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Concerned about the upcoming big balance


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@witcher.3197 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:I’m concerned because there seems to be a misconception that damage is too high.

Are you out of your mind? Damage on average is about 300% higher than what we had pre-HoT. The powercreep is insane in this game. It's as if they have raised the level cap but forgot to adjust the HP.

The dmg has gotten higher, but the ways to survive are much more, I have pre Hots feeling but at a much faster gameplay

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Toughness/Defense is actually too high. Take any zerk target and hit a tanky target and they'll hit like a wet noodle. Take that tanky target who hits the zerk target and they down them in 2-4 hits.

People can't seem to differentiate between what a high damage attack is vs 10-20 people hitting you at once. If one doesn't like being smacked so hard from a CoR or Phase Smash, perhaps the endless whining over scourge shades should have stopped. There are far more Rev's out there than scourges (just as many of us predicted), so spike damage is far worse at the moment. But as always, players don't bother to think before they speak, they ask for one thing, get something completely different and shoot themselves in the foot in the process. You lower damage, all we'll have then is cancerous condition classes running abound, and don't expect Anet to do anything about that for another 1-2 years after any major changes are made.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:Greatsword F1 is a slow, highly telegraphed skill that can only be landed in 130 range. Warrior is one of the only classes stuck at 130 range to do any damage and also has clunky and buggy mobility skills. 9k is fine.

9k is fine? thats more than half the hp for 90% of the classes atm in 1 shot. and not like its hard to land with the cc warrior has acces to. from a holo perspective my hardest hitting skill is prime light beam that crits for 7.5k, thats a 60 sec cd ELITE skill vs 1 adrenaline burst 8 sec cd skill xD

dmg is fine, nothing to see here /o/

It's a burst skill. Is it so hard to dodge, use your own skills, kite, etc? You say Warrior has CC and that's true. So if you also failed to dodge this or avoid it, ok, so this is where you use stunbreak. If all that failed, yeah, you get hit for 9k. Only half hp, really not that much for a burst skill delivered by a zerk amulet spellbreaker at high might stacks (cause that's what arcing slice would need to do that damage). It's not like you don't have a heal you can use or mobility. I don't get the complaint tbh.

What about necros? we lack ways to avoid dmg and have limited evades no invulns few teleports and you actually have to place it, and our gap closers are kinda trash too.

9k is a lot of dmg to a class with some toughness I agree with that, 15 to 20k is way too much. In fact: Damage and sustain is so crazy and out of control, that necro underperforms, and other classes too probably due to the ridiculous nature of power creep.

You warrior guys have a 60k rifle shot and can do 9k or more with your weapons plus you got power crept mobility cc and sustain.

Time to nerf everyone down to like 5 or 6k dmg so it isn't one-shot anymore.

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@Tycura.1982 said:

@"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:But in my opinion damage is actually fine

Yeah, that's your problem right there.

This is your opinion.

Not an objective fact.

Most people in the game feel that damage has been power-crept too far (as has sustain, cleansing, condi spam, boon spam etc etc). All you have to do to see evidence of this is read the threads on this Forum.

Should ANet make choices based on the 1 guy who thinks everything's fine, or on the 99% of players who want stuff toned down?

"your opinion is wrong""my
are facts pbbftt"

Make that 2 guys. Damage is fine as is. Long TTKs are a snoozefest.

maybe call of duty is more your thing then, it's fast-paced and got instakill.

In an MMO 1 shot and 2 shots are bad for the game, and take away the ability to outplay.

I think if everyone was nerfed down to doing like 5-7k dmg we would be doing good.

Toughness has little to no impact right now, and its because everyone deals too much damage. What good is a necro with tons of toughness if you can deal with a warrior 60k with the rifle shot or 9-15k with your leaps and sword attacks instantly per hit? This game has a horrible balance, and people are leaving.

They shouldn't touch boon corrupt either, they should first touch on how much boon spam because it was already nerfed and the reason its so effective is because there is too much boon spam and there are ways to make it ineffective as is fairly easy. Control when you spew out boons, I know other characters might throw on boons but if you nerf boon corrupt too much, boon spam bunker power will become the overpowered meta.

