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Which player character voice is your favourite?

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Male Asura. It just captures the snarky and sassy personality of the Asura very well. "Look who's back! It's me by the way."

Although I love lots of the other PC voices as well such as the female Asura, Human and Sylvari. The female charr is nice as well but it just a bit too... soft for my liking.Least favorite if probably the male Norn.

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By her performance in Path of Fire and onward, April Stewart does a great job (Human Female), she was so bland and boring previously, especially in the Personal Story, but I think everyone (except the Asura) were bland and boring there. I used to hate her and consider her among the lower quality player voices, but since Path of Fire she has become my favorite, even surpassing my ex number one, Sylvari Female, which was great in Heart of Thorns but not as good in Path of Fire and onward.

Both Asura voices and excellent, even in the Personal Story, so I'd pick Asura Male as number two and Asura Female as number three.

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@"maddoctor.2738" said:By her performance in Path of Fire and onward

Can't forget her iconic line "Patroling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter" JkAnyway Asura male - made the right choice when i first play the gameSylvari male - but why is /laugh so bad?Charr female - before HoT and Lws 5 episode 6

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Choose Female Norn, because I main female Norns and she really grew on me. But if I hadn't such a Norn fetish it would vote for female Sylvari. Jennifer Hale is such a great Voice Actress (cannot get enough of her in the Mass Effect Trilogy as FemShep)

Special Mention is Human Male. Nolan North is also a good VA but he is famous in its own right, so Kudos first for Female Norn (makes me happy she gets her due in the newest 2 Trailers......makes sense to pick a Norn as Commander going on from now. All the Season 4 and Pof Trailers hat Human Male, too bad the trailers for HoT hadn't focussed on Commander Sheppard ahem THE commander ;-P

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@"Jimbru.6014" said:Female Asura. Cute, smart and self-confident to the point of arrogance. "It's not showing off if you've earned it!"

And I imagine I will be in the minority that I also like my female Charr's voice. Sweet yet ferocious. "Oh yeah, that's MY loot!"

and a little pouty sometimes (female asura, not female Charr) - like when she gets hit and says "still smarter than you" :)

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