around anymore.

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So they should refund it to everyone who ever purchased it since they are giving it away now? How do they stay in business if they give back all the money they made? We paid for what we got which was the ability to enjoy that content long before people who gain access to it now. It is literally impossible for new players to purchase the years of gameplay we already have. Anything given to us is icing and frankly unecessary. They show their appreciation to us by developing the game further, which they are. Oh yeah, we are also getting the new content they announced for FREE

.> @SlateSloan.3654 said:

if i compare the veteran voucher and glider with the fact that new players or pof-only-veterans now get a complete expansion for free the veteran voucher and glider is a hit in the face for all who supported the game with their money in the past.

good i decided to not buy anything from arenanet anymore. works since some month now and will stay that way.enough is enough, i have no time see them fooling around anymore.

Maybe I'm just misunderstanding you. If so please clarify.

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@SlateSloan.3654 said:if i compare the veteran voucher and glider with the fact that new players or pof-only-veterans now get a complete expansion for free the veteran voucher and glider is a hit in the face for all who supported the game with their money in the past.

good i decided to not buy anything from arenanet anymore. works since some month now and will stay that way.enough is enough, i have no time see them fooling around anymore.

You got more than what you paid for and that is somehow an example of ANet hitting you in the face?

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It’s very normal for content to eventually go on sale, even included free with something else at some point. I bought HoT shortly after I started playing late in 2016 and bought PoF on pre-release and I don’t regret it one bit. Those of you claiming it’s a “smack in the face” or other such nonsense were probably unhappy with the expansion or game in general to say that. I mean, how much have you played the HoT and LWS3 maps themselves as well as used gliding, the elite specs and wardrobe and stat unlocks since you bought it? Probably a lot of fun times you participated in with guild, friends, etc. that you would not have if you’d looked in your crystal ball and decided to wait on getting the expansions until they were offered as a package deal.

I think it’s quite nice that we got a thank you and thinking that you are somehow owed a refund is just ridiculous. I do see OP’s point, however, and it would be nice if there were some different options for those with all those skins unlocked.

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I just received my "Heart of Thorns Veteran’s Package" and it is pice of ****. Bunch of ugliest item in game I will never use. Even small amount of gems would be better, like 500, or select of existing game store items not some garbage no one buy from what I see.

I was already dissatisfied with recent GW2 development and it just annoyed me more. I could understand making base game free but doing it witch expansions is not fair to ppl who bought it.

My conclusion is simple. Its not worth spending money on this game, even expansions only at half price, MAYBE.

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i did not say i want everyone to get the cash back. just the items we got while others get a full price expansion for free are a joke.1k gems would have been fair enough we could choose ourselves an item from the gemstore then and im sure alot players would even convert it into gold for buying ingame stuff. people would maybe even buy another 1k gems to get something for 2k from the store then... would not hurt anyone.

instead they gave us the cheapest kitten again and hoped we dont realise the unequal worth in comparison to what non hot buyers now get.put it yourself infront your eyes - people not buying and full supporting the game get now rewarded for doing so... i payed in the past for leechers to get it for free now...

nice and very grateful for all the support of the last years... screw it.

I do like your suggestion about gems. I'm not irked by the freebies we got though. To be fair, I did get a skin I wanted out of this. Also, my youngest will now be getting the expansions. I couldn't justify the expense before but the price is in a perfect place for me to upgrade his free account now. I guess I'm just in a completely different place with this as I've been able to get two more of my friends playing under these circumstances. I'm all for moves that bring more players into our game. Free stuff is just a bonus for me.

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Don't forget you also got all the living seasons for free because you owned the game longer. Those that purchase the game now, still have to spend more to get each season. And gems are stupidly expensive. A single season costs more than the entire expansion costs. Buying all the seasons costs more than both expansions. Even that glider we got is like $10 in gems somehow. The Gem store is clearly aimed at oil barons with gambling issues. We should be grateful we got anything for free at all.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:I fear the OP's phrasing has confused the issue raised. The OP didn't receive the same bonus as others did, even though the OP likely spent more real money. I think it's reasonable to ask ANet if they took this into account or not.

ANet offered a "gift" to players as a thank you for having spent real money on Heart of Thorns back in the day. The so-called "Heart of Thorns Veteran’s Package" includes three things of value:

  • A Title (which might or might not be "valuable" to everyone)
  • An exclusive glider skin (assuming it isn't eventually added to a wardrobe unlock)
  • A choice of items exclusive to the Gem Shop or various contests, that can also be obtained via a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock.

Unfortunately, for those who spent a lot on gems (and especially on BL keys), that last item has no value because they already have all the skins unlocked. I think it's a fair question to ask if ANet realized this might happen.

I think it would be fair for ANet to decide that the title and glider skin are sufficient, and I hope that the OP (and others) would be able to see that. I also think it would have been better if ANet had thought this through ahead of time and either explicitly said, "sorry, we can't offer a third item for some people" or (better imo) arranged for some token substitute.

After all, the entire point of the "Veteran's Package" is to recognize veterans for sticking with the game so long and skimping on one third of the "recognition" feels like a lack of recognition.

Correction, I usually agree with you, but I has one who has spent money on BLCKeys and unlocked a lot through them I only had 3 of those skins in the Armor pack unlocked already, whether or not they're good or bad is beside the point, they're free, so why complain about something free, even if you already have it?

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Don't forget you also got all the living seasons for free because you owned the game longer. Those that purchase the game now, still have to spend more to get each season. And gems are stupidly expensive. A single season costs more than the entire expansion costs. Buying all the seasons costs more than both expansions. Even that glider we got is like $10 in gems somehow. The Gem store is clearly aimed at oil barons with gambling issues. We should be grateful we got anything for free at all.

For brand new players, this is true. For anyone else - Play4Free players, or Core-only players - they unlocked the Episodes at no cost at the time, and now have access to them.

Of course, unlike Expansions, this content can be acquired at no real money cost with the Gold-to-Gems exchange.

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