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Is this game going to die soon ?

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@joneirikb.7506 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Camelot Unchained has been killing GW2 since 2014 according to the forums.

Link the the stats showing how many people specifically quit GW2 to go to Camelot Unchained please, or is this just more anecdotal evidence based on what you personally think is happening. Just because active population has dropped does not mean that one game in particular is the biggest or sole cause.

Pretty sure he said that as sarcasm, considering the game isn't even out yet.

A lot of fans of large scale PvP have been pinning their hopes on Camelot Unchained since it was first announced (in 2012), partially because it's being developed by one of the people who made Dark Age of Camelot which I've heard was very good at that and partially because it's supposed to focus on large scale PvP as a core part of the game rather than one of several options like it is in games like GW2.

Between the enthusiasm for that game (including some people loudly and repeatedly claiming it will 'kill' all other games with large PvP battles as soon as it's released because they think that's what the majority of players want from those games) and the long development time after announcement it's become a bit of a running joke among some other MMO fans.

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@"IndigoSundown.5419" said:"Game is dying" is just another term used by disgruntled players to run down a game they are unhappy with. Similar terms are "faceroll easy," and "pay-to-win." Pejoratives and other such terms are loaded, and are used because the poster believes they will help to build agreement that what they dislike about the game needs to be addressed. This could be because the poster thinks that if they can create a sense of alarm, the developer will address the issues they dislike. It's also possible that the disgruntlement has curdled into massive distaste for the game and the poster is "striking back" because they think they've been wronged. Another possibility is that some people want to watch things burn.

Some people just want to be "right" regardless of the cost. "See, told you so!"

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@"Chaarliee.2307" said:As the title states ... I'm wondering because i've seen less ppl in game this year. And also, because this year the new content has been none existent, I'm meaning a REALLY new content, not some new bs LW with a bad story. So yeah.. U guys think this game is dying ?

LW is content


Also keep in mind that Anet is working on something secret that they can't discuss right now nor reveal.

Also LWs are used to buy time and develop story. Remember in Vanilla Anet took a "No Expansions Ever" public approach up until the NDA protected Expansion was revealed at the end of LW2.

I dont agree with that model of marketing and promoting, but that's their habit of doing things in the past.

Not saying we will get a third expansion but there still good chance that they are working on it and LW5 will be like Lw2 and branch the story to the 3rd expansion area.

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@Diak Atoli.2085 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:Camelot Unchained has been killing GW2 since 2014 according to the forums.

Link the the stats showing how many people specifically quit GW2 to go to Camelot Unchained please, or is this just more anecdotal evidence based on what you personally think is happening. Just because active population has dropped does not mean that one game in particular is the biggest or sole cause.

As others have said, it's likely a sarcastic reference to a common theme for
such threads. Some new game or another expansion is supposed to kill off this or that older game, etc. Almost invariably, it's wrong.

First off, Camelot Unchained isn't even live yet. It's still in beta. And IMHO as an old DAOC player and experienced tester, CU still has a LOT of work to do before it's truly ready. How it will REALLY affect GW2 remains to be seen, but anything you're hearing about how it's affecting GW2 NOW is really just rumors and guesswork.

As for how games are supposed to kill each other off: people have been writing supposed "WoW killer" games for over a decade and it hasn't happened yet. Heck, EverQuest has faced the same "death threat" from countless MMOs, including WoW. Well, 20 years and 25 expansions later -- the most recent of which just released yesterday -- EQ is still online and still actively developing, well after most of the promised "EQ killers" are long gone and forgotten. So take anything you hear about "X game is going to kill Y game" with not just a grain, but a whole mine of salt.

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@"Blude.6812" said:This is like the 'PC gaming is going to die' threads that have been running all over net for the last 15 yrs and led nowhere.

People have been saying "X new gadget is going to kill the PC" at least since the days of the Apple IIC in the 1980s and the first laptops. Well PCs still lead the way today in personal electronics due to their larger form factors, cooling capacity, and no need for battery life. That won't change until either we find some crazy loopholes in the laws of physics to make cooling and powering small devices easier, or the computer industry at large collectively decides to stop building PCs altogether, which isn't likely to happen within what's left of my lifetime.

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@Jimbru.6014 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:Camelot Unchained has been killing GW2 since 2014 according to the forums.

Link the the stats showing how many people specifically quit GW2 to go to Camelot Unchained please, or is this just more anecdotal evidence based on what you personally think is happening. Just because active population has dropped does not mean that one game in particular is the biggest or sole cause.

As others have said, it's likely a sarcastic reference to a common theme for
such threads. Some new game or another expansion is supposed to kill off this or that older game, etc. Almost invariably, it's wrong.

First off, Camelot Unchained isn't even live yet. It's still in beta. And IMHO as an old DAOC player and experienced tester, CU still has a LOT of work to do before it's truly ready. How it will REALLY affect GW2 remains to be seen, but anything you're hearing about how it's affecting GW2 NOW is really just rumors and guesswork.

As for how games are supposed to kill each other off: people have been writing supposed "WoW killer" games for over a decade and it hasn't happened yet. Heck, EverQuest has faced the same "death threat" from countless MMOs, including WoW. Well, 20 years and 25 expansions later -- the most recent of which just released yesterday -- EQ is still online and still actively developing, well after most of the promised "EQ killers" are long gone and forgotten. So take anything you hear about "X game is going to kill Y game" with not just a grain, but a whole mine of salt.

NDA bro NDA!! Lol jk idk

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@Diak Atoli.2085 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Camelot Unchained has been killing GW2 since 2014 according to the forums.

Link the the stats showing how many people specifically quit GW2 to go to Camelot Unchained please, or is this just more anecdotal evidence based on what you personally think is happening. Just because active population has dropped does not mean that one game in particular is the biggest or sole cause.