It's already limited on core as is.

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@Avatar.3568 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:I’m concerned because there seems to be a misconception that damage is too high.

Are you out of your mind? Damage on average is about 300% higher than what we had pre-HoT. The powercreep is insane in this game. It's as if they have raised the level cap but forgot to adjust the HP.

The dmg has gotten higher, but the ways to survive are much more, I have pre Hots feeling but at a much faster gameplay

Yes but it's way too fast to the point where it's spammy as hell and borderline impossible for new players to get into PvP because they get blown up by random damage in a second.

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There are actually some power problem in sPVP now, not only from one-shot mes/ranger/thief.

If u watched the final of Nov's monthly tournament, u would see that a duo-rev team nearly perfectly defeated a regular-component team (kill ratio 15:0). And multi-rev team (with proper support class) definitely has a power level beyond control. I'm not against multi-burst team, I'm against multi-burst from SAME class, that's not healthy for the environment. In fact, duo rev can hardly be replaced by rev+thief, rev+mes or sth.

Shatter mes has amazingly high burst, but not like duo rev comp, mesmers can be counterd and relativly easier to fight back since they have lower sustain and longer CD, which makes them less competitive on point contend. The problem for shatter is that, if u nerf their burst to some degree that they can hardly one-shot ppl, then the class will be totally meaningless, since no team will bring duo-shatter mes. It's just silly.

The burst of thief in my view, is acceptable. They can hardly one-shot ppl in one round. The problem is, their burst is cheap and safe, and their high mobility makes them easy to run away form bad situation. They need to take more risks before get the reward.

Guardians and eles have good sustain but low mobility. A class could have good sustain from CDs (e.g. heal skills or Renewed Focus) but not from low-CD rotations (which could last forever). I'd like to see their sustain rotation nerfed in the case of getting more mobility.

At last, chrono is the only elite spec that is not viable anymore in sPVP after the change of its shatter. Retrieve those changes would make sPVP more various since the class is not strong and does not deserve nerfs like that.

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@Tycura.1982 said:

@"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:But in my opinion damage is actually fine

Yeah, that's your problem right there.

This is your opinion.

Not an objective fact.

Most people in the game feel that damage has been power-crept too far (as has sustain, cleansing, condi spam, boon spam etc etc). All you have to do to see evidence of this is read the threads on this Forum.

Should ANet make choices based on the 1 guy who thinks everything's fine, or on the 99% of players who want stuff toned down?

"your opinion is wrong""my
are facts pbbftt"

Make that 2 guys. Damage is fine as is. Long TTKs are a snoozefest.

Where did I claim my opinion is a fact?

All I said was that it's opinion Vs opinion, and not a matter of facts.

Learn to read.

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@witcher.3197 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:I’m concerned because there seems to be a misconception that damage is too high.

Are you out of your mind? Damage on average is about 300% higher than what we had pre-HoT. The powercreep is insane in this game. It's as if they have raised the level cap but forgot to adjust the HP.

Was that before or after the 3 trait lines update in kid of 2015? Yes, there definitely was power creep though the years. Though as we currently stand we are closer to 100-150%.

There was much complaints from the e-sport scene (back when GW2 was trying to get on that bandwagon) that the combat was slow. This is one of the reasons HoT increases the damage across the board. Currently, we are kinda back to HoT power level, from PoF massive damage is increase at release. I dunno if damage will get direct nerfs next patch. It will though with tackling of boon stacking.

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@Stallic.2397 said:If any reductions, they'll probably just reduce one shot capabilites of certain classes (cough, mesmer and thief, cough)Reduce sustain of other classes (Weaver, holo, etc)And reduce 25 stacks of might across the board.

None of those nerfs should destroy over all damage.

This is my opinion on it as well. And that's fine if that is how its going. As long as classes need to show you how you are about to die, and cannot infinitely make mistakes and still be able to heal to full, then the damage delivery should remain relatively stable.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:I think we're all a bit nervous.I do hope he's prepared for an ocean of negative feed back because if everything in the game is getting hammered down balancewise, literally everyone is going to walk away initially angry and upset regardless of whether the changes are good or bad.

