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Soulbeast hamstrung


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From what I have read we as , for the most part of us, are not crying because of the nerf to us Soulbeasts like the pet swaps. For myself It's they are taking away things that make each profession unique. Not just Soulbeasts other professions have had it also while some that not need things taken away but toned down which I will not go into as over 300 people have repeatably said does not get touched. I'm fine with the cool downs and nerfs in some damage, but don't take away what makes our professions unique. Might as well have a one profession fits all with multi builds.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:oh boohoo. Other classes can't even swap weapons. And now you have to choose between your overpowered options. Where did I leave my world tiniest fiddle?

Having access to 4+ different attunement's or kits is the same as having multiple weapon sets.... so put your fiddle away as no-one wants to see it.

Its embarrassing how small it is. :)

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Look at it this way. Would you rather have one pet or would you rather do the same damage as core Ranger and have two pets? Soulbeast gets stat increases and a variety of benefits like boon sharing and additional skills from merging with their pets. Prior to the patch it was better than core Ranger in every way, similar to how Holosmith was better than core Engineer in every way. There was no draw back.

Now you have to decide if you want higher damage and more utility with Soulbeast, or greater mobility and potential to endure longer fights with core.

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@Sandzibar.5134 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:oh boohoo. Other classes can't even swap weapons. And now you have to choose between your overpowered options. Where did I leave my world tiniest fiddle?

Having access to 4+ different attunement's or kits is the same as having multiple weapon sets....

wrongmost classes can equip a range and a melee optionele can't. You are either range OR melee. Wrong weapon when you get jumped? Tough luck. No attunement swapping will help you with that. Especially against a ranger with his insane range, stealth access and pet army.

so yawn

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@Chomsky.4971of course, almost every class loses things when they take a spe.The most striking is necro you lose all those long distance attacks on your basic shroud to have on the reaper some close combat attacks with a new shroud replacing the last one.In mesmer chrono loses the basic shatter of the mesmer, in mirage you lose a dodge, ...in sniper you lose the steal but you gain the sniper's mark ...

In Ranger and Animorph before you only added a mechanic to ranger class + new pet and skills.Now you lose pet switch but all the features that work on pet change work now that the merge with your pet so you gained things in animorph too.By being merged you get a stats bonus, a speed bonus, and 3 new pet skills that are huge! Your counterpart is not very high and you're forbidden to switch more than in combat, but out of combat you can still switch, they were gentle.

Also now you have the druid who becomes interesting with his ability to do the heal that was previously neglected.On the druid the compromise is that your pet loses in stats, so it's weaker and hits lower.

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@Mr Kelevra.2568 said:The problem, for those of you who only criticize for the sake of it is this: We can no longer respond to changes as the battle progresses but are locked in at the start of the combat.

So you're saying SB actually has to make a conscious decision while picking a build instead of being ready for every situation? Whoopsie.

To help you understand further, it would be like making an Ele decide pre-battle what element they will use and be stuck in that for the entire fight.

Nope, SB didn't lose weapon swap.

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Rangers can't be killed currently because Rugged Healing is bugged.Healing 5 times more than intended.So I don't know why the complains.They are currently the most OP class in WvW dueling.

@Deax.1572 said:Rugged Growth base healing is higher in wvw than pve or pvp.In Pve it's 259In PvP it's the intended 155 - 175In WvW it's 403This is obviously not the intended behaviour for Rugged Growth.Instead of receiving the nerf the supposed result was added on top of the existing value.My boonbeast with 400 healing power and increased outgoing healing by 10% runes scales that to 600 heal from Rugged Growth, add in near 200 from regeneration and in small scale fights i regen roughly 800 hp a second. In duels/roaming i'm extremely hard to kill and often would end the fight with near full health bar.

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:Rangers can't be killed currently because Rugged Healing is bugged.Healing 5 times more than intended.So I don't know why the complains.They are currently the most OP class in WvW dueling.

@Deax.1572 said:Rugged Growth base healing is higher in wvw than pve or pvp.In Pve it's 259In PvP it's the intended 155 - 175In WvW it's 403This is obviously not the intended behaviour for Rugged Growth.Instead of receiving the nerf the supposed result was added on top of the existing value.My boonbeast with 400 healing power and increased outgoing healing by 10% runes scales that to 600 heal from Rugged Growth, add in near 200 from regeneration and in small scale fights i regen roughly 800 hp a second. In duels/roaming i'm extremely hard to kill and often would end the fight with near full health bar.

It's not 5 times the healing, but 3. No need to inflate the numbers.

Base healing from Rugged Growth with 0 healing power in WvW is 403 not the intended 155.

The 600hp/s from Rugged growth is achieved with 400 healing power and Earth Runes which give toughness, protection duration and the (6) is Increased Outgoing Healing by 10%.My damage with this setup is low, im not bursty.

