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How come more people don't do Grothmar strike?

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@Blude.6812 said:

@FOX.3582 said:Seems like people aren’t playing for fun anymore. Almost everyone is thinking about one thing only; how to get as much loot in the least amount of time. Sad.

The may be true, but the fact of the matter is Anet has a lot of activities, collections etc that are not fun and are just prolonged grinds for collections with incredibly restrictive RNG with poor returns.

Well stated! I hope this changes in future releases. I love this game but there are times after hours of play I'll go to bed wishing I had done something else because my effort got me no closer to my goal.

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@FOX.3582 said:Seems like people aren’t playing for fun anymore. Almost everyone is thinking about one thing only; how to get as much loot in the least amount of time. Sad.

But are the fights fun? No, i dont think so. Boneskinner, and the Twins are annoying(not overly hard...if you ignore the mechanics and just heal through everything) but annoying, and the Other are two are far to easy.

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Strikes are too boring and easy for hardcore and semi-hardcore players to be relevant and long term engaging content (if they haven't all quit by now due to lack of new Raids and Fractals etc. anyway) and the rewards are too low for casuals to be played over mindless farms, especially since they still require some bare minimum effort like grouping up.

So, due to both lack of sufficient incentive as well as too low quality of content (aka neither rewarding nor fun), it's really not for anybody.

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@Firebeard.1746 said:Typically when i have a full party we get gold time (especially if i use my boon support chrono and someone is running druid)

If it hasn't changed since launch it's 300 volatile magic and 3k karma for about 5-10 minutes of effort. The magic is very significant: it's an altoholic's wet dream as it makes for very fast ascended trinket purchases from season 4 vendors, as generally the magic takes longer to farm (and can even be converted to zone specific resources via a dragonfall vendor). Way more efficient than berry farming. (Especially as there's mobs that harass me during berries, slowing me down).

The last thing I think about when thinking about doing some activity is how much it in terms of gold/hour. That's quite a crazy way to approach your recreation activity, imo ;) The activity must be fun enough, nothing else needed. I've done the strike before, but as it's the same kind of static, never changing content Anet usually produces, it's just not fun at all to repeat it again and again. So...

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:I’d do it if they ditched the jp at the start. The boss is a bit mindless but I can live with it if they changed the terrible lead in.

I could just wait for others to unlock the waypoint but that seems unfair

I haven't been in there in months, but wasn't the JP fixed?

They fixed the glitching so u weren’t jumping on invisible platforms if that’s what you mean

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I like to do the Grothmar strike, but it is disheartening to run it everyday and never get any a shoulder box. I'm willing to put in the effort to get the cool shinies, but I do admit it is disheartening to do the strike everyday and never get a shoulder box. I've been trying for a couple months trying to get the Mini Blue Choya from the Choya Stampede event in Amnoon. Haven't gotten it yet and it's depressing. And that's just a mini. I think Anet needs to go back and re-evaluate the drop rate of some of these rewards.

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Too boring and too few mechanics that actually matter. It's way too easy to just AOE spamfest each of the bosses with a group and its not worth repeating that for the rewards that are given. I went "That's it...?" after finishing the Grothmar one and expecting a multi-stage fight, not just a 1-2 minute AOE spamfest while the boss stays in one spot and does his own AOE spamfest. Same for Fraenir in Whisper in the Dark. Kodan one is a little more engaging imo (Haven't tried Boneskinner yet).

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Grothmar's strike is dull, mashing buttons or simply afk (most of my run have one or more with 0 to 2k dps). Can't complain on the rewards considering the difficulty :frown:. No luck on the unique shoulder skin yet, nice to have but can live without (while a friend got his after 3 months of hardwork! RNG).

Bjora's strike is simple and easy to understand/nothing complex. Already gotten what I can with Eitrite Ingots (relatively easy since players can get it outside of strike :lol:). Which leads to; is it worth to do it for gold/silver; rares/greens unID bag.

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@Eramonster.2718 said:No luck on the unique shoulder skin yet, nice to have but can live without (while a friend got his after 3 months of hardwork! RNG).

same, been doing it almost everyday since release always with magic find on, retarded RNG! and the Khan-Ur too, still not a single weapon for the collection, retarded RNG!

Let us buy them with the bloody chillies, have over 5k sitting around

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@Eramonster.2718 said:No luck on the unique shoulder skin yet, nice to have but can live without (while a friend got his after
3 months
of hardwork! RNG).

same, been doing it almost everyday since release always with magic find on, kitten RNG! and the Khan-Ur too, still not a single weapon for the collection, kitten RNG!

Let us buy them with the bloody chillies, have over 5k sitting around

At this point I'm more frustrated by the lack of a chili sink than I am by the kitten rng . . .

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@"Knighthonor.4061" said:Strikes should have been done as 10man dungeons with Dungeon difficulty. Right now I don't know how to describe them. They don't feel valuable for the time put into running them.

The Grothmar strike is way below dungeon difficulty though, even including story modes. An average open world champion, in any of the expansion areas is harder, the only "hard" parts of the Grothmar strike are staying awake and dealing enough damage to get a medal. Without the timer it is a solo experience difficulty/mechanic wise.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@FOX.3582 said:Seems like people aren’t playing for fun anymore. Almost everyone is thinking about one thing only; how to get as much loot in the least amount of time. Sad.

Loot is vital for keeping content alive no matter how good the content is. People play an MMO for progression, not to farm content into the ground until it gets stale.

Perhaps the majority of people play for progression or loot...some people just play for fun and don't care about loot, which this game is perfect for and also why it allows you take breaks and come back when ever you feel like it.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@FOX.3582 said:Seems like people aren’t playing for fun anymore. Almost everyone is thinking about one thing only; how to get as much loot in the least amount of time. Sad.

Loot is vital for keeping content alive no matter how good the content is. People play an MMO for progression, not to farm content into the ground until it gets stale.

Perhaps the majority of people play for progression or loot...some people just play for fun and don't care about loot, which this game is perfect for and also why it allows you take breaks and come back when ever you feel like it.

All that is obvious.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@FOX.3582 said:Seems like people aren’t playing for fun anymore. Almost everyone is thinking about one thing only; how to get as much loot in the least amount of time. Sad.

Loot is vital for keeping content alive no matter how good the content is. People play an MMO for progression, not to farm content into the ground until it gets stale.

Perhaps the majority of people play for progression or loot...some people just play for fun and don't care about loot, which this game is perfect for and also why it allows you take breaks and come back when ever you feel like it.

All that is obvious.

Yes, but if you play for fun then loot is not vital for keeping content alive, because you don't care about the loot just the fun.

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