As long as no small fraction of classes are left overperforming, let the negative feedback that would have come from people that want the game to be fair but instead is now coming from people playing specs that can't carry them come. We're going to be angry anyway, but being angry because we took things for granted is much better than being angry because class X by nature of its rotation invalidates our class of choice and several others as well.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:I’m not looking forward to the patch for a few reasons

I think the balance dev is a good guy and has good intentions. But the problem here is that the things that are wrong with gw2 balance is not in the realm of tuning numbers or switching traits around. The issue is MUCH deeper and more fundamental.

I have my own hypothesis about why the game has struggled to be balanced for years now, and I’ve already made my contribution via a WvW thread late last month. But my concern with this patch is that it’s still not touching the fundamental problems of the games balance, and thus we are still going to see imbalance.

Now should TTK go up? Yes it should and I’m all for a change to TTK. But fixing TTK won’t fix balance. That’s key to understand about why this patch won’t be happy unicorns and rainbows.

I think you're looking into it too deep. The issues are definitely numbers and TTK, if you look at older footage from pre-HoT you'll notice a very common trend--fights lasted a LOT longer. Condition spam wasn't really a thing and was the result of deliberate set up (condi core Engi), and boons weren't rampant to allow for disgusting bunkers (kind of beside the point but still worth bringing up), but most importantly, power Mesmer was considered to be terrifying with its burst capabilities, and Thief with heartseeker. I don't think there was that much burst going on back then. Not having amulets may have been part of the reason why.

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:I’m not looking forward to the patch for a few reasons

I think the balance dev is a good guy and has good intentions. But the problem here is that the things that are wrong with gw2 balance is not in the realm of tuning numbers or switching traits around. The issue is MUCH deeper and more fundamental.

I have my own hypothesis about why the game has struggled to be balanced for years now, and I’ve already made my contribution via a WvW thread late last month. But my concern with this patch is that it’s still not touching the fundamental problems of the games balance, and thus we are still going to see imbalance.

Now should TTK go up? Yes it should and I’m all for a change to TTK. But fixing TTK won’t fix balance. That’s key to understand about why this patch won’t be happy unicorns and rainbows.

I think you're looking into it too deep. The issues are definitely numbers and TTK, if you look at older footage from pre-HoT you'll notice a very common trend--fights lasted a LOT longer. Condition spam wasn't really a thing and was the result of deliberate set up (condi core Engi), and boons weren't rampant to allow for disgusting bunkers (kind of beside the point but still worth bringing up), but most importantly, power Mesmer was considered to be terrifying with its burst capabilities, and Thief with heartseeker. I don't think there was that much burst going on back then. Not having amulets may have been part of the reason why

But I don’t think that’s a valid, logical reason that the problem is “just numbers.”

TTK indeed went down, and anet explicitly mentioned this as a design decision, back a couple years ago when they wanted to make combat faster paced (pretty sure this happened after ele bunker meta and the removal of healing/toughness amulets.) so ya we can tweak TTK, that’s perfectly plausible.

But like others point out, if this was just about numbers, then you HAVE to consider the bunker meta vs damage meta paradox and other paradoxes like it. Lowering either side will drastically increase the prevalence of the other, and the two exist In synchronicity.

There’s are plenty examples of complementarity paradox’s that exist in this game...stability vs CC, bunker vs burst, condi v condi cleanse...trying to balance things with just numbers alone is a fools errand because it can not be done perfectly.

Anyway, TTK and numbers are mutually exclusive. Fixing TTK won’t balance the game, and balance won’t fix TTK. You can fix TTK, and you can balance the game, but fixing one isn’t a solution to the other.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:I’m concerned because there seems to be a misconception that damage is too high. But in my opinion damage is actually fine and the game balance right now isn’t so bad at all. Is this patch going to remove burst as a viable play style?

They said they wanna shave some damage AND sustain. So I suspect, burst will be gone or very different.Currently from mesmers perspective, your burst Kills -> worth. or it doesnt so its useless.Shaving damage will hurt some more then others, but time will tell.My expectations are so kitten low that I doubt they can dissapoint me.

