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Let the Jousting begin! New Dismount Ability - Lance


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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:ok you won gankers.you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.nice anet

get out of wvw if you dont want to fight lol

yeah..thats your game style ? gank all = red is dead ?fine :)iam more the calm player. ( wave them, cheer them, watching fights, doing fair duels, never gank, never interrupt duels)but when you are on EU you can always duel me @ Armistice Bastion

ah edit:i never said that i dont want to fight.I fight 1-5 hours a day but not when someone forces me to.I decide when i WANT to fight.And i personally i do not care about the new skill because i walk 80 % without mount.

Its a good skill, but a BAD implentation.instead of remove mounts we got a skill which favors the server with more people.

Example:2 vs 1.One of the two players throws that dismount arrow.Boths players = dismount.One player still on mount ...WOW.. thats a nice skill !!!Better:When one player throws the dismount arrow = He and all his allies in a XXX range are dismounted.= all 3 players are dismountet.

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@bluberblasen.9684 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:ok you won gankers.you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.nice anet

get out of wvw if you dont want to fight lol

yeah..thats your game style ? gank all = red is dead ?fine :)iam more the calm player. ( wave them, cheer them, watching fights, doing fair duels, never gank, never interrupt duels)but when you are on EU you can always duel me @ Armistice Bastion

Since when is ‘red is dead’ equivalent to ganking?

The hyperbole here is amazing.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:ok you won gankers.you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.nice anet

get out of wvw if you dont want to fight lol

yeah..thats your game style ? gank all = red is dead ?fine :)iam more the calm player. ( wave them, cheer them, watching fights, doing fair duels, never gank, never interrupt duels)but when you are on EU you can always duel me @ Armistice Bastion

Since when is ‘red is dead’ equivalent to ganking?

ask the ganker. not me..
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@bluberblasen.9684 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:ok you won gankers.you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.nice anet

get out of wvw if you dont want to fight lol

yeah..thats your game style ? gank all = red is dead ?fine :)iam more the calm player. ( wave them, cheer them, watching fights, doing fair duels, never gank, never interrupt duels)but when you are on EU you can always duel me @ Armistice Bastion

Since when is ‘red is dead’ equivalent to ganking?

ask the ganker. not me..

They took the dodges away? Dang. Missed that in the notes. Will need to re-read.

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@bluberblasen.9684 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:ok you won gankers.you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.nice anet

get out of wvw if you dont want to fight lol

yeah..thats your game style ? gank all = red is dead ?fine :)iam more the calm player. ( wave them, cheer them, watching fights, doing fair duels, never gank, never interrupt duels)but when you are on EU you can always duel me @ Armistice Bastion

Since when is ‘red is dead’ equivalent to ganking?

ask the ganker. not me..

Seems to be some misconceptions/confusion here.

There is a difference between ganking and just straight up looking for fights (thus taking all you can get), the latter generally is more respectable where the former is more troll. Both technically see red = dead. Since mounts, quality of smaller scale fights are fewer and further between, havign to rely on fighting on points as thats when people actually dismount.

WvW doesnt matter if you want to fight or not, thats the danger of running in WvW. For me tho, if you stand there dancing, I may stop and dance with you, however readying something in case it turns. You fight my yaks or start taking points, then im less inclined to dance lol. If you are out and I think I can take ya, Im going bolls to the wall.

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@bluberblasen.9684 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:ok you won gankers.you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.nice anet

get out of wvw if you dont want to fight lol

yeah..thats your game style ? gank all = red is dead ?fine :)iam more the calm player. ( wave them, cheer them, watching fights, doing fair duels, never gank, never interrupt duels)but when you are on EU you can always duel me @ Armistice Bastion

ah edit:i never said that i dont want to fight.I fight 1-5 hours a day but not when someone forces me to.I decide when i WANT to fight.And i personally i do not care about the new skill because i walk 80 % without mount.

Its a good skill, but a BAD implentation.instead of remove mounts we got a skill which favors the server with more people.

