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Sky-scale - Acquirement


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The most boring long winded game play to acquire a mount- No doubt you will need it in the future, it is the only reason I wast time getting it- Never been bored with the game- Played since Gw1- Playing another game atm - between had enough of this - Not so much fun-----------

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Well, if you grind it all in one go, you'll easily get burned out and bored for sure.

The mount is entirely optional, but I feel it's fun, engaging and of course, very powerful. I've been able to reach places with it I never could have imagined with the other mounts, not to mention making vertical map navigation (such as HoT maps) so much easier. The Griffon already made it easier, but with the Skyscale you have much more control. The Griffon basically requires constant movement and keeps falling like a rock, while the Skyscale allows you to control your descend and make more precise movements in any direction. Given all this, I strongly think the "price" for it is entirely justified. The collections are tedious, time consuming and very boring, but never hard. Never expensive. Never something an average, casual player couldn't do. And it's far from the grindiest collections the game has, and the reward is superior to many of them.

Personally I took my time and worked towards it a bit at a time, spending a week per collection or so. It never felt grindy or boring at all, and after couple months of casual playing, I now have acquired my Skyscale with zero headaches.

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I still don't have mine. I agree it is a grind; however, understand that it is considered a legendary mount and as such requires a certain amount of effort because it is legendary. As said above, you don't have to go for it all at once and there are other mounts that are more easily obtained which pretty much do everything one needs.

As a very casual player, with limited time due to work/family, I have chipped away little by little and have made it to the saddle portion of the quest. I'm almost there!

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I think it's very unlikely the skyscale will be required in future. So far they've been very good about keeping the genuinely required mounts (and masteries) minimal. If I remember correctly it's still possible to complete everything except some optional achievements with just the raptor, springer and skimmer. The other mounts certainly make it easier to get around, but they're not required and I'll be very surprised if the skyscale is required for anything.

Which means your first option is just to stop. If you're not enjoying the process of getting it and you don't actually want it there's no need to get it.

Alternatively you can take your time with it, however long that might be. Whether that means setting yourself a limit on what you do each day/week/month so you don't get burned out or not actively working on it and just doing steps as and when you come across them - if you complete a required jumping puzzle for another achievement, or buying an item which is required because you realise you've got enough currency now etc.

I've made that mistake with things before - pushing ahead with something I don't enjoy to the point where I'm sick of the whole game by the time I've done it and just want to do something else. (The big one is when I bought the precursor for my first legendary - I stopped playing completely for a week and didn't continue the legendary collection for about a month because grinding gold and then spending everything I had was such a depressing process for me.) I had a similar problem with the skyscale. I didn't expect it to be required, but I love dragons so a dragon mount is an absolute must-have for me and I wanted to get it as soon as possible. But instead of burning myself out and getting frustrated I set myself limits: I wouldn't play any more than usual, only when I actually had time and felt like doing it, and I'd only do a little bit each day. For example when I had to get the map currency I set myself a target of 50 per day (and that's total, not per map or per character, just 50 of any currencies needed). I didn't stress about going over (or under) but when I got to 50 I'd stop and do something else, either in GW2 or something entirely different.

It took me much longer than it might have done otherwise but it made the process a lot less frustrating than it would have been if I'd just tried to get it all done ASAP.

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@maxan.7836 said:The most boring long winded game play to acquire a mount- No doubt you will need it in the future, it is the only reason I wast time getting it- Never been bored with the game- Played since Gw1- Playing another game atm - between had enough of this - Not so much fun-----------

No doubt? Is that you being salty, or are you actually expecting the developers to do a 180 on their approach so far to keep actually required masteries to a minimum?

Last I checked, the required masteries to complete HoT was gliding and bouncing mushrooms. The required materies to complete PoF was Raptor, Bunny and Skimmer with Raptor level 3 being the highest. The same applies to all Living World masteries inbetween.

So as far as the Skyscale being required, that is very unlikely. Will it be very convenient though? Probably. Those 2 are not the same.

As others have pointed out, there is no need to rush the Skyscale and getting it over a longer period of time makes the entire process a lot more enjoyable. I know quite a lot of players who took 2-3 months in getting theirs and to them it was a nice side project.

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I havent bothered, i'm not sure i ever will tbh.. I don't seem to understand or even get any satisfaction from all these virtual grinds.. The griffon was a nightmare i assume this will be worse..

Plus using the rental skyscale in Grothmar was terrible so it didn't make me want one any faster.. Griffon was way better imo.

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i had all mount. but I dont think i am a mount collector. it just get it for fun.most of mount is optional. the only 2 mount must have is the raptor and springer. or skimmer if you must travel the quicksand.i dont think any of the mount is better then others. they all have strength and weakness.

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I really enjoyed acquiring the skyscale and couldn't relate to the complaints at all. It makes me sad to know that all the complaining makes it less likely that we could see more content of that type in the future. But at the same time I had all the lw currencies in mat storage and I didn't make any effort to rush the process. If I had been in a hurry or hadn't had any of the currencies then maybe I might be able to understand the other perspective better, idk . . .

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Seems people havent learned to use the skyscale properly. It makes the vertical content of HoT a breeze to navigate. With double or quadruple dash, you can shoot up to locations or ledges you couldnt get over in time with the griffon. Seriously -learn to use the dash!-Tip: When wanting to fly down with a skyscale, dont. Its much slower than merely walking the skyscale over an edge and plummeting.

For me, the griffon and springer have been collecting dust now. The skyscale is by far much more flexible in movement ability. And your space bar tapping finger will love you for no longer having to manually flap to keep up the griffon. I just cant play the flappyburd griffon anymore, so bad at flying ahead and missing a desirable target to land at by inches.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Seems people havent learned to use the skyscale properly. It makes the vertical content of HoT a breeze to navigate. With double or quadruple dash, you can shoot up to locations or ledges you couldnt get over in time with the griffon. Seriously -learn to use the dash!-Tip: When wanting to fly down with a skyscale, dont. Its much slower than merely walking the skyscale over an edge and plummeting.