Only some builds are getting carried due how easy is to burst targets in this game,imo thats Anet should reduce its quoficients.

That and reduce the splashy cleave aoe spam...

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:I’m concerned because there seems to be a misconception that damage is too high. But in my opinion damage is actually fine and the game balance right now isn’t so bad at all. Is this patch going to remove burst as a viable play style?

They said they wanna shave some damage AND sustain. So I suspect, burst will be gone or very different.Currently from mesmers perspective, your burst Kills -> worth. or it doesnt so its useless.Shaving damage will hurt some more then others, but time will tell.My expectations are so kitten low that I doubt they can dissapoint me.

Only some builds are getting carried due how easy is to burst targets in this game,imo thats Anet should reduce its quoficients.

That and reduce the splashy cleave aoe spam...

by some you meanWarrior -> spb and coreMesmer -> power core and power mirageEngi -> HoloGuard -> GS coreRanger -> both core and soulbeastRev -> power shiroEle -> fresh air and fire weaverThief -> DpNecro -> reaperThose are like 50% or more of the meta

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:I’m concerned because there seems to be a misconception that damage is too high. But in my opinion damage is actually fine and the game balance right now isn’t so bad at all. Is this patch going to remove burst as a viable play style?

They said they wanna shave some damage AND sustain. So I suspect, burst will be gone or very different.Currently from mesmers perspective, your burst Kills -> worth. or it doesnt so its useless.Shaving damage will hurt some more then others, but time will tell.My expectations are so kitten low that I doubt they can dissapoint me.

Only some builds are getting carried due how easy is to burst targets in this game,imo thats Anet should reduce its quoficients.

That and reduce the splashy cleave aoe spam...

by some you meanWarrior -> spb and coreMesmer -> power core and power mirageEngi -> HoloGuard -> GS core, dps fbRanger -> both core and soulbeastRev -> power shiroEle -> fresh air, fire weaver and water weaverThief -> Dp, Sp, and DENecro -> reaper, and core necroThose are like 50% or more of the meta


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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Necro -> core necrofixed.


I think he wanted to mend reaper>core, altough core can be strong...

Imo game is ment to be broken it’s better for developers to add damage than work on true distinctive class mechanics....

game s a bit powercreeped based on spam vs damage and some of that damage is unblocked or can happen very fast or when one fail, CD is low and won’t punish...

Core guardian isnt Op :/ damage is strong but it’s an action mmo and besides medi builds in core core class sucks and doesn’t feel like a guardian at all... it’s actually the only way to play.. another design failure....

Ranger and elites... they are strong they can be built for very broken builds, most players haven’t figured out how broken the new GS can be...

engi is somewhat decent but gets overshadowed by holo and scrapper easy and low effort performances, if buff on core enfie happens means buffing what is already strong wich means more less risk reward and less effort on win fights.

Mesmer needs to loose stealth from core, mirage increases buffs clones, and have other mechanics besides stealth and clone spam...Mesmer will be always broken due Anet enforcing redundancy on the class itself besides playing with possible mechanics that could make class fun w/o the its fun cause it’s broken.

Rev shiro damage it’s a one pony trick, some classes on tanky gear outside spvp can sustain and kill it, it carry’s bybpowercreep targets just like DH did on release.

Warrior is a bit weird class imo, it needs to be a warrior some skills quoficients are a bit to high...

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I honestly don't play much of mesmer, besides occasional games here and there. But I do wish Anet changed the way the mechanics work.

Make one elite focus on keeping clones for benefits. The other play off shattering them. Etc. Right now, every mesmer spec wants to play power shatter or condi mirage. Very little change profession

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Too many shallow arguments and hidden agenda in this thread!

1) If you want burst...then you should have the : sustain-mobility of a zerker staff ele ... no stealth, no blocks, dodge chain, nike running BS

2) if you want prolonged fights..then max you should deal 2/10 of the enemy Hp on average, mediocre sustain/mobility...again no dodge chain or stealth chain BS

3) if you want to be an "unkillable tank" then you should do close to 0 dmg overall

With all that said and done..I agree with the OP, if these new devs just go rampage and start nerfing healing/blocking and more "on the surface" sustain...**GW2 will lose half its population within months" because we would be left defenseless against stealth/dodge/block abusers that would get in that case..a "free pass".

