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Most abused current broken un nerfed class (Or now overpowered)


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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:Mirages still have too much purple. Purple is so OP.

Also, they have a skill bar.

Hotfix - mesmers can't login anymore.(I would have prefer this instead of the "balancing" that made almost all mesmers quit, at least it would not be hypocrite and dissimulated.)

Don't overexaggerate pls, lets find some realistic scenarios and discuss this serious topic serious and based on class knowledge like Anet did: it is more likely they will lock skills out while f4 invuln and (if needed because some delusional peeps still try to play Mesmer) give all shatters a cast time. Easy core Mesmer clunky/ unfun and probably removed from game too.

Those Mesmer meme balance jokes never get boring! :joy: (they only get unfun when they become true but hey, you have still 8 other classes you can play, stop whining)

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@bravan.3876 said:

@"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:Mirages still have too much purple. Purple is so OP.

Also, they have a skill bar.

Hotfix - mesmers can't login anymore.(I would have prefer this instead of the "balancing" that made almost all mesmers quit, at least it would not be hypocrite and dissimulated.)

Don't overexaggerate pls, lets find some realistic scenarios and discuss this serious topic serious and based on class knowledge like Anet did: it is more likely they will lock skills out while f4 invuln and (if needed because some delusional peeps still try to play Mesmer) give all shatters a cast time. Easy core Mesmer clunky/ unfun and probably removed from game too.

Both have been suggested several times by the knowledgeable community so it is kind of a miracle how it is still not implemented.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:Mirages still have too much purple. Purple is so OP.

Also, they have a skill bar.

Hotfix - mesmers can't login anymore.(I would have prefer this instead of the "balancing" that made almost all mesmers quit, at least it would not be hypocrite and dissimulated.)

Don't overexaggerate pls, lets find some realistic scenarios and discuss this serious topic serious and based on class knowledge like Anet did: it is more likely they will lock skills out while f4 invuln and (if needed because some delusional peeps still try to play Mesmer) give all shatters a cast time. Easy core Mesmer clunky/ unfun and probably removed from game too.

Both have been suggested several times by the knowledgeable community so it is kind of a miracle how it is still not implemented.

Be patient little padawan it will come, i can feel it already

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@bravan.3876 said:

@"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:Mirages still have too much purple. Purple is so OP.

Also, they have a skill bar.

Hotfix - mesmers can't login anymore.(I would have prefer this instead of the "balancing" that made almost all mesmers quit, at least it would not be hypocrite and dissimulated.)

Don't overexaggerate pls, lets find some realistic scenarios and discuss this serious topic serious and based on class knowledge like Anet did: it is more likely they will lock skills out while f4 invuln and (if needed because some delusional peeps still try to play Mesmer) give all shatters a cast time. Easy core Mesmer clunky/ unfun and probably removed from game too.

Both have been suggested several times by the knowledgeable community so it is kind of a miracle how it is still not implemented.

Be patient little padawan it will come, i can feel it already

im already imagining disort as a channel, and when you channel it clones pop like baloons and as a reward you can channel longer kekW

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I change my vote from FB (still way to much boons while keeping damage up) and invul (so he cannot be bursted). But necro oh man oh man.

Necromancer with the core build that is going on now, that spams 100% life force EVERY 10 sec even when he failed to get life force with spectral armor/walk is being insane of how overpowered it is. Unkillable. Just had 3x 3 min fight with one (actually 5 cause we won miraculously 2 times against him, cause he slacked in his offence).

I love necro in pve (and in conquest pvp, while on mid, doing reaper form) but holy Dwayna, this is the most imbalanced build ever in a lifetime. If you fight such build while not having it in your team (excemt stuff like FB) your game is forfeit, you CANNOT fight, you cannot win, you cannot get the game fast (necro buys time it has no name with all that life force). I love to play necro in 2vs2 and i know if they nerf this necro wont be much good in 2vs 2 but as it is now, it's simply removing any legit factor from the pvp now. Any fight won by a necro, is not a win at all (as you have no chance to win against it).