For me, the griffon and springer have been collecting dust now. The skyscale is by far much more flexible in movement ability. And your space bar tapping finger will love you for no longer having to manually flap to keep up the griffon. I just cant play the flappyburd griffon anymore, so bad at flying ahead and missing a desirable target to land at by inches.

Whats double or quadruple dash with the skyscale?

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@coso.9173 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:Seems people havent learned to use the skyscale properly. It makes the vertical content of HoT a breeze to navigate. With double or quadruple dash, you can shoot up to locations or ledges you couldnt get over in time with the griffon. Seriously -learn to use the dash!-Tip: When wanting to fly down with a skyscale, dont. Its much slower than merely walking the skyscale over an edge and plummeting.

For me, the griffon and springer have been collecting dust now. The skyscale is by far much more flexible in movement ability. And your space bar tapping finger will love you for no longer having to manually flap to keep up the griffon. I just cant play the flappyburd griffon anymore, so bad at flying ahead and missing a desirable target to land at by inches.

Whats double or quadruple dash with the skyscale?

Dash is the dodge (default V) barrel roll. During this you don't lose height, and if you start below the max altitude you can dash diagonally upwards, "breaking the ceiling". You can do two consecutive from full endurance; if you at that point use Bond of Vigor it instantly refills your endurance (instead of the accelerated gain the other mounts get) so you can do two more.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:Seems people havent learned to use the skyscale properly. It makes the vertical content of HoT a breeze to navigate. With double or quadruple dash, you can shoot up to locations or ledges you couldnt get over in time with the griffon. Seriously -learn to use the dash!-Tip: When wanting to fly down with a skyscale, dont. Its much slower than merely walking the skyscale over an edge and plummeting.

For me, the griffon and springer have been collecting dust now. The skyscale is by far much more flexible in movement ability. And your space bar tapping finger will love you for no longer having to manually flap to keep up the griffon. I just cant play the flappyburd griffon anymore, so bad at flying ahead and missing a desirable target to land at by inches.

Whats double or quadruple dash with the skyscale?

Dash is the dodge (default V) barrel roll. During this you don't lose height, and if you start below the max altitude you can dash diagonally upwards, "breaking the ceiling". You can do two consecutive from full endurance; if you at that point use Bond of Vigor it instantly refills your endurance (instead of the accelerated gain the other mounts get) so you can do two more.

i had no idea, thanks!

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:Seems people havent learned to use the skyscale properly. It makes the vertical content of HoT a breeze to navigate. With double or quadruple dash, you can shoot up to locations or ledges you couldnt get over in time with the griffon. Seriously -learn to use the dash!-Tip: When wanting to fly down with a skyscale, dont. Its much slower than merely walking the skyscale over an edge and plummeting.

For me, the griffon and springer have been collecting dust now. The skyscale is by far much more flexible in movement ability. And your space bar tapping finger will love you for no longer having to manually flap to keep up the griffon. I just cant play the flappyburd griffon anymore, so bad at flying ahead and missing a desirable target to land at by inches.

Whats double or quadruple dash with the skyscale?

Dash is the dodge (default V) barrel roll. During this you don't lose height, and if you start below the max altitude you can dash diagonally upwards, "breaking the ceiling". You can do two consecutive from full endurance; if you at that point use Bond of Vigor it instantly refills your endurance (instead of the accelerated gain the other mounts get) so you can do two more.

I didn't know this either, thanks so much! I can't wait to try it out! :)

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@Kaliwenda.3428 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:Seems people havent learned to use the skyscale properly. It makes the vertical content of HoT a breeze to navigate. With double or quadruple dash, you can shoot up to locations or ledges you couldnt get over in time with the griffon. Seriously -learn to use the dash!-Tip: When wanting to fly down with a skyscale, dont. Its much slower than merely walking the skyscale over an edge and plummeting.

For me, the griffon and springer have been collecting dust now. The skyscale is by far much more flexible in movement ability. And your space bar tapping finger will love you for no longer having to manually flap to keep up the griffon. I just cant play the flappyburd griffon anymore, so bad at flying ahead and missing a desirable target to land at by inches.

Whats double or quadruple dash with the skyscale?

Dash is the dodge (default V) barrel roll. During this you don't lose height, and if you start below the max altitude you can dash diagonally upwards, "breaking the ceiling". You can do two consecutive from full endurance; if you at that point use Bond of Vigor it instantly refills your endurance (instead of the accelerated gain the other mounts get) so you can do two more.

I didn't know this either, thanks so much! I can't wait to try it out! :)

Using this, the Skyscale is almost as fast as the Raptor over those short distances.

A general advice to people working on getting the Skyscale, or leaning toward not getting it: Don't judge the mount too quickly based on rentals. Partially because the wall cling mastery affects it quite a bit, but mostly because it definitely has a learning curve to use. Not as steep as the Rollerbeetle, but still - it takes some getting used to!

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I blame a good portion of the negativity towards the skyscale to the fact that it's just another collection. After a while, I've grown to really hate the fact that there isnt some form of traditional quest log in the game. Combine that with some alterations to the collection and it could potentially feel better than just a collection.

Yes yes, the Hero Panel does have the journal, but that's not what I mean...

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Collections are some kind of longer quest chain. But indeed it can be made to feel more like following a story than just grinding. The skyscale collection has good things, but they made it overall too long. The whole travel 3 times on the same map collecting 21 things each time is silly, it should be no more than 5 each. And the currencies from all ls4 maps could have been done in a different way to make it more entertaining.

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