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Why do I need a college degree to play this game


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@Ayrilana.1396 said:The crafting NPC’s give a brief lesson on how to craft for each of the professions. Unfortunately players tend to skip over this. You also learn about it when you hit either level 12 or 13 I think.

I don't recall them elaborating on any specifics that would help you understand the whole system in order to master it with ease.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:The crafting NPC’s give a brief lesson on how to craft for each of the professions. Unfortunately players tend to skip over this. You also learn about it when you hit either level 12 or 13 I think.

I don't recall them elaborating on any specifics that would help you understand the whole system in order to master it with ease.

I never said anything about them helping you master it. As I had said, they give you a brief lesson on how to craft for each profession.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:The crafting NPC’s give a brief lesson on how to craft for each of the professions. Unfortunately players tend to skip over this. You also learn about it when you hit either level 12 or 13 I think.

I don't recall them elaborating on any specifics that would help you understand the whole system in order to master it with ease.

I never said anything about them helping you master it. As I had said, they give you a brief lesson on how to craft for each profession.

It's not very helpful if this "brief lesson" doesn't help you master it.

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@Icemanfrost.5428 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:The crafting NPC’s give a brief lesson on how to craft for each of the professions. Unfortunately players tend to skip over this. You also learn about it when you hit either level 12 or 13 I think.

I don't recall them elaborating on any specifics that would help you understand the whole system in order to master it with ease.

I never said anything about them helping you master it. As I had said, they give you a brief lesson on how to craft for each profession.

It's not very helpful if this "brief lesson" doesn't help you master it.

Exactly! :lol:

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@Icemanfrost.5428 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:The crafting NPC’s give a brief lesson on how to craft for each of the professions. Unfortunately players tend to skip over this. You also learn about it when you hit either level 12 or 13 I think.

I don't recall them elaborating on any specifics that would help you understand the whole system in order to master it with ease.

I never said anything about them helping you master it. As I had said, they give you a brief lesson on how to craft for each profession.

It's not very helpful if this "brief lesson" doesn't help you master it.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:The crafting NPC’s give a brief lesson on how to craft for each of the professions. Unfortunately players tend to skip over this. You also learn about it when you hit either level 12 or 13 I think.

I don't recall them elaborating on any specifics that would help you understand the whole system in order to master it with ease.

I never said anything about them helping you master it. As I had said, they give you a brief lesson on how to craft for each profession.

It's not very helpful if this "brief lesson" doesn't help you master it.

Exactly! :lol:

To both, you Master it by doing it...that's the whole purpose of becoming a Master Craftsman, it means you've learned how to craft by actually crafting...there's discovery for a reason.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:The crafting NPC’s give a brief lesson on how to craft for each of the professions. Unfortunately players tend to skip over this. You also learn about it when you hit either level 12 or 13 I think.

I don't recall them elaborating on any specifics that would help you understand the whole system in order to master it with ease.

I never said anything about them helping you master it. As I had said, they give you a brief lesson on how to craft for each profession.

It's not very helpful if this "brief lesson" doesn't help you master it.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:The crafting NPC’s give a brief lesson on how to craft for each of the professions. Unfortunately players tend to skip over this. You also learn about it when you hit either level 12 or 13 I think.

I don't recall them elaborating on any specifics that would help you understand the whole system in order to master it with ease.

I never said anything about them helping you master it. As I had said, they give you a brief lesson on how to craft for each profession.

It's not very helpful if this "brief lesson" doesn't help you master it.

Exactly! :lol:

To both, you Master it by doing it...that's the whole purpose of becoming a Master Craftsman, it means you've learned how to craft by actually crafting...there's discovery for a reason.

Does that require a Masters degree?

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@"Zaklex.6308" said:To both, you Master it by doing it...that's the whole purpose of becoming a Master Craftsman, it means you've learned how to craft by actually crafting...there's discovery for a reason.

Listen, I have "mastered" it as far as you can call it "mastering", simply because I am used to its chaotic approach by now. There are no strict rules for orientation to the whole thing, it is completely arbitrary in many regards, therefore confusing for new players. For instance, most stuff produces one of a type of material, other stuff, however, has an output of two or more at once - just to name one out of many confusing factors in lower-tier crafting that no one in their right mind can ever "master". Thank goodness it becomes much simpler in the highest tier.

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@OP gw2efficiency can help. Also the wiki if you don't like 3rd party sites, it just doesn't have all the convenience some of the 3rd party sites have. It is alot, and sometimes i'm annoyed i feel like i need to write everything down on paper, but in practice it's better than continously praying to rngesus for the drop you want as is common in other games.