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I'm really hoping builds that can burst out of invisibility and from a long distance, or with low cd get reduced so that pvp has less of the "oh, I didn't (or couldn't) dodge or use LOS in the 2s it took you to reduce my health to 0 from an ambush, so I'm down now" gameplay. In my opinion, that happens far too often with mirages and deadeyes and holos and soulbeasts and tempests (in that order). I want most fights to last at least 10 seconds from engage to a downed player; right now there are too many bursts (on almost every class) that take a player from full to down within 4 seconds or less, and when they can be done from range or from stealth, that makes it even worse for the overall pvp experience.

On a somewhat separate note, the necro class, although strong in corruptions and in health pool, has 0 evade skills, 0 invulnerability skills, 0 block skills, 0 invisibility skills (and 0 smoke fields to blast), only 3 skills that provide stability outside of shroud or a transformation (Chilled to the Bone (90s CD and must hit an enemy - reaper only), Trail of Anguish (1 stack - scourge only), and Well of Power (1 stack for 1s total... really???)), and only 3 skills in all class variations combined (besides reaper shroud 2 skill) that even have the ability to maneuver any sort of blink/kiting/teleport (Summon Flesh Wurm (1.5s cast) then Necrotic Traversal to an enemy-known location that doesn't even work when you're too far away or a wall blocks your path to it, Spectral Walk to an enemy-known location of where you activated it (which doesn't let you escape without significant forethought and setup time), Sand Swell (1s cast and only moves 900)). If you look at Mirage for example, their evade can be done while channeling or immobilized!, they have multiple evade skills, multiple blink skills, blink skills are mostly instantaneous, invuln on low CD, invis skills, block skills, and still have great damage and/or condi output. In pvp, evade and blink and invuln and invis skills are some of the most highly used skills because of their effectiveness in kiting and in mobility and in disengaging from and/or pursuing opponents. I would love to see some of the less-used necro skills (Serpent Siphon, Well of Darkness, Well of Power, Summon Bone Minions, Signet of Spite) changed to skills that have at least some of these crucial capabilities that other classes seem to all have in more abundance.

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@"Tom Trinity.1804" said:I'm really hoping builds that can burst out of invisibility and from a long distance, or with low cd get reduced so that pvp has less of the "oh, I didn't (or couldn't) dodge or use LOS in the 2s it took you to reduce my health to 0 from an ambush, so I'm down now" gameplay. In my opinion, that happens far too often with mirages and deadeyes and holos and soulbeasts and tempests (in that order). I want most fights to last at least 10 seconds from engage to a downed player; right now there are too many bursts (on almost every class) that take a player from full to down within 4 seconds or less, and when they can be done from range or from stealth, that makes it even worse for the overall pvp experience.

On a somewhat separate note, the necro class, although strong in corruptions and in health pool, has 0 evade skills, 0 invulnerability skills, 0 block skills, 0 invisibility skills (and 0 smoke fields to blast), only 3 skills that provide stability outside of shroud or a transformation (Chilled to the Bone (90s CD and must hit an enemy - reaper only), Trail of Anguish (1 stack - scourge only), and Well of Power (1 stack for 1s total... really???)), and only 3 skills in all class variations combined (besides reaper shroud 2 skill) that even have the ability to maneuver any sort of blink/kiting/teleport (Summon Flesh Wurm (1.5s cast) then Necrotic Traversal to an enemy-known location that doesn't even work when you're too far away or a wall blocks your path to it, Spectral Walk to an enemy-known location of where you activated it (which doesn't let you escape without significant forethought and setup time), Sand Swell (1s cast and only moves 900)). If you look at Mirage for example, their evade can be done while channeling or immobilized!, they have multiple evade skills, multiple blink skills, blink skills are mostly instantaneous, invuln on low CD, invis skills, block skills, and still have great damage and/or condi output. In pvp, evade and blink and invuln and invis skills are some of the most highly used skills because of their effectiveness in kiting and in mobility and in disengaging from and/or pursuing opponents. I would love to see some of the less-used necro skills (Serpent Siphon, Well of Darkness, Well of Power, Summon Bone Minions, Signet of Spite) changed to skills that have at least some of these crucial capabilities that other classes seem to all have in more abundance.