Sic' Em full Marauder Soulbeasts are the same as before in terms of fighting one.

But yes Rugged Growth is bugged, you can all test it for yourselves.

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@Deax.1572 said:

@EremiteAngel.9765 said:Rangers can't be killed currently because Rugged Healing is bugged.Healing 5 times more than intended.So I don't know why the complains.They are currently the most OP class in WvW dueling.

@Deax.1572 said:Rugged Growth base healing is higher in wvw than pve or pvp.In Pve it's 259In PvP it's the intended 155 - 175In WvW it's 403This is obviously not the intended behaviour for Rugged Growth.Instead of receiving the nerf the supposed result was added on top of the existing value.My boonbeast with 400 healing power and increased outgoing healing by 10% runes scales that to 600 heal from Rugged Growth, add in near 200 from regeneration and in small scale fights i regen roughly 800 hp a second. In duels/roaming i'm extremely hard to kill and often would end the fight with near full health bar.

It's not 5 times the healing, but 3. No need to inflate the numbers.

Base healing from Rugged Growth with 0 healing power in WvW is 403 not the intended 155.

The 600hp/s from Rugged growth is achieved with 400 healing power and Earth Runes which give toughness, protection duration and the (6) is Increased Outgoing Healing by 10%.My damage with this setup is low, im not bursty.

Sic' Em full Marauder Soulbeasts are the same as before in terms of fighting one.

But yes Rugged Growth is bugged, you can all test it for yourselves.

My bad :'(My math is terrible.But yes thank you for your honesty in highlighting the bug.We need more players like you.I was inspired by your honesty and also posted in the necro forum to nerf our over-performing areas.

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@Mr Kelevra.2568 said:And of course we have a heal on our bar, like all classes but No class has just the one heal.

how does mesmer get a second heal?You have options. One very important heal option has been removed.If your viability relied on that second heal you have a L2P problem, not a balance issue.This patch actually took away a part of our skill set unlike other classes.Mirage got cut to one dodge, Daredevil had it's steal range obliterated a few patches back,Holo got slapped HARD with the overheat mechanic.... the list really does go onIt's made the pet swap function useless, which is the core of soulbeast.No. The core of soulbeast is the merge and unmerge mechanic. I'm surprised a passionate ranger player like yourself didn't know or understand that mechanic.To help you understand further, it would be like making an Ele decide pre-battle what element they will use and be stuck in that for the entire fight.No it's not like that at all.When you understand the mechanics, you'll understand that it's more than just some complaint.I will concede that someone's understanding of the mechanics here is pretty weak yes. That alone makes this just another lame complaint.It's a real problem for anyone who wants to play soulbeast.No it really isnt.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:wrongmost classes can equip a range and a melee optionele can't. You are either range OR melee. Wrong weapon when you get jumped? Tough luck. No attunement swapping will help you with that. Especially against a ranger with his insane range, stealth access and pet army.

so yawn

lol.doesn't ele have some of the best projectile denial in the game?

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@Bezerker.2379 said:Also, soulbeast while merged gets both beastmastery spec and rugged growth. (If you aren't taking WS and BM, no matter the spec as Soulbeast, you messed up.) . You have more passive heal than some classes pump with regen. + Regen!

i prefer nm/ws/sb and i wouldnt say i messed up :open_mouth: id say you messed up saying i messed up. id never say you messed up as its results that count, and i dont know your results with your build, but i know my results with mine.

also this thread is a joke :) hamstrung my buttt

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@reddie.5861 said:

@"Chomsky.4971" said:How do you call it balance when we now cannot swap pets to go from attack to heal whilst in battle. Have you limited all the other classes like this? We have so little heal anyway unless playing specifically as a healer, now you've taken some of that away. Pets are part of our skill set. Did you take some bits of skill set away from others to make it fair? Why take a huge chunk of what we can do away from us and call it balance. Additionally, now half the time the pets aren't even available. It's just beyond a joke.

whats the problem?dont u have a heal on ur bar? just like all other classes? :D my teef doesnt have a pet for more attack power and another 1 for extra heal ;).get over it make a choice, here a hint ur better off with ur eagle or w/e u use as ur dmg as more then enough but u keep ur extra mobility.

While I don't agree with everything the OP said, I think basing your argument around how X class doesn't have a pet isn't right either - think of how many complain about stealth and evades, resetting fights, and big stealthed damage on thief and the type of response you'd have as someone who plays thief.

That hint is literally worthless. The cooldown on merging and unmerging with your pet in combination with other skills and the nerfed F1 swoop, leaves for large gaps in combat flow; it feels like playing warrior without the discipline trait line for fast hands. The F3 heal has also taken a hit as well and takes far too long to cast, most of the time It's interrupted. The AoE swiftness is just.. well, lol. It's actually better to go with a canine pet over the "snow owl" (not eagle) now. Even then, upon actually testing it out in roaming, smokescale more often then not ends up better due to smoke assault (used both defensively and offensively) and a more useful passive stat bonus and other abilities. I feel like, based on the response you gave the OP, that the small amount of time you spent on soulbeast you played it permanently merged. Here's a hint, you're doing it wrong.