As others have said, it's likely a sarcastic reference to a common theme for
such threads. Some new game or another expansion is supposed to kill off this or that older game, etc. Almost invariably, it's wrong.

I do believe Archeage Unchained took a lot of players from GW2, but the thing is they all came back... Just saying..... ?

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@"Warlord.9074" said:

The writing has been on the wall for long time now.. We can disagree that the game is dying, but we can agree that many decisions made by management were seen as "mistakes" by many of the people who left.

I think we can also agree that once those people are gone they don't come back. And because those "mistakes" are not seen as mistakes by management or to be urgent or valid concerns.. That is why we have a thread like this,.

Unfortunately a lot of the core grievances of players are irreparable changes that became core "features" of the game despite unpopularity and negative feedback that was given.

Even if the company did a 100% reversal on these issues and reverse course it will be too late now. Which is very sad.

Many people 6 years ago saw the game for the potential it had but it went down a development course for whatever reason that it didn't live up to the potential it had by many people opinions. That may not matter to a lot of people but it did matter to a lot of other people.

So like it said it may of been good for awhile and it had its up and downs but it is what it is now like it or leave it.

@Danikat.8537 said:I'm curious, how long before a game is shut down can you say it's clear it's going to die? I mean we could easily get into a philosophical 'everything will end' approach and say
games are dying on the basis that sooner or later something, somehow, will cause it to end. But does that mean you shouldn't bother playing them while they're 'alive'? If we take that approach then all non-MMOs aren't worth playing at all because they're designed to have a finite 'lifespan'.

It does make for a nice, easy argument. You can keep saying a game is dying for years and sooner or later you will eventually get to say you were right. But until then it's pretty meaningless. Some people claimed this game was dying in 2013, but 6 years later it's still going.

IMO it only matters to us as players if the servers are going to be shut down in the next few months, and then only in the context of setting expectations about what you'll have time to do. And in that sense we can be fairly confident GW2 is not dying, because Anet are continuing development of Icebrood Saga which is likely to run for at least another 6 months.

Well it's an over reaction to speculate that servers would shut down and the game is gone. However for those that had witnessed everything thus far since launch and experienced it first hand, it would be disingenuous to pretend that the game is in a healthy state compared to how it was.

Sure you can say that happens to every game after awhile and in fact compared to a lot of other games GW2 has remained solid for much longer. The difference is those games died becasue they were just terrible, GW2 at its core isn't a terrible game, but neglect and what I consider to be mistakes in the direction of the game and management of it has been a self inflicted wound, which has caused the decline not because the game is old or bad.

The writing has been on the wall for anyone that's been here from the beginning paying attention to such things, however Id guess for a lot of newer players that weren't here or players still enjoying the game it's not obvious to them. The decline and overall hostility of the player base isn't becasue the game was terrible it is becasue it changed in ways that people didn't like. And the things about it that people didn't like were ignored all while things that those people didn't care about got attention, and those things in the short term might of made since to the game devs but in the long term does nothing for the game.

So instead of fixing the game and making it a better game, all this money and time is wasted on things that wont matter tomorrow.

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@"Knighthonor.4061" said:I do believe Archeage Unchained took a lot of players from GW2, but the thing is they all came back... Just saying..... ?

I looked very strongly at AU, but the idea of having to spend 2-3 hours a day grinding just to remain competitive scared me off. And the economic answer of how to make money being "Make more characters!" is just plain wrong. I left STO and the other Perfect World games for exactly those reasons. A game should not be a second job.

Whereas I log into GW2 on ONE character, do three dailies to get my 10 AP, clean out my home instance, do the dailies for whatever Big Event like Wintersday is presently running, and I'm done with "grinding" in maybe an hour. Now I have plenty of time to actually ENJOY THE GAME, which is something that far too many MMOs and MMO players seem to forget -- that games are supposed to be FUN. Which if you think GW2 isn't fun, then you're doing it wrong. Just find the TINY Army in game and we'll happily show you. http://tinyarmy.org :)

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Oh lord, here we go again.No, the game isn't dying.Despite the decrease in player numbers, you will find that the majority are spread out around the other maps, and servers.

Guild Wars 2 is huge.Besides, a lot of people play pvp, fractals, wvw, etc etc...

Then you have people that repeat story modes for achiements.Others are busy crafting legendaries.

I too sometimes, but rarely, struggle to find people for events that require more players, but there is so much to do ingame, that there is no reason whatsoever to feel bored with it.

It has been mentioned before here that this type of thread should be deleted immediately.But for the sake of freedom of speech.

I think, in my oppinion, as I said before; when ANET starts introducing henchmen, Hired hands, and mercs, then it is sign to release the kraken, aka GW3.But the servers will remain, or the alternative... which is... Modders.

In the meantime, enjoy the game.

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Yes, this game will die. Eventually. Anytime soon? No. I've seen MMO games in far worse shape which are still going years later. GW2 is not the top MMO, but MMOs overall are in decline and among the pack GW2 still has a very strong position.

You may not like LW releases but please dont act as they dont constitute new content. That is pure fallacy. In fact, LW patches could serve as a model genre-wide definition of new content. Yeah, I would also like to get a new big expansion. But the fact that we don't get one does not mean that GW2 lacks new content.

If you are worried that GW2 will die I have a news flash for you. You will die as well. Does that mean you can't enjoy your life for now? If you like playing GW2, keep doing so and just enjoy it. If not, move ahead to something else.

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I played classic wow and archeage and did find new motivation play this game. I just like this lack of content. I actually hate content. I just wanna play WvW casually and farm some skins that work with my new looks. Now i try to make couple heroic dragonsblood weapons for cute asura mesmer. Too much work if you ask me. Should be easier to get. :D

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