Example:2 vs 1.One of the two players throws that dismount arrow.Boths players = dismount.One player still on mount ...WOW.. thats a nice skill !!!Better:When one player throws the dismount arrow = He and all his allies in a XXX range are dismounted.= all 3 players are dismountet.

No, I don't run around and go out of my with my possy to gank defenceless reds.

I play wvw, where In the game mode i scout, defend, contest enemy keeps, duel, raid and kill/fight enemy roamers.

If I am not in the mood to fight I will just hide in keep or something, you cant go around saying stuff like "I don't want to fight in a large scale war"

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I actually think this is a good move by ANET. Good roamers fight good roamers. Zerglings fight zerglings. What was missing is a way for poor quality roamers to kill someone. Now they can pick off zerglings who aren't using a 1v1 spec. Zerglings need to pay better attention and if gives the lower quality roamers a reason to keep playing.

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@Sazukikrah.5036 said:

@"Jayden Reese.9542" said:1500 range. Like come on. 40 lances from a mile away is such a great idea. Should be 600 maybe.

Naaaaahhh 1500 is perfect... 3 dodges ? 10k health? Get outta here. Screw warclaws and you dang zergers. Cant wait to turn you into lootbags

"Why is WvW dying? Why don't new players want to try this mode?!" they all cried...

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This skill is likely going to be next to useless for roamers aka gankers. Unless this lance comes at lightning speed and the player doesn't see it coming, it will likely always be dodged. Where this skill might shine however is chasing down enemies in your area and lancing their back line, which is quite an interesting twist if you ask me.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:ok you won gankers.you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.nice anet

This is a strange complaint ... Anet tolds us about 2 weeks after Warclaw was released they were making a dismount skill.

I feel like I've established that I don't care what the rules are. Mounts/no mounts, dismount skill/no dismount skill, it's all the same to me. Everyone is playing by the same rules, so just use whatever rules exist. But I can't help noticing how odd this decision is. What was the point of adding the mount only to add a dismount skill immediately afterwards? There seem to be so few players willing to adapt to either situation, everyone is entrenched in one camp or the other and I don't know how many ppl have really stopped to consider the motivations for it all . . .

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@"DemonSeed.3528" said:I wouldn't call it "immediately afterwards" though, it's been quite a few months. Also wouldn't this be considered an adapt situation too?

The reason I responded to that particular post is that it was the one which pointed out that the dismount skill was announced two weeks after the mount was introduced, which I consider 'immediately afterwards' in development time . . .

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@"Gop.8713" said:The reason I responded to that particular post is that it was the one which pointed out that the dismount skill was announced two weeks after the mount was introduced, which I consider 'immediately afterwards' in development time . . .Actually I'd have to agree with you there, especially if we're talking in "anet timeframe" lol

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@DemonSeed.3528 said:

@"Gop.8713" said:The reason I responded to that particular post is that it was the one which pointed out that the dismount skill was announced two weeks after the mount was introduced, which I consider 'immediately afterwards' in development time . . .Actually I'd have to agree with you there, especially if we're talking in "anet timeframe" lol

Still you make a good point that the extended development time is a strong indicator that the dismount skill wasn't planned from the start . . .

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@bluberblasen.9684 said:ah edit:i never said that i dont want to fight.I fight 1-5 hours a day but not when someone forces me to.I decide when i WANT to fight.And i personally i do not care about the new skill because i walk 80 % without

WW II, enemies are pushing, youre pewpewpewing with your rifle, oh god no ammo, start yelling „WAIT WAIT GUYS, LET ME RELOAD, I DONT WANNA FIGHT RIGHT NOW”

Dude its „open world PvP”. Its like playing PvP server in WoW and complaining because you get attacked and cannot grind in peace. Everytime you get out of keep/tower/spawn you should be ready for a fight, if not then dont leave it. And mounts caused situation where you could move your „safe zone” wherever you wanted.

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