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It's great to see that a few of you actually got the main point of the post. The bottom line is that no other specialization had a 50% cut to their combat capabilities. And for those who think pet swapping isn't core to soulbeast, go back all the way to it's release and watch the dev discussions. Pet swapping is core to Ranger, and by extension, any specialization of Ranger. It's not rocket science. The thread isn't about damage, or whinning, or providing a place for the usual trolls to come practice their ego feeding, although some are actually funny....and I'm pretty sure the violin isn't the only thing suprisingly tiny. The thread is about no longer being able to function properly in combat as a soulbeast, by half. You are now locked in to whatever pet you have active once combat starts. You cannot go from offensive to defensive, and yes, that swapping was core for the soulbeast because of the merged skill it provided. Although minimal, you could go from offensive to assisting with heals in tough fights. Admittedly not a huge heal but sometimes just enough to make a difference. A chief gripe of commanders and others is that Core Ranger and Soulbeast are 'selfish' classes. That will be even worse now. Can't switch over and help heal a group. SO please get it straight. It isn't balance, it's removal of half of the combat capability. No other class has lost half of their combat options.

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@"Tupaloe.8267" said:It's great to see that a few of you actually got the main point of the post. The bottom line is that no other specialization had a 50% cut to their combat capabilities. And for those who think pet swapping isn't core to soulbeast, go back all the way to it's release and watch the dev discussions. Pet swapping is core to Ranger, and by extension, any specialization of Ranger. It's not rocket science. The thread isn't about damage, or whinning, or providing a place for the usual trolls to come practice their ego feeding, although some are actually funny....and I'm pretty sure the violin isn't the only thing suprisingly tiny. The thread is about no longer being able to function properly in combat as a soulbeast, by half. You are now locked in to whatever pet you have active once combat starts. You cannot go from offensive to defensive, and yes, that swapping was core for the soulbeast because of the merged skill it provided. Although minimal, you could go from offensive to assisting with heals in tough fights. Admittedly not a huge heal but sometimes just enough to make a difference. A chief gripe of commanders and others is that Core Ranger and Soulbeast are 'selfish' classes. That will be even worse now. Can't switch over and help heal a group. SO please get it straight. It isn't balance, it's removal of half of the combat capability. No other class has lost half of their combat options.

Using "50% and half" is why people aren't taking the criticisms seriously. Ranger of any spec, including Soulbeast, still retains one of the best all around tool kits in the game. 50% of this kit wasn't removed, half of a fraction of this kit was removed.

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@"Tupaloe.8267" said:It's great to see that a few of you actually got the main point of the post. The bottom line is that no other specialization had a 50% cut to their combat capabilities. And for those who think pet swapping isn't core to soulbeast, go back all the way to it's release and watch the dev discussions. Pet swapping is core to Ranger, and by extension, any specialization of Ranger. It's not rocket science. The thread isn't about damage, or whinning, or providing a place for the usual trolls to come practice their ego feeding, although some are actually funny....and I'm pretty sure the violin isn't the only thing suprisingly tiny. The thread is about no longer being able to function properly in combat as a soulbeast, by half. You are now locked in to whatever pet you have active once combat starts. You cannot go from offensive to defensive, and yes, that swapping was core for the soulbeast because of the merged skill it provided. Although minimal, you could go from offensive to assisting with heals in tough fights. Admittedly not a huge heal but sometimes just enough to make a difference. A chief gripe of commanders and others is that Core Ranger and Soulbeast are 'selfish' classes. That will be even worse now. Can't switch over and help heal a group. SO please get it straight. It isn't balance, it's removal of half of the combat capability. No other class has lost half of their combat options.

I mean DD got their steal/swipe range reduced by half, which clearly means they lost 50% of its combat capabilities. To anyone thinking steal range isn't core to DD, just think about it -steal with its original range is part of thief and by extension part of DD. Don't get me started on other classes and their especs pls, because I don't want to type 2 pages of this crap.

no longer being able to function properly in combat as a soulbeast, by half.

That's just a lie and I'm not sure who you're expecting to believe it, but pretty sure it doesn't work as well as you'd hope.

You are now locked in to whatever pet you have active once combat starts. You cannot go from offensive to defensive

What about out of combat weapon swaps that get locked in the moment you go into the fight? SB needed a change, limiting it to one pet during combat is good enough and as opposed to what you claim, it doesn't magically "cut its fighting capabilities in half". If anything, it just makes it less of a "do it all" spec. You know that and that's exactly why you don't like it -because easy mode is always fun to have, aye?

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