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@Arzurag.7506 said:Crafting is quite complex and it´s indeed quite the nuisance that you need so many different part-items for just one weapon/armor-piece.But it´s the way it is and it won´t be changed so why bother complaining about it ? The community surely won´t vote for a change.

I am asking mostly due to questioning myself here, but what about it would you say is complex? I am biased because I like more involved crafting systems and one the first ones I encountered had you mining ore to make nails all the way to putting everything together needed to craft a sailing ship and if you didn't calculate it on a spreadsheet you would lose money when selling fully crafted things. A mighty Hail! to any old time Pirates of the Burning Sea peeps out here.

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Crafting, at least for armor and weapons is not that complicated. Each tier has a base wood/metal/cloth/leather that is used to make 2 components. Then there is an insignia that is made from that base item plus a fine crafting material. The fine crafting material determines the stats of the final piece of armor. There are various level insignia/inscriptions whose recipe you need to buy with higher level insignia/inscriptions offering better stats/higher level armor.

Upgrade components are harder but most of those can be bought on the tp. There are a few account bound items that can only be bought or crafted (like those that come from dungeons). When you get an upgrade component go to your equipment page of your hero panel to slot the upgrade into an existing piece of armor/weapon. If you do not have legendary gear the armor/weapon already has n upgrade in it, this will replace (read destroy) the upgrade the upgrade that is already in the armor and replace it with the new one.

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Apart from Chef, crafting in GW2 is really simple. You get the mats u need, refine them, make the base parts of the gear, make the insignia/inscription and throw them into the discovery/production tab and hit 'craft'. How hard is that? It's like the interface holds your hand through the whole process.

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@Acheron.4731 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:The crafting NPC’s give a brief lesson on how to craft for each of the professions. Unfortunately players tend to skip over this. You also learn about it when you hit either level 12 or 13 I think.

I don't recall them elaborating on any specifics that would help you understand the whole system in order to master it with ease.

I never said anything about them helping you master it. As I had said, they give you a brief lesson on how to craft for each profession.

It's not very helpful if this "brief lesson" doesn't help you master it.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:The crafting NPC’s give a brief lesson on how to craft for each of the professions. Unfortunately players tend to skip over this. You also learn about it when you hit either level 12 or 13 I think.

I don't recall them elaborating on any specifics that would help you understand the whole system in order to master it with ease.

I never said anything about them helping you master it. As I had said, they give you a brief lesson on how to craft for each profession.

It's not very helpful if this "brief lesson" doesn't help you master it.

Exactly! :lol:

To both, you Master it by doing it...that's the whole purpose of becoming a Master Craftsman, it means you've learned how to craft by actually crafting...there's discovery for a reason.

Does that require a Masters degree?

Only to get to 500.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@"Arzurag.7506" said:Crafting is quite complex and it´s indeed quite the nuisance that you need so many different part-items for just one weapon/armor-piece.But it´s the way it is and it won´t be changed so why bother complaining about it ? The community surely won´t vote for a change.

I am asking mostly due to questioning myself here, but what about it would you say is complex? I am biased because I like more involved crafting systems and one the first ones I encountered had you mining ore to make nails all the way to putting everything together needed to craft a sailing ship and if you didn't calculate it on a spreadsheet you would lose money when selling fully crafted things. A mighty Hail! to any old time Pirates of the Burning Sea peeps out here.

I think hes confusing "lots of UI lists" as being the same thing as "complex". Crafting in this game has a very simple structure of 4s.... as in any crafting step is made from 4 items or less. The information overload comes in the fact that there are a lot intermediary steps that flow in multiple directions; and I've noticed a trend where people can't really keep track of things more then 2 steps removed from their end goal. Like to make a magic robe you combine 10 Cloth scraps, a sack of magic dust, and "The Eye of all Seeing voyeurism +7" to get a +7 Robe of Teleportation..... which physically has 10 times more material when worn by a Male Mage and 50 times less material when worn by a Female Mage, despite base materials effectively being half a yard of fabric in total. And somehow the female version also got metal bits in it, despite the crafting recipe having no metal in it.

Oddly enough, a lot of crafted items in this game are worth less then their base materials, just because our gear system has a lot of dead-end scenarios. Prior to Asc gear, every tier other then T6 was near worthless. And Leather was mere coppers until you needed them insignias, because only a small % of players were using Med Classes on launch

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@Funky.4861 said:Apart from Chef, crafting in GW2 is really simple. You get the mats u need, refine them, make the base parts of the gear, make the insignia/inscription and throw them into the discovery/production tab and hit 'craft'. How hard is that? It's like the interface holds your hand through the whole process.

The problem is when you reach the niggly stuff while using discovery, like Ogre Weapons; They aren't recipes the average player would discover without the help of the wiki.

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