To this we need to add shaves to dmg and condi output ofc, increase the cast time of marks , wells and signet..and make so the enemy can at least recognize one skill from the another...right now necros are just aoe spammers with close to zero tell, you fight them hoping you dodge good enough...or get swamped by condis, fear chained to death

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@"Arheundel.6451" said:Too many shallow arguments and hidden agenda in this thread!

1) If you want burst...then you should have the : sustain-mobility of a zerker staff ele ... no stealth, no blocks, dodge chain, nike running BS

2) if you want prolonged fights..then max you should deal 2/10 of the enemy Hp on average, mediocre sustain/mobility...again no dodge chain or stealth chain BS

3) if you want to be an "unkillable tank" then you should do close to 0 dmg overall

With all that said and done..I agree with the OP, if these new devs just go rampage and start nerfing healing/blocking and more "on the surface" sustain...**GW2 will lose half its population within months" because we would be left defenseless against stealth/dodge/block abusers that would get in that case..a "free pass".

This has to be one of the silliest comments I have seen you make.

1) How do you expect a burst build to burst if it has no defences, low mobility, low to no sustain etc? It would quite literally be useless unless ranged (oh I forgot you're a ranger main) which should NEVER be doing high burst without a big tell. Want high burst you should be melee and glass with the risks it gives but you need a few ways out.

2) Get ready for tank snoozefests, we all remember beginning of HoT when this was true with bunkers prolonging fights but not doing enough damage to do anything so people afk and chat because there's no point in fighting.

3) Not sure why you say this as it's essentially point 2. Real talk, if 2 players don't do enough damage or have the ability to stack that damage at a single focal point to overcome the others healing then they effectively do 0 damage. You're hung up on the values and not their relationship.

GW2 has already lost most of it's PvP population and it's because of the power creep from HoT onward, the game lacks skill because of low cool downs, 25 stacks of might everywhere, conditions and boon spam, bloated damage on skills and bloated trait creep without mentioning bonkers mechanics introduced that should never have been added like mirage cloak and continuum split.

Compare these two videos looking at pace of combat, skill use, boons, conditions and cool downs:

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@Tom Trinity.1804 said:

On a somewhat separate note, the necro class, although strong in corruptions and in health pool, has 0 evade skills, 0 invulnerability skills, 0 block skills, 0 invisibility skills (and 0 smoke fields to blast), only 3 skills that provide stability outside of shroud or a transformation (Chilled to the Bone (90s CD and must hit an enemy - reaper only), Trail of Anguish (1 stack - scourge only), and Well of Power (1 stack for 1s total... really???)), and only 3 skills in all class variations combined (besides reaper shroud 2 skill) that even have the ability to maneuver any sort of blink/kiting/teleport (Summon Flesh Wurm (1.5s cast) then Necrotic Traversal to an enemy-known location that doesn't even work when you're too far away or a wall blocks your path to it, Spectral Walk to an enemy-known location of where you activated it (which doesn't let you escape without significant forethought and setup time), Sand Swell (1s cast and only moves 900)). If you look at Mirage for example, their evade can be done while channeling or immobilized!, they have multiple evade skills, multiple blink skills, blink skills are mostly instantaneous, invuln on low CD, invis skills, block skills, and still have great damage and/or condi output. In pvp, evade and blink and invuln and invis skills are some of the most highly used skills because of their effectiveness in kiting and in mobility and in disengaging from and/or pursuing opponents. I would love to see some of the less-used necro skills (Serpent Siphon, Well of Darkness, Well of Power, Summon Bone Minions, Signet of Spite) changed to skills that have at least some of these crucial capabilities that other classes seem to all have in more abundance.

You forgot GS and shroud stab for reaper only.

What we need is for carapace to be more useable when being focused by players.

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