You just nerfed 300+ things Arenanet. Balance better i thought? Then you let things like this slip in (and you force 2vs2 at same time exagerrating op builds like this). My dissapointment factor is 1000 000 000 000x. And mind you: i got no way back. You chose to pull me in this (like any 39500+ achievement hunter), as you know we wont give up on it. I tried my best i even fought this necro for 15 minutes, i'm a kind not leeching player at heart, but the temptation to afk this necro fights has been insanely tempting.

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@bluberblasen.9684 said:haha the ele votes fought and lost against my core ele xD

This is the pvp forum..majority of people voting in this clown fiestas are a little above silver in terms of real skill

N.D I have picked core necro but really it can be a tad oppressive atm when played by exceptional individuals with knowledge of other classes..outside their necro and even in that case they can be dealt with or at worst he will win with very little health to spare, so nothing to write a book about...s.ame with FB, majority are mantra spammers hoping their axe pull works...again nothing that cannot be dealt with when used by average ones..which is all I have encountered so far, I may lose to great FB but again...I don't delude myself in thinking I can win every duel or battle I fight

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@Odik.4587 said:

@bravan.3876 said:Easy core Mesmer clunky/ unfun and probably removed from game too.Its alrdy slow/clunky and unfun. Try it yourself may be?

You cannot find any braindead core builds on core Mesmer atm? Then no ty, i am not the hardmode type of player. I want a skillful balance on all classes so i can play all these skillful classes without being handicapped vs carried by build players too much (ofc 100% balance is nerver possible and it will always exist some little bit stronger and easier builds than others). But in tendency: If other ppl are heavily carried by builds, then i will be carried too. That is way more chill :grin:

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I can see a single reason why someone could think that core necro is really OP.

Someone reacted to the power nerf by playing a tankier build and to the CC nerfs by using less CC.

Now these people pretend to kill necro with low damage and low CC pressure. Some necromancers think to be OP for this reason.

Those who still try to focus the core necromancer (not alone if it’s built to be tanky) by doing “good” damage and CC pressure can still destroy it.

I have already seen “that”, many years ago.

A tanky core necromancer also has “garbage” damage (outside of Lichform).

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@Zoser.7245 said:

@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:Mesmer voters are misreading the topic. OP doesn't mean abused as in "harassed and attacked" but "exploited for gain". Firebrand, Ranger, and some are even saying Thief are the biggest offenders.

Well., it depends from the point of view that you look at it.
This forum often looks more like a witch hunt than anything else.

And one class in particular has been the perpetual target of witch hunts, until now. The angry mobs making baseless claims born of fear and ignorance have accused, tried, and burnt it at the stake.

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@Black Storm.6974 said:I can see a single reason why someone could think that core necro is really OP.

Someone reacted to the power nerf by playing a tankier build and to the CC nerfs by using less CC.

Now these people pretend to kill necro with low damage and low CC pressure. Some necromancers think to be OP for this reason.

Those who still try to focus the core necromancer (not alone if it’s built to be tanky) by doing “good” damage and CC pressure can still destroy it.

I have already seen “that”, many years ago.

A tanky core necromancer also has “garbage” damage (outside of Lichform).

This. Ps reaper is and has always been easy to play and easier to delete. Bait shroud, watch telegraphs, 1 trick pony. Now with burst gone....yeah

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I will go for Necro...played yesterday around 10 games or something and Necro was 100% pick, not a single match without a Necro on either team...is just ridiculous now, I saw a Necro face tank a Berzerker and dont take damage, in fact, he could sustain his shroud lol, so disgusting...oh yeah, and Lich form, either get out of line of sight asap, or get curbstomped, outplayed lolSecond I would say is FB, not as braindead was Necro, but still way to strong...as a Guardian player I wouldnt mind seeing FB trait line being locked on sPvPWeaver is a little to much I guess, is just geting overshadowed by FB...burns, sustain, evades, more burn, more evades, more sustain...

I really dont mind builds performind better then others, we allways gonna have a meta, theres allways gonna be the apex predator, but why it allways have to be the most less effort spec on the game, why it allways have to be a no risk/high reward...

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I would love to add rev Played vs renegade and vs herald and oh my god those AOES. Saw another player die to aoe spamming herald the dmg is crazy and he's so resilient

I swear, herald is a better necro than necro is with the condi aoes and dmg, and he's resilient to boot.

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